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Chicken legs are the least of their problems. Boeing and SpaceX are going to kill them.

Watching beyond creepy. This shit is gay. I thought it was scary shit, the Nun got me all hot for some evil latin speaking spooky stuff. This is just retards telling stories about mundane nothingness, like seeing someone that looks like them or losing a few hours of memory

> Mr "Being a SEAL made me sad" Ballen
Imagine having the physical fitness and mental fortitude to get through SEAL selection and then decide that shooting middle eastern ragheads and somalian pirates wasn't your cup of tea.

I picked them over the fence. Theres masses in late summer. most of it went into jam but I kept enough for a pie. I had a cold and its been filthy weather for two weeks and I need something comfy, as a consolation to not simply fucking off for the sunshine for a couple of days.

Not yet. I was thinking of wearing them with my chambray suit with a white shirt and a navy slub linen tie. I put the shoes on to check the fit but I haven't put them on with the suit yet. If they don't work that well I'll stick to wearing them with chinos or some shorts once I get some.

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Tonight on womboflix: The Bourne Identity (2002) - A group of fishermen find a man with bullet-ridden body and take care of him. He wakes up with a blank memory and begins a journey to learn his identity, unaware that the road ahead is full of danger. Come watch prime era Julia Stiles with us neets - 1 hour - https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

Eh, chambray is a pretty casual fabric so I think if the boatshoes are on the dressier end (such as being darker like that) and the suit is kept casual, it can work. I am largely just copying a bloke I saw in the botanic gardens once.

Lots of Noahs around the Sunny Coast and basically everywhere else. Bull sharks too, which have the highest level of testosterone ever measured in any animal.

>  I have frozen berries 3 times a week, I always wonder at what dodgy conditions they're picked and farmed under
Most of them come from China and they're fertilised with human faeces. That's why people keep getting hepatitis A from frozen berries. It's in the news every year. You can google it.

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And where do you think all the berries in yoghurt, muffins, smoothies, etc come from?
Places where they are coddled in warm human shit containing hepatitis A, norovirus, Salmonella, E. coli, etc, etc.
But, you know, Aussie food standards are the best in the fucking world, mate, so we only get these hep A outbreaks and frozen-berry recalls every single fucking year.

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Yep, and we only have mining and agricultural exports these days because we don't actually manufacture anything in this country any more.
Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey chose to kill the car industry by ending the relatively modest subsidies for car manufacturers that had been bipartisan policy for decades. And Abbott and Hockey did this knowing that Ford had already decided to leave because it couldn't make ends meet because the Australian dollar was so high on the back of a temporary mining boom that only benefited mining companies, which employ almost nobody, and which Abbott and Hockey happily subsidised to the tune of billions of dollars every year.
Toyota's factory in Adelaide was a massive investment, and so cutting-edge that there were documentaries made about it. I think Toyota had never before left a country it had built a factory in, but Abbott and Hockey got them to fuck off, along with Holden.
Then the Liberals shat themselves because they'd thrown thousands of South Australians out of work, so they then wasted billions of dollars trying to get all the car-industry workers they'd fucked over to build submarines that of course never got built.
And in Geelong, where the Ford plant was, the Liberals decided to waste hundreds of millions more to pay a Korean company to build self-propelled artillery units for the Australian army even though the army unequivocally said that it didn't want them and couldn't use them.
And we only have one petrol refinery in this country now. One.
We make fuck-all steel in this country. Most Australian iron ore is exported to places like China, where it is turned into steel using Australian coal, and then sold back to us at a massive mark-up.
It's all part of the long-term Liberal Party project to deindustrialise Australia because of their ideological hatred of trade unions. Factories have big, unionised workforces that have a lot of bargaining power when it comes to wages and conditions. The Liberal Party mission is to fragment and atomise the workforce so that everybody is on their own and can be exploited by the predatory rich cunts that the Liberal Party exists to represent.
It's the same story in most developed countries...

I finished reading Tai-Pan by James Clavell. It was pretty good.
I am reading Shogun now. I watched half of the TV Series earlier in the year.
The TV series left out the bit in the book where the Japs marvel over the size of Blackthorne's penis.

If a Hungarian has a good understanding of Hungarian and English, what languages will they generally go after next? Is it very common to Western Slavic languages or do they go for bigger languages like German and Russian?

If I have to guess, German and French are the most frequent. These two usually competes with English as a first foreign language. Besides ethnic schools, I don't think any other offers courses in Slavic, so if someone wants to learn such, he'll do it on his own time.
Any Slav language is preceded by Spanish and Italian for sure. Perhaps even Arabic and Chinese too.
Hungarians aren't too enthusiastic about learning languages. So mostly those learn who have to, forced by circumstances (like working abroad), needed for the profession, or very nerdy and has niche interests.

> Hungarians aren't too enthusiastic about learning languages.
Heh, maybe you inherited that from all those Anglo-Saxon mercenaries you took in after they were displaced by the Norman conquest. Before you reply I want you to know this is merely a joke.
> or very nerdy
Yeah, my perception of Hungarians is certainly warped by the ones I encounter on imageboards.

I went to the Barossa Cars & Coffee. It was so windy that their barbecue was blowing out and I couldn't get a bacon and egg sammich and my coffee went cold quickly. The turnout and cars were shit on account of Father's Day.
I think I got done by a radar van twice. First time almost certainly, probably 135 in the 110 zone. Second time going back I saw it just in time and braked, but was still probably doing 120 in the 110.
Then I stopped at Big W and got a dinner set for $7 and on the way out 4 coppers said good mording and asked how I was. They were probably sniggering about the radar incidents earlier.

might have a pregnancy fetish now

Most cars, vans, pickup trucks and SUVs are most fuel-efficient when they're travelling between 50 and 80 km per hour. Above this speed zone, vehicles use increasingly more fuel the faster they go.

I got caught in a road stop dunny with no paper and I called Weber in the car and he came out with a paperback of The Diary of Anne Frank with some of the pages already ripped out, once.

I've started cooking eggs, so I sit down at the table to eat. I've been getting really anxious when I do that and just then couldn't finish my meal. I think being alone with my own thoughts and no distractions causes this. I've also noticed the same thing when I'm having alcohol withdrawals. Wat means? I need to detox my brain somehow.

NEETs feel free to blacklist dishes that are hurtful, will rewrite as neccecary.

70$ list should give:
> 2 serves chicken carbonara
> 2 serves roast maryland+gems+veg
> 6 serves of mixed fried rice (for meal prep)
> 6 bacon and egg rolls
> 6 migoreng/egg/veg
> many quick oats/milk/fruit

That's 24 meals, more than three meals a day even without counting oats.
And you should be left with $7 of left overs, $2 of which are perishable.

monk can easily get a new job because he has valuable technical skills as a programmer and people skills with his charisma and street smarts. He'll cruise into a new one as he has done for years now.

grill list $60 will give:

> 3 serves snag in bread
> 2 serves spagetti meatballs
> 4 serves curried sausages and veg (freezes well)
> 2 serves curryworst (freeze sausages)
> 2 serves meatball salad with garlic yogurt
> 2 serves italian white bean and sausage (freezes well)
> 2 full english
> 2 serves egg salad
> 3 serves museli 

This is obviously a lot of sausages and a ton of carbs. the hope is that you carry some into the next week frozen

you just smash a sausage into twomeat balls and pan fry them, put it over salad with tomato sauce and your prefered garlic yogurt. coles aioli is fine.
You can dump any lefteover bacon, chicken in, or whatever salad veg you happen to have.
Side serve is generally just bread so this goes well with dips.

And I'm not breaking into anything hard to cook or that you can't click and collect.
You will also note that I haven't bought shit that is on special, so you can pick up additional discounts if you can substitute things or bulk things out.
No shilling, no cheating, no cursed slop

If NEETs have any money left over from gooning they can buy better groceries.
you just mash the sausages with herbs, maybe some grated onion. Far better than the bad home died of 24 sausages in a row with chips.
but this is exactly the point, it's a straight up upgrade to the bad home diet and as mentioned previously the weeks alternate. 
So if you have your shit together you can freeze half from ever week, about a third of these meals are designed for feed packs or freeze packs.

so far today I consumed:
can of mondster
medium flat white
large double whopper with cheese meal
3x HJ's southern tendies
two tumblers of whisky
1.25 litres of pebsi
a garlic bread
half a pizza hut supreme deep pan pidser
glass of raspberry fanta

$70 22 serves
6 serves tuna/egg/tofu miso
2 serves tuna bean salad
2 serves omelette on toast
4 serves corn fritters (smash half the chips)
1 serve chips 
7 serves pizza (to carry over)
Any number of vegemite toasts

Left over is a years worth of vegemite, a months worth of oil and cheese

When I was in high school there was a teacher called Mary Whitby who had polio as a child and walked with a limp. For some reason, one assembly she got up on stage to talk about bullying and said the kids used to to call her Mary Mary Walking Stick and then she started to cry while we were laughing at her.

I don't know about the high school level, but in some places, like Germany, university professors are respected and students are deferential.
I remember one foreign student expressing disbelief at how Australian students have no problem being rude to lecturers.

This "Burt's Bees" lip balm is fucking shit. It is way too hard so it doesn't smear across your lips and when you eventually get some on it just sort of sits there instead of soaking in at all. The NIVEA ones are way better and they're fucking cheaper.

> Victorians are being warned to brace for one of the worst weather events of the year, equivalent to a category three cyclone.

> Wild winds were forecast to lash the state on Sunday night, with the SES urging people to avoid travel and work from home on Monday.

Take the day off Monk.

could just go to Moes and get a $3 hotdog

> ruins the flow
The modern imageboard's free thinking artistry must not be hindered. Momentary glimpses into the mind of a true maestro can, by definition not allow ammendments. Revision of works detracts from the purity of inspiration.

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