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This weekend on womboflix:

On Saturday, Gladiator (2000) - we will be seeing the extended cut, which I'm told is extra gory and violent, so please ask your mummybots if it's ok for you to watch.

Then on Sunday, Following (1998). Chris Nolan's first movie is about an unemployed loser with no friends who starts stalking people he sees on the street as a way to cope with his loneliness.

bought some authentic italian cannoli - crispy shells, filled with sweet ricotta rather than custard, and the icing sugar was so fine when I ate the first one it covered my clothes and made me look like a construction worker who was sanding plaster all day. Gonna have to eat the second one standing in the shower while naked to avoid getting it on my clothes.

I have showered in preparation for the doctor appointment. I washed very thoroughly in case she examines intimate areas.
I am very nervous I do not want my horrible body seen.
Everything is so difficult.

> Kenilworth Bakery in Queensland took out the country’s ‘best sausage roll’ title.
> Located in a World Heritage listed building in Kenilworth, the bakery is an Aussie icon tucked away in the beautiful Sunshine Coast Hinterland.
Need a review please.

You say Justin Bieber, I say Guns & Roses

You say Taylor Swift, I say AC/DC

You say Lady Gaga, I say Bon Jovi

You say Hannah Montana, I say The Rolling Stones

You say Owl City, I say Led Zeppelin

You say Jonas Brothers, I say The Beatles

95% of teens these days listen the same crappy pop over and over again. If you’re one of the 5% who still listens to real music, thumb this up, then copy & paste it to at least 5 videos. Don’t let rock die

remember this lol?

I am back from the Indian doctor. She was okay, there were no invasive procedures.
I had to go and give a urine sample. Also got blood taken.
I have high blood pressure it was 150/90

Lots of anxiety now. Waiting for the results of all these tests.

A few hours without sugar and I just can't stand it. It's not that I feel bad, I just hate feeling normal. Maybe that's monk's problem, been on the goon for so long he can't stand feeling sober.

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Guys, im on newstart, and i had my first job provider appointment ~a week ago. 
Today I looked at workforce Australia, and the 100 points tracking bar isn't there + there are no tasks saying i need to apply for jobs. 
Whats going on here? Did they fuck something up, and am I still expected to apply for jobs? Because it doesn't look like they're tracking it.
I'm afraid that if i call up, they might be like 'oops, thanks for telling us, now you need to continue looking for jobs again'.

I would take a screen capture with the date and time showing, if they cut you off, upload it and call them. It's not your responsibility to manage their crappy system. Blame the issue as their mistake. You can't meet the requirements you aren't aware of as the system is designed to help you manage the requirements. Last time I did it there wasn't a paper option. So I don't see how a reasonable person would understand what to do when their system is telling you nothing.

There is a responsibility on system owners to ensure that their systems are free from errors and do not cause harm. There has been legal cases around the world when computer systems fail and cause damages that could result in harms like death.

oh I think it's safe to say it's going to be a lot longer than that
what happens when he's pissed off every single warehouse manager in Victoria and nobody in white collar industry wants to hire him because of his resume

Went to the library. Turned on my laptop out of suspend mode and it was still blasting music at full volume, except it was coming out of the speakers rather than the headphones which I had unplugged. The library filled with my atrocious rock music while I frantically tried to turn it down - for some reason the volume control buttons weren't working. Eventually pushed the power button. People were looking in my direction, thought about being shamed and going home, but then I realised I didn't give a fuck what anyone else thought and turned the laptop back on.

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Hi-vis is another humiliation ritual. A separation of the lower class from the polo wearing elite. A bunch of hyundai elantras parked outside a loading dock where the hi-vis slave class get their sausage rolls and monster drinks from the lunch truck. Clock-in clock-out compete with the laptop class in the global economic suffering stamp duty octagon and nigger migration patterns between semesters. Total libtard death now!!!

I believe that an honest man can never be happy in a naked scramble for material gain and comfort, without any goal which he believes is greater than himself, and for which he is willing to sacrifice his own egotism. This goal was formerly provided by fundamentalist religions, but science and subversion have so weakened all traditional religions, and given Man such an unwarranted, short-sighted conceit of his "power over Nature," that he has, in effect, become his own God. He is spiritually lost, even if he will not yet admit it. We believe that the only realistic goal which can still lift Man out of his present unhappy selfishness and into the radiance of self-sacrificing idealism, is the upward struggle of his race and the fight for the common good of his people.

Good morning NEETs.
I was woken by a phone call from the medical centre. My pathology test results are in. The doctor will be phoning me to discuss them between now and 2pm.

Garn look at 4chanfor a couple of hours instead.
Hopefully the Jews have been upto something else overnight so I can get enraged about things I cant change instead of doing something about what I can.

Apparently the Lizbef South butcher is in today's paper. Closed the shop, $35k in arrears in rent. Has to sell his house to clear the debt after 40 years of trading. Scum here would rather spend their money on fast food, booze, and drugs, rather than cook.

Yeah, theyre all monks. All employees are. All work is for others and theyre all cogs so noone has pride in their work, so their only motivation is getting paid while constantly being fed the idea that they are worth more.

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"View of the Floral Carpet surrounded by spectators, taken from an upper storey of Shell House on North Terrace on 20 April 1938.

Looking east towards the War Memorial, buildings in Kintore Avenue and along North Terrace, including the State Library, South Australian Museum, and Art Gallery, can also be seen."

I think last time you were giving the impression you were at risk of not having enough money to cover your expenses you admitted you could just transfer money from other accounts that have thousands of dollars in them if you wanted to.
Now that's casserole.

When I first became 'full time', I was on $50k salary, which eventually got put up to 55. I did the most work of my life and felt good about my effort, doing min 60hr weeks. The next company was 65, then up to 67, and only 36hr weeks and paid for overtime/oncall etc. and most people there did fuck all. 
Theres been studies on wage to productivity and the more you pay them, the less they will do without financial benefit. It was the same wih the workers, they were getting $22ph and were absolute machines. Next co was $27ph, and half were shit. I pay $36ph and the trend continues. Although I do have a few top knotch wagies that deserve it but it makes no difference to output other than them feeling high and mighty that their shit doesnt stink.
When I was on 67, the median wage was 63, and I felt that was adequate, I bought a house on that. That was only 3 years ago.

I can with a physical visit to the bank and forfeiting interest on that account for the month. They’ve also closed the Lizbef branch for renovations, which means driving to a branch with tellers I don’t know or trust.
I will have to do so though.
I’m not saving any money lately and am now apparently earning 25% less than the national average.

I’ll be paying for everything. I’ll go to the bank today and sort everything out.
She still thinks I work for the train company. Going to be an awkward conversation when I have a heart attack or go overseas and otherwise unavailable and she phones them.

I’m not a psychologist, but I think it is because they were very strict when I was a child and would get very angry and rant and rave whenever I did something wrong or didn’t live up to some standard they expected.
Similarly, any sort of friendships and social life outside of school was shat on and when my sister started at my high school she would come home and would talk shit about friends and girls and things in my life and generally ruined all of that.
Basically I was already shy and autistic and socially retarded and they then made me feel shame for everything so I basically became secretive to avoid conflict and embarrassment.
So much time has passed now that she has forgotten (or never even registered) all of that . She also seems oblivious to my social situation. Asks about my friends that I don’t have. Occasionally asks after kids from school or past colleagues like I maintained contact with them. Somehow failed to notice that I never had a girlfriend or a wife or kids or anything else remotely normal.

The Indian Doctor phoned about my test results.
My bloods were fine, what a relief. Kidney function normal. I had been worried.
My cholesterol was a bit high at 5.6 (3.6 of the bad type), but that is only slightly above the recommended range.

They are still waiting on the results of my urine test. They need to grow the culture to identify whatever was in there that has caused my problem.

South of the cbd, about an hour early but decided to not get a tug at the few shops around here. Mixed google reviews and an expectation that they would have used oil that smells like prawn crackers. Now I want to go but I might be late getting back here.

These are the ones I'd actually pay for


Vampire fiction gets me rock hard. I can't watch Underworld without leaking precum. It is a shame there is pretty much no vampire porn made anymore. There are prohibitions against it by the payment processors due to the blood drinking aspect so it rarely gets made these days.

The thing that would stop me seeing a prostitute is the thought of an Indian having been with her previously. I think I'd go soft or even vomit if I was in a girl knowing that some gross pajeet had been there also.

That girl in Perth was telling me that all the ones that came in to the tug shop wouldn't pay for extras. She let one jack off by himself on the table because she felt sorry for him. 
There are more pooji whores now but most of the photos are of very northern punjabi/nearing Iranian looking. If I went it'd be some bengali hairy armpitted lardcake with a brother as a pimp.

Did you know the recent Commonwealth hate symbol legislation banned the Celtic cross (too bad Irish/Scots Christians), as well as the tyr rune, which is the Government's own 'broad arrow' symbol?

Unshakeable feeling that I'll die within the next 5 years 
Those fucking poojeet nurses will turn the morphine up and berate me like kindergarden teachers for trying to fight for my life 
A final tragic end to the humiliation ritual

How hard is it to do one of those mental health plans with a GP? I want to see a psychologist but I don't want to have to tell a bunch of stuff to a doctor just to get referred to someone else.

no way this old fag is curling 265kg

Just got back from my uncle's because he wanted me to look at his computer. I was out the back having a smoke and could hear this weird grunting noise from over the fence. I got up on the old boy's ladder and could see this norwooding funko pop collector lying on his back with his legs spread in the air like he's suntanning his balls. I took a photo and showed my uncle and we laffed for ages, he said the guy was probably on drugs. Posting the pic to my FB RN.

I and Weber in gucci glasses and open van heusin shirts arguing with fijian bouncers about how velcro shoes arent lace ups while eating drumsticks and then tipping the batchelor handbag juice on their jeans and calling them wannabe bikies once

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