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The bored four NEETs

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A traveler from the future told me that when civil war breaks out in 2027, Grego takes on a Lord Haw-Haw -type role against the Nazboong Movement, posting Government propaganda in the form of YouTube shorts. He gets speared and hung from a Coolabah tree at the end of the war in 2033.

Our class had a reunion about 10 years ago, I never went of course but one guy that did go told me that a couple of the girls was asking about me, suprising as they never spoke to me or wanted anything to do with me at school.

I've been a NEET for so long that ive practically turned into a vampire. Whenever the sun touches my skin i start to itch so especially in the summers i have to wear something covering my scalp like a beanie. I used to walk around in a winter jacket but now my mom bought my a autumn jacket like some sort of rain jacket

Depression and boredom at home
Social anxiety if I have to interact with others in social setting.
If I've had to interact with others where drinking isn't acceptable (eg working at 9am), I need a drink to relax when I get home.

Why is america so full of beautiful people??? Everytime i look at amazon reviews i keep seeing beautiful people in the photos. Americans whine about being shot but who cares about that when you are surrounded by beautiful women. Boohoo i cant pay my rent. who gives a shit?

> Why is america so full of beautiful people???
If you talk about women, there was only a handful and they were all in baywatch. But since movies and telly shows are all woke now and they only show the "reality", all the women are ugly now even in the media.

I am trying a new deodorant. I had to rub really hard to apply it. It hurt. I dampened my pits and even the top of the deodorant roll but it still required too much pressure.
It is a natural one, no aluminium or chemicals. I am trying to give up the chemical deodorant Jew.
I will give it another couple of goes but it is not looking promising. And I haven't even got to judging whether it prevents perspiration and odour yet.

My 4G stopped working so I began writing about my inner thoughts on my relationship with my family and potential reasons why I’m so anxious in confronting situations 
Not nice to read back

> While it may seem tough at first, your stick will soften once the oils come into contact with your body heat. Our tip? Gently press your deo stick to your skin, let it warm up for 10 – 30 seconds and feel as it softens… and then apply

Actually I think the point of driving augers into the ground isn't so much to stop upwards movement, but to stop lateral movement that will roll the car when the tornado passes overhead.

Albanians crew literal mafias. Montenegrins just laze about all day.

So? Just the other day gypsy families were shooting at each other at a small town on the Western Hungary! Not to mention those keep the town in terror for years and nobody does anything. Like they keep every town in terror..

It sucks when you eat something and you dont feel satisfied. It has nothing to do with hunger and everything to do with satisfaction. I could eat a tiny bit of chocolate and that would satisfy me for the rest of the day. I could eat an entire big meal and that would not be enough to satisfy me. I mean how are you supposed to feel satisfied when you eat the same stuff over and over?

Got a 4 pack of mango mondster, a quadruple dare, and a double choc muffin for $12.30.
Had to waddle around to Coles to get the sort of rolls I wanted, that was an additional $2.40.

wojaks are okay but the plapjaks are gross and irrelevant to any neets here.
He thinks all the opposition to them is from NEETs with fat gfs and not that these images are gross and another example of a meme from outside being forced. Nonce's orb meme being the most egregious example.

> A former food service director at a school district in the Chicago area has been sentenced to nine years in prison after admitting she stole $1.5 million worth of chicken wings



neets, words cannot describe the absolute mogging I just got. For weeks I have been struggling to fix my sink's drain, finally got a plumber over today, and this tall chad tradie fixed it within seconds. Me, a big brained neet who once was going to be engineer mogged by a guy who probably dropped out of high school. JUST.

I don't drink anymore but I used to use a sugar free softdrink, either a namebrand if on special, otherwise homebrand. I'd buy a variety of them if the sale permitted and I'd vary which one I used glass to glass just for the novelty. I'd usually start around 1/2 softdrink and decrease that to about 1/5 as I got more drunk. Nicer goon like golden oaks fruity white needed less softdrink than the nasty brands like sonata estates.
I find it hard to enjoy that sort of thing anymore but I had a wonderful time spending weeks getting drunk and playing Skyrim and Hoi4.

Got a text from the protein supplement enjoyer asking if I was going to come around. Had a wank. Still haven't showered. Want to sleep, wank, feed and boong, everything else is too hard. I need to contact two insurance cunts too.

like at the end of the day its all technically the same money, but having that demarcation between business income and salary expenditure makes a difference if the shit hits the fan later on

She said all I needed was my tfn, now theyre asking for licences and balance sheets.
What the fuck do these cunts get paid for?
I bet Kerry Packer didn't have to contact any cunt, they'd have it sorted and he'd just need to make a payment or sign something.
I'm paying THEM to do MY tax. Why am I getting things when it's their job? Lazy sods.

That's great to know, I dont need to know it. I need to pay some cunt to get it sorted and not waste my time pretending to educate me on shit I have no use for and the only purpose is to make me feel more comfortable around some expert, who is just reciting shit I dont care about. 
Take the fucking money and sort it out.

Living with a cunting gum tree on the neighbours boundary, I've come to regard consumer-grade drain clear as utterly useless.
I only use the shit they want a driver's license to purchase and requires goggles and shoulder length gloves to use.

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> 1
tasted like dark chocolate even though it was 33% and it was crispy? Did not taste good and it was a premium brand
> 2
well it did taste of beef. Beef alone just doesnt taste good and it made me feel strange
> 3
good. its basically berry flavoured chew thingies. I really liked it.
> 4
terrible. Its basically a chocolate rim and thats the only part thats chocolate. Meanwhile the entire thing is literally just peanut batter. It actually made me feel sick.
> 5
well its butterfudge. it felt soft and just tasted of butter which made me feel sick again. Fuck this sucked.
> 6
It tastes old. Can a chocolate taste old? It does. Fucking shit sucks
> 7
didnt like it
> 8
meh chocolate to eat in small bits. Kind of gross to eat more. Soft and chocolatey. The chocolate cream ontop is what made me feel more sick even if it was just meh.
> 9
fucking disgusting. Its like cornflakes ontop of breading made into a pastry
> 10
overpriced as fuck (due to celeb brand) but overall decent chips where the producers actually seemed to give a shit about how to chips tasted and not just make them super hot and taste like shit. Its alright. The only hot candy ive eaten where the people making it actually bothered to make it taste good.
> 11
tastes like the original cheese ones and barely any taste of the supposed taste. shit.

You never found out anything lol. The only info you have on him is that photo and that is only because he posted it here. You and tiffin have had years on your little discord server and have never turned up anything despite all your sleuthing and tiffin's military jargon and maps.

philipines has been best friens with USA for 80 years, thailaind is just lucky they somehow kept a fancy monarchy.... who cares anyway the Sultan of Brunei has all the power in that region anyway, but malaysian women in Borneo are just yuck no thanks.

Is it a good idea to invest my saved NEETbux from a term deposit that's about rollover into dividend stocks instead? I've been watching Tracy Edwards on the youtubes and I feel like I know what I'm doing now probably maybe. I'm getting 5% p.a. with the term deposit but there's more to be made with dividend stocks, right, or am I getting greedy and will lose it all? My dream is to get off the payments and live a quiet life off of dividends instead.

Started using sqlite the way you're supposed to, with an INSERT OR IGNORE rather than checking with a SELECT statement to see if the row was already in the database. Holy shit, roughly x10000 faster. I should read the documentation more.

The stock market will crash and take the derivatives complex with it. unbeknownst to everyone, all stocks and bonds and even securities like bank deposits are used as collateral in that market by the central clearing houses that control those assets, like records keeping houses. When those, woefully under financed central clearing bodies go bankrupt, only the secured creditors will be reimbursed, with everyone's stocks and bonds, this flows on to the banks, somehow, and deposits will be the property of a handful of fed-like banks. This is the great taking and its not simply a question of if and when but why the hell hasnt it happened yet. 
yeah you think this only is the USA but dont forget we are a vassal state of the USA so its a pretty safe assumption that this is the case here.

I remember watching a thing going on about how Greek gods are sort of the same thing as Jungian archtypes and how they are balanced in themselves as they are all neither positive or negative but all have a purpose.

my bosnian criminal drug addict neighbor is playing bass music in my walls. Im pretty sure he broke into my storage aswell. I want to catch him stealing from my storage and stab him

It was something like this
> Sam Altman's Worldcoin meets Malaysian leaders as crypto project aims to bolster government ties

I remember someone shilling it or something like it that it was going to be revolutionary that we should all invest in it. I think it was going to replace the petrodollar as its claim to fame. Very scammy.

I've never done remote learning before, I assumed it was going to be hours of interactively using your webcam to talk to the teacher and other members of the class. It isn't - they take the roll one in the morning and once in the afternoon and that's when you have to switch on your camera and microphone for 2 seconds. The rest of the time you just sit there listening to pajeet teachers droning on for hours in broken english. I can do this at home and watch youtube at the same time.

you will notice that I didnt offer any solution, just a warning. I think the guy with the warning told everyone to look after their health and grow your own food, if you think this is a scam then I can't help you because your retarded.

It's ya girl Jana Jana Retard Banana

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