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Can /ausneets/ recommend me some good/obscure Australian/New Zealand bands/singers from the 1970s/1980s?

I dipped my toe into Aussie pop/rock from this time period a few years ago. I wanna see if you guys can show me something I haven't discovered yet.

Neets, it's going to be Friday the 13th next week, and I'm considering what movie womboflix might show for it. I'm thinking about Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (1960), which I've never seen, but kind of wanted to see. Has anyone seen it before?

They're skwelching all the scriams btw

Omw 2 comit thuthide again lol

There's a nonhuman who has been squishing my head and trying to convince me it's good for me

My police department uses a picture of Satan as it's mascot

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I went to that Russian shop Mozaika. I was very disappointed by their prices. I was hoping to get some big bags of buckwheat but the prices were high and I struggled to tell what was what with the packaging being in Slavic moon runes. I didn't take any photos because of the scary woman staring at me. I came across lots of ducks in the park nearby though.

I opened the tin of hair styling product I bought and saw that someone had already used some of it. Finger scoop print in it.
They must have done it at the supermarket. Just opened it up and put some in their hair then put it back on the shelf. Bad home things.

We figured out cloning a while ago, and even succeeded in cloning a few animals. When we went to the middle east Hillary Clinton (per wiki leaks) was looking for the buried nephilim and gilgamesh. The theory is that human clones do not have souls, and that they are going to use nephilim DNA from the middle east to make "human hybrids" that demons will inhabit permanently.
Removes the need to fight for possession, and gives them a physical advantage.

SBS World Movies
The Salvation
7:50PM - 9:30PM
In 1870s America, an American settler kills the man who murdered his family, which incurs the wrath of a sadistic gang leader hell-bent on revenge.
Directed by Kristian Levring and stars Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen and Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
Drama | Denmark/UK | 2014 | M

I’m improving my glucose oxidation efficiency by removing seed oil slop from my diet and improving my insulin sensitivity. Gonna run this body hot like a machine and lose 17kg in the 17 weeks left of the year.

Mt Herbron is the highest UN facility in the world. It's where Enoch reckons the Nephalim landed, and where Christ was last seen (after thevresurection). Noone is allowed up there (theres a ski resort there but not at the peak)

Those ones are surprisingly skittish. The ones at Flinders or the fountains in the city would be the easiest to grab. And I'm not sure they'd be legal to take considering they're natives.
Don't bother mate.
Yeah, I think you're right. That is the same family as the agapanthus which would explain why they look sort of similar.
Cheers neets.


Yeah I hate that shit so much. I just got chinked on Ali. Ordered a motor controller for an important job on the 21st and just found out yesterday they cancelled shipping on 28th because they didn’t have it. Getting a refund but a Yuge motherfucking waste of time.

I am back from the Indian Woman Doctor.
The ultrasound found I have a mildly enlarged prostate. Nothing was found wrong with my kidneys and bladder.
I gave blood again, this time for the PSA levels test. Results will be in on Thursday or Friday, then I will see the Doctor again.

I was all set to spray the weeds - the weather was perfect - but the pressure sprayer tank exploded as I was pumping it up. Blew out at the arse. I got covered in poisonous water and had to have an impromptu decontamination shower.
I will need to buy a new sprayer from Bunnings tomorrow. I think I may have missed the weather window now.

I drank a litre of UHT milk for lunch. Had it at the park whilst the boongs smoked nearby. I pretended I was one of the Great Khan's men. $1.60 for 600 calories. Much cheaper than buying food in the city.

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I finished the new jigsaw. There are three pieces missing.
I got down on my hands and knees with the head torch looking for them. They were not there. They are nowhere. they never came. I am disappointed in Ravensberger. It was an expensive puzzle.
I have ordered the next puzzle. 3000 pieces this time. Clementoni brand.

I did not like that new hair paste. I probably shouldn't have used it after I found it had been tampered with. I wish I kept the receipt.
I think I will just throw it out. It had a strong smell and made my hair look even more grey than usual.
I think I will just get a crew cut next haircut. I am over having to style it.

They said on the radio that due to the bad weather, and the power cunts destroying all their new fridges and shit, the big fucking horse is closed forever. Do you think Cruisey even cares???!

SBS World Movies
The Man Who Knew Too Little
7:50PM - 9:30PM
Wallace Ritchie, an American vacationer in London, thinks the bullets, truth serum and intrigue erupting around him is part of an audience-participation theatre event. Yet the world's fate depends on this gullible dummy who can't even spell CIA.
Comedy | USA | 1997 | PG

Day 3 of the diet and I'm feeling good. 
No starchy carbs. All carbs are through fruit, honey, and dairy. 
Coconut oil to cook with. 0 PUFAs or processed foods, which admittedly were only in the breads/carbs I was eating. 
Eating at a major deficit (950kcal so far today over 2 meals) and not feeling hungry. Calorie goal is 2000 per day. 
Eating 3+ eggs per day, 500ml of orange juice and adding more milk to my coffee, also adding sugar. 
Definitely getting cravings for bread but that's easy enough to resist. I'm shocked at how I don't feel hungry. Yesterdays exercise was my first back workout since January and I'm basically at square 1 again. But still feels good to do dumbbell shrugs. 
Mental energy is up but I can't comment much on motivation/attention until I properly detox off the goon. Starting tonight, doable etc, expecting not to sleep 
Will be introducing carbs again next week but will monitor how my energy changes as I do. Will probably remove bread because its all super shelf-stable seed oil slop and focus on white rice and potatoes. 
Will also look to possibly make a meal out of milk.
Shids are high quality but not perfect.

69. It is true that primitive man is powerless against some of the things that threaten him; disease for example. But he can accept the risk of disease stoically. It is part of the nature of things, it is no one's fault, unless is the fault of some imaginary, impersonal demon. But threats to the modern individual tend to be MAN-MADE. They are not the results of chance but are IMPOSED on him by other persons whose decisions he, as an individual, is unable to influence. Consequently he feels frustrated, humiliated and angry.

Why are boongs described as the oldest continuous culture on the planet? That doesn't make any sense, western culture has been continuous since the stone age, it's not like we were saved to disk and then reloaded.

It means their culture hasn't been despoiled or sullied by any changes or innovations, like metal working, writing, or learning to count past 3. It means they've been here for 80,000 years and invented a stick.

No agriculture, no husbandry, no mining, no pottery. I dont even believe any languages were standardised until colonialism. Most of the hand painting is up north, and imo from a more recent migration.

The last two nights Saturn has been glowing really red. It's takes a long time to pass by. Only moved a few degrees over the past few days. 
Makes me think about things relating to spiders, 5g, internet and drones. Glad the moon wasn't out. That feels like one of their satalites. The contant karma cycle, feeding off our suffering. Good thing I don't currently believe in reincarnation because in the next life I'm really going to cop it. Helen life. What I'm really trying to say is that the spiders are from Saturn and it is a slow moving slimey, worm infested, hot mess of revultion, that kikes worship thinking that if they build the 5g towers for them, they will remain chosen. Worshipping two gods, they should stick to gold. 
Be careful if Saturn is present, the moon is out and you are anywhere between two 5g towers or the spiders from Saturn, who live on the moon will play with you in their little pain station, where humans live countless incarnations of suffering. Nirvana is a concept. There is no escape. Realisation is just when you start to see the hairs on earth spiders flicker when your phone vibrates. Sometimes you can see a blueish tinge haze because the really big ones can turn invisable, but that gives them away. I think they like to rest on the back of my neck. They will not be happy that I posted this.

Want a specialist to service me over for an hour. $180. I'll take $250 though incase there are any additional options. The better quality ones are closer to the city. You dont want some inexperienced local, you want a well versed professional that's been through their paces. They need to know what they're doing, provide the whole service without guidance or direction. A specialist.

Tin foil is made of aluminium, which is radio receptive (unlike tin) 
Saturn really is disgusting. The black sun. The endlessly decaying abomination, the perversion of all. The negative aspect of any worthwile  concept. It's sick joke that progress can only come through the trials of discomft and overcoming adversity. Suffering is not a barier but a force of will. Conviction or submission. Without suffering there is stagnation. Fucking spiders from saturn.

Stone Baked roll (i got for free from an op shop) with roast chook ham, premix salad cheddar slices, garlic mustard ,aubegine relish s&p and what was supposed to be a dash of horseradish vinegar (its a salad dressing, and i was thinking ham goes with it kind of) but i tipped it too far and made the roll inedible. Picked most off. Burnt lip.

Housework day. 
Vacumed, cleaned kitchen and oven, two loads of washing, changed sheets, chopped wood, went gym, cut up chicken, soaked beans, ordered parts from ebay.

Tonight is pho and spring rolls

Keep seeing more and more massage places around. It's only a matter of time before every shop in australia is a massage place and we all starve to death because coles and woolies have been replaced by tug joints.

well believe it or not i do a large amount of bluetooth podcast listening on the sabre

also you can controll it as a dap with the phone app, exactly like hiby link and the hiby app

also i have a large library of 24bit vinyl rips i shuffle on the hiby as well and you can just shuffle an SD card playlist with no bluetooth or phone either. 

i got it 20% off for 200 bucks and for that money its incredible.

> youtube reviews 
well that was your first fuck up, and its just slightly larger than the hiby and aluminium so thats your second fuck up 


> For $169, the Shanling H2 is – surprise surprise – a no-brainer: powerful, versatile, perfectly built, this DAC/AMP is a perfect addition to the brand’s line-up. A shoehorned version of the H5, lighter, shorter and, quite honestly, one that push the design to its upper limit, becoming my favorite DAC/Amp, visually speaking.

> Pair it with a good set of headphones (Meze or Beyer) or some nice IEMs (like the FiiO FF5 or the lovely S12 Pro) and you’ll be set up for years! A no-brainer, outperforming almost every DAC/Amp available in the sub-$200 at the time of writing, giving you the perfect setup on a go!

Just called the hospital who didn't seem interested in my request to get hom transferred to Adelaide, if he needs to get moved. She said that it was the doctors decision and it was an effort to write a note stating that the next of kin would like that and could that get passed on to the doctor.

> Bluetooth podcast listening. 

Like what? I also mainly do podcasts, I consider myself highly trained in the art of pickup/hypnotize and could probably talk to a femoid if i happened to see one IRL who wasnt on her phone.

> fuck up

yeah but now you have to download some dodgy Chink audio management app onto your phone, like you want that.

the hiby kinda needs a wheel but that screen is pretty standard these days. I think you went backwards just for a new audio driver chip when there was nothing wrong with the hiby

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