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> Allred Hitchcock may at any time try to frighten to death, and welcome to him. But I draw the line at being bored to death. There were moments in 'Psycho' when I thought he had almost succeeded. 
> Alfred Hitchcock, the 'master of suspense,' has sadly underestimated the intelligence of his audience in presenting this gory story about a homicidal maniac. For his publicity department's entreaties to cinemagoers not to reveal the ending is totally unnecessary. 
> ignore those pleas to keep the ending secret. Anyone above the mental age of 10 will know, only too well, what's coming.
> for this director, a disappointing murder melodrama with more absurdities than thrills. It is out of the ordinary only in that it is a little unpleasant

Gein was actually far crazier than norman bates, ie:

A sheriff's deputy[23] discovered Worden's decapitated body in a shed on Gein's property, hung upside down by her legs with a crossbar at her ankles and ropes at her wrists. The torso was "dressed out like a deer".[26][27] She had been shot with a .22-caliber rifle, and the mutilations were made after her death. Searching the house, authorities found:[28]

    Whole human bones and fragments[29]
    A wastebasket made of human skin[30]
    Human skin covering several chairs[31]
    Skulls on his bedposts[32]
    Female skulls, some with the tops sawn off[30][31][33]
    Bowls made from human skulls[30]
    A corset made from a female torso skinned from shoulders to waist[31]
    Leggings made from human leg skin[30]
    Masks made from the skin of female heads[31][32][33]
    Mary Hogan's face mask in a paper bag[32]
    Mary Hogan's skull in a box[34]
    Bernice Worden's entire head in a burlap sack[35]
    Bernice Worden's heart "in a plastic bag in front of Gein's potbelly stove"[36]
    Nine vulvae in a shoe box[37]
    A young girl's dress and "the vulvas of two females judged to have been about fifteen years old"[38]
    A belt made from female human nipples[39]
    Four noses[28]
    A pair of lips on a window shade drawstring[28]
    A lampshade made from the skin of a human face[28]
    Fingernails from female fingers

Meet at cas
50 in 380 out and free springrolls
Lunch special. $8.50 pints of pale, bought on member credits 
We will need to hunt for a cigar shop $20
Smoke that and the joint i hid in your backpack.
Catch train to edwardstown.
Supa thai massage, 1hr 80. Get shampoo'd. No extras offered. Cum anyway. 
Maid of Aukland Edwardstown, 60 in, 0 out
Anna therapy Edwardstown 150 half hour
Red rooster castle plaza 15.20

there was a lull from 5.50 until 6.30
now they're all over the road making their loud chimp noises
going to ask one of the white tenants in the neighbouring units who the rental agency is and make a complaint
havent seen the stray cats that used to hang around here, so they've probably eaten them

Why do flies want to come inside the house so badly? I swear they wait by the door to sneak in. There is nothing but death for them inside. If the swat doesn't get them they die by exhaustion trying to get back out.

You could have included more details.
How do you know if the place does happy endings? What are the telltale signs?
When you get undressed do you keep your undies on?
When do you ask about the happy ending? At the start or after the half hour of normal massage?


Tonight, on womboflix, we go to fighter pilot school with Tom Cruise, in the 1980s kino action extravaganza Top Gun (1986). Starring Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, Michael Ironside and some roastie who hit the wall decades ago. 7pm AEST.

download link is here: https://moofies.wombosec.com/uploads/Top%20Gun%20%281986%29%201080p%20BrRip%20x264%201.29GB%20YIFY.mp4

At least 3 Americans and one Brit are going to get executed in DRC for inciting a coup. They're either retarded blacks that thought Africa was their zion, or they were trying to put a puppet in (the most humane and appropriate action). Fuck their soverignty, I want my cobalt.

Went to Office Works and the liquor shop. Stopped at a bakery on the way home. Only had the choice between a chicken pie and a chili pie. Chose chicken. Mistake. Who puts sesame seeds on top of a pie and puts peas and corn inside a pie? Having a snot block and a Southwark Bitter now.


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Apparently this flower is causing young girls to become women earlier.
Although, by the sounds of things, they predominantly use synthetic alternatives.. so likely bullshit.

< In her 1705 book the Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium, Maria Sibylla Merian described how the young indigenous women would string the seeds on threads and wear the seeds as decoration on their arms. She also indicated that the Indigenous people used the seeds to fatten up their chickens.

To the unacademically minded, perhaps. I'm sure the brainy wiz's in our education dep have a more fleshed out solution. (Higher prices to account for less students, while they protest with the teachers union for higher wages)

The etymology of the name musk, originating from Indian Sanskrit मुष्क muṣka (lit. 'small testicle')

Deer musk was unknown in the Western world in classical antiquity and reference to it does not appear until the 5th century AD when it is mentioned in the Talmud (Brachot 43.)

There's a joke here but I'm not smart enough to articulate it.

> L-theanine is an amino acid found primarily in green and black tea and some mushrooms. It's also available in pill or tablet form. It's said to help ease anxiety, stress, and reduce insomnia.

> L-theanine is a natural compound that is present in green tea and black tea. In this article, we look at the potential health benefits and risks of L-theanine as well as its dosage.

> L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves, particularly green tea and loose-leaf tea, that has several potential health benefits. But first, let's go over what amino acids are and why they ...

tl;dr drink tea

Quite liking the Southwark Bitter.
Doesn't taste how I remember it as a child when Fatherbot would drink it, but I'm sure tastes change over time. They seemed to stop making it (or selling it locally) in the early late 80s/early 90s, so it's been a long time.  He switched to West End Export after that, which I think has also ceased to exist.

A number of my boss's customers could use it in their environments, but my fear is he would try and pivot it into free copies in exchange for support agreements. That would make him money and do nothing for me.

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My sister offered to help me move and i told through my mother no and my sister started having meltdowns. Then i had to call my sister myself and tell her that i dont want her help and that i want to move alone. Then she said that my mother made me call and i said no and then she hung up.
All i want to do is move in peace without stress but some people just make it their life goal to involve themselves in my life by all means possible.
You say that you want to help? Then accept the fact that i dont want your help.
She also offered to bring some stranger to help me move my things. I dont want someone i dont know touching my things. For fucks sake just leave me alone

The niece I like (the autistic one) was telling me she likes making things with it, but not play dough which is for little kids.
So I got 12 x 500g bricks, one brick of each colour they have. Also some of those sculpting tools the clay pottery people use.

Today I have had:
Breaky: Diced chicken breast fried in lard and butter with garlic and paprika. I threw in a tin of cannellini beans, some frozen peas, and a little tomato paste and cooked it up together.
Lunch: Buckwheat, roasted then boiled in milk with a little butter. I threw in some frozen blueberries and some banana with a drizzle of honey.
Haven't had dindins yet. Might not have anything because I've eat a lot today.

It is hard to post here now with all the range bans lol. I might have to start using IPs outside of Australia because this is ridiculous. Adelaide ones remain fine but most of the east coast ones don't work for me.

Okay, thanks. I only made it because I had nothing else to have but I was surprised by how nice it ended up being. Lard is some good shit to have. I recommend it to all the neets. It works well with all my stainless and has a lovely taste to it.

The wisdom of actor and hell-raiser Oliver Reed:

“Because you sign a piece of paper and say “for better or worse” and you stand up in front of God and vow that you will remain faithful to the exclusion of every other woman for the rest of your life doesn’t mean you can do it. I can’t believe that it’s possible to be sure that you’ll live up to that vow. I might get drunk one day and fall in love or fall over a hooker outside, and I would have consummated a relationship that I couldn’t necessarily believe in.”

“American men like their women to have these special teeth and be perfectly coiffured and have amazing breasts. Have you seen an Italian mama with those kind of teeth, that kind of hair and that kind of waist? They’re not like that. They’re in the kitchen cooking for their families–doing what they should do.”

“I believe that my woman shouldn’t work outside the home. When I come home and I’m tired from filming all day, I expect her to be there and make sure that everything is cool for me. You know, like drawing my bath and helping me into bed. That’s the kind of job she’ll have and, in return for it, she can bear my children and if any man talks bad to her, I’ll hit him.”

He was once physically dragged off the set of a live television programme after turning up smashed out of his skull on vodka and then trying to grope and snog miserable feminist bitch Kate Millett for no other reason than to annoy the hell out of her. Which he did.

On the afternoon of 2 May 1999, then aged 61, Oliver Reed popped into a bar where he proceeded to guzzle down three bottles of Jamaican rum, eight bottles of strong German beer and several double whiskeys, whilst also finding the time to beat a group of young soldiers in an arm-wrestling contest. Then he toppled over dead from a heart attack, leaving someone else to pick up the £450 bar tab.

Now that’s a real man.

Its fucking ridiculous, so expensive. idk how people on welfare survive, or even wagies for that matter

If I started cooking now it would be an hour and a half, half an hour of prep than an hour in the big pot. That takes me to almost 10pm, and Ive had a busy day. I'll cook during the day tomorrow

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Me exploring Elizabeth, South Australia to teach a bitter old troon that its ok to use colourschemes and configure keyboard shortcuts on your local machine if that makes your programming experience more enjoyable or ergonomic, that, in fact, you don't have to identify with the early 90s to own the zoomers.

> sail with Ben and Amy 
> Two crazy friends on a sailboat. 
I think Ben is actually his name, never seen the girl before
If she's French she might be 18 but that's sort of not the point. It's clearly pedo bait and the comment section is jam packed with groom.

One of the few places open here despite their supposedly being 9am trading. Sidled up to Coffee Club at 9.15 and the two cuntoids behind the counter said “we don’t open until 9.30” in unison. They were making coffees for themselves and all I wanted was a coffee. Gave them a for fucks sake and stalked off.

I went to lawash the other day and a guy served me (about 1030) then said that he didn't know if the til was working. I said I'll have a biriyani and a coffee and would pay once the til was on. Another guy came in about 20 min later, and then 10 min later another guy looked at me funny so I went up again. The first guy was old and might've been an owner and didn't even tell anyone I had ordered. And the coffee machine wasnt working. To be fair, I think it doesn't actually open until 11, and the open flashing sign is just for decoration.

That's why you act nice at first to get them started on the job and then you get nasty, I would leave photographs of crime scenes and torture victims in the car for them to see.
They won't take another booking from you but there's always other car washes in town.


In September 2023, we detected the start of a 9-day-long, global 10.88-millihertz (92-second) monochromatic very-long-period (VLP) seismic signal, originating from East Greenland.

They're calling it global warming but it's actually the trumpets of Thule. Argard is reawoken. The kaliyuga is turning.

Australia's average temperature has increased on average by 1.44 ± 0.24 °C since national records began in 1910. Since 1950, every decade has been warmer than the decade before.

.2 of a degree (max) per decade increase. 
It's not real. I warm my house that much by farting.

They figured this years ago with those ice core samples and stopped calling it global warming because there was no science left to support it, then they started calling it "climate change" and brought out that retarded girl gretta to shill it.

don't forget Tim Flannery telling us sea levels were going to rise and destroy everything on the coasts (while he lived in a beachside mansion) and that dams would never fill again (they overfilled and flooded various places)

lol country footy goes harder than any of that professional AFL faggotry

I did that on firefox once and eventually it annoyed me because if a gif plays once and you miss it it doesn't play again even if you click it and you end up having to open it in a new tab to watch it. Got more annoying than the original problem especially if the gif had been embedded and clicking it took you to some shitty website full of ads and mess and slow loading times.

Here is a hypothetical the ponder over: What if there was an early middle aged man who has been NEET since the late '90s and has never done a tax return before? How much trouble would he be in if the ATO ever finds out? I'm guessing with increases in payments over the years that's put him over the tax-free threshold at somepoint. Asking for a friend btw.

Suspect the ATO just uses cenno to screen the taxable income of welfare recipients and so doesn't honestly expect these people to file.

Many payments are tax exempt, notably carers and dsp.
> https://www.ato.gov.au/individuals-and-families/your-tax-return/instructions-to-complete-your-tax-return/paper-tax-return-instructions/2024/supporting-information/amounts-that-you-do-not-pay-tax-on-2024

The JSP amount is effectively indexed under the tax threshold so you'd only be evading tax if you were also evading cenno. So it stands to reason anyone who's fooled cenno would fool the ATO by default. 

Pay $80, get an accountant to advise, you would probably just file the exact amount of your welfare for previous years, ato will know they're looking at a neet

I'm still waiting for their online faggots to do it. Took a week to get back to me and the pooji slag just tried to upsell. I said in the email that my BAS was sorted, then she sent one asking if I needed help with it. I said no, last week sometime and got no reply.

SBS World Movies
Winter's Tale
8:30PM - 10:40PM
A thief (Colin Farrell) battles the forces of time and darkness to save his one true love, a young woman (Jessica Brown Findlay) dying of consumption in a mythic New York.
Fantasy | USA | 2014 | M

Finally done with this shitty pizza. Time to curl up on the couchbed floor mattress and watch some Steve Wallis and regret everything I've ever done. Tomorrow is another day to waste.

I must say I'm finding this new combination of no-doze and sugar cubes to be working out well. Having 2-3 caffeine pills and 4-6 sugar cubes a day, it's completely gotten rid of my desire to binge eat junk food, and I feel fine. Not sure how well it's going to go for weight loss, but at least I'm saving money by not buying chocolate and crap every day.


Thwres anotger site that has an interactive map where people post pics and gps locations of where they fnd them.
Most are fine, like most plants or animals are fine. 
Fungi fear is irrational and some 80s media hype like razors in the halloween lollies.
Not real.

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