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The bored four NEETs

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We need to recognise Western Saharah as part of Morocco then liberate Algeria from their oppressive rulers and destabilise boko haram and the rest of them. Tindouf provence requires western intervention.

I need to apologise in advance, NOOTs. I have so much to do this week that I am probably going to oscillate wildly between sad and angry and back again. If I say anything particularly hurtful it is not personal.

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According to BOMs latest observations it feels like a fresh and breezy 24 degrees at Sunshine Coast airport. Fry chadelaide NEETs… lol 

Popped some pills, listening to breaks. Put a lamb shoulder roast in the oven when I left. Should be nicely done when I get back. Then back in the cool zone.

Hiram Abiff was the king of another city I think somewhere in Phoenecian coast, maybe Sidon that king Solomon talked to and shared technology and ideas with. The pillars supposedly represent what was saved from the preflood culture/s. They were made of brass and marble iirc, fire and earthquake proof. They now imo are about saving a specimin of us for after the next collapse. Probably behind those seed pods that save grain breeds for future generations.

Coles and Woolies are low hanging fruit. I feel bad for them and the attacks they face. Tall poppy syndrome, where they cant even defend themselves. Its a business and they sell convenience. If people were as upset as they pretend to be, they wouldn't shop there.

> she avoided jail on charges including kidnapping, extortion, burglary and recklessly causing injury
double standards are great

still rootable

She must like confined spaces.

I see. I thought perhaps personality issues.
> media holds her up as the most beautiful woman to have ever existed.
I dunno if it does. Well it does with all these broads to some extent. So I dunno if they put particularly effort into that in her case.

Collected all that booze from Dan.
Got some more for the road while I was at it.
The last few days I have been finding a heap of flies in the house. Not sure if Bill has put a window frame out of alignment, creating a gap, or whether they are flying into the wall vents and getting in through that powerpoint mess the electrticians left.
Tomorrow will be a week since they visited and I complained. Haven't heard any more than 'we will investigate', so I will send a nastygram tomorrow morning.

Not sure if DoS was the aim but yes the site got flooded. Ovaltine was shuffling things from left to right and accidentally the whole neetboard and you couldn't post.
We're dealing with the situation.
Thanks for your patience and keep it up.

the flies here are only a thing for about a month. They go crazy when I cook onions and curry and stuff. They come in under the flyscreen door, somehow the covered back entrance is like landing lights at the airport for them.

kek, he's the hero we needed.
> A bomb hidden in an electric scooter killed a senior Russian general in charge of nuclear protection forces in Moscow on Tuesday

I've been going to sleep at 4am and waking up at noon. With a two hour nap in the late afternoon. I need to break this habit. I'm going to go to bed at midnight tonight and hope I can get to sleep.

Look at him, that's not the smile of a man who's failing, that's the grin of man who has just epically fucked up anglo-canada's shit, not just destroying the country but ending their bloodline, making it impossible for them to afford to have children, genociding the ancient enemies of franco-canada. The same smile you see on the face of an israeli bomber pilot, returning from an airstrike on a school full of palestinian children.

I have great respect for your pedostomping, could still reach the server through one front end. I got through. 

Old images so the hash should have already been in a unified ban list. I'm pretty sure these can be implemented internally and reported anonymously for reasons of user privacy. 
Given that none were obfuscated I suspect it was random spam, if dead boards on chanlist got hit it would tend to confirm that. Might be less work if it becomes a recurrent issue.

verb [brab-uhl]

1. to argue stubbornly about trifles; wrangle


2. noisy, quarrelsome chatter

At /ausneets/, it’s best to steer clear of petty brabbles that only lead to trouble.

Nonsense, if you can fit through the front door you can make it to the shops for a binge. If you can't fit through the front door, you need to get an uber pajeet to bring you some chinky, 14 pizzas, 2 charlie's specials subs, a few buckets of kfc, some kebabs and a HSP, some maccas, and in this festive season, a tin of shortbread biscuits.

> click on a video
> start getting suicide prevention ads from lifeline
I find this stuff depressing, like youtube data analytics can figure out how fucked up you are, and predict that you're soon going to be suicidal. It's like a prophet prophesing doom.

lol how dumb is the seppo legal system
one kill and three or four murder charges

 >>/931253/ Yes quite the thing to envy 
find a holy man with young daughters and work for him for seven years in servitude and after the seven years he will reward you a daughter but you must then do another seven years, but at least you will have a wife 
it is biblically accurate and it is what I am doing, so far so good at 1/7 down
If i am denied after the fact, I will make fertiliser explosives

Dropped a roses chocolate last night when putting them in the freexer, bent down quickly to pick it up and headbutted the fridge door handle really hard. Small spit on my forehead and a half cm dent.

6 pack of mercury hards (12) + green top long neck (2.7) + bintang stubbie (1.2) acquired. Taking it easy, have to try and do some xmas shopping tomozzo. Wish cenno would give me a chrissy bonus.

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Some of the trees have leaves of gold and silver but they are high up and hard to get. 
My chocoalte coated mazipan bars are all in good condition in the ammo tin. I also pulled out my coffee percolator for tomorrow. 

The spars are de-barked and everything fits in the ute. Going to go deliver it on saturday.

Internode hired quite a few faggots, but not too many non-whites. This was probably on account of the practical component of the hiring process.
I can really only recall one pajeet and one vietcong above level 1 helpdesk.
Pajeets biggest problem was a Friday night dinner where he would let somebody else cover his share of the bill and then on Monday come and say his wife wouldn't let him spend the money.

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i saw mythbusters 2 decades ago and flush with the lid down. 

how could you tell ? Also i dont know whats goin on but there are 2024 corvette stingrays everywhere latel. I cant believe how many i have i have seen in the past 2 weeks its like everyone has been waiting years and a boat just landed and they all got delivered. 



I had my birthday a couple of months ago. Something i didnt want to celebrate but was forced to by others. Sat at the dinner table and i was humiliated every second by family members that just looked at me weirdly and engaged in conversation with me every 3 seconds. I was so humiliated i went right back to my room and never came out again. They just continued celebrating my birthday and tried getting me to come back which only further caused humiliation so i yelled at them through my door

Btw they celebrate Christmas too, see this:  >>/931544/
Your family will probably want you to have dinner with them. I already see the events unfolding the same if you don't adjust at least a bit. The situation isn't less uncomfortable if you yell at them, so you could skip that by letting it go. In fact if you yell you just fire up the tensions and it makes the whole situation even more uncomfortable.

> Also i dont know whats goin on but there are 2024 corvette stingrays everywhere late
The wealthy normies have discovered they can get something that looks and goes like a Lambo or McLaren for half the price. The C8 has caused a bit of a schism in the Corvette community.

> You should try to accept at least that they are fond of this nonsense.
I came outside and sat at the finner table. And they proceeded to humiliate me several times in a row. They know i dont want to be the center of attention or celebrate anything and yet they put me on the spot and humiliate me. I wasnt furious and sad because it was my birthday. I was furious and sad because they dont even respect me as a human. I was basically mocked to my face. I left my room to be therr and all i got was humilation.
Im not going to yell at anyone but oh god. I dont want to sit at the christmas table. Im just going to not do it. I wont forgive anyone. My life is miserable and all they can do is just make it more miserable. They should be happy i didnt hang myself and blame them!

Christmas is for low IQ NPC's to get excited about being excited. What makes me cringe is that all of that tinsel and Xmas decorations and 90% of the presents was made by political prisoners in slave labor camps in china and will end up in landfill for future generations to deal with.

I hate dogs but I dont want to see them locked up and mistreated. Seeing those little white yap dogs in fucked up back yards, ignored by their low IQ trash owners is the same thing as chink sweat shops, just some creature born into a shit life.  Bottom feeders like you ignore it as long as you get your aliexpress junk, then when i point it out you double down your retarded selfishness and cheer it on because you think it pisses me off. But I know that retards are gonna retardate and life sucks when you're bottom quartile. Tell me I'm wrong, I wont read it. tab closed.

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