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The bored four NEETs

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When is Albo going to ban men and knives?
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This Saturday on womboflix we will be playing the sci-fi action film Total Recall (1990). We will also be playing the audio of the Philip K Dick short story it was based on before the movie.

Sunday will be Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) - a neo-noir black comedy crime film written and directed by Shane Black, and starring Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer.
might get some little containers of fruit salad, try it as an alternative to melted chocolate as a cure for sugar cravings
Start small, and raise the bar gradually.
The problem is not being persistent.
It's easier to not do it, than starting it. But frankly starting it isn't that hard really, just stand up and do it.
Haven't been keeping track of the gen, do we still have pariston or has he gone? Also what's the last we've heard of monk and that neet with lung trouble the other night and fifo?
Next to a restaurant. I probably could have parked around back but there was only one car and a truck.
Some of them have hidden VIP parking.
She's now lent the car seat back and I think has gone to sleep. Another car with a middle aged woman parked between us. 
Probably thinks I won't rape my way through two of them.
I’m at 93k for the year so far cruisey  since going private with my own abn four days a week
Thankyou for planting the herding seed in my head
When I'm sitting on the train people whisper to eachother about how bad I smell and move away but I don't care.
Well done neet. Using your scent to dominate others is an ancient strategy to establish hierarchy, done by animals for hundreds of millions of years.
the milo is right about being a protected class but his mistake was flaunting it when he should just wait a couple years and it'll be read into law.
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Don't listen to those mean posters telling you that you're being a Sook and a Lametard, NEET. If you've got a headache you open up the medicine cupboard and get some asprin, so why not reach for some medicine for your current health woes. Feeling low and sorry is a very common ailment and I have just the tonic. Why not drop into one of my cellars and tell the sympathetic cellarman that you need a pick-me-up to get you through until the sunny days and he'll sort you right out with something within your budget. I'll even give you a generous one third discount on the paper bag charge, if you forget your own method of bottle conveyance.
washed the corvette
drove it back to the storage place
ubered home
having a mondster and a couple of k-time twists
someone explain the 21st century sexual hierarchy to me - do skinny wojaks like this fuck obese chicks, while obese guys get prostitutes and tug jobs?
fuck I love gooning, monk is right, it's the rest of us who foolishly condemen him who don't understand the superiority of his paradigm
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The hat arrived yesterday and today was my first time wearing it. I am heading home early today as I have things to do but the wearing of it went better than expected. I have a good head shape for it and it causes me to look even more English. My big ears look much more fitting in a flat cap as I just look like an Englishman instead of a man with big ears. It looks fitting with the rest of my outfit which is good too. I was worried I'd look like I was doing a peaky blinders cosplay but I think I pull it off and I don't feel silly wearing it.
What time did you set out today? I was outside at 6am in a tshirt and didn't feel cold, so your jumper and scarf seems a little out of place.
A cap was the most versatile of head-gears, he thought, and he wondered why he had never thought of wearing one before? He could look like a country gentleman, a thug, an Englishman, a Frenchman, or a plain American eccentric, depending on how he wore it. Tom amused himself with it in his room in front of the mirror. He had always thought he had the world's dullest face, a thoroughly forgettable face with a look of docility that he could not understand, and a look also of vague fright that he had never been able to erase. A real conformist's face, he thought. The cap changed all that. It gave him a country air, Greenwich, Connecticut, country. Now he was a young man with a private income, not long out of Princeton, perhaps. He bought a pipe to go with the cap.
7am. I didn't and don't feel hot. Plenty of people at uni were wearing beanies and the like.
They're filthy northerners. I am on the more English end of a South Australian accent though. My mother has been mistaken for a ten pound pom plenty of times which is funny considering all my family were here before the Great War.
Three eggs, 200g of beef mince, an onion and some spinach all scrambled together with some butter, garlic, olive oil, chili flakes, salt and black pepper. Had over some toast with some sliced cheese on top.
Afterward while I waiting to order an imperial pint of Hard Solo, the attendant was furiously copying down details from a screen in the pokies controller room thingo. Must be upsetting the redeeming machine.
They're hard to read on blue 0.5W 1%ers.
And who has time for that anyway when you're doing something with a half dozen or more resistors?
God fucking damn it. Went to leave but can't find house keys. Been looking for an hour(60 minutes) now...
Haven't been all week. Ignoring their calls and my shifts have been cancelled. Ignoring the job service provider. Hiding from the world in my hovel and burning bridges to stay warm. 
Had 4 bottles of wine last night. Can't remember much
You went down to st kilda, won massively on the pokies using webby's system, then asked us to hold onto your winnings until you'd sobered up and got on the wagon so you wouldn't waste them.
Scandi scum came in afterwards, pushed east by magyars and mongols, then became goths.
The people of that region like saxons migrated away from those blonde aliens and formed civilisation.
Those goth fucks brought down rome.
Can hear a guy operating a lawn mower, I used to think those guys were losers, now I realise he's making more than a dollar a minute just to push a mower around, ffs
I have revised the design of that GM hotwiring board I made, so I will prototype that at some point.
I need Bill to come back and help me clear out the spare bedroom so I can put some flooring down and build some melamine benches for my bleepbloop gear and computers and shit.
Here's how the system works, it's very simple: smoothbrain neets like cruisey and monk put money into the machines, webby then goes and takes that money out for himself.

2.5 years for his trial to start
Some of my phone anxiety is probably just because I never call people, and that creates more anxiety about it.
I have a micro form factor PC with my desktop and files cached in dry pack deep in the bush. I periodically sync the drives with my encrypted NAS
Fly high executive 🕊️
> Tragic demise of Britain's 'heaviest man' as he dies aged 33: Heartbreak behind his 50st frame and moment he was airlifted out of bed by crane
they let a redditor write an article
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Reddit doesn't know about fags adopting kids for the sole reason they can rape them later.
I guess I'll forward his article to some muslims and have a fatwa placed against him for insulting the karn
I remember when fags were panic buying whatever the news said was "in short supply" and vegan meat was the only thing left on the shelves.
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Here, level 27 is where you get the kick move. She could only punch before.
I play every game one handed and I had a big wank to her ass after I got the kick function (her ass is perfectly detailed).
Whole fucking day's been a disaster, with no real progress and just a bunch of goon and junk food consumed. Gonna try and make the most of what little is left.
One of what I’m having. Two giant feasts. Not taking a picture you will fox me somehow. One murder. One bucket of original.
A mate of mine in highschool had this story as to how he was conceived by two of the male teachers. One who was really old had his balls shrivel up until his scrotum formed a cavity while the other, who was a massive exec, shoved in a belly roll came sweat.
The exec one used to always buy his lunch at the canteen (there was a line just for the staff) and he'd always buy massive amounts of food that he'd carry back to his office in a plastic bag. He used to have to stop and catch his breath mid-way even though it was only about 80 meters or so to walk each way. I don't know what he taught because he only dealt with students in the years above. The other one, the old one, was an English teacher. He was much more open minded than those type usually are.
Like he'd be open to your interpretation on stuff and wouldn't push it in an obviously political direction. I disagreed with him with some of the argumentative essays and I always like I was allowed to with him.
His mother was an obese yank. He never mentioned his father except to say that he was out of the picture. I don't think he knew much about what happened there. His mother was really friendly in that way fat women often are. She would always put up a good feed.
I had two teachers in high school for English Literature (where debates and social discussion tended to take place, as opposed to STEM subjects) and both had my parents down to the school at different times because I was a contrary, extremist, racist, homophobic, loon, etc.
There was some more detail added about the sweat and insemination or something. The lore changed often but was always updated by our sex ed courses.
> always updated by our sex ed courses
you had more than one?
other than sex-ed week in year 8 science, the only other mention was before the year 11 ball where we got told we'd be expelled for fucking
even the school headmaster had to take them to task over their bullshit
both he and my parents were like "don't ask the question if you don't want the answer"
unfortunately my parents sided with teh school when it came to calling other class members faggots etc
My school was banned from the interschool carnival sports because we kept trying to rape the other kids instead of playing the game.
We didn't know any better that's just the way our school was.
The best part about fat women is the hand/titjob. They seem to focus on it more because ultimately they know the view of their pussy isn't that great
> sliced pork
> paprika chutney
The closest we have to that is zakuszka and it is characteristic to Erdély, for it is also typical to Romanian and perhaps Serbian cuisine.

It was bread, butter, salami, cheese, and hot paprika slices.
I dunno if a cheese exbert would call it similar. I couldn't mistake it with the cheddar I ate which was quite underwhelming.
The trappista they sell these days differs from what was sold in my childhood I blame EU, and Western companies buying up Hungarian producers and switching to their recipe and/or a new "more economic" one, just like with beer, canned food, and various sweets/candies. There was one brand recently that was even more offending, but I think they fixed it now and its the same as any other.
Regretting having had that booze this morning. Never again. From now on, if I ever need to deal with anxiety I'll go the chamomile route instead.
scammer called me twice in a row. first time i was polite. second time i told him to kill himself until he hung up.
They probably haven't told his mummybot that they are also worried about flaming liquid fat spilling out of the oven and burning the place down.
Given a long enough time line, every Pajeet becomes a sex pest
> After their meeting, Kamahl deposited $2,000 into her account, and the woman allegedly agreed to repay this amount in $5 weekly instalments.
> A dispute arose when the woman labeled her repayment transaction to Kamahl with the description “to the molester”.
Back in the day, Kamahl was that one good curry muncher and Ernie Dingo was that one good boong.
Ernie, of course, went on to beat up that school kid and a couple of women.
Cruisey didn’t show up :(
McDolans made two choggolate oreo mcflurries instead of one vanilla oreo mcflurry. They also gave cola slushy instead of cola no ice. Apple pie was normald
>  A support worker with a black belt broke NDIS participant Jake’s arm.
> “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! You broke my arm. You broke my arm!” Jake screams again.
Thus proving he wasn't intellectually impaired enough to know he was being bad and deserved his fate.
Does anyone know how much actual prawn is in chink made prawn chips? Is it enough to count as a serving of sea food?
> Shortly after 11am, the jury returned to court as Justice Michael Croucher said it was his “melancholic duty” to inform them they were to be discharged.
> “For technical reasons, and the law is full of technical things, I’ve taken the view its appropriate you be discharged and a new jury be empanelled.
Did they realise somebody on the jury was likely to vote not guilty?
Checked pol out last week, theres nothing there anymore. The world could explode and they wouldnt mention it but would rather talk about bbc. I think the whole place is a bot
Finally got my android app to do what I wanted it to do. Very proud of myself but also very exhausted.
Do not try and move the package, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth... There is no package... Then you'll see that it is not the package that moves, it is only yourself
Reading through my old goal lists from several years ago, it's worrying how much they resemble my current ones, too little has been achieved.
I know that feel. I like to save a lot of my monthly/quarterly/yearly to-do lists but I'm deathly afraid of reading them because they're probably the exact same as my current ones
Made it down here.
Motherbat has an egg on her head. Being shitting clear goo for a couple of days and then was doubled over in the laundry this morning and somehow ended up on the floor not knowing how that happened.
Refusing to go to see a doctor any earlier than her appointment in a few weeks.
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The brakes guy said he would take a look at the problem. I have to wait until he comes back from his annual trip to the whitsundays. There is no acceleration between 1500 and 2000 RPM now. I'm not driving it anymore. I have to unbolt the tray lining but I dont have any tools and have to do it on the street with cars whizzing past in the rain. Might decant the sack of flour into smaller bags.
Can't figure out whether I'm norwooding or not, when I look at my face in the bathroom mirror or car mirror it looks fine, but sometimes when I catch a glimpse of the top of my head in the gym mirror when my face is pointing downwards it looks like my hairline is receding and thinning. Depends very much on the light and angle.
I've actually been thinking about this for years. Surely I could also standardise this and get really accurate predictions of BAC and what time you can drive based on body weight etc
must be some astrological thing

all the women i saw today were looking fiiiiiine and keen to fug

here mainly in queensland its because the weather has been aids
And the summer night shifts were long and cool
Charlie chain smoked cigars
David sweated in his speckled paint mask
As he gazed out at the stars
Eating BEANS.
Beef chilli is particularly good tonight, whole spices, lots of aromatics. Chilli is an aromatic if you use enough
FIFO fartded 
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NEETs help how do i get the max rent assist from cenno via boarding & lodging 

> How much and how often do you pay for lodging? payment frequency?
i said $600 weekly here before move (lie, some cenno accountant wizard said to say this much)
> What is the total amount being charged at this address? payment frequency?
nfi idea what to put here, just $600 again?

I live with my parents, who just moved in with my grandma, who owns the house
i'm not actually paying board or lodging at all
2 generations living with parents lol housing crisis is fucked aye
You claimed to pay fucking $600 a week as board to your parents and you think they won't find that a tad suspicious? 31 grand a year just for a bedroom lol.
I hope they fuck you for it.
2 of the AM

Cennobux would already be in the Indue account at this time in the past (thanks Twiggy). Not that I could do anything good with it.
Who's the black private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks?
You're damn right
Who is the man that would risk his neck for his brother man?
Can you dig it?
Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about?
Right on
Had a loaf of cheesey garlic bread from creative foods. Was very mediocre, I'm only giving it 1/5 possums on the garlic bread scale. Do not recommend.
Suffering another episode. Memories seem dreamlike, unsure how many really occurred or in what order, subconscious is behind the steering wheel, increase in monkey like behaviour as a result. 
May become a lolcow
Bought a chook and gave Sweetie the oysters. This morning she has had leftover goulash meat, some of my sausages, and some chook.
Been on a stroll around a few blocks. Saw pajeet doing laps of a park. Ruining a casual activity by quanifying it. Steps aint shit.
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Total Recall (1990) will be on womboflix tonight, about a guy who goes to get a memory of an adventure on Mars as a secret agent implanted in his head, only to discover he's already been to Mars as a secret agent and has had that memory wiped. Directed by Paul Verhoeven, who also did Robocop and Basic Instinct, and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sharon Stone, and some woman with 3 boobs. 7pm AEST.

Took Sweaty for a walk and put the chicken carcass in the council bin. Had to give some dotty old folks directions to the hospital.
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> Richard M. Stallman, frequently known as RMS, has been a dangerous force in the free software community for a long time. He has shown himself to be misogynist, ableist, and transphobic, among other serious accusations of impropriety.

I stallman ok or not? He is a jew after all.
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testing to see whether some cunt has banned this particular free proton VPN server. smh. not too enthused about proton cutting the number of free servers by two thirds either it has to be said...
Second episode of the new DW series they had another tranny in it with the worst over acting in it I have ever seen. Why do I keep watching it?
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Total Recall (1990) will be on womboflix in 1 hour.
Philip K Dick, who wrote the story Total Recall is based on also wrote the stories that got turned into Blade Runner (1982), Screamers (1995), Minority Report (2002), A Scanner Darkly (2006), The Adjustment Bureau (2011), and Radio Free Albemuth (2010) and The Man in the High Castle(2015).

For the gentleman neet, who appreciates philosophy and literature, we will be playing Philip K Dick's short story We Can Remember It For You Wholesale in a few minutes on wombolix. 
I'm putting on We Can Remember It For You Wholesale for anyone who wants to listen.  https://cytu.be/r/womboflix
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Its really sad he no life no friends and just posts the same poop .webms now.

His life is on repeat. Its only a matter of time untill he jumps off a bridge or slams his car into ravine on purpose. What a waste of human. Just how does he make every human interaction he has (even on  the internet) so gpd damn unpleasant. Frankly i cant wait. I give him 6months tops.
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My mum cooks me dinner everytime i drive down and visit. 

I was an unemployed weed smoking piece of shit with no car  and no license.

I made amends and healed that bridge. Why must you lie ? and lie all the time ? 

@Paristan i apologize for any drama and will not make any more NIGA posts tonite . But i was obliged to one to retort from accusations and lies . Its in the NEETsTITUTION.
Do you have any recommendations for modern or sci-fi westerns? Along the lines of Hell or High Water or Firefly for example.

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