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The bored four NEETs

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This is the worst bit about mushrooms, the only people interested are space cadets.
It's a whole branch of the evolutionary tree. Like someone being scared of fauna, in general. There are some plants that are stingy or spikey.. not all of them are.

I ate some mushrooms that someone else had picked and given to my mother. Before I cooked them I asked her if her friend who picked them knew what he was doing and that she was sure they were safe.

She got very offended and said yes of course. After eating the mushrooms I got very sick and had bright green poos.

I will never eat wild picked mushrooms again.

We got wide variety you can eat, sort by month, it's translated.


Cool. We have similar sites here for id ing them.
One thing I've never seen is anything on where they originate and whether they're indiginous. I dont think anyone studies that.
Mycelium will take over the world, it is the true dominant species. It'll survive humans.

If it was me and if I had soy sauce etc in the cupboard I would simply buy chicken boobies 1.4kg (coles at the moment for 13.30) and what ever noodles you like, and get whatever veges are cheap and make stirfrys for the week.

That fresh mozz is so much better than the pre-shredded. Cheaper too.

It was about 3 tablespoons worth because I wanted to use it up. Put some sugar in to counter the acidity and Italian dried herb mix. Greased the alfoil with beef dripping too. This was one moist pixxa.

Gone in Sixty Seconds
8:30PM - 11:00PM
A retired car thief revives his team of professionals as he is compelled to steal fifty top-notch vehicles in one night if he wishes to see his brother alive.
Action | USA | 2000 | M

In Haiti, a hungry sight I see,
Eating cats for food, it's not easy to be.
But hunger strikes, and they must survive,
In a world where food is hard to arrive.

It may seem strange, it may seem cruel,
But in their shoes, what would you do?
Desperate times call for desperate measures,
When hunger pains are hard to treasure.

Let's not judge, let's not condemn,
For their struggle, we can try to comprehend.
Instead, let's lend a helping hand,
And support them in a way that's grand.

For hunger knows no boundaries, no race,
Let's show compassion, let's embrace.
Together, we can make a difference, you see,
And help those Haitians live more comfortably.

Indians are smart, that's what I say,
Their knowledge grows more every day.
They work hard, with passion and care,
Their talents shine, beyond compare.

From science to art, they excel,
Their skills and wisdom, they always tell.
They value their culture, traditions so strong,
Their history and heritage, they proudly belong.

Don't believe the stereotypes, they're not true,
Indians are amazing, through and through.
So let's celebrate their brilliance and grace,
Let's appreciate their unique place.

So next time you hear someone say,
That Indians are stupid in every way,
Remember this poem, remember the truth,
Indians are smart, that's the proof.


madam blavatsky wrote about a race of giant possums, they all had psychic powers and could shoot energy beams from their eyes and were wise and gentle, but they eventually became arrogant and decadent, lying around all day smoking garlic bread flavoured vapes, so the gods sent a comet to punish them. It's all in hancock's books.

I spelled noble wrong.  >>/898849/
I am not sure if I will continue with this new novel. It feels weird reading one written by him set in the modern world.
He is only a good author, not a great one. I dislike his romance subplots in particular. A very dated style now.

Tai-Pan was really good. Not quite as good as Shogun though.

I think im going to move back tomorrow. There is a constant water dripping noise,thin walls and constant vibration near the balcony. I would much rather go back to my moms place even though its equally shitty because atleast at my moms place i dont have to do a single fucking thing meanwhile here i have to do everything and suffer at the same time.

NEET you need to give the new place a longer time. You will get used to the noises and movements.
You can't go back to that dysfunctional codependent relationship with your mother. It was not good for you. Please be independent.

If he moves back in with his mother he should be banned from talking shit about her and complaining about his situation living with her again. Self inflicted. Some of these NEETs enjoy being miserable.

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Good morning I have chucked another sickie, didn't sleep so well last night. Woke up at around 1:30-2:00 and then tossed until my alarm at 6. Should have expected that, 10 standards is sometimes enough to put me to sleep but not knock me out. Many cases as such.
Had mcdolans brekkyfast

Research shows that by the end of 2030, Gen Z will account for up to a third of the Australian workforce. And a study by Gallup and Workhuman revealed that Gen Z and young millennial employees are 73% more likely to say they want recognition at least a few times a month.

this gay cunt wont dissolve parliament

I have made an appointment to see the Indian woman doctor again tomorrow.
I will get the results of that PSA blood test I did. Hopefully it was in the normal range.
Very depressed by these unwelcome health issues. Feel ambushed by them. Feeling sorry for myself.

Saw the doctor. I do not have any STD’s. My cholesterol is very high but everything else is normal.
This whole time I thought my doctor was smiling at me every visit. I always smiled back until I asked him. He said he has a general smile when he speaks. I’ve been smiling at him like an idiot for over a year.😅

SBS World Movies
7:35PM - 9:30PM
A young teenager finds a powerful otherworldly weapon, which he uses to save his older adoptive brother from a gang of thugs. Before long, the two of them are being pursued by the vengeful criminals, federal agents and mercenaries from another world, with the weapon as their only protection. Directed by Jonathan and Josh Baker and stars Myles Truitt, Jack Reynor and Dennis Quaid.
Action | USA | 2018 | M

Lines of code:

MS-DOS: 4 thousand 
WhatsApp: 30 thousand 
Telegram: 50 thousand 
Zoom: 60 thousand 
TikTok: 80 thousand 
Space Shuttle: 400 thousand 
Minecraft: 500 thousand 
Instagram: 1 million 
US Military Drone: 3.5 million
YouTube: 5.4 million 
World of Warcraft: 5.5 million 
Boeing 787: 6.5 million
Google Chrome: 6.7 million
Chevy Volt: 10 million
Twitter: 10 million 
Android: 12 million
iOS: 12 million
Mozilla Firefox: 21 million 
Windows XP: 45 million
Large Hadron Collider: 50 million
Ubuntu: 50 million
Facebook: 62 million
MacOS X: 84 million 
Tesla: 100 million 
Google: 2 billion

Prioritize Mental and Emotional Well-being: Cultivate practices that promote mental and emotional well-being. Practice mindfulness, meditation, or journaling to foster self-awareness and emotional resilience. Seek support from trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals when needed.

Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries to protect your time, energy, and emotional well-being. Learn to say no to activities or relationships that don't align with your values or bring you fulfillment. Prioritize your own needs and desires without guilt or apology.

Connect with Like-minded Individuals: Seek out communities or support networks of like-minded individuals who share similar values and perspectives. Whether online or in-person, connecting with others who understand and respect your choices can provide validation and encouragement on your journey.

Embrace the Journey: Embracing solitude is a journey, not a destination. Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you navigate the ups and downs of solo living. Celebrate your successes and learn from challenges, knowing that each step forward brings you closer to genuine contentment and fulfillment in your own company.

In the MGTOW movement, finding comfort alone is not just a lifestyle choice but a powerful assertion of personal sovereignty and autonomy. By embracing solitude and cultivating a fulfilling life on their own terms, MGTOW individuals are rewriting the narrative of masculinity and self-fulfillment in today's society.

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He woke up. To a bright, cold, day. The sun shining, but thoughts brewed in Kyle's head. Interesting thoughts, dark thoughts, light as well. Duality of man. . Wake up. Wake up now. It's burning, bright outside. He glanced out the window, saw a flicker of a man. The thoughts came back to his head. Too much, too soon. It was done, but who will come save him? No one, he had to save himself. All gone now...and who was that man? That ghost from his past, or was it an apparition? He remembered long ago. Something mysterious had happened. A haunting. His friends, betrayal. It all started that night.


Sitting around the campfire with his friends. A cool wind on his face, but the warm fire glowed. It was orange, contrasting with the darkness behind. It was beautiful. His friends were joking, talking, like normal. Teasing, banter, he accepted it, as he did not have many friends. He had been camping many times before, 

"Kyle, how's the Missus?", Johnno joked. 

"She's good", Kyle said. 

"Yea, sure she is, fuckin loser", said Terry.

Kyle recoiled, awkward, giving his friends a look. 

"Relax", Terry said.

You need to give it more time. You imagine all these noises because of your mental illness. There is nothing wrong with the fridge, just like there was nothing wrong with that graphics card.

Give it more time. Do not move back in with your mother. What that situation did to you is embarrassing. You need your independence. You need to grow.

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> You imagine all these noises because of your mental illness
The noises are real and have been confirmed by other people.
> There is nothing wrong with the fridge, just like there was nothing wrong with that graphics card.
The fridge has a loud dripping/clinging noise and my graphics card has massive coil whine.
> Give it more time. Do not move back in with your mother.
Why? Give me 1 good reason. Im simply going to start looking for a new apartment when i move back.
> What that situation did to you is embarrassing.
What? What did what situation do to me that was embarrasing. I was always like this.
> You need your independence. You need to grow.
I cannot do that in a shitty apartment that makes a distracting noise every second.
raw chicken scares me

Oh my goodness I once lived in an apartment complex and I would hear my neighbour walking up and down the stairs, taking a piss. Plus there was a water hammer issue that made life there miserable. Go crawl back to your 'mom' you bitch of a male.

Then buy pork of beef. But I bet they sell frozen breaded chicken fillets which you only have to fry.
Look. You will find all apartments unsatisfactory. The only optimal one is which you tailor it to be optimal. Unless you make serious dough and pay others to make it optimal for you.
You have to deal with the hardships. There is a reason why you decided to move away from your mother, it was not fine for you.

this is going to suck so hard

> easily verifiable
They didn't verify it though.

I reckon the real scandal is the amount of water in meat these days. I think they must do something to pump it in before they weigh it. It all comes back out when you cook it.


Playing doom with the brutality mod, had a dark thought - what if the doom space marine is really possessed by a demon that's altering his perceptions of the world and that when he thinks he's killing zombies and demons he's really massacering normal humans?

I am back from seeing the Indian woman doctor. My PSA level was 0.77 which is well in the normal range. So probably no prostate cancer.
My blood pressure was in the normal range again (after being high the first time I went) so that is good as well.
She is not going to put me on any medication. I just have to live with my prostate symptoms until they get more serious.
I think I can live with them now that I understand them. I am not freaked out by them any more. I have adjusted mentally.

Replied to the storage place at 5.30 this morning
> The rent appears to have increased from $175 to $200 without any prior communication of this fact?
They just sent a PDF letter advising me of the increase, with this justification:
< However, rising expenses associated with maintaining and improving our facilities require us to periodically review and adjust our pricing structure.
Replied again with:
> You have done no maintenance on facilities in the four years I have been a customer.

They're not likely to budge.
Rather than pay it today, like I normally do, I'll wait until the last day or two of the month and decide what I am going to do.
With Bill's help, I can probably move the lathe and stuff to the other end of the workshop and park the Vette in there.

They tend to over water them which makes them weigh more (more money) but the flavour gets diluted.
When I said dense I just meant that they weigh a lot more than you might think so a small piece can end up costing you a lot.

The little wooden box was wrapped in about three separate layers of cardboard, as well as having seals on the wooden box.
I'm sure fraud goes on for high value stuff, but I trust Cigar World enough for a small purchase like this.

That's the trick. They can search all around there they'll find nothing. Soon he's gonna have stomach problems and they'll examine that and find nothing. Then he'll have heart problems and think he's having heart attacks. Finally he finds himself his gallbladder taken out.

Looked at a thread from this time last year. Davo had new shoes, it was 21.5c in Adelaide, someone at the desk whizzers fat mogged webby, some of the neets were still posting about toobs, standard goon posts. Little seems to have changed.

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