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The bored four NEETs

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> 9 hours ago someone posted a DD on WSB telling people to short Crowdstrike based on a bunch of incredibly bad analysis, but despite nothing in their DD stacking up, now about to become rich haha
Another observation about tafe - it's full of chinks, often old ones. While my class has lots of white people in it, every time I walk past other classrooms I see a class full of chinks with some white lady teaching it. Maybe they're learning english or something. Maybe there's some scam where the government pays them. But it's full of chinks, and a lot of them are in their 50s, 60s or maybe 70s. If mass immigration is meant to counter our aging population, I'm not seeing it there.
pretty much
that pelosi woman in the us senate always guesses right with her stock buys/sells
it's just unfortunate for joe public that the release of records of their trades are deliberately delayed by a couple of months

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