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Okay, I'm working out how to book a gp visit. Not sure if I should only go to fend off the norwood reaper or if I should try to get a referral for a psychologist in the same visit. What do you guys think of seeing a psychologist for depression related problems? is it all more or less bullshit?

high dose vitamin A is going to overload your liver's ability to sequester it. This is why they say not to eat liver, which killed some antarctic explorer I forget the name of, who ate his sled dogs livers. That roaccutaine shit dries out your skin and fixes pimples but also does the same to your insides, let alone the psychosis and liver damage side effects. Its a retinoid. Vitamin A is not a vitamin, its just some ww2 propaganda about how english AA gunners were given carrots so they could see in the dark to hide the invention of radar, this bullshit has carried on to today. No other use in the body for retinoids has been found. once your liver maxxes out then it will float around in your blood and you will really get sick. But you do you, take your pills and enjoy.

A 2021 tweet by Eric Idle[10] revealed that the film was financed by eight investors: Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson, Holy Grail's co-producer Michael White, Heartaches (a cricket team founded by lyricist Tim Rice), and three record companies including Charisma Records, the record label that released Python's early comedy albums

Thanks for great movie!
Supposedly this one had the first post credit scene evar:
Could stream this perhaps next Saturday. I wanted Clockwork Orange, but thats a bit long.

An average Ukrainian soldier is 43 yo. and gets 3 to 14 days of training. They do not much else than sit in the trench, get bombarded, and be scared.
There are some soldiers who get into a mechanized brigade, they get more training but they also don't do much else than sit in the trench, get bombarded, and be scared.
And there are a couple of mechanized brigades that has an assault battalion, those do the heavy lifting. Some of them are infantrymen, but some from other arms, such as armor.

Alright, I've ordered some minoxidil and a scalp massager. I'm booking in the doctors appointment to get the finasteride.
I'm going to make it neets. I'm going to dodge the norwood reaper.

.1K at the supermarket for yeast, flour soup stock, mushrooms and butter, but a bowl of free easter eggs at the checkout. 
soon only rich people will be able to afford to not eat KFC and chocolate seven days a week.

I killed three wasps yesterday. Two by trapping them in my roast pork and chips pack and then crushing them with a bamboo fork and the other I swatted with the lid. I'm usually really scared of them but they wouldn't leave the food alone. I still ate some of it, it was too salty. The veggies and chips and gravy was good.

Need to start doing the 2 or 3 cents at the start, instead of the 1c and doing higher credits per line. 
1c, at 2cr per line, doing max lines is usually $1 a spin, 1cr is 50c.
Doing 3c at the same would be $1.50 min bet, so it'd be $3 a spin if I stick to my system. 
I'm not going to do a Weber and bet $10, I don't think I could ever do that. James Bond could learn a thing or two.

Laughing out loud thinking about the old biddies sitting next to me getting embarrassed at my jokes about how they like to get slapped around as the free games and spin around, feature after feature after already winning the major and about 20 minis, chair rocking back and forth, still slapping the spin button.

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Feeling extremely powerful. Lots of beef consumed recently and daily creatine consumption has saturated such that I can feel the adenosine triphosphate flowing through me. Every footstep, every motion, every keystroke is measured and deliberate. I walk directly to my target. The keys no longer fumble between my fingers. 
I am in a trance like state of martial intoxication. The war in my mind is coming to a victorious end for the virtuous. Patriots are in control.

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I am stuffed from eating my tea, lots of tendies consumed and my daily tallow comsumption has my arteries saturated such that I can feel the cholsterol flowing thru me. Ever pee, poo and blurt of smelly air is satisfying and celebrated. I waddle directly to my comfy office chair, the ps4 controller no longer feels greasy, merely lubricated like a hot waxed bike chain with titanium nano bots in it. I am in a state of Australia and a bit intoxicated. The tangled end of my USB mouse is finally in my hand, its corroded and grimy like the end of the garden hose when I pull it out of the weeds to make a bong. The spiders in their webs are in control

I had a dream last night about having a dark middle eastern gf. She described her ethnic group in a fair bit of detail, she was from Iran but wasn't Persian. I woke up about 5am and looked up the name of it but it isn't real. I went back to sleep and have since forgotten most of the detail. I hope she doesn't hold that against me lol.

I drove to Cooma, Jindabyne, up and down Perisher/Thredbo/whatever snow mountains, and am at Albury for the night.
Lost my brakes coming back down the hills and had to drive the automatic like a manual just trying not to die. Literally a floppy pedal that did nothing. Think it was ABS because they came back after not using them for an hour or two.

I was 7 through 10 when I lived there so I'm not in a position to really say but from what I remember it was. The skate park was nice and there was a nice football oval nearby. The particular part we lived in was good in that there were no bad homes about.

There was a pub nearby and the pissheads would often drop coins on their walks home. I'd take the dog for a walk to the pub on Saturday and Sunday mornings in the hopes of finding change. It would only be a dollar or two but if I was lucky I could buy some lollies after two or three weeks.

I have not watched the latest episode of Shogun yet, even though I have had it for several days now.
I might not watch it at all. I am over it. Maybe when all the episodes are out I will watch the rest with my finger hovering on the skip forward ten seconds button.

Killed the second rat, it was moving slowly for some reason, domed it with an iron bar.
In another life we could have been friends, clever rat and I. if it had been a bucket in my hand I could have caught it, things could have been different NEETs.

sadly the pidser slice was not as good this morning as it was last thursday - I suspect because it had been sitting in the pie heater for an hour or so longer. I'll try going there tomorrow morning at 7, get them while they're fresh

> was not as good this morning
Many such cases. Consistency is a real issue these days.
Too many things get left in the heaters too long. They don't want to waste them which is understandable but it leaves them serving inferior shit to customers at full price.

In the pidser's favour it was a properly made pidser slice - so long it didn't really fit into the paper bag, and with a good half inch of topping thick on the crust. It was just the texture that wasn't there this morning

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Shiddy sleep because of such heavy rain causing a ruckus on a tin roof. Asleep at 6, up at 9. We power ever onwards. Forward momentum, the driving force of all living things. 

I got my winter jumpers out too. My grey hoody is absolutely filthy, stained, snot wiped on it, unwearable in polite society. Wtf was I doing last winter, Jesus 


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well no you see i was in a deep alcoholic funk, sleep paterns fucked, guts were fucked 

i used it as a complete reset to my brains chemical system. Layed of the grog Didnt sleep didnt eat, did a full liver purge and giut clense, almost felt like death at one point

Came back stronger than ever sleep patterns, guts, apetite, mood all stabilised and back to normal. 

so yeah cope as usual

> Almost one in three jobs created over the past year was in an industry servicing the ballooning National Disability Insurance Scheme, according to new research highlighting the scale of the challenge Labor faces trying to rein in the program.
> $2.6bn spent in Western and South Western Sydney per year alone, the highest in NSW.

Cruisey needs to cash in on that Islamic social care gravy train 
Hire a shuttle bus and charge 1200 a day to take some middle aged Egyptian women to the mosques in Lakemba

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Next Sunday on womboflix will be The Death Of Stalin (2017) - a political satire black comedy film. Starring Steve Buschemi, Michael Palin, and a bunch of guys I've never heard of. The film depicts the internal social and political power struggle among the members of Council of Ministers following the death of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in 1953.

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Carl's Jr! That's that American fast-food restaurant chain operated by CKE Restaurant Holdings, Inc., with franchisees in North and South America, Asia, Oceania, Europe, and Africa joint.

I hear they got some tasty burgers. I ain't never had one myself. How are they?

The physical indignities of ageing are one of the things that NEETs need to accept.
This was meant to be the year of acceptance. NEETs would suffer less psychological distress if they accepted.

The ones you can buy in the camping store have a metal tray in them that you cant take out and seal it properly. this makes it fukn heavy and is pointless unless your pajeet wifey packs the rice and curry dogshit in separate parts. The one you are showing does not have a rubber seal like proper anglo nordic aryan tifins should. 2/10 try harder retard

had some pastrami with melted cheese and mayonaisse on garlic turkish breadrolls, toasted, for dindins. Was nice but pastrami is out of my price range, think I'll stick with meat + bean sloppa in future.

Community / government housing. You go through a salvos or saint vinnies program and that way they can also hook you up with up to 5 grand worth of furniture and shit if you have nothing. I pay about 400$ a fortnight for a 2 bedroom flat.

Did you read the post? Do you know the context of the post? He was called out for using meth and he said it has made him "stronger than ever". It is a paraphrasing of what he said not a literal quotation.
I think you're just being disingenuous at this point.

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