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The bored four NEETs

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I have some chicken breast I need to get rid of. I have pasta and various vegetables, but I don't really have any tomatoes or anything for a sauce. Any suggestions? I was thinking of making a roux instead.

tap fixed. I took the old one in to the shop and gave it to the guy and he reaches casually under the counter and plonks a replacement down. Had to change the washer in the new one because its from china and therefore is shit.

What's the verdict, detective NEETs? Another evil White man did this, or one biofronthole killed the other?

I finished watching the latest episode of The Acolyte. Felt like I had seen it before and it was not better a second time. Horrible show. None of them can act.
Just one episode left thank God.


I had a dream I was outside and suddenly a lightning strike hit and it was a massive explosion. It was very realistic.
There was fire afterwards and some dumb boomer was trying to put it out with a garden hose but he wasn't doing it right so someone else took it off him and put out the flames.

> Today's takes Australia's military aid for Ukraine to more than $1.1 billion since the start of Russia's invasion in February 2022, and overall support to more than $1.3 billion.
We're not even part of fucking NATO or even in the same hemisphere.

> be NEET
> run out of toilet paper
> try to use newspaper
> clog shitter
> shit in empty arnots shapes boxes
> throw them in rubbish bin
> continue this for some time
> bin starts to smell bad
> really bad
> neibours notice
> caught one opening the bin and vomiting
> council comes
> "NEET you're not allowed to shit in the rubbish bin"
> OK

This music is triggering memories of the first deus ex game, keep thinking of 2002, back when I thought I was going to be a spy or mercenary or hacker, not some fat lifelong jobless loser

> someone is having an episode of psychosis where they pose a risk to themself or others, they may undergo rapid tranquilization, which is when they’re injected with a substance that will relax or sedate them. 
This is why I don't talk to a therapist, it seems their only response is to forcibly sedate you, or keep you under constant sedation, or keep you under observation so they can sedate you. I'd rather die than be lobotomised.

Just changed my bedsheets for the first time since Feb. There is a poo stain on the mattress and subsequently one on the sheet which I hadn't seen. That is consistent with the findings in my cumdies, arse crack, and the smell which I had put down to constant farting.

Bulk charge and absorption happen naturally due battery chemistry. If you have big chonking lab supply you are good. The rest is just memes / algos for automatic chargers that get sold to common people. 

t. certified and serviced NiCad batteries in Blackhawks Kiowa and Sikorski

Disgraceful behaviour today, I'm a grown man, old enough to have a receding hairline, it is inexcusable that I let myself have anxiety from visiting the barber and inexcusable that I let that anxiety turn into an excuse to binge on junk food and drink goon. Never again.

I've eaten 1070 calories today. Will keep it under 2000 easy. Maybe just an apple and a protein shake before bed. 

Saving all my twitter bookmarks before I delete the account. Wanna go for a night cruise but the chance of autopilot is high.

one last drink a ciggie i hope

i only made it to ep03 of s04. Its got some really gay shit in it... i only watched because of Firecracker

its not that its GOAD its just that its so low quality. I mean what the fuck is with that guy with the omg face and that little black cap, liek no one knows, no one cares....

i think the winnings posted here are some form of advertisement TBPH

2000 for breakfast is the goal of every serious NEET.

Bedeviled egg! Adversary of Logos, repugnant perverter of thought, word, and basic human decency -- Can you not see that your immature and cowardly flight from yourself, your accursed "anonymity" threatens to sever the very fabric of our tenuous modern milieu? You, hyperbolic hatemonger, are manifesting malignity appropriate only for an endtime. Bloody hell, that is where we are headed. The apocalypse! You, malignant rat, externalize your extreme unmedicated psychopathic dark tetrad Machiavellian narcissism and it's we, the pro-social open majority who pay the price. Do you have the vaguest comprehension what wrath will be wrought when you wretched anti-Semitical werewolves have your way with the blessed, supple virgin that is our hard-won democracy?! Black wizard of hopeless folly, pusillanimous pipsqueak of perfidy and prejudice, idiot ideologue of Dunning-Kruger-deranged moral "superiority" -- I straighten my back and take my meds in bitter, eternal opposition to you and your bloody kind! And mark my words, if there is a just God, you and your Holocaust-denying co-specials WILL go to Hell. You feculent miasma of hate-regurgitating Machiavellian weasels, go and find some other site to sully! May you be devoured by The Archetypal Dragon and may I ever be rid of you interminably abominable, shadow-possessed, snake-tongued TROLLS!

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Big mording so far.
Went outside and a Possum had pooed all over the concrete by the front porch.
Then I went to Coles.
On the way back a (presumably stolen) Commodore came up out of nowhere on my boot and then overtook death wobbling all over the road. I hope they die this morning.

oh right jewish austrlian's won wwii

the fact that xqc, one of the biggest streamers in the world, is just sitting in the room silently, not even in frame in the webcam feed to the discord call, or acknowledged by anyone in the call, makes this so much more hilarious for some reason

Guy at Cole’s was absolutely spazzing out at the manager after getting caught trying to steal. Screaming about billionaires and whatnot. I just adrenaline dumped and had shaky hands and knees for the next 10+ minutes 
Woe, confrontation issues. Deeply nervous and fearful. A beta male

That is not quality meat that's for sure. The best way to buy fresh quality processed beef is a local farmers market. Buy a quarter cow directly from the farmer, have it processed locally and you will save money per pound but you'll need to have a box freexer to store all the beef cuts. Still, that is by far the best option, best price deal you will ever find on beef plus it gives you and your family food security.

I'm in a similar position, my nbn connection went down Tuesday and I'm only online today because I'm tethering to my prepaid mobile and it costs $5 a day for data, so I wont be here tomorrow or Monday and no indication when the nbn will be back up.

I'm experiencing my own personal hell on earth. Knowing things could have been so much better If I could have just willed myself to do the bare minimum with the opportunities I was given. Now its so much harder to drag myself out. Genuine aging has started and my cognitive abilities have been nuked from severe standard abuse.

Headache, feel like shit. Stayed up to 3am last night playing pokerogue but I didnt play today. Went to volunteering instead.

I like cigars but need to quit, though I usually smoke mini cigars

There's very little respect for volunteers in the community now, most assume you're only volunteering to dodge work for the dole.
I used to volunteer a lot and was treated like absolute shit. Many orginizations see you as free labour not a an asset, so they won't invest any time or energy in training you, that was my experience at least. 

I hate to put you down, but it's better that you hear it from me. You're better off enrolling in a course of some kind. Employers respect students, they don't respect volunteers.

Looking at my camera roll from late 2020 and listening to music I saved from the same period. Things were so good back then. Working remotely, nice weather, nice flat. How did things go so wrong

> do not approach
What happened to the good old days of wanted dead or alive?

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