Attn: Messrs Swindle and co.
I talked to you on the phone about by Ford Falcon BF V8 Boss Turbo. I recently had Hackoff Auto do some maintainance and look at an issue with recurring error codes around the two exhaust oxygen sensors and some intermittent lumpy acceleration when the engine is cold and at low RPM's. There is also a ticking noise sometimes from the front of the engine. I already replaced both dowstream oxygen sensors (Bosch) and the hedgehog on the hi-flow catalytic converter. I am reading from the mechanics report provided by Jhoker at Hackoff Auto:
Dismantle as required, remove various componets to access and remove gearbox.
removed worn clutch assembly, inspect flywheel - remove for machining. Re-assemble with machined flywheel, new spigot bearing and clutch kit. Replaced leaking rear main oil seal. Reassembled and correct gearbox fluid level. Re bleed the clutch and renewed the fluid as required.
check oxygen sensor codes
cooling system service
drain and flush engine cooling system, refil with coolant and pressure test for leaks. Start engine, bring up to operating temp and check thermostat operation.
Remove all injectors and connect on test bench and check flow rate, spark patterns and carry out leak down test. reoprt all findings. place injectors in a sonic tank for a period of approx 1/2 hour. Retest flow rate, spark patterns and carry out leak down test as required. Remove all injectors, replace pintle caps and o rings if required. Replaced 8 spark plugs and ignition coils. replaced poor intake manifold gasket.
Replaced the power steering fluid and started the car and re check for any leaks and checked steering condition was ok.
Road test. Found car still to be running flat. Re-check codes and found oil pressure codes. Replaced the oil pressure sensors, found the car to change its fuel trim levels and car was making a noise at the front of the engine. Removed the belt and noise comes and goes from the timing chain area. Advised owner. Removed the rocker cover re checked condition of the timing chain variable timing sprockets and chain tensioners. Chain was in correct marks as were the cam gears and timing sprockets. Fitted new rocker cover gasket.
Re-assembled car still feeling flat on the road test.
Connected testing equipment to check fuel pressure. 30 psi and 40 psi with the fuel pressure regulator disconnected which was ok.
Removed spark plugs and carry out cylinder leakage tests to rule out blown cylinder head gasket ok at the time of testing.
Un able to diagnose the issue with the lumpy flat acceleration with cold engine.
Jhoker speculates it may be a collapsed catalytic converter or the variable cam VCT actuators. I was advised to contact your workshop rather than do further work and replace parts that are not necessasary. I am keen to not just fix my Boss 5.4L 290 but optimise the car for the long term. I am having the brakes renovated next week and I'm considering what to do after that. Can you advise please.
C/ Endchan/Ausneets/