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barry called me and said the car is running really well and needs to be picked up. he told me he changed a sensor and fixed the fuel pump. he said he put it on the dyno twice. he wants $2500 cash. I will talk to him about changing the tranny cooler and putting braided hoses on the wagon.

I have complete confidence in barry. The problem with the acceleration has cost me $3500 and had the ute off the road for about four months. I gotta go over the report and think about if the problem was totally isolated or just flanked with a lateral strategy that leaves a pocket of resistance to nucleate partizan attacks that can lead to attrition losses in a  developing timeline. But, hey i spend my money on my falcons and (You) degenerates spend similar amounts on gook whores, booze, goyslop and tobacco. At least I have some real assets and real knowledge that will secure my future in terms of freeing my self from the tyranny of distance. as long as petrol is still available, that is

This skip is smaller than the ones I've gotten previously. It doesn't have a door on the side, so I am going to have to make Bill get in the bin and pass things to him to stack inside it.

Heading home. Somewhat woed about not having had a gf since last year. Going to pour out a G&T as soon as I get home. Might watch an episode of Gilmore Girls. I've nearly finished season six.

Poor cunt has to spend another weekend in prison

One cunt was ahead of me on the waiting bench. He has just stepped up and the barber has put on stupid sand nigger “music” and they are babbling in dirka dirka to each other. Very rude.

The scalp that once was smooth and bright,
Now's a sight, a constant plight.
Weber's flaky scalp, a curse to bear,
Itchy and dry, without a care.

The flakes fall slow, like autumn's snow,
As Weber's scalp begins to show.
Red and raw, it's hard to hide,
A beauty bane, that won't subside.

The itchiness creeps, like a thief in night,
Stealing peace, and causing quite a fight.
Weber's scalp, a constant stress,
A beauty woe, that's hard to repress.

But still he hopes, for a cure to come,
To end this plight, and have some fun.
A scalp that's smooth, and free from pain,
Weber's dream, to regain his life again.

Is this true Tiffin?
> We've been warned about a looming gas shortage. What does it mean for households?

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Tomorrow night on womboflix will be The Wild Geese (1978) - a British banker hires a group of British mercenaries to rescue a deposed African President from the hands of a corrupt African dictator. On Sunday we will be playing Steve Jobs (2015), a biopic about the late Steve and how he made apple into the company it is.

I don't know what you'd call it. Onion and beef mince fried up in some tomato paste, I put in a heap of buckwheat in lieu of rice/pasta and then added black beans, red kidney beans, and cannellini beans followed by some frozen peas. Quick and simple slop for a hardworking NEET.

No. I would prefer a fair bit of RAM though as I tend to have lots of things going on at once - especially browser tabs.
I want the cheapest that does the job. I'm not shopping to a budget you homeless retard.
I didn't realise they were still a thing. I've heard that sort of thing said on imageboards but sometimes ibs will have very outdated advice still going around. I will look into them though. A lightly used businessman's laptop would suit me nicely I reckon. Thanks.

I miss the point in my life where my highlight of the week was getting to the weekend so I could goon to the newest BLACKED or BLACKEDRAW video. And the second highlight of my week was the weekdays, because I had no job and would play vidya for 12 hours every day. Now I've got a stupid job and no energy to do anything else but eat, shower, and sleep. Sad. If I get lucky enough to win the lottery one of these days, I'll buy a highrise penthouse and goon to BLACKED every day, honestly.

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Another unsuccessful night fish. But I did work out how to use picrel. The line doesn't thread through the center like I tried doing for ~10 minutes. Pointless to use at night though, as you need to see it in teh water. Lost one rig to the mangrove trees from casting too far. Used bread as burley and an out-of-date ball of mozzarella as bait because it stayed on teh line better than the bread. Some good bites and almost hooked something. Feet numb from wading through knee-high water for an hour+. Still learning this trade.

I was doing a poo in the park when this dog came up to me and started licking my bum, which at the time was convenient for me and I let it be, then the owner came over and started calling me all sorts of nasty filth trying to play mind games making me believe that I had done something wrong.
I punched that cunt in the face and started sucking his dog off Infront of him, when he regained consciousness I quickly shoved the dogs dick into his mouth and the dog ejaculated.
Then I made him clean up my poo or I said I was gonna suck the dog off again.

> X boss Elon Musk softens ‘go f--- yourself’ comment as he tries to woo advertisers back

Actually slept well last night and woke up at a reasonable hour. Got a large long black and went for a cruise in the camry. Went to woolies, got some sprite zeros and chobanis. Back home now having a black instant.

day 6 on the 1500 calorie wagon
day 3 on the no durrie wagon
day 15 on the no booze wagon

Tonight on womboflix we go back to a time when men were real men, women were secretaries, blacks were lucky to be extras, everybody smoked and there was no cgi. The Wild Geese (1978), starring James Bond, Albus Dumbledoore and some shakesperean actor you guys have probably never heard of. It's about European mercenaries fighting in Africa. 7pm AEST.

> One jewish film critic claimed it "exploits racism as some kind of sporting entertainment".
> the production was subject of controversy because of its portrayal of black characters and the decision to film in South Africa during apartheid.
Oh lawdy

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So first I went to the ATM in Elizabeth and withdrew $40 to make up for the $30 the stupid barber made me spend yesterday.
Then I went to Woolworths and Big W looking for a SR920SW watch battery (or equivalent). They did not have one.
Then I went to the hobby shop in Gawler. I purchased a 1:72 scale Supermarine Spitfire Mk1 kit and a 1:35 scale M4A3E8 Sherman Tank kit.
Then I went to Dan Murphy at Munno Para and got a 2021 bottle of Penfolds Cabernet Sauvignon and a 4 pack of Bundaberg Campfire rum & cola.
Then I went to the club in Greenwith and paid my membership dues.
Then I returned home with my bounty.

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The I went to the Aviation Museum at Port Adelaide. It was $15 to get in, but I got a thingo giving me 25% off three other museums (Maratime, National Railway, and Clipper Ship City of Adelaide) to be used in the next two months.
I have a lot of photos, so I will post some sporadically over the next few days so as not to piss everybody off.
We'll start with some Boong Possum Holocaust memorial.
Yes, you may see my big dumb shadow in some pictures. The lighting and glass/perspex made it hard at times.

> This F-35 is a fake I think.
It was a replica used for testing electromagnetic interference at the Defence Science and Technology Group, Salisbury. Built in 2011. Can't post the screenshot that says this as my puddin head is in the reflection.

> I hate my real life name because it’s associated with my past
Can anyone else relate to the above. I can barely bring myself to stutter my name out and I don't like to even read it.
It is not that it is a bad or strange name, it is just that it is mine.

Some NEETs mock the trauma discourse, but I was feeling bad and overwhelmed and hitting the reddit trauma subreddits has made me feel better.
It helps to know you are not alone in this stuff. The guilt and shame has receded.

lol I don't think these photos will have the effect news ltd is looking for
If anything, they'll be making people want to go back and finish the job


> How long is that one?
21.3m / 70ft

> does that one have machine guns? 
An internal 20mm M61A2 rotary cannon.

> did you sit in those seats and look at the aeroplane?
No. The seats are for some documentary that screened.

> what kind of bomb is that?
It is not a bomb. It is a guidance system for other bombs.

Unfortunately you kinda get what you pay for with hoodies and tracksuit pants. The Big W ones tend to be thinner than some of the branded ones.
The other NEET's suggestion of a dressing gown is good. That and some flannel jammies and bed socks should see you right

I put mine on and I am no longer cold. It is clean at the moment and I am grateful for that. I usually end up using it as a big cum rag. I can sit naked in it at my computer and cum in it before going right back to playing vidya.

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thats nice to hear, but they will simply make his party illegal like they doing in germoney with their far right party.....

also they are going to assassinate trump before november, friendly reminder its either that or he gets elected and then they trigger world war 3 and total economic collapse out of spite.

> I almost forgot about Hanger 1 3/4.
That's for after the moofie.

I wanna buy this
> The original 'Harry Potter' book cover art is expected to break records at auction
>  >In a statement shared with NPR, the auction house said the artwork is expected to sell for $400,000 [USD] to $600,000 [USD] — a record estimate for any Harry Potter-related material ever offered at auction. 

> Why Steve Jobs Went 'Thermonuclear' Over Android
>  > "I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple's $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong. I'm going to destroy Android, because it's a stolen product. I'm willing to go thermonuclear war on this," the late CEO famously said.

He made me laugh though
> Likewise, Adam Lashinsky recalled in Fortune a few months ago the moment in 2008 when Jobs gathered the team that had developed the MobileMe e-mail system and demanded to know
>  >"Can anyone tell me what MobileMe is supposed to do?" Having received a satisfactory answer, he continued, "So why the fuck doesn't it do that?"
>  >For the next half-hour Jobs berated the group. "You've tarnished Apple's reputation," he told them. "You should hate each other for having let each other down."

Had two slices of biscoff cheesecake from woolies. They were damn fine slices of cheesecake, but cost $8 together. I remember when you used to be able to get an entire cheesecake for $3. Woe.

After lunch he was saying it was hurting a lot, so I told him to switch from the chainsaw out the back to the angle grinder out the front and then go back to the chainsaw later.
It looked a little bit bent, but I only suggested he could get it looked at tomorrow or something.

This 18" chainsaw was surprising too:
Chain tensioner is a little finicky, and the instructions were shite, but the engine goes alright.

SA Police says it is responding to an "incident" at Westfield's Marion Shopping Centre in Adelaide's south-west.

Numerous patrols are attending the scene and the public has been urged to avoid the area, police said.

they just happened to have miles of fencing available to erect at a moment's notice on a sunday afternoon?
this has been staged

Reddit says they did a rehearsal ten days ago: https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/police-surround-westfield-marion-shopping-centre-in-dramatic-training-drill/news-story/c8a808d6a21898b2a387919a0631df82?amp

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He soaked his feet in toilets, he refused to shower or use deoderant, his stinkiness was so bad his boss actually put him on the night shift so he could work alone instead of stinking out his fellow employees. He ate an idiotic diet that killed him. He illegally parked in designated handicapped parking spots, he refused to get a license plate for his car. He's on in 1 hour on womboflix: Steve Jobs (2015) https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

it's 8chan.moe we're on now. we've gone through a few sites, i vaguely remember "8kun" and probably the original 8chan was .net but i can't remember. it's extremely stressful when whatever site the general's on gets shut down and you have to figure out where all your internet friends went. there's a bunker here somewhere just in case

space vacuum cleaners

What is a good tv show torrent search engine thing?
A show I have been downloading for Motherbat via The Pirate Bay has missed one episode and gone to the next and that one is only 720p not 1080p. Very frustrating.

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