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And it’s cold and overcast. Should have predicted it. Should have called when they opened at 5. Problem was I was distracted and running behind Al day. Only takes one customers shit to escalate and boom I am running an hour behind alll night.

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point is you have been siting in front of your computer all by yourself getting mad and being a nasty little cunt all night, while i was with neighbours and friends socialising earlier .... and then you try and dog me for doing what you have been doing

your mental illness has become so severe you cannot function and maintain rational thought anymore

tldr: you are batshit insane and need professional supervison

Stop posting children. Just because Pariston lets you break rules doesn't mean you should.
> with neighbours and friends
Nothing positive happens in your life that you do not boast here about. Do you really expect us to believe you've suddenly developed this big social circle without saying anything?

I think, if you don't make a big deal about it, other people won't either. The last time I pissed my pants on accident was in a highly public area, the entire front of my jeans were wet, and I had to stay like that for hours cause we were on a family day trip. And yet, nobody ever said anything to me, not my parents and not my brothers who definitely would've made fun of me, and I don't recall anybody staring or even noticing for some reason. It was kinda surreal

Ten gay niggers, 20 big balls, fuck me in my ass screamin' out mating calls
Tearin' up my walls, jizz leakin' out my ass, and they jaws
Keep fuckin', keep suckin', never pause, hella pozzed
Never clean, fuck you mean?
We be spreadin' STDs, after we take amphetamines
Get up in each other's rectums and we cream
Tearin' taints, splittin' seams
Pleasure, pain and erections, man I reckon it's a dream

A dream come true in reality
My anus full of goo that keeps splattering
All my niggers cool with the faggotry
Rammin' niggers' asses like we battering
All my niggers faggots in totality, splattin' seed
From all of this penis casuality, causin' lots of casualities
Nigger it's a tragedy, I can't stop, it's my mentality
And I'ma fuck the bodies of these hotties hella fast just like a rabbit be

Don't want to have remote learning classes because I'm horrified seeing myself on a webcam. Might get one of those real time AI things which make you look like an adorable anime girl.

The womboflix movie tonight will be A Field In England (2013), a black and white folk horror movie about some dudes in 17th century England who take some magic mushrooms and start killing each other while looking for treasure. 7pm AEST.

The download link: https://moofies.wombosec.com/uploads/A Field In England - Horror 2013 Eng Rus Multi Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4

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the latest from the war room said local law enforcement has now confired 3 shooters. The assasin, secret service counter sniper and the third was a local LE counter sniper (who missed)

Secret service has not had a press conference 
has not described the shooters gun
has not described how many casings were recovered
has not got a time line of events 

FBI director was before congress and was reluctant to actually call it a shooting 

So basically there is a massive cover up ongoing.

If only we knew how bad things really were
> Insured losses from CrowdStrike outage could reach US$1.5 billion

> Joe Biden, the current president, is 6 feet 0 inches (183 centimeters) according to a physical examination summary from February 2024. 

O brothers let's go down
Let's go down, come on down
Come on brothers let's go down
Smashed into a mountain my plane

always use the tartare for the chips tbh, you never have enough of it. should learn how to make it myself, i think it's just mayonaise mixed with shredded dill pickles and vinagre, could probably just mix relish with mayo actually instead of being beholden to fishbergs little pots of it

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I wish I was there, participating the feedin off that energy.
> A man shared his harrowing experience of being stripped naked and getting raped by members of Hamas during the attack on the Supernova music festival on October 7.
> Describing the assault, he said, "They pin you to the ground, you try to resist, they take off your clothes, laugh at you, humiliate you, spit at you."
> "They touched parts, they rape you."
> "There was a very difficult rape," he added. "It's a very tough moment. Weakness in the entire body. As if your blood is cheap."
> The victim dealt with traumatic memories of the incident and said, "[I take] a lot, a lot of showers, to get all that energy off me, everything that happened."

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Thank you, NOOT. Will do.
The guy at the shop was friendly, and other than the car ($65) and specific pair of rear tyres I needed ($5), is going to loan me a controller until I decide whether I want to continue with it or not.
The race series is limited to unmodified out-of-the-box Carrera cars, with the same rear tyres, so it should be a little fairer to noobs.
The Webber and 88 flags are a good omen.

Watching slot car videos. Lots of childhood memories coming back. The feel and look of the black race track surface. The copper brush that goes in the slot. The mesmerising speed of the corners. Eating sugar clop cereal in my pajamas on the floor cracking the shits and throwing the controller across the room

lol he was in court last week or the week before for driving without a license

yeah those were the rims I wanted from the fairlaine but I got the fairmont ones because my falcon is clearly not a fairlaine and cunts would complain, really. 

those tie downs only go to 25Kilo but thats straight up and I duno how much load you get in a head on crash at 100 Km/Hr.

> “We will consider the bill carefully but we should be very cautious before we criminalise conduct that some may find grossly offensive, given how that could ultimately be expanded and used in other cases.”
Who could have imagined

> nope having a loose club hammer smash you in the cervical spine at 100Kph is gonna paralyze you. 
I was replying to a post that specifically mentioned a head-on collision at 100. Getting hit in the spine with a hammer doesn't matter as you would already be dead, dumbarse.

you are actually a retard because frontal impact is an engineered aspect of the car but loose tradies clutter like hammers and meth pipes aren't. Writer knows of guy who was just going down the road to the beach and his loose surfboard made him a quadraplegic after a minor head on. 

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i am getting strong Robert Downy Jr vibes
same with Burt Newtons Son. 
never liked her
> being offensive in public
same thing applies to any jeet
Kino, suprised the centre didnt seek compensation from the family, now its in the news some derro cunt will boost it, i could steal that with a coathanger, a length of wire and a new battery, also wheels should be much more defalted. 
well bantered
most aussie cars are shit, we were at least a decade behind the japanese 
impressive !
one or two weeks old ?
that era were all terrible cars with shitty handling because the cost of aussie manufacturing was too high. Imagine drum brakes leaf springs and fixed axle on a new car all the way into the 90s 
there are no arguments here, only shifting goal posts.... 

ok well caught up, time for cognac and a burrito

Bedeviled egg! Adversary of Logos, repugnant perverter of thought, word, and basic human decency -- Can you not see that your immature and cowardly flight from yourself, your accursed "anonymity" threatens to sever the very fabric of our tenuous modern milieu? You, hyperbolic hatemonger, are manifesting malignity appropriate only for an endtime. Bloody hell, that is where we are headed. The apocalypse! You, malignant rat, externalize your extreme unmedicated psychopathic dark tetrad Machiavellian narcissism and it's we, the pro-social open majority who pay the price. Do you have the vaguest comprehension what wrath will be wrought when you wretched anti-Semitical werewolves have your way with the blessed, supple virgin that is our hard-won democracy?! Black wizard of hopeless folly, pusillanimous pipsqueak of perfidy and prejudice, idiot ideologue of Dunning-Kruger-deranged moral "superiority" -- I straighten my back and take my meds in bitter, eternal opposition to you and your bloody kind! And mark my words, if there is a just God, you and your Holocaust-denying co-specials WILL go to Hell. You feculent miasma of hate-regurgitating Machiavellian weasels, go and find some other site to sully! May you be devoured by The Archetypal Dragon and may I ever be rid of you interminably abominable, shadow-possessed, snake-tongued TROLLS!

I tend to find that once I've indulged my curiosity with celebrity nudes etc that I completely lose all interest in them.
I bet that happens a lot too when people start up OnlyFans accounts. People subscribe and then cancel before the first renewal because it was really just morbid curiosity.

The irish were so nationalistic during the 20th century they kept up an armed struggle against the protestants in northern ireland, then along comes the 21st century and they just let foreign immigrants flood their whole fucking country

I saw a dude wearing claytons world merch in bunnings today, how the fuk is a literal retard an e-celeb and this board ausneets is not getting the same traffic as a top ten news site, what with all the retardation going on here all the time. 
How, hunh?

> Following inquiries O’Keefe has been charged with contravene prohibition/restriction in AVO and stalk/intimidate intend fear physical harm.
> He was refused bail and is set to appear before Waverley Local Court on Monday.
Somebody going back to jail.

i hope this woman that just walked into my private detective office is a femme with a full stop and not with the "fatale" appendage. for one it would mean she's ignoring my "no femme fatales please" sign

> A femme fatale, sometimes called a maneater,[1] Mata Hari, or vamp, is a stock character of a mysterious, beautiful, and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers, often leading them into compromising, deadly traps.
Does the word 'appendage' make you think of pen0r?

Hegelian dialectic in British English (hɪˈɡeɪlɪan , heɪˈɡiː- ) noun. philosophy. an interpretive method in which the contradiction between a proposition (thesis) and its antithesis is resolved at a higher level of truth (synthesis)

Certain Papuan tribes have a masculine coming of age ritual that requires boys to drink the cum of all the men in the tribe out of a cup. This is what it will take to get into the commune. 
A sacred cum oath

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nigga everyone has 4k smartphones cams are more than servicable these days 

honestly fuc holywood there maybe one or two non pozzed films worth watching per year now.... might as well watch a cam so you can enjoy the memes on /tv/

tldr i watched an Oppenheimer cam and it was great. Nuro supports cams on Womboflix, much better than any self loathing nurotic woody allen film.... (looking in your direction cruisey)

You know, fellas, there are the forces of life and the forces of death. Life creates, death destroys. They do not do it because that's the right or wrong but because that is there nature. They unable to do otherwise. A man of life can be butthurted that the men of death destroy what he creates, but if he truly is the man of life he will create on. And men of death can be jealous they cannot create like he does, but they won't try creating themselves, just will destroy on.
Such is the world.

The first step for an healthy life is not healthy food, but regular exercise, food comes after.
Just take some stupid simple activity which takes even just 30 minutes, like swimming, hiking, walking up and down an hill (or just avoid all elevators and always take the stairs), something not too intense but not even too light, and do that activity almost everyday.
Everytime you move the muscle fibers get damaged, but if you do eat some meat, the muscle fibers get rebuilt better than before.
In less than 2 weeks of regular exercise + meat, you should already see some changes. Then just continue on.

I see, thanks.

hungry bro, it's me gypsy bro 
can you help me out with a hungry girl?  
she says she's into zaczynski and she seems to be into heavy metal/experimental music (not my area of expertise and besides might be a fed)
but if she's real, do you have any advice/tips?

Back from the supermarket.
Stupid bitch who packed the bags caused my Chobani to get a hole in the lid.
Had an apricot danish for second breakfast.
Got a Hungarian parmesan loaf to go with the ragu tonight.

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