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Turn all electronic devices and lights off now! Sit in darkness until you feel tired enough to sleep. It's the only way. The ancient boong way.
The ancient boong way is sleeping on roads until they get runover by white people. would you tell this poor innocent (white) soul to also get run over?

> An alleged hit-and-run driver accused of reversing over three people as they were sleeping on a Darwin road has handed himself into police.

> "Detectives wish to thank the public for assisting with the investigation, including those who provided CCTV footage and information regarding the identity of the driver.

Imagine helping the police get someone who accidentally ran over boongs sleeping on the road.
> In the period spanning December 2022 to December 2023, the Northern Territory saw a decline in road fatalities, with 31 lives lost compared to 47 in the previous year. Despite this significant 34% decrease, the road fatality rate per capita remains three times higher than the national average.
> Pedestrian safety also emerges as a pressing issue, with 9 out of the 31 fatalities in 2023 involving adult pedestrians.
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someone commissioned me to make them a comfy non chronically  obese spin bike seat. 

took a bit of engineering to figure it all out

was impressed with this job
No meat on sale those cheap bastards. They had bags of lettuce mix for 37 cents and a few packs of 'gourmet' hot dog buns for only 55 cents.
why are you using a VPN and you know jobseeker ended many years ago rite ?

oh yeha i forgot you are the menatlly ill board troll from the bad home
Piss all down my pants. Don't have any clean ones to put on. Doesn't matter, this is the awesomeness of living alone.
Centrelink $4000 payment program is launched to provide one time emergency payment to its beneficiaries sufferings financial problems like homelessness, unemployment or increased cost of living.
Centrelink $4000 Bonus April 2024 is intended to provide financial support to people who require emergency help due to financial hardship.
Washing trackies after a squirt of piss is over the top. Just chuck them in the wash after a few shits and you'll be fine.
Saw a recent picture of this cute asian chick I went to uni with many years ago. Horrible now, the wall has not been kind.
Government announced $250 Centrelink food vouchers to every Australian citizens suffering from food shortages due to financial problem. 
Apply online.
The Australian government plans to roll out the $750 Centrelink cash relief in 2024, offering one-time financial aid to those in need, especially those impacted by natural disasters and economic uncertainties.
> 9 hours ago


tbqh monk could use one of those interest free loans, he could use it to get some nice alcohol, get his confidence back and head into the cas with the rest of it, bet big and win enough to pay off his debts
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Many hours were spent drunkenly walking along the bike path in Longreach while listening to this song. I'd spend the day playing Skyrim or FNV and my night walks were the one outside thing I'd do.
Nanabot has gone blind due to faceplanting in the retirement home. 
Total indian agedcare worker death
paristan stated in his original charter he would be merciless about flase flagging and imitating NEETs 

if he has not done anything about the abuse here from that same guy who has nothing better to do than be be a pest its not my problem
Found a guy on google reviews giving all the rub and tugs 1 star and big write ups. 
Surprised 9 times in a row when they do the flip and walk out flabagasted at the offer of extras.
Based as fuck.
I need to spent the day cleaning up my mess and packing up the rooms into tea chests and optionally paying to store them. It's the only way this shit is going to get finished.
32mg/100ml, which is lower than I remember it.
I reckon in the 90s it was closer to 45 or 50mg per 100ml and the bottles were 500 or 600ml
Bloody cold, might close all the windows and do a bunch of farts so the house smells like hot food.
Told my stupid computer to reboot and install updates before I went out and it’s still sitting there at 100% and cleaning up.
Yeah. Half the problem is the shit hard drive I was sold when the original failed. It’s a drive designed for archiving, so slow as shit. I think that’s half the problem.
The white mondster gave me a second poo, it was worth it for that reason if nothing else. But I swear that's the last one, I'm going to buy a pack of no-doze next time I'm at woolies, use that instead.
in this gripping installment, the journalist redefines the word 'organ'
> In 1994, two black waitresses at a charity dinner at a hotel in Derbyshire took exception to Manning's act and appealed to an industrial tribunal against the management of the hotel for racial discrimination, claiming that the word "wog" had been used. Manning said in response that "wog" was "a horrible, insulting word I've never used in my life" but defended use of the words "nigger" and "coon" as historical terms with legitimate roots.[11] The complainants initially lost, but the decision was overturned on appeal and they were awarded an undisclosed sum.[15][16] On an appearance on The Mrs. Merton Show on 19 March 1998, Manning admitted that he was a racist, which surprised host Caroline Aherne and went down badly with the audience.[11]
I hope Olive and Debiscuits get along alright. I and Davo dont want to be sorting out cat fights all the time.
she is not as good as Sweetie
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Are you ronery neets? Don't be ronery, come join the boys tonight as we watch Team America: World Police (2004) in 1 hour. 10 minutes before that we will be playing some comedian Bernard Manning's  >>/854256/ youtube videos.

1 hour: https://cytu.be/r/womboflix
From his comparison/review of the normal BM v GBM 6 years ago, the BM was $6.05 and only 199g, while the GBM was $7.55 and 326g. They forgot to put pickles and onion on both.

The BJ was $7.25 3(three) years ago.

From his '22 review of teh MacJr($6.75 2190kJ - He didn't bring the scales), the BMs were $6.95 while the GBMs $9.60.

I need a hobby.
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Harry on gumtree hasnt replied yet but his ad is still up. Maybe he is sick in hospital, I hope he's okay, I just have to wait until he is better and can message me back. Its freexing and I dont have any cold weather gear but cunts drop scarves and gloves and I picked one up for the ride to teh wage tmrw. I will keep my eyes open for another one on the footpath. I got some heavy shirts and a blanket coming from my online shop. Got some eggs and chickpeas leftover from dinner and I'll have that and some bread crusts for lunch tomorrow. Might soak my feet in a bucket of hot water and go to bed early to beat the friggen cold.
It is hard resisting the urge to slurp all over the live electrical wires hanging out of the wall in this particular room.
Who was BASED_ONE? Was that the real Nuro or was it LORD_NURO? I thought the latter was real but then the former showed up.
I never thought about how anti-holywood Team America was when I first saw it, only noticed it tonight.
I changed VPNs at the end of the moofie and back again and cytube had a massive cry

also someone is mad tonight and looking for trouble so i cant be fucked with place, pretty muchn same as everyone else
>  In a 2008 video interview with Time, Baldwin related how his daughter Ireland's classmates would recite Kim Jong Il's line to him, "You are worthress, Arec Barrwin."
Yes. Three today.
Second to last was at a pub and one of the other guests at the table had big fake lips and tits, I could see not just the nipple outline but also the ariola (whatever) as well. She had a jacket covering up when we left. I was told that her bloke was apparently giving me daggers but I didn't even notice him. Love bimbo sluts.
I reckon it is too early in the night just yet.
Nuro do not make up a story please. Do not damage your reputation further with more lies.
Sometimes I have a fantasy where I am watching TNG with NK and a Counsellor Troi scene gets him all worked up and I get raped during the end credits of an episode from season three.
I heard this on the radio a week ago. I think they’re rather nice.
Tried taking a toaster apart to clean but it has some sort of weird screws that looked like Phillip's head but aren't.
We should watch boy kills world and atlas on wombo flix. I haven’t seen them yet but they look good.
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Yes I have watched all 3 movies at the cinema.
The second one came out around the same time as star wars episode 1 and layz chips had a promotion where they placed tokens in packets and you could win another bag of chips instantly (and it was often).
I thought that promotion would last forever.
Imagine when your robot wife breaks down and you need to get some tradie cunt in to fix her and he opens up her maintenance hatch and rummages around in there in the most vulgar and intrusive ways.
Fueled the car, increased the tire pressure significantly (deflated due to non-use), washed the car (self-service wash), and Bunnings. Impressively took 40 minutes with little traffic on the road at the time. Good decision to do it early.
VPN sales will boom
> Why Australian parents and experts are pushing to raise the age for social media access to 16

Kind of liek
You may well see a decline in all of those things here with the proof of age access requirements. Everybody will have to prove their age and that will see a bunch of people opting out or never signing up.
this bitch is plain
Also Motherbat's neighbour texted me about the fall Motherbat had the other week, suggesting I get her one of those pendants or watches that can make emergency calls.
Motherbat will be shitty she is going behind her back.
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The poojeta at maccas forgot to put chocolate sauce in the bottom of the sundae as well as the top. DAY RUINED. I will never go there again.
> forgot to put chocolate sauce in the bottom of the sundae as well as the top
If it's not at the top or bottom, how did they make it?
If it's just in the middle did they stop dispensing the ice cream to put a bit of topping in and then just fill the rest up with ice cream?
she put the fudge on top - traditionally large maccas sundaes have it on both top and bottom, but a lot of places don't put it on the bottom after they switched to paper cups because you can't see it anymore when they hand it to you. Just another sign of the decline of western civilisation.
ramming my cock against weber's prostate
grabbing his cock with my hand and feeling it throb with each thrust
Welcome to Thug Hunter - where hunting down black thug guys and turning them gay (hell, if that was needed in the first place!) is our mission. Or it's other way around. We aren't sure by now, as what started as an OG thug gay project became a huge interracial mash up - both ways! White guys, black guys they all tough and shit, but when it comes to sucking dick they just get down on their knees and do what they love the most!
> Public Transport Police are investigating after a man assaulted several passengers on a train this morning.
> Just before 9am on Sunday 19 May, four women on the Adelaide bound Gawler line train were assaulted by a man unknown to them.
> The women who were all travelling separately were randomly assaulted by being punched, slapped, pushed, spat at by and verbally abused by the man.
Davo you boong
What is the full list of /ausneets/ girls?
> Elise Trouw
> Eva Green
> Debiscuits
> Rachel Weisz
> Olive
> Bindi
> Lizard lady
> Alison Brie
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> At around 11.00am on Thursday 28 March 2024, a woman was seen walking along the footpath on Albany Highway in Victoria Park, appeared to be very agitated.
> As the woman walked past a supermarket store, she kicked out at sign-board standing on the footpath out the front, causing it to land on the road and break apart making it unusable.

My kind of woman
Thought the Dan's checkout broad was short changing me ten bucks. An awkward few seconds of me doing the math before (sadly) realising I was wrong.
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Red shoe wearing chris chan steals pokemon cards

> At around 11.00am on Tuesday 12 December 2023, a man entered a gaming merchandise retail store on Albany Highway in East Victoria Park and approached the cabinets where Pokemon cards are kept. 
> The man placed numerous packs of Pokemon cards into a shoulder bag he was carrying before leaving the store without paying for the cards. 
> The man is described as: light skinned, slim build, between 25 to 30 years of age with short brown hair. The man was wearing a blue and maroon striped jumper, grey trousers, red sneakers and carried a walking stick to assist him with walking.
If aliens abducted me, I would simply clog the toilet on their flying saucer and not wipe my bottom hole.
That thing will be fun for the old moo to play with for a while then become a nuisance and get left in the charger except for special occasions. Those things are a false sense of security at best.
keegz is still mad about last night lol
he knows fuck all about computers and lost his account on cytube
I want that fucking nigger off my board, whoever wants to be our next BO better bring us a white ausneets policy.
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Pootie Tang (2001) will be on womboflix tonight: Pootie Tang, the musician/actor/folk hero of the ghetto, is chronicled from his early childhood to his battles against the evil Corporate America, who try to steal his magic belt and make him sell out by endorsing addictive products to his people. 1 hour, https://cytu.be/r/womboflix
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Tired of pointlessly turning the handle on the wage money machine. Gonna wrap it up tomorrow and talk to Barry Swindle and if he looks like taking more than a couple days to fix the ute I'm catching the bus back to Da Nang airbase and thence back to the world somehow.  Have to abandon my gear and leave a ton of nice shit behind, sadly, including a pair of so-so alloy rims with ford PCD that some sport dono'd just outside the wire on the compound. would have been a nice start to upgrade the stock wagon I want. Might hire a parking lot space and get Barry to drop it there until I can retrieve it. Lots of fail to deal with but cash ain't on that list.
When I used to sell things on ebay people would private message me offering to pay me through paypal privately instead of making the sale on ebay, but I always said no even though that meant ebay got a cut of the money. I was worried it could be a scam.
The identities of who is responsible for which movies are top ausneets secrets. Like getting aids at a gay orgy, you just never find out for sure.
> good old-fashioned pancake
FRM made pancakes tonight and gave me some which was nice. She used the toasted sandwich maker which was odd, but it did work.
I was fishing off a rock wall. A few bites but no catches. Lost some tackle getting snagged on rocks. Gave up as my fingers were getting numb.
Indulging in a lot of negative self talk lately. Almost like I have tourettes. Just barking out insults at myself.
I knocked my water bottle over. Water all over the computer desk. Mouse soaked. Cables soaked. Keyboard wet. Disaster.
Centrelink $1500 payment 2024 – Check Eligibility, Payment schedules, Application process. The Centrelink $1500 payment aims to provide financial assistance to individuals facing crises or extreme circumstances. This one-off payment helps people cover immediate costs during difficult times.
> 13 mins ago
When I lived in lathlain I used to go to the dominos in vic park. the one thats on the corner of the outside of the woolies on the main drag. There was always this fat boong chick that would sit on the bench just around the corner. As people would leave with their pizzas she would always ask for a slice.
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being a NEET during covid was not fun 

massive anxiety, could need to get jabbed and boosted for those NEETbux

plus fucking telehealth almost ruined medicare i swear, i am sure of it, people could phone multiple doctorbs and get hard drugs no questions asked 

t. unvaxxed doctorb shopper
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how am filthy or a junkie ? you are just jealous you dont have access to a walk in shower and pain meds

No i love Taiwan. Its based as hell. Ukraine is gay ad fuck and lost a generation men while the women are over deas whoring it up

In regards to Taiwan i would glad serve in the military to protect TMSC and my iPhone chips and E-Bike Motors.
JSP appointment todayow with teh new case manager or whatever the fuck they call themselves nowadays. Haven't showered or washed clothes in over a week so they're in for a stinky treat!
> Fans got their first glimpse of the game this week via a cinematic trailer that introduced dual protagonists Naoe – a female ninja – and Yasuke – who’s based on a real-life figure often referred to as "the African samurai".
Oh for fuck's sake, I actually had some hopes for this game. 2025 hasn't even begun and it's already ruined.
Trust the plan
> Trump appears to freeze for 30 seconds on stage during NRA speech
Remembering the good old days when I used to start the day with aldi energy drinks and dexies, then once I'd built up enough energy drank 6 espressos.
I am sure Sisterbot will say something in the next day or two. Sisterbot phones Motherbat each day and talks for at least an hour about the most inane shit.
chad got his comeuppance
some fresh debiscuits for davo
2015 was when /pol/ peaked with the US election. numpty missed it and is pissed off about it.
The fact he wasn't on 8chan until 2019 says it all.
We used to call it neetlore back when it was considered desirable to remember things. These days a good memory only serves to disrupt the lies.
They're all filler.
The movie is Adam and a camera. The whole way through I was thinking about production, editing and camera pans. Fuck, he's so good.
Anxiety is returning as the chamomile wears off, I should've done shit that makes me anxious this morning
Just woke up to a text message from JSP saying today's appointment is cancelled. Fuck. Yeah. I'm going back to sleep.
Had three slices of toast and two fresh slices of bread. Butter, vegemite with butter, and peanut butter.
If Cruisey (Smoothbrain) had just taken him to the Harry Potter bar 3 years ago, this current arc would not be happening.
Whenever I see those people at uni there are usually lots of girls.
About half of them are girls, ranging from slightly above to well below average. The guys there are atrocious however - very little competition. It'd be a good way to go I reckon for gf hunting but I've never tried it.
Haha, thanks. She has been getting increasingly popular due to that Princess Diana show. She is a bit too old to have her career take off though I reckon.
Is it any good?

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