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The bored four NEETs

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How's it hanging neetos.
(former)PostieNEET update -- got the van I talked about before. I've still yet to do my driving test, but that'll maybe in January.

I don't suppose anyone has clues on roof racks for a Kia Pregio/cars >20 years old? The usual auto shops don't do racks for them. I want to put a solar panel on the roof in a non-retarded way (so not gluing it on) so I can has a car fridge/freexer..and don't have to eat a whole box of woolies $3 choc icecreams in one hit like I used to do when I was a youngun.

there is no way this sheila is a virgin

Wouldn't you just toss the solar panels in the back so you could store a heap of junk on the roof?

I'm also not sure whether you'd want to run everything off the cars power, or just run the solar/ fridge/ chargers off 12v from a second battery.

Postieneet has rails so would be stupid not to get hard mounts. 
Hard mounts can carry quarter ton secure storage cases, that's all the shit which would otherwise cram up your van and make it unliveable. It you're going at 90kmph with a solar panel on your roof, you're going to have a bad time. If it were me I'd just clip mount the panel to the rails and angle it off the case. You can't stop someone smashing your panel, so just make sure nobody can steal it intact

(sorry for the delay; pensionfren came over for the day's driving practice sess)

I'm planning to travel like with the postie, only taking as much as I can carry in a backpack (roughly), but I do want a car fridge so food and milk doesn't spoil after a day during the summer. An ice maker would be awesome too. Other vancampers I've chatted with have done that on a 100Ah Lithium battery with solar charging. The van's starter battery is "95 Ah", which for AGMs really only means 50 Ah. A second batt means not risking the first one. 

Yeah, seen all those, but they're for cars with factory roof rails.
An option is to poprivet aftermarket tracks. Those prices are antiNEET.     

No rails, have to find a compatible gutter-mount solution. The roof's certified dynamic capacity is just 80kg too.   

Postie fits inside! \o/

Getting a second battery is a good call, dedicated space for water. You'll probably end up carrying more stuff this time around. Tools for the vehicle, fuel.

Doesn't your van have rails? If you had aftermarket rails you could pick them up anywhere and just drill a hole in them and use a pair of gate bolts to pin your panel on. Idk if you'd want one panel or two small ones, I'm just thinking whether you could store the panels inside the van if you needed to. Like if you were in an urban area. 

I've seen a lot that employ the milk crate storage system

I have ordered some Pygeum supplements for my blown out prostate.
Reviews of it seem good, but there are disturbing accounts of it making your member drip precum in very large quantities.

I have tabs of apps open
Bookings, to do, teams, its all part of the big bloop takeover. 365 told me I got the ai for free. Accept all terms and conditions. Integrate the mainframe router calendar firefox extension java update sd card.

> MAGA civil war with Musk turns vicious

Thank you fellas for participating in our traditional Christmas Special!

As for Toys. It's a good movie, I mainly enjoyed for the visionary take on drone warfare. There are some fun stuff here and there, but that would not be enough. As for the surrealism, it's kinda random, although they put together a consistent aesthetics.

I think he just wants us to get mad to polru by pretending he is a normal/regular poster there.
I would bet he is the same who does the flood there (and for ausneets). His narration that describes others "mad", despite there is no apparent sign of being mad, is also a sign he might be the very same person. Such attackers tend to do this.
The fellas doing good of ignoring him and being jovial.

Once I wrote a good summary of various Europeen cuisine. It was soomething like:
- British: bland food in batter
- French: bland food in sauce
- German: sausage and cabbage
- Italian: pasta and oil
- Slavic: grease and grains
- Hungarian: grease and paprika

Weber and I used to hoon around in the 'vette with the lights off running over cats so we could collect the corpses and do drive-by-throw them at people whilst throwing up gang signs.

Want to go into the city and wander around the shops to look at the post christmas sales, as has been my custom since I was an austistic teenager, but just don't have any energy this year.

It rained coming back bigly. We stopped at Munno Para shops to get a paper and an onion and a few things and then she walked into the ā€œEpic Artā€ tattoo shop thinking the sign said epic tarts.

Batman fans get very annoyed when you suggest to them that Bruce Wayne is a spoilt rich kid who takes lots of steroids and pays mentally ill homeless people to wear funny costumes and let him beat them up.

Went for a cruise and a walk around town. Lots of normals out and about, lots of nice looking girls. Pubs all packed, people walking around, that real holiday vibe in the air.
Not me though. Iā€™m not able to part of that culture. Woe, what do I exist for

Back during COVID I had this NEET call my ambulance. Dude was in a hovel with, literally, just a bare mattress on a floor and shit Toshiba laptop. He was all fucking pissed off that there really wasn't anything I could do to make him feel better. He had a mild fever and was being a real bitch about it. I repeatedly explained to him that he was best off just waiting it out at home and to call back if his respiratory symptoms worsened.
This dude wasn't hearing it. He started shouting and acting tough, but avoided anything that might be perceived as violent. He was, no shit, yelling "What does your father do, huh? Fuck you! What does your father do?" This was some kind of argument I didn't understand. Someone explain it to me.
I made him walk to the ambulance, because I don't carry people who don't need to be carried, and he gets even more upset. This retard made me drive him to the hospital that was, without exaggeration, across the road from his caravan park. This is May of 2020. There are roughly 400 people waiting to get in that ER, most in far worse shape than this guy.
This dude was cursing my name up and down, fuck you this, your mother's a whore, the whole works. I go to walk him in the ambulance entrance and sit him down in the waiting area. Then I go over to my favourite security guard, let him know this NEET is gonna be a problem and get the fuck out of there because we have like 10 jobs pending. Security sorted him the fuck out.
2 days later I end up getting called to the same place, and when I get there all of a sudden this dude is SUPER submissive and breedable. Thankful, pleading for help, reasonable, listening, you name it.
It was astonishing. This guy was acting like an entirely new person, and I knew all of it was complete bullshit. Security must have tuned him up pretty good.

I don't think this is an anti-hippie movie.
All those actors are essentially hippies themselves. Now in the 21st century. Tarantino too.
Maybe the Manson attack got the scare in the movie industry, at least into the upper echelon. And this movie turns the events back on the perps. Like a revenge fantasy.

I admit that during the pandemic I got an ambulance to transport me. In my defence I only did it twice and maccas stops serving breakfast at 10:30 so it was the only way to get there in time.

Besides Bruce Lee, the only non-white who appeared, and is quickly crushed by a superior white male in hand to hand combat, there were basically no niggers in the entire film. Tarantino has gotten over his nigger loving and is finally ready to begin his career as a mature and intelligent filmmaker.

yeah its left handed or right handed sense, I cant remember. Its the one thats claimed to have replication checking enzymes in the ribosome or something, but even pure clones made with recombinant DNA in tanks isnt going to transmit between conspecifics more than a couple of jumps before it mutates itself back into a background swarm. RNA virus Science is mostly mythology. see HIV.

Got a rub. She gave me a two handed pepper grinder through my undies as I lay face down, but was coy when I turned over. I grabbed her and made her lay on top of me. She smiled but I don't think she was impressed. I think the whole thing is to not be waiting for it or to expect any more. Gratitide for the momentary things.

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spent the day out in the sun shine landscaping my secret spot. Lots of stacking rocks and logs together and hitting them with a hammer to make it tight. Was going to get some ice cream on the way home from the IGA for my last dinner with the old man but there was a negro at the register so i put it back in the freexer and left. Saw a toyota crown in good condition in the car park tho. calamari rings for tea and fresh fruit for dessert. based

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No one cares about you pathetic unloved shit with very good reason. If you have not figured it out yet I only post with a random flag in the morning so you have to out yourself and  steal it  and waste your time and energy on your shit show all day long. 

Just got back from Coleā€™s. Got a celebration cake whatever the fuck that it, some more discounted meat tray slices and deli stuff. 2litres of ice break (that costs the same as 600ml lol and nice fancy family size gourmet pizza with expressed intention of leftovers to eat tomorrow because all the bakeries and food places are closed until the 5th jan

Almost 19 years to the day when I saw Goblet Of Fire in the cinema. I remember it clearly. Had plans to accomplish stuff. Almost nothing accomplished in the two decades since. Woe.

Itā€™s all 50ā€™s metal piping that has been painted. I canā€™t get the nuts to move without really cranking on it and Iā€™m worried Iā€™ll break the pipe at the wall and cause an even bigger problem. NFI if there will be enough salvageable thread on the existing pipe or whether they even make adapters for imperial metal pipe to PVC.


I have had Arthur. 

This is my guy, I've never had an issue. He installed my hot water box and gave me a discount because I was on dsp.
I think its a group of 5 or so private plumbers that give each other jobs. So if one is closer to someone else or they're busy, someone else can fill in and take that business.

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