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The bored four NEETs

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This weekend on womboflix - In The Line Of Fire (1993) - a Secret Service agent is taunted by calls from a would-be killer who has detailed information about the agent - including the fact that he failed to save President John F. Kennedy from assassination.

Then on Sunday, The Usual Suspects (1995) - the sole survivor of a pier shoot-out tells the story of how a notorious criminal influenced the events that began with five criminals meeting in a seemingly random police lineup.

> “Freak Offs were elaborate and produced sex performances that Combs arranged, directed, masturbated during, and often electronically recorded,” the newly unsealed court papers allege.

> The “regularly” occurring Freak Offs could last for days and Combs and the victims would often receive IV fluids in the aftermath “to recover from the physical exertion and drug use,” the feds allege.

This nigger took this stuff seriously.

When I opened the coke oreos there was an immediate and distinctive coke scent in the air.
They tasted like coke too, much more than I would have thought. Unfortunately as a biscuit flavour coke was nothing special. They were edible but only just. The plain chocolate ones are better.

Remember when brenny livestreamed his hijinx on facebook and mark zuckerberg didn't get into any trouble, but 8ch and the cripple who ran it got kicked off the internet because someone posted a manifesto on one of their boards.

There's only so many videos of dickheads digging holes to hide in and showing their baked bean tin collection I can watch.
If they're Australian preppers and they're not training with firearms, they'll be dead within a few days of the situation they're prepping for.

Even though it is Seafood Night, he insists on ordering something else from the menu.
Instead of talking about your day, he takes his pint into the gaming room and doesn't emerge until 15 minutes after his meal has been set down on the table.

Ok, finally got a bit of coding done, feeling less helpless. I think the trick should be to start early and begin with something really simple, to warm you up to the more challenging stuff.

Guy should get a medal and free insulin for life for wiping out a family of shitskins.

imagine the smell


They hate him for it.
A certain NEET told me years ago that it was all a show and he'd bounce back. I thought he was being silly.

Recently Active on the Board
Nuro (RIP died from shark bite injuries)
Hungarian Big Fella
Swedish apartment NEET
Barnaby Country NEET

When I had an apartment my Mum showed up and cracked the shits at all the beer bottles on the windowsills and the dirty oven etc 
I will remind her of that when shes in (public) care

Yesterday there were 41 unique IPs that posted on this board. There bound to be couple of users who post under  couple (several) IPs for various reasons (using different devices on different networks with different ISPs, VPNs, etc). So about 20 actual users can be a reasonable number.

FUckin arguments.

Coworker who is part of my team keeps banging on about the older coworkers taking extra 10 minutes on lunch, yet he wont directly confront them.

We should start taking 10 minutes longer but they dont want to

I hate this apartment and im leaving as soon as someone in my family can help me leave. This doesnt mean i will live with my mom forever. Im planning on leaving again but next time i will carefully look at the apartment so i dont get a cheap piece of shit paperwall trash pile

I would have loved living in this village if it wasnt for the fact that i can hear everything and that i share rooms with 2 kitchens and road outside and a airfield close. Toilet seat sucks and bathtub sucks. Floor creaks and its cold. Just nothing good here. Its my fault for thinling there would be some sort of quality in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Just have to take the humiliation and stick to my shitty city


Drink water where your horse drinks, a horse will never drink bad water. Make your bed where the cat sleeps peacefully. Eat fruit touched by a worm. It fearlessly collects mushrooms on which insects perch. Plant a tree dug by the mole. Dig a hole where the birds hide from the heat. Sleep and wake up at the same time as the birds, you will reap the golden grains of life. Eat more greens, you will have stronger legs and a resilient heart like the spirit of the forests. Look at the sky more often and talk less so that silence can enter your heart. and your soul is calm and your life is peaceful.

Was telling some Jews about their history and one posted this.

ולא שמנו המשפחות האדמה שלא שם חלקנו כהן לגורלנו ככל המונים שהם משתלטים לנהל וריק המתפללים אל אל לא יושיע

And we did not name the families of the land that did not name us a priest for our destiny as many as the multitudes that they take over to manage and empty those who pray to God will not save.

Garn use it as tasty bait.

Saw monk, he had a slab of beers on his shoulder, the gooner life was hitting him hard, he's going bald and what hair he has left is grey, and his skin has this deep pink-red colour of a man who's internal organs are packing it in.

> demon sorcerer gook
I have been assured by the most impeccable of sources that possum is really an ancient chinese taoist alchemist, cursed during a sorcerer's duel to be trapped in the form of an australian marsupial possum.

Some bloke's full paper shopping bag had the arse fall out of it in the Aldi car park earlier. Absolute disaster. He started yelling. Pure rage. This is what environmentalist bullshit has done to us.

This bowl is deliciously cheesy and seriously satisfying. Dig into a mountain of crispy popcorn chicken and golden fries, covered in our iconic gravy and melty cheese sauce. You're gonna need extra napkins for this one (winking emoji). Not everywhere and not forever.

Ever customised a goyslop boig? I was doing it on the HJ's app earlier for shits and giggles. To a whopper jr you could add double all the veg and sauces, add 3 x bacon, 5 x cheese slices and just one extra patty.

I wasn't on the active neets list. not happy.
Played dayz. got a police stab vest and a bag and a few guns. went around killing zombies with my .22 silenced pistol that could only load one round at a time because i had no magazine for it.
found many more guns i couldn't pick up. ended up dying because despite eating and bandaging i couldn't heal. usually i just die of blood loss from a single zombie. great win today

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