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Some men choose to forgo an ordinary existence, and dedicate their lives to a higher purpose - to breaking free of society's conditioning, to spending all their time reading about politics and conspiracy theories on the internet, while their siblings do the mundane work of getting married and having kids. If you aspire to be such a man, or if you are already such a man, or if you've lost such an uncle, this thread is dedicated to YOU.

Old Thread  >>/907808/

I did a few things in the garden. The whole time my brain was telling me to just give up and go back inside. Very strong aversion to doing anything except sit in front of the computer.
Physical exhaustion now from very limited outside effort. Job only half done. Other half may never get done.
Complete mental, physical and spiritual collapse.

In case the complainer is legit: he should just suck it up, and stop complaining because it is giving attention to the post that offends him. Getting attention is one of the goals and give more fuel to post the same.
But what I really think what's happening:
> 1. post something unusual
> 2. complain about it
> 3. give more work for BO
> 4. ???

Just got back from the pizza place. Some pensioner stopped me at the shops saying I didn’t slow down enough and leave them enough room when they were crossing the pedestrian crossing (old mate was in crutches) . I went off at the old bat. I was super chilled and now I am angry. Seriously fuck those late stage boomers.

No. The thing was I stopped showed some respect and then went slowly around them and they had a problem. I wasn’t fucking waiting 2minutes for them to cross. Old mate should have been in a chair. Seriously fuck that woman. She reeked as a greens voter too.

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Kimchi instant noodles is a balance. 
On one end is zoomer samyang mukbang, too spicy, absurd.
On the other is Karen's gourmet, not actually ramen, not spicy, boring. 

This is shin ramen with fresh kimchi and fried eggs, cost $2, is actually ramen, without being absurd

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Finished William Gibson's Agency. Don't bother reading it neets. Gibson's developed an unforgiveable flaw as a novellist as he's grown old - he's gotten boring. And like a lot of elderly liberals he didn't cope well with Trump's win in 2016, and much of the novel is an attempt to write an alternate history where Hillary won in 2016. Very cringe.

Anyone remember that episode when Peggy tried to teach Bobby about sex, and he asked her what masturbation was? Then she proceeded to tell him and ended up giving him a hand job which led to a massive cumshot on her shirt? Anyone remember it or just me?

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Sharted myself while walking in the middle of a busy public park. Was forced to adopt a strange waddling walk as I pressed my arse cheeks together to hold back further catastrophic torrents. Acutely of people behind me and the wetness in my pants. Finally got home and made it to the toilet just in time. Sprayed diarrhea in the toilet and on the toilet seat, lots of it getting in the hinge part of the toilet seat where it's hard to clean out. Stuffed my toilet overflowing with toilet paper trying to wipe the shit off, now I'm terrified to flush it in case it blocks.

Cow was flipping through the foxtels and Troy came on, it was at the scene where he fights the giant Boagrius. I started yelling, "Is there noone else" and he spluttered and giggled. Took him out for cobbee.

The guy behind this account is not the Buzz Aldrin who landed on the moon. We DID send astronauts up there, the moon landing and everything related did in fact happen as we were told, but we were not ready for space radiation from sources we didn't even know existed, and all the original astronauts who went to the moon had super cancer when they got back so they were replaced with body doubles to keep up public appearance so that we didn't look bad during the cold war. It's why they went into 21 day quarantine because of """moon germs""".

Zero Dark Thirty was well received by the critics, but I thought it was much longer and slower than it could've been, and it lacked much of the tension of Kathryn Bigelow's other film, The Hurt Locker

The guy behind this account is not the Buzz Aldrin who landed on the moon. We DID send astronauts up there, the moon landing and everything related did in fact happen as we were told, but we were not ready for space radiation from sources we didn't even know existed, and all the original astronauts who went to the moon had super cancer when they got back so they were replaced with body doubles to keep up public appearance so that we didn't look bad during the cold war. It's why they went into 21 day quarantine because of """moon germs""".

What star exploded to make this new Star of Jacob? Apparently it's a supernova but I can only see meme articles laughing at people thinking its prophetic and references to tiktok.

The Australian government will distribute a $750 Centrelink Pension Payment to eligible pensioners, concession cardholders, and other beneficiaries. This one-time payment aims to provide financial relief amid rising costs of living.
> 4 hours ago

As T CrB is 2,630 light-years from Earth, light from the binary system requires 2,630 years to arrive at Earth. The nova we will see occurred over 2,000 years ago, but its light will reach us next month. 

T CrB is one of ten recurrent novas recorded that erupt on time scales of less than a century. On average, T CrB undergoes a nova process once every 80 years. 


A pajeet from cenno once called me and said I was eligible for a $750 bonus from centrelink, but he needed my crn and password to verify it was me, then he'd send my phone an mfa code that I read back to him. Still waiting for my bonus though.

The original intended theatrical cut had intermission after the scene where Vito kills Don Fanucci and sits on the steps of his home with his family watching the parade. This is also where the DVD change disc message appears. The studios removed the intermission and made GF2 the first cinema release in history to go for over 3 hours without an intermission.

Some household products in the prime sale are hidden until you click on them. 

Another interesting way sellers are trying to get out of this sale is by making the product image disappear:

Those won't show on the regular search but it should be fixed by tomorrow or later tonight after the sale.

12 pack of cinnamon donuts 
6 pack of cinnamon swirls 
4 and 20 traveler pie 
Pack of mini pork bao buns 
Pack of flavoured popcorn 
Big pack of maltesers 
Chobani flip yoghurt 
2L of fancy iced coffee 

Let the binge begin. Wagon next week

Nice avenged seven fold tshirt, faggot. Matches the goofy worn out socks and shitty shoes perfect. Instead of making bow and arrows, how about you make yourself even slightly desirable and maybe get some pussy? 
Start with a haircut and contact lenses you fucking goofy looking goober.

A banana milkshake is a healthy energy drink for men. It is also known as a men's energy drink. It is also a delicious drink liked by everyone. As it is a yummy drink, we enjoy drinking it, and men enjoy drinking it as it increases their stamina for work performance and promotes masculinity. It is also considered one of the best health drinks for men as it helps build and strengthen the bones and energizes men to work with focused attention, and they hardly feel tired and dull after a hard-working day.

not haunting in that it hurt, but more it confuses me to this day.

In school people would point at me and laugh while they asked if I was wearing "diabetes shoes"

They were normal white shoes, I was not anything close to overweight (skinny actually). I still can't figure out what the fuck they were getting at.

> Is it ever OK to bring a parent to a job interview?
> Yes, you should be able to have a support person there 89 %
> No, it is never OK 2%
> It depends on what the job is/the candidate's situation 9 %

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Yes. Found bunch of boletes. Problem was 90% of them were already "overripe" and full of maggots. Still brought a good bunch home, just to throw them out because they also were full of maggots. Managed to salvage one small piece, by cutting away the maggoty parts.
Also found 3 rizhikis. I dunno their names in english. Only one was worth to bring it home. And found a butifel agaricus campestris (or something very similar, probably agaricus augustus). These were good. But that's about it.
I found many more (at some places I literally walked on mushrooms there were so much) but I dunno their species. I suspect some of them are edible, but most are not.

Yes I had a great walk, and learnt more where can I find mushrooms, and what type. Got some muscle aches too (no muscle fever today) since I had to squat so many times and move around crouched.
At two places I smelled that agaricus augustus/campestris smell. It has almond/anise scent. But found nothing.

Finished the pie, cinnamon swirls, maltesers, popcorn, a couple donuts and half the porn buns. 
Also had about just under 2L of goon. 
Obviously not mixing the iced coffee with wine, but will probably finish it tomorrow. 
The donuts will be for breakky and the yoghurt just a peckish treat.

I have to go outside tomorrow to have a meeting with my handlers about job opportunities or something. Very stressful. I dont want to go outside. If only i studied. I have no one to blame but myself.

Do any of you have vacuum sealer bag things for freexing foods? 
I was looking at one on amaxon for $75. The one that came up as best reviewed is 150, but on amazon it only has one review.



Why doesn't he get a job? Why should everybody else pick up the tab for his waste of space father's burial?

Realistically, any superior civilization would never pass on their technology, just look what happened when first world gave theirs to nigs, jeets etc… Why would they even interact with anyone, since they can just gather DNA and don't care about anything else.

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