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The bored four NEETs

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I don’t know about that. When you have IT as a guy I bet It doesn’t feel that way at all. I’m at the bottom not even the mediocre middle. I can’t even hypothesise about how dudes with status and prowess perceive women. I think it would be like they are living on another planet. The way they are treated by women is wildly different .

The deleted scene didn't really help that much neet. The problem is the way ridley scott creates movies - he'll see a painting by a conceptual artist or make some random drawings of stuff himself that have nothing really linking them, then he'll shove them at a scriptwriter and say 'go and write a plot that somehow links these drawings'. Looks cool, makes for great trailers, but when you see the whole movie the story rarely makes sense.

That scene was massive, what? did ripley scott think "oh dear the moofie is a bit long and boring, Maybe if I cut out this dialogue between the engineer and waylon that explains everything we can save a bit of money". I suspect that he is a terminal boomer tyrant who ignores all his creative staff and just goes full damn the torpedoes mode. What should have happened is the scene would be left in and the head of the android bloke delivers the dialogue and explaination at the end when the chick is escaping the planet in the juggernaut. not keen on watching romulus now if he directed it.

'“You guys come from yoa faddah, da Devil! You guys like do da kine stuff he like do. From da start, he like kill peopo. He no like da trut, cuz no mo notting true inside him. He erytime bulai, cuz dass wat he like do. He da firs guy eva wen bulai, cuz dass how he stay. '

John 8:44