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The bored four NEETs

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How I wish, how I wish you were here. We're just two lost souls, swimming in a fishbowl, year after year.

Running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fears, wish you were here.

Nuro if you want to have a future on the board you are going to have to stop replying to provocations.
Just ignore it when they bait you.
If you keep making all these stupid posts about Monk and everything else the only way for me to deal with the situation will be to permanently ban you.

You have been warned. No more replying to provocations. No more obnoxious posts.

There are too many of them, we are past the point where they can practically be silenced or banned.
Nuro's behaviour has turned too much of the board against him.
He either ignores it or leaves. I am not able to stop it from happening.

Second homework assignment uploaded. Feeling much better. Going to go into recovery from boong mode tomorrow and get back on my a-game. I should never have let it spiral downwards into an orgy of junk food and chamomile.

Apparently not. The family can be traced backto the 1300s. 
I dont believe they were gentiles. Another fabrication of European history. But >Jacob, pronounced Yakub sounds pretty Jewish, probably crypto. They were apparently related to the Habsburgs. They were the ones to convince the Pope to introduce usury lending through Euro banks. Fucking devils.

To really be Jewish, you need a matriarchal line, which kind of means the Rothschilds, Rockerfellas, Chase, J.P. Morgan etc werent really Jewish because they were all patriarchal like other Euro families.

Had to do a health and safety online quiz and fucked it up 5 times because I'm not retarded enough to get the pointless no context doctrine they were pushing. The thing locked me out so I emailed karen from MAX and threatened to physically come in and drool in her third cup of coffee so she passive agressively called me a risk to others and reset the test counter. Gonna get it first try because I was taking notes. 


I pre-booked and when I arrived I ordered a beer and asked what table I was on. I was told 35. I finished my beer at the bar and then ordered the steak and a large wine. Imagine my surprise when I do a lap of the room and there is no 35. So I get back in the line of people ordering and eventually get back in front of her and say there is no 35. She looks under the counter and pulls out handful of table numbers, including 35. She then shouts “sorry for the holdup everyone” and comes out from behind the bar and starts slamming these metal number things down on each table that had been missed, doing mine last. Stupid fucking eczema face dwarf midget bitch. Ordered the steak well done and it came bloody. Basically spent over $60 on a meal for one and get treated like shit.

Yes. I even apologised to her before I stated that there was no 35. And because she is female and literally 4 foot 8, there’s nothing I could do. If I stood up for myself I’d be bullying and intimidating her. And around here there are enough desperate fuckwit bogan blokes that one would try and be a white knight.

At the pub with my old mate from the regiment, wanted to discuss some war crimes we did back in Iraq but he says he doesnt remember and changes the subject to how short the bar slut is. Took ages to get served because some spastic couldnt count past 5 and find his seat. The miget bar wench practically had to hold his hand and walk him to his table. Thought he was gonna explode so I had my phone on him just for laffs. Slut gave my mate her phone number with our second order. might get overserved.

Had a zinger box for din dins like I saw suggested here recently. Awful. Rubbery fried boneless chicken things, bland burger with uncooked bun and shitty mayo. Chips were alright. 
I don't think I've had a home cooked meal since Monday, getting bad indigestion

Sick of this piece of shit TV. Its out of warranty and the picture is faded as fuck and theres so many dead pixels the jews are gonna start claiming hitler owned it. Its up on GT and FB marketplace for three down from three fiddy but if i put what it was worth then retards wouldnt think it was worth buying. Rolling for a lucky break and some spare cash for Dan.

they give you the option of a (shit low power) ebike or a pretty high end Escooter

i am in brisbane, cant speak for anywhere else. pretty sure the escooters are completely illegal in NSW 

the argument is that they help bridge the gap for jobs and people living slightly too far from public transport 

my provider is APM, dunno if they all get it though, probably

gym complete 
drinking plonk now 
there were poojeets at bottle-oh in trackies discussing which whiskey to buy in their hindutva poo language and they smelled bad 
there was a guy outside drinking cans and telling some other guys drinking that he was an ice addict 
more bad homes walking around the carpark. good weather though

i remember being told not to come to my civic club meeting because I was not vaxxed. They were following council rules but I think they ultimately came from the WHO. This is just after I got mandate sacked, again, the WHO. If you think that tweedledum or tweedledee in government is actually making the big decisions then I got a subscription to sell you.


This is the sort of big brain thinking we need around here.

Marvel faggotry, funko pops, anime, homo coloured hair brony shit, interracial butsecks, furry gays trannies, skin deep social warrior shit, faux offence, cheap nazi discourse, the jews, dues vult etc was all interweb culture, and is now normalfriend customs.

Wow, you must be some sort of genuis knowing that.
The keyword there is fermented. Fermentation ends with the yeast dying for want of sugar to feed off, or from an excess of alcohol. If it is the former than there will be little to no sugar left such as with dry alcohols.

> I love the message behind this song.  Walking for 30-60 minutes per day can improve confidence, stamina, energy, weight control and life expectancy and reduce stress. It can also reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, bowel cancer and osteoporosis. We need more bands like Pantera promoting healthy living.

Using Claude AI for the first time. Its a nice interface and generates pretty looking flow charts. 
Didn't plan on getting gooned tonight but somehow it makes me want to. Same desire to goon I get from planning a rearrange.

Fucking hell Weber.
What happened at the pancake house?


The selection seems so much lamer than I remember as a kid.
Where are the showbags filled with magic tricks, and pranks, and stuff? 40% of the bags are fucking sportsball crap just with a different logo on all the same items, 50% is marked-up junkfood, and 10% is army/cops stuff, but much lamer than when I was a kid.

Mate thanks to albo we live in a golden age where the gender section on forms has 8 different checkboxes for you to choose from, and all you can do is whine about collapsing standards of living, soaring crime and being homeless.

My Dad is in Italy on fathers day. Should I just message him? Typically he would be butthurt if I don't call but I forgot his birthday this year so I think we've passed that bridge

> agoraphobic
Make a website out of that. Write about your life experience and challenges you face daily. Write that you are lonely and you look for company.
Then bring the chicks to dates exclusively to open areas so they won't realize you are a weirdo indoors as well.

Today I made an appointment to see the Indian woman Doctor next Tuesday. I asked the receptionist if my ultrasound results had been received and she said they had. They are marked "non-urgent" so I guess that means they didn't see any tumours or anything on them.
I will find out on Tuesday. I need something done about this arse problem. It is still too sore to sit down without my inflatable donut.
My arse has failed me. Ironic that it was the first thing to go.

I got you a sugar-free Double Dare. They didn't have Quadruples or any danish. I couldn't even get a snot block.
Between what I already had in the cupboard and what I got today, I have enough for a week's worth of meals, so no Pajeet delivery this boy.
Got 20% off using the phrase that pays ( >>/892343/).

Might buy a juicing press and drink a shit load of orange juice, cut out starchy carbs and eat the carrot salad for a week to try and flush my gut bacteria and not allow endotoxins to grow so I have better bowel movements, a faster metabolism and more energy.

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I went specifically to get this stocking stuffer for one of the nephews who is car mad and wants to be a mechanic. He's not old enough for glue and paint yet. It was on clearance for $20 and they only had one in stock. Noticed it when browsing their website this morning.
Also got this Fiat.

You're friend is weird. A few guys at the Corvette club own Fiat Topolinos and 500s and stuff and they love the fact they're a piece of piss to work on and the engines are small enough they don't even need a hoist to get them onto a work bench or the like.

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