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After a brief test-fit, these may be a success. I will give them a proper outing Wednesday night and report back. It is one thing to stand and admire one's self in the mirror, it is another to load up the pockets with a wallet, phone, keys, and other magical trinkets, and waddle about in public.

More or less like the picture. I'm wearing black jeans this week and don't tuck my shirts in, so appearances don't really matter.
If I have to keep hitching my pants up every couple of minutes, I'll revert to the braces.

It was good but I did stuff up cooking, I didn't follow the instructions mainly because of all the extra toppings I put on it so I cooked it lower and longer than what it said so only about a third of the crust went crispy, the rest was chewy and very doughy. I would say without the extra toppings it wouldn't have been very good. Would buy again when it comes on special but I would make sure to cook it at a higher temp.

I don't even mind it if a nigga wanna shit on me or piss on me
Or beat the fuck out of me 'til I'm whimpering
Cut me up and shine me with my blood until I'm glistening
Spit shine me, spit on me, fist me 'til my innards bleed
Fist me in the dicka 'til my dickhole bleeds, nigga please
Lick on me, skin me alive and then pillow me
By that I mean stuff me, rough me up
Squeeze my life out and turn me into a mummy for cummies
And put a curse upon my tomb so ain't nobody peerin' in
Ain't nobody else except you
My homie, my nigga, my husband, my boo

Aircon packed up in January
Got a new compressor, cost 1600
Now this one has shit itself
They reckon that its due to the old compressor and metal in the system
They said theyll replace the compressor and condenser, but the flush will cost 800
They reckon that it was working normally after they installed the new one.

Wat do?

I was sittin on my arrrsssseeeee 
He was sittin on his arrrseeee 
Waitin for a payment 
Hangin for a payment 
Eatin rice and oil! 
Eatin rice and oil! 
Battlin' like a claimant 
Battlin' like a claimant

Many years ago I started a project the night before cup day and keep retrying every year to make progress on it. Tried again this evening and didn't really achieve much. Will try again next year. Going to bed. Good night neets.

I bought a litre of long-life milk for $1.60. Will give me a few cups of milo. 
Still have 15 cents in my account and a $1 coin. I'll have to check the calorie count on a packet of homebrand 80c gingernut biscuits vs. a packet of migoreng ($1)

We do need to form a neet think tank, where the best and brightest neets can determine melbourne cup winners, research the latest cenno scams, and keep the rest of us apprised on the latest breakthroughs in robot gfs.

For years I've always done bowel movement within seconds of feeling them, never more than 15 feet away from my toilet. My colon muscles must be weak as  new born baby's from not being used to hold back poo any more.

Joe Biden Rogan endorses Donald Trump: https://www.skynews.com.au/world-news/united-states/joe-rogan-announces-endorsement-of-trump-while-promoting-elon-musk-interview-on-x/news-story/fa089abc574f6355d8337f656e6dee11

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Lost $5 on the horses. That's fine. 
Had some robitussin cough medicine, isn't working thus far. Chemist could not explain the hypersalivation. 
As if taking medicine wasn't bad enough already, I might submit tomorrow and commit a great sin... seeing a GP.

Oh wait! I remember an very old one (Ciccolina, perhaps the first porn actress that made a name, she's ugly as sin), and another by face, but not name. So all in all that's liek 6 now. And a fatso. That's 7. One from each tribe apparently.

This donut cushion is not as effective as the old one. I am experiencing significant rectal pain.
I think it is possible I am going to have to stop spending so much time sitting. Maybe I should buy a standing desk.
Is it practical to spend all day standing up?

Got some books today.
We of the never never - Aeneas Gunn ($3)
Picnic at hanging rock - Joan Lindsay ($2)
How M'Dougall topped the score - Thos. E. Spencer ($1)
Wild Colonial Boys - Frank Clune ($4)
The Old West the Gunfighters - Time life ($5)
The old west the cowboys - time life ($5)
A treasury of American Folklore - edited by D. A. Botkin ($10)

The old west ones have leather covers, and the folklore one is full of ebonics whenever there are blacks talking "wen dat mas'er comin' back ser?" Etc.
Also got a 100x telescope for $10, was probably only 50 brand new, but should be good for viewing planets.

Still dealing with hypersalivation. Got a cup in the car, one next to the bed, the couch, and on my desk to spit in.
I suspect this is related to a rise in acetylcholine after starting no-goon, activating the parasympathetic nervous system. Need to invent a drug that just magically resets neurotransmitters back to relatively normal levels without rebounding effects.

Just perved on venus and the moon. The telescope doesnt have great focus or stability. I could see the craters and the outline of the dark side of the moon. Venus looks green/purple/red but out of focus.
Red and purple bits might be due to some light shift, or whatever its called. Like gases or debris slows some of the light down. Or it might be the lenses or mirrors doing it. I think venus is supposed to be aqua. Did some balancing breathing stretches inbetween looking through it. Hurt my back being hunched over.
It was about 15min before I realised the legs extended and I got up off the ground.

the reason i made the announcement is i actually disconnected a wire last February when i got a power bill, like wise i hade to wait as long as a i could be fucked reconnecting it this year. Today was the day. Also going on a timer too, going to switch it off 5am so i cant spend all morning in the cool zone

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The ZOG is gonna cut my power today for "Line maintainance" at the same time as agie the agent is gonna inspect and take photos. This is definetly it boys. They want me out of the way, probably something to do with the election but I guess I'll never find out.

kike judges want the niggers and pajeets raping and pillaging on the streets

> the negative reaction of Marvin Davis the Denver oil tycoon who purchased 20th Century-Fox in April 1981 ("At a private screening of...'Making Love' he...bellows: 'You made a goddamn faggot movie!' and storms out")

News Ltd was trying to say that vote distribution isn't the same for postal votes as it is for ballot box votes, and that it is perfectly normal for republicans to look like they're winning at first. They're basically writing articles to make the incoming cheating look normal.


Had a snack pack with cheese, lamb and chicken to celebrate. Absolutely bloated now. Tomorrow I get my life in order, no more excuses, the us election marks a turning point in my life.

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Its absolute horseshit, i made literally (2) flag posts in good taste celebrating a HISTORIC EVENT and vindicating  myself and trumps unfounded  vilification over the years and the dumb ass faggot has to start right up again and start false flagging and shitting up the gen like a fucking retard as usual

His bullshit DSP application will get rejected and he will cry and protest and the JSP he has been literally abusing will send his arse straight into worst WFTD program on the coast at the VISY recycling plant at Nambour Dump. 

6 months of hard labour do not pass go do not recieve any benefits KARMA IS A BITCH

These right wing types always give advice to others that they don't take themselves.
They are online telling you not to eat seed oils, meanwhile they weigh 150kg and are addicted to all forms of slop.

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