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This weekend on womboflix:

On Saturday, Gladiator (2000) - we will be seeing the extended cut, which I'm told is extra gory and violent, so please ask your mummybots if it's ok for you to watch.

Then on Sunday, Following (1998). Chris Nolan's first movie is about an unemployed loser with no friends who starts stalking people he sees on the street as a way to cope with his loneliness.

bought some authentic italian cannoli - crispy shells, filled with sweet ricotta rather than custard, and the icing sugar was so fine when I ate the first one it covered my clothes and made me look like a construction worker who was sanding plaster all day. Gonna have to eat the second one standing in the shower while naked to avoid getting it on my clothes.

> Kenilworth Bakery in Queensland took out the country’s ‘best sausage roll’ title.
> Located in a World Heritage listed building in Kenilworth, the bakery is an Aussie icon tucked away in the beautiful Sunshine Coast Hinterland.
Need a review please.

You say Justin Bieber, I say Guns & Roses

You say Taylor Swift, I say AC/DC

You say Lady Gaga, I say Bon Jovi

You say Hannah Montana, I say The Rolling Stones

You say Owl City, I say Led Zeppelin

You say Jonas Brothers, I say The Beatles

95% of teens these days listen the same crappy pop over and over again. If you’re one of the 5% who still listens to real music, thumb this up, then copy & paste it to at least 5 videos. Don’t let rock die

remember this lol?

I am back from the Indian doctor. She was okay, there were no invasive procedures.
I had to go and give a urine sample. Also got blood taken.
I have high blood pressure it was 150/90

Lots of anxiety now. Waiting for the results of all these tests.

Guys, im on newstart, and i had my first job provider appointment ~a week ago. 
Today I looked at workforce Australia, and the 100 points tracking bar isn't there + there are no tasks saying i need to apply for jobs. 
Whats going on here? Did they fuck something up, and am I still expected to apply for jobs? Because it doesn't look like they're tracking it.
I'm afraid that if i call up, they might be like 'oops, thanks for telling us, now you need to continue looking for jobs again'.

I would take a screen capture with the date and time showing, if they cut you off, upload it and call them. It's not your responsibility to manage their crappy system. Blame the issue as their mistake. You can't meet the requirements you aren't aware of as the system is designed to help you manage the requirements. Last time I did it there wasn't a paper option. So I don't see how a reasonable person would understand what to do when their system is telling you nothing.

There is a responsibility on system owners to ensure that their systems are free from errors and do not cause harm. There has been legal cases around the world when computer systems fail and cause damages that could result in harms like death.

Went to the library. Turned on my laptop out of suspend mode and it was still blasting music at full volume, except it was coming out of the speakers rather than the headphones which I had unplugged. The library filled with my atrocious rock music while I frantically tried to turn it down - for some reason the volume control buttons weren't working. Eventually pushed the power button. People were looking in my direction, thought about being shamed and going home, but then I realised I didn't give a fuck what anyone else thought and turned the laptop back on.