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The bored four NEETs

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Tomorrow night on womboflix, for your viewing pleasure, we present Dredd (2012) -  Karl Urban stars as Judge Dredd, a law enforcer given the power of judge, jury and executioner in a vast, dystopic metropolis called Mega-City One that lies in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. 

Then on Easter Sunday we will be watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail(1975) a comedy film satirizing the Arthurian legend

Tiff's above even responding to the bait. Staunch as fuck. 
Need to get my shit together. Need to get big calves from mountain treking and watch my protein intake. Strong jaw from eating nuts and biltong. Correct chrst posture from carrying a 223 over my shoulder and being unreactive to wasps when they fly nearby. Smooth and clean, like an m16. Drink directly from the stream. Bank cards and telephones left at the homestead. Eucalyptus oil in the morning air, watching the fog across the hills. Poking the embers to get the fire restarted and boiling a pot. Sachets for lyfe. Double brew that was yoinked from the truckstop. Galahs in the distance. 
Are they're deers in the hills in tassie?

Drow breastmilk, thanks to those who produce it having centuries of exposure to cave fungi and molds and the faezress, tastes a little more mushroomy than minty elfen breastmilk. To any humans who sample it, the result is a little more chalky, and ever so slightly tart/hot (the same way those tiny cinammon heart Valentine's Day hard candies have heat), but to elves who sample drow breast milk, it tastes sweeter than it seems to humans (and far less minty than their own breast milk). Interestingly, to dwarves, both elven and drow breast milk taste a lot like (original, unsweetened) licorice.

The loan requirements are based on your income/spend ratio. If you can show and convince them that your combined income meets the ratio for the amount lowed you could go with a low-doc lender through a mortgage broker (unless you want to apply to them individually). The interest rate will be high but you could try to refinance with someone else at a cheaper rate. The hardest part is getting the loan, it is a bit more relaxed around refinancing a loan.

Finger ‘food’ for ‘dinner’ in a room with horrendous acoustics. Went back to my room and ate a bag of party mix. I left 7 cans of drink in my cooler bag in somebody else’s room 3 hours ago because there was supposed to be a happening that didn’t happen and now I have nothing to drink unless I go to the bar and pay top dollar. Even if I rescue my cans they will be tepid by now.

Make sure you clean your penis neets.

> The medical professional peeled back the man's foreskin and beheld the revolting accumulation of sickly yellow-brown smegma. 

As Dr. Chen cleaned up the calcified scales of dirt, oil, and dead skin, a foul odour began to fill the clinic on March 14

the diesel will not be able to easily pass through the fuel filter. Instead, it will clog up the fuel filter. And whatever amount of diesel that then makes its way to the engine will clog the fuel injectors, making them inoperable. This will result in the engine gumming up and seizing.

I don't think Proudneet would have gone and done something like become a wagey.  He had a nice set up.  He managed to get himself on Disability in his 20s and had a two or three bedroom Commission flat to himself.

Speaking of the Commission.  You guys ever watch this Spanian guy's videos?  I watched a few and he points out that he visits suburbs that are mostly housing commission houses and flats - and most of those houses and flats appear to be empty.
How long do squatter's rights take to kick in?  You could probably just change the locks on one of those places and move in.

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Just realized the mechanic hasnt gotten back to my email after two weeks and two personal visits, time to start searching for a new one. I intend to inspect the candidates personally before soliciting for work to be done (Full brake system rebuild and upgrade), in case the workshop is infected with swarthoids.

I am back from the shops. It was very busy. I got my vitamin D and some zinc. I'm working out a schedule for taking it all. I am not sure the vitamin D is behind the balding but I think it can't hurt to try.

taking vitamin D supps is not like topping your car up on oil because its low. There are half a dozen vitomers of that hormone group and those pills give you a massive dose of only one. Only god knows what that imbalance does to you, particularly your unbelievably complex immune system. Get five hours of sunlight a week and chuck that bottle of pills in the bin, retard.

I think I might have got it. I did a mid-air swat - a risky manoeuvre since it is much easier to get them when they stop on a surface.
I can't find the body though.
I felt like I connected.
It might just be stunned. Sometimes they revive and start going again.

I had my 30mls of apple cider vinegar.
I feel like it had an immediate effect. Feel invigorated. Energy surging. Dopamine response.
It might be all in my head though. The daily experiment will continue.

Yeah, I was watching a thing about a study in Israel in 2015 where people's intake was tracked. Even people with the same diets had really different reactions to the same foods. They did see a correlation between higher gut microbe numbers and a reduced spike in blood sugars, so likely a lower risk of developing t2 diabetes. 
Need to get on the dogh.

those studies are probably poperian science making conclusion based on P-values between basically redundant hypotheses and its utter shit. There could be many valid reasons for outcomes that just get ignored for a convenient and profitable answer that usually involves pharma products over basics like not being retarded. Who's to say that the population that got the higher p-values got there not because they were taking b- vitamins but because they were less retarded? isreal is one of the most heavily surveiled populaions from a medical records and genomics point of view tho, so there is that.

Cruisey you should read this it will be of interest to you.
Read it all, do not skim it.


Why is it all trunks and boxers and no briefs these days?
Why did the brief go out of fashion?
The brief is best, it does not bunch up or ride up the thighs. It does not make an outline under your pants.
I will never stop wearing briefs.

Back from lunch.
Sitting in my darkened room having a solo.
Got bretho-ed leaving Canberra this morning. Coming back somebody else near the front of the convoy had been pulled over by a motorcycle cop for something.

Lunch was delicious, thanks for the plate.

> Sitting in my darkened room having a solo.
We should hit the town later.

> Got bretho-ed leaving Canberra this morning. Coming back somebody else near the front of the convoy had been pulled over by a motorcycle cop for something.
That explains the flashing lights.

> according to zoologist Chris Daniels, they would be entirely wrong
OK Chris 
It always makes me smile, how emphatically people say
What a knob head. 
piping crow shrike" (which seems to have referred to a very similar but slightly blacker magpie)
This doesn't seem real 
hawk-eyed reader, who pointed out that "the piping shrike and the Murray magpie are distinct bird

There is so much to say about this. 
> backwards white belly

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Succumbed to temptation and got a subway footlong and a litre of sauvignon blanc wine again.

The lady at the counter told me there would be a public holiday surcharge for the sandwich, I said all good ok that's fine and then she didn't add it.

I feel so fucking depressed.

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Man food tastes so much better when you're drunk wtf
I'm eating this sandwich and I can actually vividly focus on and feel the meat, the vegetables, the cheese etc inside of it

What the hell man? I always feel pent up and anxious when I'm sober, but when I drink I feel surprisingly alright. The only problem is drinking also makes me retarded and will cause some degree of irreversible damage to my organs.

Is there a drug that lets you experience things as vividly and as much like a child as alcohol does? I don't think I would despair if I had this aspect of drunkenness all the time

You gave me a good idea. I might just add that tin of Thailanese pineapple to the chicken/bacon mix. Fuck yeah. That sweetness will perfectly balance the saltiness of the bacon and jarred sauce. You deserve a raise.

The only strip club nearby is beneath a brothel in an industrial estate. Can’t even get a tit hug without paying a pajeet or muslim to drive me to the middle of nowhere and then have to deal with upselling

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Didn't sleep last night and still not tired. The goon I'm drinking (because I was having muscle spasms in my legs due to withdrawal) is making me energetic. 
Gonna have to smash the temazepam to sleep tonight. Got myself all worked up googling signs of seizure. 
Feeling really end stage

> Got myself all worked up googling signs of seizure. 
I wouldn't stress unless you about to run out of money for alcohol in the tomorrow. If so go to ED tomorrow and tell them the truth, tell them you are having withdrawals daily and are scared once you run out of money and booze. Theyll give you something to get you through short term and a script for vallies to get you through it. They'd be fucked if they didn't after you told them all that.

About five years ago, the staff at CERN realized there was a thin film of material that was forming on the interior of the LHC. They soon realized that it was actually made up of precious metals.

In fact, this material was a combination of about 90% gold, 10% platinum, and a small balance of rare earth metals.

The thin layer of metals was just four microns thick. However, if it turned out that this metallic coating lined a large portion of the LHC's 27 kilometers of piping, it was estimated that some four metric tons of gold had accidentally been created!


They have a couple of those old fashioned horse race odds boards, but instead of horse names they have cringe shit like “Pauline Hanson Goes Halal” and “Boomer Admits Climate Change”

Lmao they can’t legally serve me an imperial pint of the stout as it’s over 5 standos in a glass. Had to give me a schooner (SA metric pint) and warn me that it was 3.3 standos.

The prick who owes me money posted on Instagram about his 19 year old cat dying a few days ago. Tempted to comment saying he can now send me the money he would have spent on cat food and litter each week.

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If your start with wholefood you can bulk it out. Cheap processed food is a dead end. 

Two kilos of chilli is 8 main serves, or 16 half serves. These nachos come out at $3.00 a serve and I'm eating two.

Dexies (Dexamphetamine) is great for getting work done, but you got to save it, use it daily or abuse it and your tollerance skyrockets

Also take too much and you lose concentration and just end up jacking it for 12 hours

Also literally everyone is on it and they cant make enough

Cruisey on here embarrassing himself today.
Begging for the secrets to winning big on the pokes. Doesn't understand it was just luck.
Will probably waste thousands of dollars doing $10 bets now.
Dumb dumb dumb.

Aruba, Jamaica, ooh, I wanna take ya
To Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego, baby, why don't we go

Ooh, I wanna take you down to Kokomo
We'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow
That's where we wanna go
Way down in Kokomo

Not him but you always deploy the same arguments to defend him. You say that anyone unhappy with the tiresome spam and death threats needs a hobby and pretend there is only one neet here that disapproves of his atrocious behaviour and narcissism.

> trying to scurry into my room
You legit need a herder to help you with your socialising.
The herder would cleverly draw you into conversations with the other club members while handling a lot of the talking themselves.
Billed at $50 an hour. Five hour minimum.

20 years ago such a joke would never have been made in mixed company.
I have noticed the boomers becoming coarser. My own mother started saying sexualised things around five years ago. I thought it might have been dementia but it was just watching television all the time that coarsened her.

I stopped being able to watch TV or listen to the radio years ago. It started making me feel physically ill. I even turn the radio off in cars I am a passenger in, which surprises the driver but I can't deal with it. I lunge for the off button the second I hear it.

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