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> And hey – this is important – if the politics stresses you out, or agitates you in any way, don’t pay attention to it. I know I write about politics, so I’m basically saying “don’t read my material,” but if it’s stressful then don’t read it. Only read it if you think it’s fun.

This is good advice.

> I should do a deal with her that I’ll fix everything IF she gives me anabolic steroids. 
If you frame the conversation around self improvement, I could see this working over time. By showing incremental improvements in your health over time and then suggest that the missing part of improving your health could be that type of treatment. Getting access to it and maintaining the self-improvement.

If they completely disagree, you could find a doctor/specialist who would prescribe it, but I would still focus on the self improvement.

Meal plan for the week is done. Everything is in the fridge/cupboard.

Tue: Yoghurt, Mondster
Wed: Yoghurt, Mondster
Thu: Yoghurt, Mondster
Fri: Yoghurt, Mondster

Mon: 3 crumpets, Cuppa soup
Tue: 3 crumpets, Cuppa soup
Wed: Suimin cup
Thu: Suimin cup
Fri: Nothing/Servo pie?

Mon: Chicken parmi
Tue: Chicken parmi
Wed: Chicken nuggets
Thu: Chicken nuggets
Fri: Motherbat’s

Shouldn't be any worse than my results,I got a blood test a couple of weeks ago when I went to my doctors they called the pathology place to come in and take my blood there and then. Week later I had 2 missed calls from the Drs and the last one they left a message to come in and see them,not going to bother got enough pills to last me 6 months so I'll go back then if I'm still alive.