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> You should try and help people on the internet and stop being such a negative cunt
> tell lies about living in a pad, buying a business so you can brag online to a tiny forum of unemployed dropkicks while you sleep on an airbed in a toilet 
WHoa !!

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Instead of being grateful, Ixion grew lustful for Hera,[13][14] Zeus's wife, a further violation of guest–host relations. Zeus found out about his intentions and made a cloud in the shape of Hera, which became known as Nephele (from nephos "cloud") and tricked Ixion into coupling with it. From the union of Ixion and the false-Hera cloud came Imbros[15] or Centauros,[16] who mated with the Magnesian mares on Mount Pelion, Pindar told,[17] engendering the race of Centaurs, who are called the Ixionidae from their descent.

Ixion was expelled from Olympus and blasted with a thunderbolt. Zeus ordered Hermes to bind Ixion to a winged fiery wheel that was always spinning. Therefore, Ixion was bound to a burning solar wheel for all eternity, 

Don't fuck clouds.

Centaurs are AI enabled humans. The AI do the menial muscle work, the repetitive tasks, freeing the humans of those, and check for human mistakes and give feedback.
This somehow can be related to cloud computing, although cloud is stupid and should stay clear of 'em, I concur.

In ancient palestine a roman middle manager dresses down a radical i have a backlog of so called prophets youre of a multitude the offender said i witness truth perplexed and filled with pique the killer replied truth what is it

Its from a song, helped me out when i was in the ward

Fucking guys are cutting down and woodchipping every tree next door for some reason, been going at it all day, very noisy. Also my choofhead neighbour is taking up the washing machine with his washing, and I can't get any of mine done. The choof has probably fried his brain to the point where he's forgotten it's in there.

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Sunshine hits finally. Doctor who was away sick last week rang with a courtesy telehealth appointment. Got some extra scripts for the inconvenience. Got more pills than my brai. Can handle. Wooo hooo.

I miss /neetlyfe/. It was way more comfy than here.
I remember nuro managed to have quite a few 20-30 minute tаntrums pushing the board to the top for pph. It also resulted in nuro shitting in a pan and getting evicted which is possibly the funniest thing here yet.

All the meat is Australian and they have butchers and bakers behind glass walls. 
Unless you're looking for some grade a unique cut, or dry aged, it's probably the best you can get in Adelaide. Really good butchers and the mince is $10 a kg.

I find the normie explanation more entertaining. Japanese submarine bombs an oil rig in northern california and puts the military on edge then some radar operator spazes out over nothing and reports the entire japanese airforce is descending on the city. Every AA gun starts firing randomly into the air and all the shells start falling onto people in the city. Japan didnt even know about the submarine attack and thinks america has just gone mental

I was like "No you don't need a roast chicken there's already enough feed in teh fridge!" I left with a bunch of green onion, a discounted pack of smoked salmon and tub of hummus. Three that shit in teh car and went straight back for a chook.

> There are so many of us in Australia right now, we only hire each other and theres a strong community here.
> There are some situations where you don't want other groups to know what your saying, for example in the workplace, in a conversation with other people or in a shop.
>  This ability is also great for talking shit about other people with your buddies to their face without them knowing haha 
> I think all desis should learn their state language along with Hindi, we need unity amongst us.

Natural chip Co lamb and rosemary. 
$2 for 150g. 
Strange flavour. The rosemary is the strongest flavour but it's a bit sweet. I guess there's a lamb roast kind of flavour but not really. 
6/10, even for the cheap price.

Potatoes, Sunflower and/or Canola Oil, Sugar, Salt, Vegetable Powders (Onion, Garlic), Mineral Salt (Potassium Chloride), Yeast Extract, Vegetable Extract (Corn), Herbs (Parsley, Rosemary), Natural Flavours, Food Acid (Citric), Spice (Black Pepper), Lamb Meat Powder, Natural Colour (Paprika Extract).

How do I get a hold of a dead persons facebook account? I want to make schizo post about my soul being transferred into cyberspace.

> Filipina LDR to send me 2k AUD
Isn't it meant to work the other way around, with white loser guys getting scammed into sending flip girls they met online money in the vain hopes of one day meeting up and getting some pussy?

If any neets here don't like the job Pariston is doing you are welcome to fuck off back to neetlyfe or discord or wherever you came from. I think he's doing a fine job considering all the unmanageable autistic mongs we have here.

My scalp has been itchy lately. Cause unknown.
I opened a new bottle of shampoo recently. It is the same brand but a slightly different variety. Maybe that is the problem.
I can't justify throwing out a nearly full bottle though.

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Can't believe that fifo got some poor flip girl to send him her family's entire life savings. Absolute chad move. He should leave the mong herding game and become a pro online gigolo, scamming desperate third world women out of their savings and spending them on goon and sportsbet.

I am sorry if my moderation has not been up to your standards.
This is a very difficult board to moderate. The tools are poor and all the low quality NEETs have the ability to easily evade any bans.
I do remove bad posts when I see them but I tend to do this mostly if I see them soon after they have been made.
If a post has already been there long enough for everyone to see it anyway sometimes it is better to just leave it because any act of moderation seems to spur even worse behaviour.
Sometimes it is best to just ignore them rather than moderate them.
Maybe I did wrong but I am doing the best I can.

I think ausneets needs a new site with accounts linked to neet names that doesn't actually show the names to anyone except the BO. that way people could actually be banned. And the BO would be able to see who the culprit of the spam and cp and shit is.

Poor people keep feeding their Cennobucks into the machines 18 hours a day and making piddling 1 cent bets, netting them nothing.
I come in once every day or two and make $5 bets and take all the money they put into the machines.

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Cutlery has been shown to cause homosexuality. You should always eat meat rare, tearing it right off the still steaming haunch of the dead cattle, like your aryan ancestors. After all, they conquered the most world, you WILL succeed at life if you just eat meat the right way.

To the town of Aqua Faggot rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to shoot the nip
For the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip

I went to a Japanese one and told them that how they cut wagyu prior to cooking it makes it shit and steak shouldn't be prepped like that unless it's stir-fry, in which case use some cheap rump or something. 
Also, grilling whole oyster mushrooms.. Why? 
Who the fuck eats a mushroom like that?

> necrophilia
somebody has been fucking dead boongs

Do you honestly not find it suspicious that three neets independently made posts supporting Beau, almost all at once, and then didn't post anything at all for an hour? All with the same typing style. We all know about the samefagging that goes on here in defence of a particular view so it isn't a novelty.

I do wonder if he just died or something. If not, what is he waiting for?
If I was him and he is a Jap, I'd be worried about getting abducted by the North Koreans. They've grabbed people from Japan before and there'd be enough money in it for them.

Got a big Mac. Nobody said hello or have you been served or even a "just a minute". Instead they called out the app order number while placing the food on the counter. No thanks or seeya next time either.

I've fell asleep 4 times trying to watch it. I think I watched most of the last episode before crashing. I was told (spoiler) the one eye guy or the dad is wearing a skin face mask and is really a ghoul. but I can't remember that. 
Very forgetful, sleep inducing TV slop.

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Complete. 4/10 wage. Was in the packing station today, like usual the table is just a little too low for me. Was getting angry at the stupid tape guns, luckily I was alone. 
Anyway theres this 18 year old guy there, fresh out of school, second week of his work life. He seems to feel pretty cool strutting around a warehouse, carrying pallets instead of just waiting for a fork etc. 
He was super excited when I told him he'll take away a grand a week, telling me all the things he was gonna save for. I hope he makes it out of the bucket. 
Doing overtime tomorrow.

Womblor can you link me any evidence or reporting on Sewells case having evidence denied in the publics interest? 
Here is yesterdays case for if you're interested: https://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/vic/VSCA/2024/70.html

Bought a can of something called KAMI KAZE next to the mondsters at the servo. Said shit like "BREATHE OF GOD" on the can, etc.
Get it home. It doesn't have any caffeine in it, just all the other shit and electrolytes.
Tastes like creaming soda.

1930s, man fills survey. Question is "How do you sleep with your wife?"
Man thinks:
If I will write Left - they will say I'm left-leaning
If I will write Right - they will say I'm right-leaning
If I will write On top - they will say I try to be above the worker masses
If I will write Under - they will say I'm mislead by the crowd

So he thought and finally wrote "I sleep separately and masturbate"

Got 10 years in prison for connection with Kulak.

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