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The bored four NEETs

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Bluntly neet you are an unemployeable pathetic manchild who spends all day posting frog memes on imageboards to the only friends you'll ever have. Being mistaken for a charming eccentric who wears dressing gowns in public like Arthur Dent might actually be a step up in the world.

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I too have a fresh new outfit on (different trackies, quarter-zip fleece jumper, my new criminal beanie) and am heading to the bottle-OH! 
Planning for 16 standards, down from last nights 20 which was down from the previous nights 28. Wagon tomorrow.

no, the first day u are, but after that you just need the tinnies to keep level. when you have to go back into the real world and not drink tins, that's when things go awry if you can't keep your cool. i fully expect to not sleep for the next 72 hours

Have you heard of staphylococcus aureus? Its a common bacteria there is also versions basically immune to all antibiotics known as superbugs that live in hospitals and end up killing boomers,fags and people with shit immune systems. These superbugs are created by constantly sterilizing shit 247. Staph A is known for being a hardy bastard well every since the 2000's its been mutating become very powerful transforming into these superbugs that shows up in a hospital and causes a fuck load of damage.

Now for the scary part, we humans have bacteria all over our skin and in our bodies right. There is a few types all living together and basically protecting our body from other bacteria. But if one of these bacteria takes over your body freaks out and you get a massive infection. WELLL its possible for one to have staphylococcus aureus superbugs living in harmony on your body. With it being helpful granting one massive immunities to bacteria infections.
If said person was to touch another persons hand with a cut in it. That staph A would go into the persons body and go hello sars it is time to redeem your new overlords!. And completely rekt the persons body. Causing a massive infection which would soon spread, as doctors switch to nuking the body. Giving them a cocktail of 5 antibotics by IV with the largest dose 4-5 times a day praying the next step does not happen.

The next step being going into septic shock aka septicemia aka oh fuck dude you dont look good you should go to the hospital(because you're going to die within 72 hours of going septic). Which means the pesons blood has become infected it turns to sludge causing the person to get a massive fever as in way way way above 40c as in they need to give you ice baths with salt water to drop your temp.

Indians have massive amounts of super harmful to everyone even most Chinese people bacteria colonizes living on their skin

It was quite literally fucking possible for a jeet to have yersinia pestis(the plague) living on their body causing no harm.

For you see bacteria has infected the jeets brain it has infected all of jeet society culture reasoning/logic. That filth is good anything that promotes the health growth and massive mutation of bacteria is good anything that harms bacteria is bad. Only animals shit in their home is average jeet logic urine and shit is sterile there for bathing in this sewer is healthy and clean etc etc insanity.
The jeet has become a natural biological weapon the bacteria tells the jeet it must leave its homeland to a far away place BUT IT MUST LIVE AROUND OTHER JEETS.

The fungai spores must infect an area creating mycelium virus must spread but stay dormant not turning on yet bacteria must kill all other bacteria till its ready to activate. When there is enough jeets then everything turns on, killing as many new hosts as possible.
Jeets are biological weapons created by mother nature as revenge for what humanity has done to her. She is using her powers to slowly create the most powerful diseases as well as the perfect host to spread said diseases. So humanity AND ONLY humanity is wiped off the earth.

This is why even the Jew fears jeets because Jews reallllly care about cleanliness. Especially about the body, as do koranimals&christcucks. Jeets&hindoodooism are antithesis to this. They are all about filth poisoning your body the temple to create&host life created by the gods.

Tl;dr nuro is real
Very real we call her mother nature
Jeets are his chosen
Slowly They spread getting stronger
It cant be stopped its too late

Soon very soon the day will come
nuros children will sacrifice themselves, turning on nuros blessings
All will die
No amount of radiation antibiotics sterilization chemicals will work.
Jeet hives are everywhere slowly they have taken over with their microscopic timebombs.


Still can't get the fucking workforce thing to accept the forwarded emails. It keeps saying the template is unrecognised even though I'm just forwarding them from seek. The email address I'm sending them from is the one I use with workforce, the address I am sending them to is correct and my ID number is also correct. Any suggestions?

Only just found out this place exists to be quite perfectly honest and without any undue misrepresentations on my behalf. I am not extrapolating my initial jubiliation and admiraition for such a resplendant communal forum as such as this into a tacit intention to return on an exponentially concurrent basis. Nonetheless I pray my singular and fleeting acquaintance is well met and not disgruntlesome in its abruptness.

> way to report this fault
Yeah, I just want to avoid the hassle of having to deal with some poor wagie rather than the computer program.
> changed their response template 
It has been like this since late last week. I would've thought with the popularity of seek that it would've been detected and fixed by now.


Hi There NEATS! I'm excited about my new job for your government, monitoring and addressing antisemitism online! I thought I'd just drop in to your great chat channel and say hi because my friends at the federal police service told me that its sometimes troubled by anti- Jewish posts. I can see that you are already calling out such vile behaviour and thats great! We cant solve our problems by pretending that online hate is like football and we need to be on one team or another. Feel free to drop me a line on my discord https://discord.com/invite/australiansloveisreal. Ciao!

naw it fuzzes up neoprene rubber and then it glazes over when its rubbing against the metal. My mechanic told me to give it a try. Doing maintainance hacks is smarter than swapping high k's cars for slightly less high K cars where you dont know the history. Normies will chuck it in when their mechanic starts suggesting actually fixing things and go into debt to get a gay car like yours only less than ten years old, hoping it wont need any basic parts renewals, rinse and repeat. Its gonna pay off to learn my own car, big time.

Yeah I gotta do a road trip down to regional Vic to get it but its going to be worth it to have it sitting at my place waiting for the current one to hit 500K. Might make me more inclined to do more touring or turbo the NS one i have now. Going to snipe other NOS parts like water pumps and alternators and stuff. Its the most legitimate investment I can think of in these times of hyperinflation and impending collapse of the fiat system.

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> In 2018, Revell released a scale model kit of a Nazi flying saucer called "Haunebu II", with an accompanying description written as if the kit was depicting a historical craft.[32][33] After criticism on the grounds of historical inaccuracy, Revell issued an apology and removed the model from production and distribution.[32][33]

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On Saturday night womboflix will be showing the british crime drama Bronson (2008) - the story of a young man who was sentenced to seven years in prison for robbing a post office ends up spending three decades in solitary confinement. During this time, his own personality is supplanted by his alter-ego, Charles Bronson.

Sunday night will be Jim Carrey in The Truman Show (1998)

Having some cleanskin moscato. I asked FRM what she thought of the label. She said it looked cheap. I protested that it was understated but she disagreed.
Cleaned my room up. Relaxing.

> gravi-photon field 
Kek. You might want to learn elementary calculus as a first step before you go talking about general relativity. It won't be enough for GR, but you'll start to understand what the mathematical prerequisites are.
From browsing 4chan's /x/?

The Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA) of 1917 (40 Stat. 411, codified at 12 U.S.C. § 95 and 50 U.S.C. § 4301 et seq.) is a United States federal law, enacted on October 6, 1917, in response to the United States declaration of war on Germany on April 6, 1917.

Not him but I've been having my brie straight. I cut off a little wedge and leave it on the bench to come to room temperature. I always forget about it and discover it an hour later which makes for a delightful surprise.

> Versions from 4.4p1 up to, but not including, 8.5p1 are not vulnerable due to a transformative patch for CVE-2006-5051, which made a previously unsafe function secure.
> root@moofies:~# sshd -V
> unknown option -- V
> OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5+deb11u3, OpenSSL 1.1.1w  11 Sep 2023

> so old

The father did nothing wrong.

Driving home after the Royal Adelaide Show with a bunch of plastic guns and Fatherbot with his head swiveled around 180 degrees shouting "You better not be pointing those at people, you little shit!"

Almost forgot to download the penultimate episode of Lesbians in Space.
Will watch that and S03E04 of Miss Scarlet and the Duke, which had audio issues in the series bundle I downloaded the other week. Skipped over it as a result.

Dear Children at Shrek 5, 

If you ask who any of the characters are, or speak during this movie i will politely ask you to get out.

The movie is made for those familiar with Shrek extended universe - including the holiday specials, shorts, and video game tie-in exclusive characters. If you don't know the lore, do your research now or wait until the Blu ray drops.

Someone who’s actually seen Shrek

my mum did it to me and drove over the horizon so i knocked on someone's door and they called the police. she picked me up 10 minutes later but then got a knock from social services a week later. she was mental growing up, did a real number on me actually

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don't do that lad, just tough it out like the rest of us. i'm getting up there in years (by neet standards at least) and however much of a mess you are, you shouldn't kill yourself, besides you actually have toil so you can't be that bad. okay thankyou

roids, fissures, etc all result in incomplete defecation
I didn't wank for a couple of days and the white stuff disappeared from the night piss.
So it was retrograde ejaculation as a result of cancer or uncontrolled diabetes destroying my prostate and urologic function. Hopefully cancer.

> did a real number on me actually
I know those feels NEET. Many such cases.
It would have been better to have been mentally destroyed by a father who beat me up than a mother with a plethora of undiagnosed mental illnesses. Less embarrassing.
Scars and cigarette burns would have been better than what has been done to me on the inside.
And you could show everyone else the scars and they wouldn't argue with you about what had been done to you. And the pieces of shit couldn't have hidden it and denied it.
Complete mental destruction. Many such cases. Ruined young men. And then you are not so young any more but still ruined and now full of regret too. All those years lost.

Two ham and cheese brioche loaf toasted sandwiches down the hatch.
Could go another two but ate all the ham waiting for them to cook. I toasted the inside of the slices of bread before making them.

thank you for this post, i argued this very thing for years. gen X often lament how their fathers physically beat them with belts, but it was gen y that got the beatings from single mums, physically and mentally, the guilt trips were unreal. i should've clobbered the cunt and just run away but you don't think like that as a kid. mummy abuse is next level compared to dad beatings

> i should've clobbered the cunt and just run away
So should I, but you don't realise that until it is too late. I used to worry about her. I wanted to make her happy, soothe her when she was upset.
It is all so many levels of fucked up. And everyone else thinks she is a lovely person. Even my friends growing up.
They don't know. Just hell.

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Had a charcoal chicken shop binge. Medium chips, 3 podado cakes and 3 dim sims. Couldn't finish the chips. Absolutely stuffed. My stomach isn't trained for binging like my kidneys are. 
Tax of 20 is mostly gone. Wagon tonight. Nietzchean superhuman teetotaller arc beginning. I will strategise my actions like a fleet commander and execute like an intelligence operative. It's happening for real this time. Up up and away

Drunkenly added too much milk to the mash last night, turning it into potato soup. Spuds were a tad undercooked too so I dumped the mix into a blender. Woke up this morn feeling like I'd forgotten something. The fucking roasted garlic that was still in the oven!

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this is a horrifically gay and inaccurate portrayal of the german servicemen who climbed into these untested wunderwaffen and shot themselves into the sky during the late and desperate stages of the war in a vain attempt to intercept the almost constant waves of allied bombers burning their cities to the ground (the actual holocaust)

Its an obvious friday night indulgance for a Bossman, Isn't it Cruise-dog? After all that stress and sacrifice, wage hard and play hard, yesno? At bloody last those slaps have finally come round your way with some timely mad 'money *and not a moment too soon!.

Why don't you text your new darling and make a date? She came all the way from some exotic asian jungle with an insatiable itch between her legs. Oh Yes! She's a South East Asian trollop with a dollop of chineese oil in her brown hands and she Loves to please. So set your email to auto-reply and hit the shower. You're clocked off and out of office**

Oh I luckee, Mr Doggy he want to see me for golden hands happy time! I really hope he not rough and ugly like old fat Aussie. He so smelly! Mr Doggy he be my puppy tonight, he gonna be so funny! He gonna treat me like numbah 1 wifey. He gonna give me big money. I gonna make Mr Doggy so happy!

You're showered and aftershaved, which is kind of ironic because you're hairy as a hobo. You're chortling and writing the tugpost in your head as you drive five suburbs over to the asian massage joint in the strip with the oldest charcoal chicken shop in Australia. 45 degree parking right fukn outside so you can scuttle inside in a hurry and don't get your white Christian Dior shirt and slacks too wet in the pissing Adelaide winter rain aswell as not to be seen by the normies in the takeaway shop waiting for the gook cunts who bought the business last week to fuck up their usual dinner order

I can smell the lit joss sticks in the heathen shrine over there, It appears to be some kind of obese cat avatar, a Garfield buddha with mirrors and plastic plant garnish. Its alien to my eyes like the smell behind the sandalwood is to my nose but the ear-holes know the bing bung of the break beam door alarm, its a universal code that has brought tonight's honey hued harlot out from a cubicle in the back. The Cruise Dog has never been good at foreplay but a fist full of my pinapples later and I is face down on paper towels. She's giggling and I know its at my bants, not the way I accidentally dropped the towel from under my hairy white paunch, to let ping ping know exactly what's up, if you know what I mean.

I can't see much but floor, my pants and shoes in the mirror and the fresh looking chinese character tattoo on her dusky tight leg. Somehow I know she's going to taste sweet like artificial coconut. I want so much for her to let me have a taste as her oily hands slide up my back like its a stratocaster and she's playing the solo on Guns and Roses Sweet Child of Mine. I'm ten minutes in to a hour I paid for and there is basically no blood in my brain because its all been diverted to my boner. She's massaged all the blood into my stiffy and in a minute she's going to turn me over. I'm going to beg her to take off her top and let me return her tender touch. I'm going to nibble her nutty essence and fondle her lush lady bullseyes.

Oh you slutty tease! She's ducked out of the room, probably to get some more oil or maybe she's just a little shy and needing le madam to start me off. 
Oh she's back now and her hands return to my back and nape, really concentrating on my neck bones and jaw. I don't know whether to get frustrated, like maybe she needs a firm voice, (I can do a firm voice because I'm the bossman) but I'll just wait a bit because its actually nice, strong fingers at the base of my head. I want to check out that tattoo again, It'll make great post material and gonna get Fee Fo Fi Fum (You)'s, Oh yeah! 

Frustration comes back as I notice she's put on enormous combat boots. It doesn't last long tho, suddenly I'm in Panic as the warm oil on my neck boils into reaper chilli spicy heat in my head nugget just as the icy cold of the void takes my body. Somehow her giggling gookenese gibberish is now brutal abuse but all I can understand is this word Degenerate. Boner is kill, not just turtle heading but forgotten like it's yesterday. 

That smell. That sachharine smell. Behind the incense. Behind my darkening eyes. I know that smell. I don't know how I know that smell, but I know its the last smell I'm going to smell. 

Its the smell of chainsaw oil on fresh cut wood, its the smell of Spars.

Went to the library for a change of scenery, then bought some maltesers. I don't care what pessimists like webby say, life with a bag of maltesers is life worth living a few more minutes.

I also no longer smoke. Hit the gym once or twice a fortnight, take my vitamins and creatine daily, and typically avoid carbs before dinner. 
Numo smokes, choofs, eats like shit, and 'exercises' on an e-bike after taking his meme supplement. Not to mention the blueblocks, meff, and opiates. 
I'm 6'3", don't talk to me you fucking nigger

Unironically based king. Don't worry about what that fuckwit says.
> creatine daily
Where do you get yours? I've been off it for ages. I looked at some in chemist's warehouse the other day and I was surprised by how expensive it has gotten. Bulknutrients has some more reasonable prices. Is that where you get it?

I usually just get mine at coles when they have a rare 30-50% off sale
It's dear but not that bad on a daily basis. 80 servings for $30 or so
I was gonna try bulk nutrients but I'm still going on my tub of protein powder. More filling to just eat lean protein so I typically avoid it. 
Still slowly cutting weight while also goonmaxxing. Winning.

No durries left. Hit the pipe once or twice a fortnight, take my punt and dexies daily, and typically avoid food before dinner.
Numo gets paid, cycles, works like shit, and flips off police on an e-bike after buying weed. Not to mention he gets laid, doesn't pay rent, and packs a crowbar
I'm 5"3", don't talk to me you fucking nigger

Nuro I challenge you to a weight loss challenge over 1 month. 
We post a photo on the scales with a written name and date and compare after 30 days. 
You keen or are you gonna bitch out and take valium on the airbed? Nigger.

Not if I think I'm going to shit myself. Just did a big fart with no follow through, so looking good so far.
The meeting ix with a specialist and a coordinator at a client's house. He needs (or has funding for) shifts daily so not pooing my pants is preferential.

> “Plug a phone charger about halfway into a wall outlet, then touch a penny to the exposed prongs,” it urged the 10-year-old, in a move that could’ve caused electrocution or sparked a fire.

Got ambushed at teh wage on tuesday and I got smashed in the right hand so now its in a pocket and I'm using the mouse and picking my nose with my non dominant hand. Slept in four hours, probably because of stress. Read an email from the new manager, he did advertising for ten years before being an operator long enough to decide he hated it and now his pronouns are listed on his email signature, so clearly he is perfect for the role. Sincerly hoping I never talk to him in person but I suspect his management style allows for this. Otherwise he seems perfect for the role.

> We should start having anime on womboflix.
I wanted us to watch the Demon Slayer Mugen Train movie, I thought the NEETs would enjoy it but then I realised too many of them lack the maturity to let themselves enjoy it and would instead make ignorant remarks about anime and then ostentatiously close the tab.

The old man wants me to put a new washer in the garden tap but its fucked and i cant get the spigot off without breaking the pipe, even if i had a spanner instead of only pliers. He's just sprayed wd 40 on it. Off to bunnings after lunch to send some remittances to ching chong ping pong land.

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