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If the bullet went into his brain and he has brain damage what are the chances his campaign staff will try and cover it up and pretend all is well like the dems are doing with biden?

Donald J. Trump

I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!


If the government wanted Trump dead they'd give him the heart attack gun or an undetectable poison slipped into his diet coke. Dead of natural causes.
Not a public assassination with a patsy. You can't get away with that in the internet age.

I keep reading "experts" say that Trump getting shot somehow increases his chances or even guarantees he will win the election.
I don't see why. It is just more drama around him which turns a lot of normies off.

Had steak and chips and a big glass of wine for lunch. Silly girl tried bringing out a schnitzel first. She came back to apologise a second time.
Got some 'Brilliant Basics' face washers, some socks, and two Big Joe tshirts. Slim pickings in the tshirt section at this time of year.

ended up having to get these two:
not particularly happy with them

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Ok neets, The Truman Show (1998) will be on tonight on womboflix. In spite of having spent most my waking life staring at a screen with either internet or movies on it, I've never actually seen this one, so please no spoilers. 1 hour https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

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Going to start tafe soon neets, been 8 years since I've been in a classroom, back then I was young enough to pretend to be one of the kids fresh out of high school, now I'm so old I worry I might get mistaken for the teacher, woe.

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It was on the telly at teh wage. I felt like crying when I saw that Don got shot then awestruck at how he pumps his fist and says Fight Fight, it was so Kino I can hardly believe it was real. He should have stayed and continued the rally. He should acknowledge that one of his supporters died for him and one got wounded.

Some of the people who walk past on the footpath outside my window are on the phone and it is almost always an abusive conversation. Always swearing at the person on the other end.
Bad home area. They don't know how to speak nicely to each other. The worst is one you hear them speaking to their children. There is nothing you can do about it. Just more misery being created in the world.

neighbour keeps banging on wall randomly and i also heard him scream once. He always bangs my wall randomly at night. Im not even making any noise. Im too much of a pussy to bang the wall back because i know his family is criminal

I would pay big money to go to the pub with Jonathan Ferguson, the keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries museum in the UK which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons throughout history and Toby Capwell - historian, author, and expert on Midieval and Renaissance arms and armor and just talk about this stuff for hours!!

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Ok neets, womboflix movie committee selection time again:

Showdown in Little Tokyo(1991)
Who Killed Captain Alex(2010)
Trading Places(1983)
Fritz the cat(1972)
The Commitments(1991)
Wolf Of Wall Street(2013)
The Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum
Don's Party(1976)
The Holy Mountain(1973)
Mortal Kombat(2021)
Top Gun (1986)
The Grey(2011)
Dogs in Space (1986)
Reckless Kelly(1993)
Unhinged (2020)
Midnight Run (1988)
The Usual Suspects(1995)
True Romance (1993)
Prisoners (2013)
Beaches (1988)
American Psycho(2000)
The Untouchables(1987)
Once Upon A Time In Holywood(2019)
The Northman (2022)
Samurai Cop(1991)
Ex Machina(2014)
Back To The Future (1985)
Spiderman Across The Spiderverse (2023)
Hard Eight (1996)
True Grit(2010)
Eyes Wide Shut(1999)
Star wars/Empire Strikes Back/Return Of The Jedi
The Warriors (1979)
The Magnificent 7 (1960)
The Imitation Game(2014)
Predator 1(1987)/Predator 2(1990)
Dr Strangelove(1964)
Barry Lyndon(1975)
Conspiracy Theory(1997)
Iron Man 1/2/3; The Avengers 1
Until The End Of The World (1991)
Sirens (1994)
The Naked Lunch(1991)
Southpark bigger longer uncut(1999)
Fast And Furious(2001)
Force of Nature(2020)
The Game(1997)
Weird Science(1985)
A Field In England(2013)
Funny Games(2007)
We Need To Talk About Kevin(2011)
Dark Of The Sun(1968)
10 things I hate about you(1999)
where eagles dare(1968)
born free(1966)
the last emperor(1987)
operation crossbow(1965)
3 Kings(1999)

Recieved Saturday
> We will provide you with updates as we resolve your service issue. You will receive the next update within the next 24 hours. We are sorry for any inconvenience you may be experiencing.
> Kind Regards,
> Shenali Kumarasinghe
> Residential Support
Two days later and still nothing. Pajeet must be too busy pooing.

apparently almost having your head blown off is the same as having a non-venomous snake bite your hand

No. Just breda.
Sometimes I threw couple of slices of bread into the pan a bit after I fry sunny side ups. Sometimes I turn off the heat on the stove and just use the cooling pan to toast the bread a bit. And the leftover lard if any left.

They were probably watching him, so it might not have worked, but why the fuck would you try flying with that and not drive it via back roads?

The York is an experiment as I've never made it or ate it before. The recipe scaled down to what I think will be a single serve/pudding. Batter needs to rest overnight. Rice sloppa is destined for the freexer. Another 4n20 for dinner.

Also Davo, that looks like it would be a good date idea with a girl. Looks like entry is free but you have to put credit on one of their cards to play the games and do the activities and stuff.


Finished ride, went past 2 KFC on the way home, was holding out because i wanted my chippies hot. Got to KFC number three (that is the best in the area by a long shot)Masssive line of cars, order.

> They are out of Hot and spicy
> 20 minute wait

My emergency reflexes kicked in. Drive through window was offering 6pc of original and said no deal, Got swapped with 15 wicked wings

Disaster averted. Already drunk. Munching on wungs. Winning.

The way to make yorkshire puddings is to use very shallow pans and only put a centimeter of batter in them. This way they rise quickly. Then you actually baste them with the pan fat. No they don't taste of anything you just dip them in the gravy

Lemme tell you a joke.
Little Red Riding Hood walks in the forest. She hears the wolf's voice from the bushes:
- Little Red Riding Hood, what do you have in your basket?
- I've fresh bread, wine...
- Perhaps a bit of paper?

Yes, both apustaja and spurdo.
Orignally it was "ruoka apu apustaja" which is something like "food help helper", which is a type of mong herder in Finland, and who brings food to the mongs. In this case the Finnish poster who started all this on ylilauta.

> Judge tosses Trump documents case, ruling prosecutor was unlawfully appointed
He just can't stop winning


Can occur in any type of bird, the symptoms include nausea and the runs, as well as lethargy.
You have an obligation to alert Em. Animal dis. Hotline.. if you see any bird with any symptoms.
Like a lazy pidgeon.

She already hated him thanks to all of the 'orange man bad' media propaganda for the last 7 years.
The wall to wall coverage of events on the weekend are probably pissing her off, given they're just rehashing the same shit and no new information is coming out.
Also we're in Australia so who cares.

had a shower and put on clean clothes for the first time in about 2 months
had to get a can of V on the way into a client because nobody had mondsters
still thinking about those dreams

The good thing about this client, despite being 99% women, is that everybody is White. Probably a risk management decision given they have safes full of gold and diamonds and shite.


I want to try heirloom wheat. This is what they took from us in the name of productivity and return.

Stupidly ventured into Rundle Mall and the Myer Centre. Too many people. Stupid fat islanders in the horologist’s small shop front, holding court and distracting the guy and his apprentice. Any timepieces they have they probably stole or purchased with drug money. Got a six inch Subway and a large iced coffee.

I went to the Cavan Steak Van today, have you been before?
I got the BLT special, there are a bunch of specials for $14. Some were a Mke (sausage and steak), Baramundi, Hipster.
Mine had an angus patty.
$6 extra for chips (seemed home made) and a coke. Next time I'll get a milkshake for $6 to try it out.

> have you been before
I went many a time with Fatherbot from I was about 10. At some point in the late 90s they (the pub) kicked out the original van people and took over it, so we stopped going.
The used to do a good sausage sandwich where they would cut the snags in half lengthways and fry them up.

> kicked out the original van people
Hmm. No doubt. There was an award thing that said they were sponsored by the pub.
That pub is now a titty bar. I thought that was only recent (last 5 or so years) as the Cross Keys had the skimps, until then. I heard the girls all went to Cavan.

got the gas strut chud to gas the gas struts on the boot. Makes a huge difference and he gave me a $5 discount because i paid cash. He's got a little racket only paying tax once for the gas and not for the work.

Battery was flat and I couldn't get the case back off, even with watch tools. And the clasp was loose. They also replaced the o-ring and pressure tested it.

Had a chat about a couple of my others, specifically servicing and rejuvinating the gold Seamaster Cosmic Fatherbot got given for his 21st, and my 300f (the weird tuning fork one that is a cunt to work on). He is going to give me some quotes.

So here's the plan neets.
Going to write one of those woolies shopping lists you can share, for the benefit of neets who don't have their shit together. 

I'll probably make two, JSP and DSP. What do neets actually eat?

oh for fucks sake
a poojeeta on a motorbike is delivering my pizza and garlic bread
might as well throw them under a truck and piss and shit on them and then give them to fastway couriers to deliver some time this week

The only reason Italians claim pasta is because they're proud of Marco polo, who brought noodles from China. 

The Italians are too dumb to alkalise their noodles, so just like the Spanish who were too dumb to alkalise corn they all got malnutrition

Just spoke with the accountant. He is a good, Godly man. I am very lucky to have such a courteous and competent support. He is worth the $90 per hour I pay at a minimum. Genuine care.

the number of bros I know who were dragged down dark roads by low rent psycho whores because they have this mentality "I can FIX her"... Playing the lottery is the same retard mentality. 

"I can WIN, bro, i just know it"

no, its good that this guy can speak like a professional, lord knows its rare. You might say he is writing code that gets parsed in a nice way by your brain. its not magic, just optimisation. He'd probably be a pretty good dev by the sounds of it.

Amber Rose shocked fans on Monday when she took to the Republican conference to endorse Donald Trump for president. 

But what also got people talking was the tattoo on her forehead - and there's a surprising meaning behind it. 

The model, 40, paid tribute to her two kids Sebastian Thomaz and Slash Edwards with the inking, which reads 'Bash Slash'.

> Unfortunately, an unplanned network outage is currently affecting your service.
> Kind Regards,
> Manujaya Bandara
fug is exetel full of jeets, every email I get there is another pajeet name on it.

No, It's my nbn connection, still no idea if it's exetel or nbn problem if it's nbn could be easily another week or more before it gets fixed. So no point changing providers as exetel requires a 30 day notice before they cancel your service. I can change but they will still charge me an extra months service.

He called back but I just had a choof. What a dopey shit cunt I am. He's finished all the tasks we discussed. Boofhead drongo life. Oops. Will pretend I left my phone in the office and didn't see it. Might text him in a couple of hours once I've looked at it. He's finished. Most wagies would bill an hour to discuss it and four to do it, some time next week. Proficient. Smooth. Sleek, like a machine. High impact procedural shakedowns. One, two steps. Get it noted. Work that sharedrive. Yeah, yeah baby. Now you got it. Bill it. Bill it harder. That's what most wagies would do. Not this guy I need to text back.

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