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Almost went arse up because I stepped on a peppercorn with the clubfoot. This report has fired up his anger.
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Godzilla Minus One (2023) is  a japanese kaiju movie with much praise given to its highly developed human characters and their storylines. In an age of disappointing western movies, it has been extremely well received, winning an academy award, scoring 98% on rotten tomatoes, and 8.3/10 on imdb. Does it deserve these high ratings, or is it a shit movie just pumped up by weaboos stuffing the ballot boxes? Join us tonight at 7pm AEST as we find out.
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> In 1945, near the end of World War II, kamikaze pilot Kōichi Shikishima lands his Mitsubishi A6M Zero at the Japanese base on Odo Island. Lead mechanic Sōsaku Tachibana deduces that Shikishima had fled from his duty by feigning technical issues.
Going on a suicide mission and returning alive. A most shamfur dispray.
Some schizo was losing it outside the bakery. Swearing loudly to himself and random people. Sat in the car for 15 minutes waiting/hoping the cops would arrive and put on a show. But they never did of course and the cunt just got up and walked off without a word.
yeah well apart from Wednesday afternoon when I went to see a client, I don't have any other work to do this week
whizzers dont want us any more (until something goes wrong)
other pentests are booked but can stall for weeks waiting on paperwork to be signed off
I was under the impression that soldiers were elevated above plebe status, but it sounds like most of the army walked off in solidarity as well, which is why they weren't crushed.
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Day's more than half over, have wasted it, nothing of substance has been achieved, how do I manage to do THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY?
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Having a bad day, just got back from the shops. Cenno payment not in the ATM even though I sorted it out over the phone on tuesday. Left my skateboard outside the newsagent/LPO to pick up my parcel new washer for the dunny and they told me i was at the wrong LPO and I had to go to the other one two suburbs over, no reason, just where pajeet could be stuffed taking it. Some dirtbag stole my skateboard and when I was tearing around the bus stops looking for the culprit some normie in a audi honks his horn because he has to wait for me to cross in front. He's swearing at me inside his car and I'm swearing back and then he drives off I sorta spilled my spaghetti. Gang stalkers pull out their phones and start filming me and probably calling the cops. Nothing else to do so I went home to my no toilet concrete box on the train line. Having a hot one from the tar out of an old ice break bottle bong I found under the steps. Fuck you gang stalkers.
It's fucked off. Every morning I get a small sense of hope that things will change. But there I am again late at night with bottle in hand wondering what I even did for 8-12 hours.
Dear Sir/Madam
After careful consideration we have found your network to be secure.
-Webby W. Weber, Esquire
A surprisingly good take by Waleed: https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/holding-all-men-responsible-for-a-violent-minority-has-failed-to-keep-women-safe-20240501-p5fo82.html
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Checked the weather radar and Noosa was washed out. Noosa Denied. Found a gap in the weather and went to Kawana. Again. 


Catch ups are for DSP chads chained to their NEET desktops. Lord Nuro is a fluid individual who meditates on vistas and chimes in when he chooses.
Fuck off Jackie Lamby, her dog and her lesbian partner sat right infront of me without permission. 

> Mr Know it all fails once again. Stop causing drama.
Another depressing walk around town, so many nice bars, cafes and restaurants all out of my financial and social reach.
nah not with the report
If Wombosec was a thing, Monk would have been the chad salesman who takes the nerds out for beers and tits and convinces them to convince their manager to drop a few hundred thousand on some bullshit
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Was in a weird part of the coast looking a for. Pizza. Found this mob. just look at them. Authentic as fuck people sitting down to eat you just know this is  going to be good.
> Authentic as fuck people sitting down to eat you just know this is going to be good.
until you showed up and started taking photos like a mong
Yeah every month I'd get his corporate credit card bill and we'd have a meeting where where I basically shout "HOW THE FUCK ARE WE GOING TO JUSTIFY THIS?"
Dave (Cruisey's ex-Accountant with PTSD) timidly trying to explain that the ATO won't let you claim beer and thai prostitutes as a business expense.
Quick whip around: How many days is Monk going to work next week? I predict he might try for Thursday and get told to fuck off.
> mates
He's not your mate, he's your dealer, there to remove from you any money you might earn from those brief periods when you have a paid job.
So the grand mac just feels like a big mac before shrinkflation, nothing special. I don't really remember what big macs are like - I haven't had one in 10+ years, but if you're meh about them you won't think much of the grand.
We should've known better. No more sloppa. No more food court chinkie. No more white monsters. No more maccas. No more kfc unless there's a really good deal on
nothing a bit if pizda oven cant fix, its too good for the microwave.I am seriosuly impressed by this restaurant. Cant wait to try thier pasta.
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Extremely poorly bantered. I graduated roughly around the the time that movie was coming out, my povo friends brothers had silvias, and then when people got real jobs and loans everyone got r33 skylines and supras. Other good friend bought a 300zx and almost killed me by wrapping it around a pole (we went over the gutter and missed the pole backwarwds by a meter. My other cashed up web dev friend bought a honda s2000 he still owns to this day. My little brother bought (2) immaculate 180sx with perfect interiors and gutted them out and and turned them into drift pigs (we barely talk about this anymore) 

since i did a big backup up the other day you can see what car culture was like at the pacific fair carpark at goldy 2003 before obama was elected and the world turned to a big brown mess.
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Manipur black rice and sesame cake w.cardamom, Waldo blackberry and licorice sauce, home brand yoghurt. 

Too much sesame this time but much better then almond. Need a finer Waldo puree and to set it as a toffee. The yoghurt is just a visual stand in for cream.
Overall it's chewy, dense, complex nutty flavours overpowered by the sesame. Synergy between blackberry and caraway.

Hard to pair, already sweet but not rich, dense texture. Room for marachino so I'm thinking Japanese whiskey sour.
i had a mate who did that with mcmuffin once. swore to god he passed out with a mcmuffin in his back jean pockets.... upon further investigation that was not a mcmuffin
guy from the club texted me to say he has a blocked and infected bowel
collapsed a few hours after the meeting the other night where he was fine
> if you fail to cleanse you get he bends

Nuro approved. I have supported AJ in the past but the shipping from north america is atrocious. 

Since then i have found local aussie sellers with the same products with free shipping.
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< afraid to move the toshiba after the power cord gets more and frayed, while the fans and base chassis of laptop are are suddenly much hotter than they ever used used to manages to egg out a final few irrelevant shitposts.......

some laughed, some cried, meanwhile the elders that just left the temple mumbled under their breath POTTERY
I think we’re seeing what happens when somebody drinks half a dozen energy drinks and does his homework at the last minute and has too much excess energy to go and watch his television shows.
It is. It's a drama with action elements me thinks. The CGI was also good considering.
I'm fine with Japanese movies however, some just don't like 'em.

When you have the mood, you can dl it from somewhere.
Played one go through Manor Lords. Pretty good. Its still in testing phase and lots of bits dont work but its still fun.
Think ill do another go just in sandbox.
FRM is gone for the weekend so I'm looking after doggo. She gave me a bottle of Mayfair gin and three bottles of tonic water.
My hat still says info received on the DHL website. I hope it is in the air and just hasn't been updated, not that it is still in Ireland.
Had some leftover breast meat from a rotisserie chook I wasn't sure when bought. Went through the older threads hitting ctrl-f "roast chook" until I found my earlier posts about buying it, 11 days ago...
Doing ketamine for the first time 
I like it but makes it hard to type on the phone
Have not caught up. Phrased this post differently than planned
I am watching No Country For Old Men. I have seen it before but that was many years ago. I don't remember much of it.
It is causing me high anxiety I am only watching it in small bits.
I made it home alive. Ketamine was pretty enjoyable, I spilled my guts on muh childhood trauma babble to my mate which isn't exactly new, we've discussed it before.
I always thought ketamine was similar to alcohol as a gabanergic dissociative but it was actually a lot different. More 'truth serum' than 'tell tale' type of let loose. It could be alpha male or asshole if you drugged me up on it infront of women. We did the coke too and drank many beers. 
Watched some live rock performances at wemberly and such. Normal things. 
Enjoyable evening. Uber had the back passenger seat lights on the whole way home.
Niggers in the street have been carrying on loudly in their baboon voices and slamming car doors all night.
By an amazing coincidence monk only ever gets to hang out with his 'friend' and do 'free' drugs during those short lived periods when he has a job. Not during the 99% of times when he's an unemployed lonely starving gooner.
> Teen pizza delivery driver shot at 7 times after parking in wrong driveway, police say
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Good Morning NEETs

Slept well. Raining thismorning, fucking gay ass rain ruining another weekend. Cabt believe this fucking Aids ridden weather Its been like this all year. Fucking seriously. Cant be fucked with cars and coffee. Got (3) pieces of Za left for brekkie thismorning. That pizza was a legit 9.5/10

Will probably regret it but still plan to go Brisbane today. Need a change of scenery. reeeeeeeeee
Disgusting, irresponsible whore takes drugs and lets herself be fingerbanged on the street and then makes up a story when the media starts asking questions.
Came to a cafe for a toasted sandwich and coffee. Dumb fat single mother comes in after I’ve paid and is letting her arsehole toddlers run riot. Nobody respects silence anymore.
> is letting her arsehole toddlers run riot.
I was in a pharmacy and it was a cool afternoon with a similar situation recently. The toddler only had a t-shit and nappy on. The pharmacist had to keep waiting to speak to her while the mother was wrangling it.
One of them is literally pushing one of those sheet metal chairs around on the floor making a fucking huge amount of noise. I want to kick it across the room.
The machines at the Rose & Crown are now running gambling helpline screen savers and banners and shit. I wonder if they noticed a spike in $5 bets and somebody cashing out $400-500 tickets.
Now some chink mongoloids down the other end of the street are having a birthday party or something and the street is filled with badly parked cars and the sounds of bug 'people'.
Yeah more often in a casino where getting $5k or more in chips in one go is normal.
To do it in an SA pokies room you'd need a whole bunch of people putting in $100 and cashing out over and over.
(Because your piss) your piss is on my lips
(Because your piss) your piss I can't resist
(Because your piss) is what I miss when I turn out the lights
I wonder if Davo is going to get FRM's doggo a Bunnings sausage and also use him to meet girls in the park or somethink
> some
Whites in this area are usually complete ferals.
> assistance dog vest
I'd look like a minda. And she is far too social. She would be trying to play with everyone rather than ignoring them as a service dog ought.
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Seemingly they shipped my hat from Ireland to Germany just to process the parcel and now it is going to the UK. Delivery is estimated for Wednesday.
Started doing some work on the car 
Dropped something into the engine bay
God awful need to poo hits me
Sitting here shitting. Harrumphing.
Bloke even gave me about half a quarter in home grown.
He said he was going to list it for 5, but would take 3 if its easy.
I need to get the thing I dropped
I know it's on the concrete
and the battery is disconnected so, no, I'm not just going to drive backwards
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The Gangs Of New York (2002) will be on womboflix tomorrow night neets. The film is set in 1863, when a long-running Catholic–Protestant feud erupts into violence, just as an Irish immigrant group is protesting against the threat of conscription during the Civil War.

Tonight will be Shiban's film, Bringing Up Baby
> Gangs of New York
I have seen that before. All I remember is the costumes were silly and fake-looking, and Daniel Day Lewis eats a chop he cooks during a scene.
It's fine, I think a bit of controversy actually helps stir interest in the movies, and in any case running womboflix has taught me to be thick skinned about such things.
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Streaming Bringin Up Baby, at 7pm AEST. On https://cytu.be/r/endcorner
Gonna stream something beforehand, most likely from youtube or similar. For an hour or so.
one of those johnny pigg shirts and some blue jeans and some brown chelsea boots
I may wear a sports coat, either navy or herringbone, depending on how I feel closer to departure
> Royal Troon will have longest hole in Open history
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Nuro has never smoked meth. But you should get any amphetamines you can and ride a road bike.  

Still amazed my jeans from last year fit me. Thanks you gut cleanses, smoking and adderall.
Why is IGA threatening  to DOX Nuro’s mobile all of a sudden ? I mean like we have had his work landline and address for years now and no bad actor has taken any action. Is IGA trying desperately to stay relevant or something ? This  seems like a desperate  cry for attention since there has been no drama anymore no one gives a fuck about the boards most unpopular and poorest NEET.
Gonna start streaming now.
Post-Communist Transitions - A Crash Course Though Central Asia by Michael Rossi of Rutgers
I'm down south too. Lots open on South and Marion rd til late.
Could do with an omelette with pork sausage and spring onions, some tuggers cant help but also be motherly.
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Police just called me with an enquiry. 

IGA no doubt stalked me again and drove past my front door where my after hours (private) phone number is is visible. 

#BO Paristan IGA needs a year long ban after this behaviour. Whats worse about this is because i no longer give a shit and he is just bored and wants to called drama. Him and Monk too,
You need to start banning IGA, That psycho is a ticking time bomb for bringing attention to the board in a world of e-safety witch hunting.
he's not a threat to any one because he's such a cringing coward NPC but now his new trick is doxxing to cops. This fag is known for his repetitive posting and attention seeking. I'm telling you now he's going to doxx the board to the feds, you all read this post.
https://www.tiktok.com/@luckyfrogshop/video/7364867748721216814 [Embed]
Haha, she is talking about total nigger death now. I love her so much it's unreal.
Nuro I am afraid there is no evidence that IGA has done what you say. I cannot justify a ban.
You have been acting obnoxiously today, please improve your behaviour.
Scored a bachelor's handbag for 4(four) bucks. Returned the pack of raw chicken to the fridges. Couldn't find any single rolls of Werther's original which was a bummer.
It is a film adaption to I am Legend that is closer to the book than the Will Smith one, moves it forwards in time to the present day, and fixes (imo) some minor issues regarding world building and the plot.

Paristab IGA has been posting the digits of my private phone numbner sequentially to intimidate me. 

Its all been reported, i wouldnt you expect you to understand a NEET reporting posting posting digits. But look at the reports. Wwhen he says "should a post another 3 digits" its really threatening behaviour. 

and as i said the only way he would know this is personally drove past within a meter of my property. 

What an absolute sick fuck
> posting the digits of my private phone number sequentially to intimidate me
My investigation into that matter revealed that it was not IGA who was doing that.
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Monk has proven he cant hold a job or ride a wagon, repeatedly, and i dont know what pisses me off me off more, his pathetic ass, or you NEET do gooders, who repeatedly tell him he has a chance at beating his demons and waste endless time here engaged in the cycles of constant never ending failure...
No way, when I was in school we had three penis inspections a day and once a week they would measure the retractability of your sphincter and grade your potential on that.
Can't imagine what they make kids do now.
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Goondaddy (monk) caused more damage to this site than ever other bad actor combined. Because he was acting as both a  Dishonest anonymous Admin and a named NEET at the same time.

Gods wrath will come down on this piece of shit for what he has done. The Lord has spoken.
I don't hate Nuro if you were wondering, I've learned to live with him and his antics. 
t. goondaddy
Do you ever getting a funny taste in your mouth after drinking? I find it can linger for a day or so and persists despite brushing my teethies and using mouth wash.
Remember when weber found that company on linkedin and their website had that weird video introducing their team? It was them standing on a roof and slowly walking towards the camera with sunnies on.
A and O aren't at all close on the keyboard but N and B are. Nuro often fucks up vowels for some reason. He often uses the wrong vowels in words which I find to be really funny.
We all have to be more careful what's discussed on here now because the police may be reading everything. If you say something that sucks you into the bullshit. Any posts made after being aware of it could be seen as a retaliatory or evidence to support the claim. 

The police haven't served anyone with the court attendance because there isn't enough evidence. The police called him to gather more evidence and will probably ask him to come in next to give a statement. If no-one engages with the police it'll go away because of a lack of evidence. The police might start turning up inperson to investigate which is why anyone involved needs to seek the proper advice.
> 14. No posts which infer, either seriously or in jest, that the board is monitored by the Government or intelligence agencies, or which infer that any individual poster may be an agent of the government or an intelligence agency. These jokes are not funny and have a track record of stoking paranoia and chilling the free sharing of information on the board.
Stop with the shenanigans.
Do you fags pick a board rule each day and think:
> oh that's what I'm gonna violate today
STFU Shiban. There was no problem until that one pest poster decided that Nuro was to blame for his poverty and unpopularity and try to get him swatted. Blame the succession of dickless BO's for not doing anything to ban him.
Good news, if you didn't pay it off early
> Albanese government to wipe $3 billion in student debt, benefitting three million people
It's not. There should be a discount for voluntary repayments above the set repayment amounts so people pay it off faster.

Before last year the rate from my history on the ATO never went above 3% from what I recall (could be wrong but that was the highest amount). Years before it was below 2%.

The 7% indexation was the highest I have seen it. I ironically made a voluntary payment this morning ($10k) and will continue making those payment amounts to get it down further.
imagine working once you reach the low income threshold for the financial year. I'm planning on never paying my hecs debt because of the mass immigration white anting of the course.
If you're working, HECs is a garnish or lump sum payment each financial year. We shouldn't have to pay it all given that most if not all politicians got a free degree.
Technically yes. But I can see the system changing overtime  >>/849804/ it could be part of an ongoing change to make it more restrictive
> Provide an overseas travel notification and report your worldwide income if you have a study or training support loan.

If you plan to leave Australia with no assets here and never come back it doesn't matter, but the ATO has a lot more power than other authorities in this country to resolve their matters:
> We usually conduct interviews without using our formal powers, but we sometimes need to formalise the process – we do this by issuing a notice to attend and give evidence. When using our notice powers, we plan our activities to minimise your costs and we engage with you in a professional and timely manner.

Example of their formal powers here:
Exactly. The ATO is very reasonable if you are honest and upfront in resolving any issue with them. Those powers are used against those who think they can game the system and win.
Do coles and woolies even stock prawns from australian waters? I was looking at the sources of the frozen prawns they had and they're all from polluted placed like vietnam.
notionally yes, but I'd go to a fish monger if you want to be sure
I was looking for something like crumbed prawns or prawn dumplings, but it's all made in china or vietnam. What do people eat prawns with? Some sort of sauce?
terrible skiddy in the bowl
It was a really soft mushy one that just stuck to everything. Horrible.
Short answer no, not with a domestic kitchen and neet hygiene.
I don't normally discourage neets but refreezing seafood is basically the textbook example of Australian food poisoning. 
Even professional caterers know not to attempt this
For God's sake! We just had a NEET almost kill himself with a bloody onion gravy. Now we have NEETs gambling with refreezing prawns.
They're similar, but hard solo tastes like solo in a way that other lemon squash doesn't taste like solo. Certainly better bang for buck buying a cheap bottle of vodka and some 1.5 litre bottles of kirks
> But while Hari was shedding weight quickly, he wasn't feeling as good as he had expected.
> He experienced nausea, vomiting and fatigue – all well-documented side effects.
> But mentally, he says he felt differently as well.
> "One of the ways I had always coped was by stuffing myself, by over-eating," he told Hack.
> "And I just couldn't do that.
> "For a while, I felt quite a lot worse — it was like my drug had been taken away from me."
> Will I become a millionaire if I do?
When Monk is awake he can answer this part. He should become a financial adviser driven by your success.
I would consult nuro first, who is not only an well respected member of the fungible token community but also invented bitcoin under the pseudonym satoshi nakamoto
It was funny that it wasn't IGA who had his mobile number, but he was so sure it was that he revealed to IGA where he could actually find his mobile number.
I reported that globally hours ago.
The same spammer posts that shit on half a dozen boards every few days and because of timezone differences the global reports take hours to get acted on

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