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The bored four NEETs

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Is anyone using Chrome with uBlock Origin? I'm reading that manifest v3 is being rolled out in June this year and youtoobs started having ads yesterday or the day before. 
Might just go to firefox

fucking did not
it's a limited edition one
lemon yoghurt with raspberry on teh bottom
it was meant for breakfast, but she wants to drop shit at the op shop at dawn and take me to mcdolans for breakfast
she is not prepared for mcdolans racism

Dinner was a success with Motherbat.
I gave her the good piece of meat. Woolworths pulled their usual shit with one piece of eye fillet and one piece of dodgy shit shaped to look like eye fillet.

She was "educating" me. A Bakers Delight girl. She had no idea who she was talking to.
If it hadn't been for the mental illness and poor life choices I would have been so far above her she wouldn't have dared try to correct me.
She wouldn't even have dared to make eye contact.
None of them judge me by who I should have been. They just go by what I am.
The injustice!

Really is crap. I hte that there's a mosque on it, as well as the dome but least they tried to make it look nice. The city of David is interesting but the rest of it doesn't have much done by any Jews, unless you count Herod as a real Jew.

I got three mobos two with AMD chips im not familiar with and one i7. two PSU's and a network switch with 100Mbps speed. The guy had a lot of depricated shit all neatly stored in lockers and tubs. e waste mostly.

Ok, I have firefox setup. Installed Vimium C, uBlock origin, and a tree-style tabs extension. Imported bookmarks and history but wasn't able to import form autofills for logins etc because that's in my MacOS keychain and doesn't unlock despite knowing the password. Which is actually good because I take stock of all my accounts and logins etc. 
Watching a comfy video with The Golden One and SolBrah now. No ads.

I went to Vivid and honestly surprised there wasn't a crowd crush like there was in South Korea. Vivid Staff couldn't do anything but talk on their walkie talkie. Would be a great gig to get paid.

One Sir got told off for thinking he was in his apartment. One guy with a family said the following to the one Sir trying to invite them over (let the other Sirs push past the crowds)
> There is half a square metre of space
> How many people? (he wanted to invite over to it)
> Three!
> I've been waiting here and I am not moving
< Sir moves back with his Sir friends who pushed in

> Wild scenes at Vivid Sydney as hundreds of terrified revellers are caught in 'crowd crush'

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Good Lunchtime NEETs

just woke up. Cant remember last night. Thank you vodka and valium. Not really that taxed but could just lay in bed all day long and rest the body. Problem is the fidge is empty. I will have to leave the house at some stage to aquire some form of alchohol and food. Shit i could even just do with some beers for a change....

Abstinence and choofing instead is also an option. A big hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


what ? this is me taking it easy, couple of beers and one sushi is din dins and the other is breakfast. Champas is just for the week ahead. I always get two cases from dans, but i was lazy. By sunday afternoon they had been cleared out. Those were the last 6 left in the entirety of Dans holy establishment

Also had bloods done recently, not diabetic, liver not great but not terrible, need to cut intake and certainly no more cognac fueled rides :/

yeah already dosed

I bought two bottles of brain force  last time i ordered but i am over paying for USPS shipping its total bullshit, i already get the nitrous boost and nacent iodine from a local seller at Buderim. Once i run out of brain force i will try the bulk Alpha GPC from the ebay seller i get my NAC from. 

who ?

i am actually ok with this, freedom of religion is in the US constitution.

Naturally I wont be attending the board jew love-in, therefore I will miss the opportunity to slam cruisey for his selection. Don't watch this pedoshit drivel NEETs, the cringe nightmares you will certainly suffer are the ticket for admission.

> I'll fess up and say my (28M) intake would be around 130-160 standard drinks a week. I'm interested to know what the rest you you drink considering our drinking culture.

Fucked up the meds on the cow. Not bad but wrong day (same meds every day so the dosage is correct and whatnot) so will likely need some gp give me a lecture on clinical procedures.

Fuck all of that. It'll be sorted by wednesday. I have a herder there that decided to play doctor and do his Tues meds out of the webster pack instead of calling me. Cow will tell his coordinator making them lose faith over something I could have remedied before he noticed.

Having a cone and a stando. It's all sorted but no doubt there'll be some cunt trying to make a mountain.
When I took over, I found three meds on the floor and one left in the webster from a day before starting.

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Ordered a lot of Thai feed last night on a website previously "recommended by the restaurant" on Google (food was cheaper too). The order was 25 minutes before the pick-up time. I get there and they haven't even acknowledged the order I paid for when I placed it, as this system (i.e., not uber eats or MenuLog) was on the other side of the counter.

Took them 15 minutes to cook it. Every dish was underwhelming/undercookeded. All the mains were visible burned. Burned leftovers for lunch.

I might take a photograph of the leftover food today and contemplate the option. I like one particular dish there and don't want to lose it forever, but it was disgusting. I would have rather waited another 10 to 20 minutes on top of the 15 minute extra wait for it to be cooked right.

There's only one lot of loading for any amount of time as a casual, which is 25%. The penalty for the shift is before the loading is applied, so it's always that. 
They get $84 something an hour on a public holiday, with a two hour minimum.

On the bus because the Gawler trains are not running. Horrible experience finding the bloody stop and worrying if I was on the right side or not. Going to get my hair cut and check out a jacket. Got lots of work planned also. I had a slow start to the day but hopefully I can make something of the rest of it.

Made it to uni. The library is shut because of the public holiday so the main area is pretty busy. Not wearing my hat. My hair looks okay but it is a strange feeling not having it on. Cracking a white monster and thinking of webby.

> The library is shut because of the public holiday so the main area is pretty busy
That happened to me a few years ago and you would not believe the state of the toilets that all the brown hands and brown arses created.

No it was very disappointing. I watched all of Season 2 but I was only hate watching by the end and then I stopped watching the show entirely.
What started out as interesting mysteries and characters were not handled well at all. Ruined.
And don't even get me started on the political shit.

Literally one little cafe was open so I ended up paying $39.05 for a toasted ham sandwich, a toasted cheese sandwich, and two flat whites. Despite asking for white bread they used multigrain and the ham sandwich literally had two slices of that circular Primo ham from the supermarket on it.
Went for a drive afterward.
Paid $2.19 a liter for petrol.

I cleaned the mirrors. I used the windex spray.
The hardest part was having to see my reflection in them. Such ugliness.
Hopefully it will be several months before I accidentally catch another glimpse.

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Good Evening NEETiauphiles

Took a long drive today, went somewhere i didnt know existed. This place would be eic full moon dergs.....

other than that, got home traffic was backed up, wanted to get a dirty chip-bab, god told me to go home and cook a roast. So thats what i am doing.....

Best hamburgers and fried food I ever had was from an old Greek guy and his wife. Don't think he ever changed the oil in the deep fryer and when they used to open the door to go into the freexer it smelled rotten, but it was nicest food we have ever had.

I did more cleaning. Half the house done now. I do it one room at a time, sometimes weeks apart.
The carpet broom I bought has been very handy, sweeping up all the hair and dust which my poor quality vacuum cleaner just pushes around. The broom sweeps it into big piles which can just be picked up and put in the bin.

The trap I get into that's different from that NEET's is storage containers. Literal shame boxes storing crap I forget about and sometimes need but can't remember where I put it. Works to clean desk space but not good for finding things quickly. I have used smaller containers to help me with this issue though.


any neet know where i can find the last song here. i think it's sweet but psycho dj csm remix. can't find anywhere

To live and work at on your own. On land you own. No rates or land taxes. Meeting all the weird characters and/or serial killers that pass through. A kitchen with one of those seppo flat-top grills. Coffee served from a big glass pot, no poofy espresso machine. A few rooms out back for accommodation.

Cash Cows
> 'My son's care costs $2m, and it's still not enough'
>  >"Providers can charge up to $150 an hour for inappropriate care"

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Cunts are selling one mag only which is just dreaming that someone wants it. There are so many different variants that finding matching mags when You have one or two is pretty low odds, like monk or cruisey hobby gaming odds, tiny, bye bye money.

> When Béla Kiss' landlord poked a hole in one of his tenant's barrels, he was overwhelmed by the "smell of death".
I wonder if the big fella is related.

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