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The bored four NEETs

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I hate this damn apartment. In the middle of nowhere which is good but i didnt think about the fact that because its in the middle of nowhere the apartment would be of dubious quality

Dreamt of an age lost to man, when bipedal possums walked upright and ruled the earth. And I saw the truth - they built the pyramids, they created stonehenge. They enslaved boongs and rode them around like ponies.

He wasn't old just got fucked by life, when he was young went to uk from svk for work. Lived there longer period didn't find wife, didn't enjoy it came back was miserable. He was younger than my dad, uk destroyed him fuck that piece of shit hole. 
Don't want to doxx, it's  slavic name regardless.
Thank, you.

I woke up feeling someone's hands on my shoulders. I was sure it was a home invasion.
But then the feeling went away. There was nobody there. But it had felt real. The pressure on my shoulders.

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Of course Aborigines ate possums. White settlers also ate possums, parrots and anything else they could get their hands on. When you're out in the bush and there's no Ubereats you just eat anything you can kill. 
What made you such a dumb cunt? 

> Neighbour woke me banging on the fence
I don't think I could bang on the fence without me and the missus both falling off. I did sillier things when I was younger, but.

Big Ed not real bright

The YouTube description says it was live on The Bert Newton Show. Bert had a couple of shows over the years, one as an evening variety show and then later as a morning show. They had musical acts, but it wasn't a music show as such. Mostly just talking heads and a bit of everything.


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i thought this guy wrote a book they made high school kids read in english

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Hey hey people, Sseth here. Do you want to live in peace with the forest creatures? Well I got a method for you! First you locate the nearest rock, you flip said rock, under it what do you find? Worms. A lot of worms, and you know what to do right? No don't put em up your dickhole, use the worms to catch fish. "But Sseth that's just fishing, you taught me how to fish". Yes I did, but now here is the important part, you use the fish to lure bears, no not those kind of bears, those are for twinks only, you will lure big brown bears. Once you lure the biggest one around do a handshake, remember firm and confident grip. Congratulations you have established diplomacy, now you only have to fear the wendigos, but thats a subject for another day.

There will arise a difference after the death of a caliph, and a man of the people of Medina will go forth fleeing to Mecca. Then some of the people of Mecca will come to him and will make him rise in revolt against his will ... An expedition will be sent against him from Syria but will be swallowed up ... in the desert between Mecca and Medina. When the people see this, the righteous men ... of Syria and ... Iraq will come to him and pledge allegiance to him. Thereafter a man of the Quraysh will arise whose maternal uncles are of Kalb. He will send an expedition against them, but they will defeat them ... He will then divide the wealth and act among them according to the Sunna of their Prophet. Islam will settle down firmly on the ground ... He will stay seven years and then die, and the Muslims will pray over him.

If Monk had made tomorrow doable.

No but I'll have a big bowl of  Connoisseur vanilla ice cream, blend up 250g strawberrys and mix them with some sour cream and pour that over the top then finally grate some Lindt chocolate over the top of it, and maybe cut a few Maltesers in half and sprinkle them on top as well.

Just don't buy shit that is temporarily ridiculously expensive.
Cyclones wipes out banana plantations and make bananas $15/kg? Don't eat bananas until the price comes back down.
Floods wipe out iceberg lettuce farms and make iceberg lettuces $8 each? Don't buy the cunts.
Half the chickens in the country are being destroyed because of bird flu or whateverthefuck? Don't buy ridiculously expensive eggs. Hitch a ride out to a rich-cunt acreage suburb on the rural fringe of your city. Rich cunts will be selling free-range chicken, duck and quail eggs in little stands with honesty boxes at the bottom of the driveways of their multi-million-dollar estates. Just steal the eggs. Then hitch another ride home.

Landlord company says that if you move out you are obligated to show the apartment to others. Fucking gay bullshit. Im not a fuckibg realtor. Well ill do my best to lie to make some sucker take this apartment as fast as i can

At that stage of my poo where I’m fairly certain it’s all out but there is some gravy tickling the nerves in my sensitive little ring piece making it think there might be more to come.

Wish I was like monk, my only purpose in life to wake up at 4 so I could buy more booze to put me back to sleep. He is like an alcoholic buddha, having freed himself from all the chains of earthly desire.

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Kate Mulgrew once approached Jeri in the showers onset after a particularly sweaty action scene, and pinned her to the wall aggressively. Ryan, being naturally afraid for her job was passive and refused to make eye contact. Her panting and girlish whimpering only emboldened Mulgrew, who began to slap her breasts, berating Ryan to look her in the eyes.
Reddened and sore, Ms. Ryan struggled to cover her large bosom so Mulgrew began pulling her hair from behind, and seized total control by pulling her head all the way back with her left hand and inserting her middle and ring finger into Jeri Ryan's anus.
The soaking women stood there silently while Mulgrew whispered threats into her ear.
> So you think you're a star?
> You think because you give the teenage boys boners that you matter on set?
> My favorite thing about trollops like you who use sex for power..
> She inserts a third finger into her anus...
> ...is that *I* can use your sex to take it away from you
With a great slap across her face, Mulgrew sent Ryan into a glistening wet heap on the shower floor
> Now we'll see those lips of yours do some honest work for once
And she squatted above Jeri Ryan's blushing lips and cheeks.
Slowly, but forcefully Mulgrew lowered herself onto her face.
> Now you can beg me to breathe
And she created an air-tight seal on Jeri's lips and nose. Her gasps for air were met with taunts from above as Mulgrew's labia seemed to nearly envelop Ryan's mouth and nose.
Her dripping torso and heaving breasts shivered in sick delight.

That was a bit embarrassing, just got my groceries delivered (white aussie delivery) and I went out to pick them up and well because of my bad knees and hip or whatever the problem is I find it very difficult to bend down and go up and down stairs, so it takes me awhile to get everything inside.
 Went back out for the second trip and the coles truck had stopped and the driver must have seen me struggling and as he was walking towards me and he asked me if I needed a hand to get everything inside. I told him no, thanks I'm ok, he should you sure and I just said yeah I'm ok thanks. I must look like a total mong cripple who cant even get is own groceries inside. Next time I will have to wait until the truck is gone before I go out.

Usually you only take one stage of the process, tanning takes far too long, the drawing requires a bunch of space and tools, dying is pretty toxic so is done offsite, stitching is usually done my an apprentice and trade leather is usually done by an artisan, for example saddlry.

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Womboflix will be playing the crime thriller The Usual Suspects (1995) - the plot follows the interrogation of Roger "Verbal" Kint, a small-time con man, who is one of only two survivors of a massacre and fire on a ship docked at the Port of Los Angeles.

1 hour https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

As the slaves are talking shit about the "massa", a looming figure appears behind one of them facing the camera. The one with his back turned towards the figure speaks up, addressing his fellow slaves.

"He's right behind me, isn't he?"

Cut to the slave being flogged. Multiple slaves stand around, watching: "Jeesh, guess someone is a little hangry."

Sorry, I'm new on this planet, I have your light wavelength down, your sound waves, chemical interaction, and most of your brain's bio memory equivalency mapped.

Your perception of time, is that single frame, present only? With an ability to analyze the past only from your bio memory or lookups on the internet?
Ergo, just want to doubly confirm, your species can not see the future at all? Like, not even a little bit?

Almost moved everything back. Just have to go back to the place a few more times. My family said i was the happiest they've seen in a long time and i agree. I really want to live alone

Well NEET you should not waste any time finding a new place.
That dysfunctional family you are moving back into is suffocating you and making you even worse by limiting how much interaction you need to have with the outside world.

I purchased another months data package. $50 for 120gb.
Being off the youtube wagon was good though. Coded for several hours. 
I think my failings in life could pretty reliably be put down to youtube and alcohol, which are intrinsicly linked

Kill wagies. Behead wagies. Roundhouse kick a wagie into the concrete. Slam dunk a wagie baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy wagies. Defecate in a wagies food. Launch wagies into the sun. Stir fry wagies in a wok. Toss wagies into active volcanoes. Urinate into a wagies gas tank. Judo throw wagies into a wood chipper. Twist wagies heads off. Report wagies to the ATO. Karate chop wagies in half. Curb stomp pregnant black wagies. Trap wagies in quicksand. Crush wagies in the trash compactor. Liquefy wagies in a vat of acid. Eat wagies. Dissect wagies. Exterminate wagies in the gas chamber. Stomp wagie skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate wagies in the oven. Lobotomize wagies. Mandatory abortions for wagies. Grind wagie fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown wagies in fried chicken grease. Vaporize wagies with a ray gun. Kick old wagies down the stairs. Feed wagies to crocodiles. Slice wagies with a katana.

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