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I am going to be away from the board for the next week or so.
The Janitors are going to need to do the necessary moderation tasks please.

A reminder that the job of BO is up for grabs. Please email [email protected]

I am very disappointed in recent behaviour.
I have confirmed that I am a Norwood 2. Not great but not that bad I guess. I have been on fin for a fortnight now. No sides. Should be good.
Dangerously based.
I associate pasta salad very strongly with Christmas and have good feelings about it because of that Pavlovian conditioning.
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Tonight's movie on womboflix will be Martin Scorsesce's Gangs Of New York (2002). I've never seen it myself, but from the pictures it looks like it's either going to be about 19th century butchers or gang warfare. 7pm AEST
metho stove I bet
I used to use one to start a charcoal chimney for the weber and one day there was a bang and it had blown the chimney about a foot away and left a large divet in the concrete
Most everything else can be semi-rationalised if I can convince myself that I had a very bad concussion.
Speaking of carriage services managed at a federal level, that would include a telephone service. Anyone can file a domestic violence order against someone who has an order against them, if they go to the police. It wouldn't be too difficult to locate the problem phone number if its on file.
he literally has business cards with the number on it
it's not fucking doxxing if you go around distributing it to people or putting signs on your door with it
Monk should take this week off and go on the mother of all benders to get it out of his system, you know? The wagon will wait until next week.
> mother of all benders to get it out of his system
He did that Friday and he needs to recover his bank balance before the next. I doubt the next session will be freebies.
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Sunset at new the kings warf Casino (Almot finished) It’s only a matter of time before monk migrates here  drops all his pineapples here.
Importing shit skins is meant to have some magical gain to the economy according g to the globalists . That’s what they say but I have no idea how that could even possibly work. All I know is the future they have in mind is completely incompatible with what Australia the luck cuntry was once…
Some young drunken faggot asked if I was a cop, said my sunnies made me look like one and to get a new pair. Would've liked to have ripped his 'pair' off if you know what I'm saying.
good of the news to give step-by-step instructions
At my challenge, by the ancient laws of combat, we have met at this chosen ground, to settle for good and all who holds sway over the Five Points: us natives, born right wise to this fine land, or the foreign hordes defiling it.

Gangs Of New York (2002) will be on in 1 hour neets: 
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Get in here neets, it's time we, the native born right wise to this fine land put flight to the foreign hordes defiling it: https://cytu.be/r/womboflix
𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓀞 𓀟 𓀠 𓀡 𓀢 𓀣 𓀤 𓀥 𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪 𓀫 𓀬 𓀭 𓀮 𓀯 𓀰 𓀱 𓀲 𓀳 𓀴 𓀵 𓀶 𓀷 𓀸 𓀹 𓀺
I wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't for that neet constantly nagging me for a kitkat block, this is really all his fault.
female incels
Trust the plan
> Donald Trump supporters wear nappies
Wonder what Weber will get me for breaky.
An egg and bacon roll and a pack of danishes would be nice.
We'll see. Still nursing this mondster at the moment. Don't have any work to do, but I guarantee if I start doing something I want to do I'll get a phone call about bullshit
> It costs around $30,000 a year to send a student to the elite Ringwood private school, and Dr Merry said the school prides itself on teaching “respectful relationships”.
If I was paying $30k per year to send my kid there, he would be allowed to make whatever lists he wanted and disrespect whoever he wanted there
Went to the car to get mints. Probably offended the neighbours by not making smalltalk. She said I look tired.
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8chan.moe just down and consequently i can't post on /brit/. don't know where the bunker thread is so i will have to shelter here. been posting there for 10 years now
The near daily pokes wins must be perking up that dopamine.
I had a herder tell me about testosterone replacements/suppliments. Have you looked at that? I want to get tested. All the symptoms of low test are a description of my character, apart from libido.
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that's where the general started back in 2013, but it moved to original 8chan, then to 8kun then to 8moe i think. the 4chan general still exists but is considered to be full of young conservative poshos, or "williams" as we call them. pic related

not me, but curious as to who that is. there has been a brit/pol/ on here previously when this has happened. kind of sad how much i need my brit/pol/
> Banking giant Westpac has recorded a 16 per cent slide in half-year profits to $3.34bn
oh that's unfortunate
yes lad, and appreciate the inquiry and enforcement

i'm 30s but i will be doing this when i'm 60s if the internet still permits it. would be weird being a boomer/neet/ though, there would've been a huge stigma against it back in the 80s/90s whereas we had a bit of a cuture of it online starting from the 2010s for better or worse
Thinking of making a philly cheesesteak for lunch. But I'd have to go out and buy some sliced steak
I'm just sitting here.
Boss emailed me asking if I had enough work to do at 8.22 and I replied saying I have nothing to do and he didn't respond.
I just need to believe there are pants, how often does somebody acknowledge their pants. They may as well be pointless to us outside of warmth. Break down social convention and you will see our species for what we really are - pantsless
I used to w00t when playing counterstrike. I'd stay up all night, take a break at 3 in the morning to walk down to the local 7/11 to buy some coke and chocolate. CS players were my only real social contacts. What went wrong with my life?
lol boss keeps CCing me on emails to clients saying "would you like us to patch your systems"
cunt must be desperate for income and things for me to do
I watched a pretty girl come in, dressed like a slut, and ask for a job. Immediately got a 5 minute interview and job offer.
I bet the boys don't get the same treatment.
Lobster pills are best for interviews, they turn you into a sleepy version of the perfect human. Drugs are just lifehacks afterall.
Should I walk to the church on the edge of town and have a seminal emotion kind of moment?
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Good Afternoon NEETs

Went for a brisk morning ride around newfarm. Weather was perfect so many jogger bunnies god damn.

Back on the coast now. Battery Is charging. Will head Noosa soon. The weather report lately is just pure bullshit. Its lovely weather.

Also the rose and crown pokies aint got shit on this guy.....
Im wasted as alls ya know. I can walk to the church then a grg shop, ill do it right. More rum for all us
Up your arsehole rectum cunt pussy, lets see what you is. fucking fucked fuck You need to sort your shit unt or else youre just a arsecunt cunt youll never be straight till you give us money cunt so youll always be gay cuk cunt bet you fucking gay as cunt ahahahahahahahahaa cunt fucking gay shit cant laugh at sshit shit fuckin ahaaaahahahahhahahah gay fuck fuck you
fucking arse cunt fuck tfuck your se you cunting cunt fuck fuck your arse you should shit yoursehfl off a cliff mate and then fuck your pw mum fucking fuck you cunt shit you btch bloody whore cunt bitch man fucking gfuck you cunt whore bitch shot cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnttttttt
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
No, it's not. It has always been two talk streams in parallel, a CTF that runs the whole time, and a couple of small rooms for lock picking and electronics.
The Adelaide organiser is one of the biggest fuckwits and cyber charlatans you'll ever meet.
Even the name BSides was a play on the A and B side of a record and the conference used to follow a straight laced security conference (the ACSC conference here in Australia).
There is no A side conference in this case.
Keegan is quite openly spamming the board and then wonders why no one cares about the police coming after him.
I stand out the front of my house and ask people walking by if they can clean my toilet for me because it's too dirty.
Most people say no but one guy said yes but he tried to rape me and didn't even clean the toilet properly.
> BSides is a cybersecurity focussed ‘unconference’ that follows an ‘open spaces’ format. This varies from structured presentations to smaller break-out groups, through to workshops and capture the flag events; any medium that provides a direct connection between members of the cyber security community, across the entire spectrum of beginners to experts.
I saw a story on that this morning. If the band thinks a $5k donation is going to stop them being sued for millions they are delusional. They probably wont even be allowed to leave the US until it is settled.
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Garn get a pizza from a place I tried once, 7 years ago, and found to be mediocre. Perhaps they've improved since then. You neets want me to pick you up one?
Legally it's ok, but if you're 40 and have no driver's license and are posting here, then it's time to face up to the fact that you have a serious case of mongitis, and should be aiming for the DSP instead.
> public holiday
> fucking nothing is open 
> get to kebab place just before close
> fucking cunt infront of me orders 6 kebabs for his family. 
> they run out of chicken half way through
> keeps  umming and ahh Ing on the phone woth his wife and kids 
> motherfucker wastes 20mins of my life 
> was double parked almost got a parking fine 
> wanted to smash this guys skull in
we all know you got (0) positive replies to any of your posts today 
well shibs there are only 2 places i know that do real real lamb kebabs, we get this bullshit mystery meat here, its called Beeflamb
finna cop your wellness fools
i am regular i couldnt cause a scene, there correct action should have been sit down heres a pen and paper work out what you want with your wife over the phone and we will tend to other customers 
ahhh the gif that keeps on steaming... timeless 
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so will we ever get a proper explanation from wombo why the fuck moofies start early in the summer (when there is plenty of sunlight)  and later in winter (when it is dark as fuck) ?
I got it from the secret game shop and every game they sell has an extra two secret levels included in it, the secret levels are usually better than the rest of the game.
Wouldn't it be really lame if in an attempt to squeeze a few more bucks out of the top gun franchise they created a spin off tv show about goose?
Damn freeloading hippies dancing to the beat of bongo drums barefoot of course with their beautiful long hair and baggy hemp clothing billowing in the wind fuck I hate them much!!!
I have wondered how a man's height affects his perceived facial attractiveness. Obviously women like tall men, but for the face alone, how does the viewing angle affect their perception?
With any luck you're going to have four of them soon.
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maybe its some kind  of thing like where lotto winners and sudden inheritors lives just go to high speed SHTF because they are too much of a NPC to know how to spend it. Its like monopoly money, not real.

Only NPC's become gambling addicts, Heroes who roll the dice with their own earnings are just addicted to the thrill, like an extreme sport poly-athlete or an EEB rider.
> 850476
> bullied
Were you bullied at your protestant school for having learning difficulties?
> poor
Toiletman keeps bringing up money lol.
Make sense but i rate gambling below drug addicts and inject and ruin their bodies. At least they get a tangible product and a guaranteed high. Gambling is a just a mind game, like a 10/10 stripper teasing you for a fuck and then walks away. No refunds. 

i agree fuck Aldi

oh my sweetey arent you coping, are the memories flooding back ?

grego just sucks all round
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This. we all imagine what a twisted demented life this poor NEET must  live. But Taking it out on everybody else is here has pissed off everybody and caused enough bad Karma the dude is CURSED for life..... he aint never getting out if his hole and he aint never leaving here either. He is the unflushable shit... An infinite floater....
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Yes, I too feel sorry for that poor pathetic NEET, with only trailer park schizos to talk to IRL. His life must be unbearable and depressing, constantly harassed by cenno and max. One breach away from destitution with no prospects for working. I'd legit off myself If my life was that unfixable.
Totally wiped out, energy critically low. Possibly sick or injured, self awareness too low to say for sure
It's obvious a lot of neets would prefer it if pariston was more aggressive in stomping on the n/iga shit.
I'm fucking useless, was so busy trying to get my programming project done I forget to exercise, for the 4th day in a row.
> a few tim tams
I eat the whole fucking packet, do they look smaller now?
I bought a packet of allens snakes yesterday after not having them for a year and the bag is tiny.
Perhaps it is not the timtams that have shrank, but our dreams and desires that have gotten larger.
Fucking yandex keeps hitting me with captchas even though I'm logged in. It is full on unusuable because of this.
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I flushed my old socks down the toilet because the bin was full and now the toilet is blocked but I'll still shit in it.
I reckon the bowl will hold 5 days worth of shit before it starts scraping my bum (will have to hold cock and balls away from the pile), then I will call a plumber.
> The satellite was launched on 26 September 2016, at 03:42 UTC, from the first launch pad (FLP) of Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota (SHART)
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very sad that my current IGA doesn't open until 9am, back when I used to live near a chink run milk bar they opened at 6am, and I'd go down there every morning for a big block of chocolate and a coke to start the day
I just realised, all the great hacker movies shown at places like this and on womboflix are from the 80s and 90s, for some reason the 21st century has failed to produce any decent hacker movies
Needs aproval from DoD and Assange and Snowden are terrorists.
In the 80s they were seen as Batemans with expensive suits, now they're cross dressing bloopheads who fuck up perception.
bakery doughnuts were disappointing, they're not worth having unless you can get them within an hour of the bakery opening I reckon
Abel Tasman didnt really discover anything, he was just in charge of driving the boat. The company representative was the one who decided where to go
Drinking the opened can of beer I left out overnight. Hopefully there's no roaches floating around.
4 poos today, I don't know where it's all coming from. Does it build up inside you like a poo resovoir that overflows on some trigger?
> Clearance processing complete at ADELAIDE-AUS
> May 07 2024 09:51 am
> ADELAIDE-AUS, Australia

> Arrived at DHL Sort Facility ADELAIDE-AUS
> May 07 2024 09:44 am
> ADELAIDE-AUS, Australia
It says it will arrive on Wednesday.
> He thinks the chippo asians are going to spring for their own custom boxes
Lol no, these would have been bought wholesale when the white chippo across the street closed down
School out in a few hours, and most of the wagies will be clocking off not long after. They've all achieved so much. While I sit here and rot.
Ive had a 3rd a bottle of angry juice today, feeling like finding some pub to be judgemental about. Think about their shitty wall decorations and overpriced shit burgers served on chopping boards. And the miserable clientele. God I feel like throwing rocks at something, if someone answers the door in the next 5 minutes im going spaz with a knife. I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT
Youre the kind of person that chose to sit and rot, thats the real you. No amount of life success is going to strip you of your inherently garbage personality. Cynicism is usually the appropriate outlook for cunts like us
that's right, publicise it and shit it up
Wouldnt it be nice to live in an objectively awful place like glasgow or new york, or better yet some slavic shithole. No more pretenses or false smiles or false pride. Everybody is on the level about the terrible place they inhabit. A place where a man can overdose on a corner and people walk past it. Thats my kind of place
I think I'm going to vomit. The protein powder is off I think. It is only about four or five years old but it has been open the whole time.
i'm going to go outside and try and get on the ground and find that thing under the car
if I get stuck or can't get back up I will probably die in a few days
When youre suicidal is the right time to do skydiving right? Thats the best time to want to know whether you want it or not
Motherbat gave Bill some money for his birthday one year and he bought a skydiving experience for himself. Motherbat was furious.
Not really. He had a young family, no will, etc. Motherbat didn't say anything to him about it, but it did confirm for us that he was a retard.
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Saturday night on womboflix, we have Totall Recall (1990) -  based on a story by Philip K. Dick, Total Recall tells the story of Douglas Quaid (Schwarzenegger), a construction worker who receives an implanted memory of a fantastical adventure on Mars. He subsequently finds his adventure occurring in reality as agents of a shadow organization try to prevent him from recovering memories of his past as a Martian secret agent aiming to stop the tyrannical regime of Martian dictator Vilos Cohaagen.

Then on Sunday we will be playing Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) - a petty thief posing as an actor is brought to Los Angeles for an unlikely audition and finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation.
Sar redeemed his knackers
There's still some good music to be heard on Triple J - amongst the seppo jungle beats - although you'll hear more female voices than male.
Dammit, trying to find an extended mix of an epic video game music theme, nobody's done one on youtube. Does the woe never end?
The only doughnuts that are still good hours after being baked, and you guys are going to reee at me for saying this, are the ones by those chink self serve bakery shops that you use the tongs and trays at
Well whatever your dinner was it's probably not as good as that bowl of melted chocolate so that food isn't for me it's just leftovers.
I want food that's for me.
At least the phillipines is a source of mail order brides for loser white guys, india can't even do that
I saw a man with a flatcap get on the train before. I'm worried they're going to get popular and I'll look like I'm following a trend.
Been caning it again with the standards. Feeling my own mortality now I’m the wrong side of thirty. Wonder how much longer I actually have. The body keeps score  of it all, durries , obesity , pig food, you can’t get away with anything. I hope I can out live my folks at least.
Went to the gym but they're renovating it and there were too many people trying to use too little equipment. Woe.
My hair doesn't look quite as bad now that it has grown a bit more. I am still angry about especially after seeing how my brother mogs me with his hair.
Woke up in the middle of the night, after weeks of sleeping well, woe. Time to get back on the chamomile.
I can imagine a tank manned by robots that raid the cities abducting pregnant women and performing abortions on them, then they have a robot gang rape session and implant new semen into her vagina to begin the process again.
They are then released back into the wild after recieving a chip and they get picked up again in 6 months time for another robotic abortion/rape ordeal, eventually the robots won't need to hunt their victims down once they become accustomed to their new world.
Low energy this morning, need to go out and buy some fruit and vegies to boost my energy, but no energy to go anywhere
> Features:
> 1.It is made of high quality materials,durable enought for your daily wearing.
> 2.Stylish and fashion design make you more attractive.
> 3.Great for Daily,Casual,I am sure you will like it!
> 4. Wearing it will make you look more handsome.
ok neets, garn drag my bloated carcass down to woolies to get some fruit and prepacked salad, you need anything while I'm there?
> Baby's Day Out - The Fall Guy
> Each Wednesday, Reading Cinemas presents 'Baby's Day Out' sessions.
> Relax and enjoy a movie at Reading Cinemas without worrying about feeding in the dark or those unexpected hissy-fits. We'll keep the lights dimmed so that you can see what you're doing.
might go an ogle some milkers
Just had a BIG cash cow call me and near beg to come on board. He's asked a few times but he's with the company I used to work with so I kept trying to get him to stay there. Not keen on another cease and desist. It's enough to hire one and a half full-time wagies, or there about. Could hire someone to deal with him exclusively, almost need to because he's high maintenance. Lots of work.
Yeah, I know. That's why the cease and desists are retarded. Will take them to accc if they do it again but really can't be fucked and I've told them before. Plus, I used to actively poach clients and workers for them, I've never done that for myself.
Gonna listen to Phillip K Dick's story We Can Remember It for You Wholesale, before I watch Total Recall on Saturday.
2400 at the mechanic and no braided brake hoses
100 at jaycar
200 at the freexy barn
100 at the faggot hippy mung bean shop.
when did plea bargaining become a thing here?
Tell them you can't sign them up until they quit the current provider and hint towards that step. If they join you after they quit their current provider, it's their choice which NDIS seems to embrace.
They just want to bother him with the cease and desist. It has been a while since he quit. I know in America they can only last for a set period of time.
They don't need to tell anyone except the plan manager and the coordinator should know. Lots will talk to other providers but there's no reason they 'have' to.
Makes it hard to budget if they don't give consent to talk to one another.
silly jonathan using shared hosting
would be a real shame if one of the 372 other sites hosted on that same server had a vulnerability that allowed yours to be defaced
If it has been two years, if they send you another tell them of that fact. If they continue hire a solicitor and sue them for harassment, as they should've stopped when told their agreement expired.
Dear Smoothbrain,
RE: The System
Please cease and desist.
Yours faithfully,
Nigel Cuddlebottoms
In-house Council
Walter J. Webster & Associates

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