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The bored four NEETs

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ill never forget the day i was in a mad afternoon rush and forgot to lock the front door, i usually go in an out through the remote roller door

anyhows we open at 8 and this derro fucking tradie just walked in to the shop at @ 740am when i was having a shower, spooked the fuck out of me, had a towel around me barely covering my bulge, and instead of being apologetic he just started asking questions about fixing his kids shity school bike

i told him to GTFO of my shop and and when he was walking out i told him "we open at 8am mother fucker"

seriously fuck methhead tradie fucks reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

You should never trust hobos, they'll wank your poo. 
But not the fire starting? 
He's Odin lite. 
They're nitpicking. It's good that you have found one that you can trust. They're rare. 
Have a food. I did now. Now I'm farting. 
They've changed the Turkish roll since his review. 
I hope he has mid debate pies handy, some of tuckers interviews go for a long time
Loving it? Have you played the games?

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I thought I was quite within my rights as a customer to commission some work on my kids bike because your door was open and the sign was out. I didnt think anything of your beach towel getup, half the mechanics up here I know never wear anything but shorts and thongs.

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This Sunday on womboflix we will be playing The Gangs of New York(2002), an American historical drama film directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Daniel Day-Lewis, and Cameron Diaz.

If he didn't come home on the 31st, and the Police know he was alive on the 11th, it is clear he is alive and just doesn't want to be found or contacted. Why are they pursuing him if he hasn't done anything wrong?

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> 1st of May
How? How did this happen neets? It seems like it was just the other day it was new year's eve and we were watching blue eye samurai and talking about our plans for getting our shit together in 2024. Literally nothing achieved here.

> 24 minutes ago
How? How did this happen neets? It seems like it was just a minute ago it was good mrogalin and we were reading the interwebs and talking about our plans for getting dares and woollies bakery items for the day. Literally nothing achieved here.

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Finally overcame my social anxiety enough to take my phone to the repair kiosk again. Talked to the pajeet there, said he'd need 30 minutes, couldn't guarantee that cleaning the phone's usb port would fix it. Went shopping in woolies for 5 minutes, came back out and phone was fixed, usb was working agin. Have adb shell working now. WINNING. Having pidser rolls for morning tea. Delicious. MORE WINNING. I could almost be nuro at this rate.

> Domestic violence survivors can now access a new $5000 payment to help them leave violent relationships following an emergency cabinet meeting.
alright NEETs, time to pair up and blame each other for domestic violence and claim $5000 each

The secret about domestic violence is these women like being in these fucked up violent relationships.
Mentally ill requirement for drama in their lives. If it doesn't come to them they are compelled to create it.
Once they have left one of these men they almost always go back or go into another relationship that is just the same.
Fuck these roastie bitches.
Where is the $5000 incel payment? Where is the government supplied gf?

the payments are gonna be tiny fraction of the bill. The rest will go to these service providers and advisors for all kinds of shit like ad campaigns to shame men into being beta simps where the balance of power in the relationship is 100% in the insane womans court. I cant imagine a worse time to be a male in a normie relationship.

Attn: Messrs Swindle and co. 

I talked to you on the phone about by Ford Falcon BF V8 Boss Turbo. I recently had Hackoff Auto do some maintainance and look at an issue with recurring error codes around the two exhaust oxygen sensors and some intermittent lumpy acceleration when the engine is cold and at low RPM's. There is also a ticking noise sometimes from the front of the engine. I already replaced both dowstream oxygen sensors (Bosch) and the hedgehog on the hi-flow catalytic converter.  I am reading from the mechanics report provided by Jhoker at Hackoff Auto:

Dismantle as required, remove various componets to access and remove gearbox.
removed worn clutch assembly, inspect flywheel - remove for machining. Re-assemble with machined flywheel, new spigot bearing and clutch kit. Replaced leaking rear main oil seal. Reassembled and correct gearbox fluid level. Re bleed the clutch and renewed the fluid as required.
check oxygen sensor codes
cooling system service
drain and flush engine cooling system, refil with coolant and pressure test for leaks. Start engine, bring up to operating temp and check thermostat operation.
Remove all injectors and connect on test bench and check flow rate, spark patterns and carry out leak down test. reoprt all findings. place injectors in a sonic tank for a period of approx 1/2 hour. Retest flow rate, spark patterns and carry out leak down test as required. Remove all injectors, replace pintle caps and o rings if required. Replaced 8 spark plugs and ignition coils. replaced poor intake manifold gasket. 
Replaced the power steering fluid and started the car and re check for any leaks and checked steering condition was ok. 
Road test. Found car still to be running flat. Re-check codes and found oil pressure codes. Replaced the oil pressure sensors, found the car to change its fuel trim levels and car was making a noise at the front of the engine. Removed the belt and noise comes and goes from the timing chain area. Advised owner. Removed the rocker cover re checked condition of the timing chain variable timing sprockets and chain tensioners. Chain was in correct marks as were the cam gears and timing sprockets. Fitted new rocker cover gasket. 
Re-assembled car still feeling flat on the road test. 
Connected testing equipment to check fuel pressure. 30 psi and 40 psi with the fuel pressure regulator disconnected which was ok. 
Removed spark plugs and carry out cylinder leakage tests to rule out blown cylinder head gasket ok at the time of testing. 
Un able to diagnose the issue with the lumpy flat acceleration with cold engine. 

Jhoker speculates it may be a collapsed catalytic converter or the variable cam VCT actuators. I was advised to contact your workshop rather than do further work and replace parts that are not necessasary.  I am keen to not just fix my Boss 5.4L 290 but optimise the car for the long term. I am having the brakes renovated next week and I'm considering what to do after that. Can you advise please. 
C/ Endchan/Ausneets/

Spent 20 minutes driving around a paid carpark looking for a park and abusing chinks and women for their shit driving ability.
Get to the place Im supposed to work and reception is abandoned so I can’t get a card to get in the other floor and the cunt I’m meant to be seeing isn’t answering my messages.
Fuck I’m sick of it all

I know I'm aging because much older women are interested in me now. This wasn't the case in my late teens and early twenties.
Need to get a gf but I am still crippled by autism and social anxiety. Woe.

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Finally had a bowl of salad and started feeling ok for the first time today. Why am I such a mong when it comes to nutrition? I know what I need to eat, but I can't seem to get any vegies down until mid afternoon.

That stupid NEET who was supposed to turn up for a trial today never showed up. I had to cancel the whale sized client and now I wont meet my productivity target. This is what I get for using a labor hire company. So pissed off RN.

Akkor szép az erdő, mikor zöld
Mikor a vadgalamb benne költ.
Olyan a vadgalamb mint a lány,
Sírva sétál a párja után.

Ezt a sűrű erdőt járom én
Ezt a barna kislányt várom én
Ez a barna kislány viola,
Én vagyok a vígasztalója.

Erre gyere, erre nincsen sár
Az ajtómon nincsen semmi zár.
Az ajtómon van egy fakilincs
Jaj Istenem, még szeretőm sincs.

Jaj, de sokat jártam, fáradtam,
Mikor házasodni akartam
Nem találtam kedvemre valót
Csak az a szeretőm, aki volt.

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Personally, I am waiting for Nuro to coin a successor verb for Based. Too many normies are using it and the NPC's are not as triggered as they used to be  although our more backwards cousins still get pretty pissy I used his last neologisms to good effect in my social life and was invited to many parties, before it caught on and once again I returned to the land of ghosts.

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> Macular Disease Foundation warns more than one drink a day can lead to vision loss

My confidence has gone to shit since my barber JUSTED me. And I'm under a lot of pressure to get a long term gf sorted as I am turning 25 this year after which time it'll be far harder to get an undergrad gf. I don't know how I'd find one outside of uni. I'd be reduced to either dating apps (fuck that) or spamming girls irl at Rundle mall or something. None of that is appealing. I am angry thinking how different my life could've been if I'd stuck with Kate in highschool and gotten into the navy. I'd be all sorted with everything.
The weather is getting warmer so its getting harder to style a beanie. I'm going to play around with it tonight and try to find an outfit that will work for tomorrow. Fucking barber ought to give me one of his granddaughters to marry after this lol. It is probably the only thing he could do that'd get me to forgive him. Although plenty of young men in Ukraine are getting buzzcuts against their will and I'd rather be in my position so I guess I shouldn't complain too much.

> plenty of young men in Ukraine are getting buzzcuts against their will
A man in Australia has traditionally been entitled to expect a better life than just "not ukrainian/russian". Politicians have failed us and changes in society have ruined everything.

I had a good opportunity with a girl in the library who was sitting nearby. She kept smiling at me. I thought about talking to her but kept stalling out of fear. She was playing some anime themed game on her tablet which was odd because she didn't look the type. It looked online and I was telling myself I'll wait for her to finish the game before approaching her so as to not interrupt it. When I got that opportunity I stalled again because I wasn't sure what to say due to the need to be fairly quiet in the library. I should've just slipped her a note or something with my number but I didn't. I got distracted by my reading and she vanished by the time I looked back at her.
The second was a woman around her late 30s which was odd. I could tell she'd have been gorgeous when she was young and was still very attractive. We were walking in opposite directions. She stopped and made some remark about my tie. I was quite nervous so I said "yeah" before powerwalking away. She had a strange accent. I think she might’ve been a Yugo or something. There are quite a few Croatians in Adelaide.
The third smiled at me as I was walking past. I went up to her and started talking to her. She was sitting but it was a fairly high up table with a tall stool so I could remain standing and talk to her without it being weird. I was really nervous despite her being about a 4/10 and smiling so warmly. She had big brown eyes too. I sperged out hard in such a way that I'm too embarrassed to describe it in much detail. I didn't say anything vulgar or terribly embarrassing but some spaghetti was spilt.
One of you told me to "just slog through it like a mad cunt" back when I was talking about dropping out of highschool in 2017. I guess that is very broadly applicable advice and what I need to do with my autism here.

Honestly, a gimmicky hat would be easier to wear in the hot weather. There is a bloke at uni who wears a literal wizard hat some days. I think it is on the table top games nights but he might just be wearing it as a fashion statement.

I went out the front for a rose pruning session. I filled up most of the green bin. My secateurs broke and I had to stop.
I might have to invest in a better pair of secateurs next time.

> This.
This, so much this. Just shut up and take my upvote!
> trying to fuck them
I'm not trying to find one to marry; not to fuck.
> Creeping around women is creepy.
Lol, are you a woman in your mid 30s? If a girl isn't interested I leave her alone. If she is interested then I take her to the museum and run her through the script.

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Jus to got back a from Caloundra.

Gave a backpacker chick back to Nambour Train Station. She was nice. Had a shitty summer in Queensland, on her way to NZ poor bitch. 

Picked up some Guzman Gomez. Dinking Chamapgne. Popped a valium, realised i ran out of Davidoff, found an old pouch, saved. Bossman energy. Can calm dowm. Cant stop, wont stop. 

No words no pictures to decribe how i am feeling right now.

I am not in the mood to root anything. I am so occupied with work and the random bulshit that that walk ins every day (today it was (7) fucking seven people who just walked in, no phone call no booking. Fuck these entitled Boomers i tell you what..

No. Good Customers ring and a drop off their cabon bikes to be fixed in a few days.

The worst customers are always the 60yo guy "who used to be a machinist" who tried fix it himself, who isnt intelligent enough to fix it himself and too much of a pov cunt to pay a professional to fix it properly

also karens, i am still steaming after a karen just rocked up with two beach cruisers last friday and said they absolutley had to be ready for a ride she and a friend were riding to to an even on satuday, Literally dropped work on 10k carbpon bikes to fit this bitch in and she was a no ahow on saturday and might pick them up on friday if she feel like it.

Fucking boomers man. TheY all need the FENTANLYL CHAIR.

In the write-up I did for the trip to and from Canberra I mentioned what I had to eat each day (for the purposes of being thorough).
At the meeting when they were going over the events of the previous month they mentioned the write-up and somebody shouted out "and doesn't he love his pepper pies" and everybody laughed.

Patted a doggo today which brought a genuine smile to my ugly mug, the first of the year. Also the cafe qt gave me an extra ANZAC bikkie free even though I only paid for one. They've probably been sitting there since ANZAC day.

Might have been anything in the bad home area, last time someone left me a shopping trolley. But they got it into my yard without jangling it, still unsure if it was some fotm of jape or a failed burglary.

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Good Morning NEETs

Since it’s getting colder I decided to give my Doonahs a wash. Been trying to do this for two weeks but caravan park niggers have been using the machines full time. 24 minutes on the clock. Time to get some McMuffins and chilll at Stumers.

lol loser cop tried to impress some chick and killed himself

Shared washing machine wouldn't work again - this is about the 5th time in the past year. Had to make an emergency drive out to a laundromat to wash my bedding. JUSTED once again, just when my JUST status was starting to recover.

Basically this. Not a single cent for male survivors of abuse in the announcement despite 1/3 survivors of abuse being men.

The women who run it all don't give a fuck about male issues and are all just in it themselves. Albo had to cave to them because they run society now.

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I have not had any contact with a JSP since the end of 2021... Thank fuck, best feeling ever.

During my time on cenno i always made was ontime and made my oppointments. Only had to cancel one or two. Most of the time i told them i was constantly having to move house (rental crises)

The only time they fucked up hard was when i went on medical certificate which happened to be just before WFTD was due (i didnt know) when the med cert expired i rocked up to a meeting 6 months later and they had literally less than two weeks to place me on WTFD and i had no time to make any other arrangements. Incompetent fucks. 

employment agencies are uselss and really there to stop people scamming cenno (multiple claims under different names) working a job when on the dole (hence the rndom appointments) and to make sure you dont leave the country and are living the easy life in thailand on ausssie bucks.

I think actual chink restuarants are a better bet than food court chinkie. The problem is I first visited that place when I was 11, and I still have the mentality of an 11 year old, wanting to binge on lemon chicken.

Punchy boongs inflate those statistics so naturally there will be a sizable chunk of that $999.95 Million siphoned off by the well oiled boong gibsmedats industry.  This monopoly money all gets paid for by government debt, essentially selling our future.

Fought a titanic battle with myself not to go get chinkie desserts after the chinkie dinner. For once I beat up my inner 11 year old. But he'll be back tomorrow, looking for vengeance.

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Got the car back from the mechanic, had to pay cash and the boomer owner laid it all out on the counter and it was a massive pain in the arse. The tank was empty and there was sugar crumbs all over the drinks holder. The car drives like shit but picked up a bit after it warmed up but the clutch pedal feels awful. Battery is flat as fuck. Barry swindle at loco motors has not returned my 500 word email. Might take it to the car wash later.

Pepper pies offer a delightful combination of savory and spicy flavors, making them a versatile and satisfying dish. Their unique taste adds depth to any meal, complementing both meat and vegetable fillings. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, peppers promote overall health. Additionally, pepper pies are customizable, catering to various dietary preferences. Whether enjoyed as a main course or appetizer, their crispy crust and flavorful filling make them a popular choice for any occasion.

I was reading about these girls on r/Adelaide yesterday. Redditors are weak cunts on the whole.

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