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The bored four NEETs

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this thing is a psyop to make children believe in dinosaurs, which arent real. the Big Science industrial complex gets you as a kid its slaves early and practically none will escape a lifetime of slavery to the temple of false knowledge.

They never found a complete skeleton of a giant dinosaur, did they? The whole paradigm is old school hoax for profit, making up some bullshit skeleton to tour around and charge chumps to see it. The museums are all in on it. You might as well go and visit the holohoax display while your at it, retard.

Shitty time at the shops.
Stupid pajeet at the People's Choice bank just looked at me blankly when I handed him the card I found.
Stupid eskimo at Woolworths threw a jar of coffee in on top of Motherbat's nectarines.
On the way out, two security guys had a guy pinned on the floor of the BankSA and then 3 patrol cars and a paddy wagon came screaming up and cops ran in. I told them to shoot him but they just ignored me.

I said my local mcdonalds kicked me out because I tried to go into the playground naked and wouldn't let me watch porn on their wifi, then I said that a domino's pizza didn't have enough semen on it and the worker wouldn't give me anymore.

I normally don't mind bad writing if it has some life in it but this is boring trash with a heavy dose of virtue signaling.
He writes every character as a whiny teenage girl and his main POV character IS a whiny african teenage girl.

Has he made any videos in the last 5 years? I was an ausneet 7-8 years ago and he disapeared probably into employment and alcoholism like I did.

Has anyone else got fog? I'm in Shitney and I feel like I have asthma and the fog is thick I think drones have deployed toxic fog and all elites have gone underground.

Did he shit himself at Dolands?
> Scott Morrison spends New Year’s Eve with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago

Last time I called a plumber all he did was blow a spider web out of the valve of the hot water system.
Took him 5 minutes and I felt like a fool.
He did only charge me the callout fee though $85.

Beans seem expensive, but six dollars a bag is only a dollar a cup dry, fifty cents a cup cooked, so you always end up with 3 kilos of fifty cent meals. That is really the only way you can afford to buy oil, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs. 
So week one of beans is pretty miserable but by week two it's chicken and lentil soup, beef and bean chilli, hueros rancheros, fish curry and the beans become tolerable.And by week three you can buy sauces and spices and you're back on budget. Freeze bean feeds in 500g zip locks.

DSP neets can just buy nodoze, pizza and fat lambs, but the JSP neets have to suffer vile gas.

Are you at risk? 
> Flood warning issued for Queensland’s Western Downs town of Jandowae after heavy rainfall

It wont run smoothly because the sprocket has gouges out of it. I have spare chains, so that saves me about $40.
What the hell are you putting baking soda in it, your not making crystal meth. What is wrong with gas? meat eaters who dont pass gass are going to get bowel cancer.

AI Overview

No, beans are not meat; they are considered a legume, which is a type of plant, and are classified as both a vegetable and a protein source by the USDA, meaning they can be used as a meat substitute in a vegetarian diet, but they are not animal flesh like meat.

I shall now read NEET his bedtime story from the book Betrayal.

Death is all around us now: the death of the body, the death of the spirit, but most of all the death of hope.

Memory dies and only legend will remain. Already so very many have met their end, be they noble or cowardly, lamented or unknown. The cataclysm that has riven our Imperium echoes on yet, and there are not enough left to count the dead, were they each to make it the work of their lifetimes they say.
Our Emperor, our bright lord, our liberator, our erring father - the greatest casualty of all, broken and silent now upon his glittering throne - the immortal dead, a new unliving god for a new age of terror.

Nighty night NEET, sweet dreams.

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> Death is all around us now: the death of the body, the death of the spirit, but most of all the death of hope.
> Memory dies and only legend will remain. Already so very many have met their end, be they noble or cowardly, lamented or unknown. The cataclysm that has riven our Imperium echoes on yet, and there are not enough left to count the dead, were they each to make it the work of their lifetimes they say.
> Our Emperor, our bright lord, our liberator, our erring father - the greatest casualty of all, broken and silent now upon his glittering throne - the immortal dead, a new unliving god for a new age of terror.

In Greece the Sumerian god Enlil was called Zeus. also in Rome the Sumerian god Enlil was called Jupiter.
Enlil is associated with Kronos as mentioned, who in turn is associated with Saturn. While Zeus is associated with Jupiter.

Jupiter is in the north now.

Books were the best medium for their time. Prefering them over another form of communication device is just fashion. Modern media like tiktok can convey more, and different  information quicker and more effectively. Books were about passing on information and they have been superceded.

I need them to last me the next rest of my life. 2 cones available, just in case I want them. All the time, without having to do the calling and buying and then going to get and bring home. 
Need it legalised and uber delivered.

Bought a new video game. Waited all night for it to download. 
Did the tutorials and get into the first mission and I couldn't even beat it 
Woe, just wanna be good at something for once

I could be wrong but I think this says the dole is going up $60a fortnight.
And mongherds are getting a 13% pay rise apparently.


put a pile of motherbat's shit on the counter and stood around waiting for one of them
then this dumb zoomer boy comes up who can't make eye contact and asks if we needed help with something
I said we wanted to buy this lot and pointed to it
he asks if we have a bag, which I had already plonked on the counter
he scans everything
doesn't put anything in the bag
ask for the receipt
he points at the machine
just utterly fucking useless

It'd be worth it to escape. What if he's still out there? I just wanted a cruisey day on the check outs, then he turns up with his mum looking like an evil clown without any makeup  I thought there was a head in the bag he puts on the counter for his stuff.

If you and the payee have access to PayID, you enter their mobile or whatever is linked and it shows you their name for the account, then you can do a transfer to them. Having that personal information helps massively to confirm it's the right person.

> Two Hungarian nationals have been charged

Having my freshly squeezed orange juice and coconut water. 
Next I will have a strong coffee with gelatin and sugar to delay the digestion of sucrose and maintain a stable blood sugar level. 
Then I will have a home mode boiger with cheese and pickles and then I'll start my day

Have half a cone of kiff left. Cant roach it and it falls right through. Don't want to call old mate, but must. Not that I don't like hearing from him, but I only talk to him these days when I want to score.

Finished William Gibson's Virtual Light. Gibson is definitely an authour who's gotten worse with age. Virtual Light was written in 1993 and much better than All Tomorrow's Parties which was written in 1999, although it's not nearly as good as his 80s work.

It's not that much if you only freeze the main portion and pack everything properly. 100 feed packs is only 50 litres. The secret is they my freexer isn't full of random shit.

Icecream isn't just unhealthy, it's not worth the power it costs to keep it frozen.

Sean Strickland
29 Feb 2024
Here's why I don't trust fat people...

1. Fat people are hard to look at.

2. Youre sweaty all the time.

3. You all struggle to do anything in life, especially eating.

4 You betray your arteries daily for sugar..  You will betray me for less.

My job provider appointment says I need:
> Proof of identity, either:
> 1 form of photo ID - for example a driver's licence or passport
> 2 other forms of ID that show your name and current address - for example, a bank statement or phone bill.
> Employment related documents:
> your resume if you have one
> education or training certificates
> documents relating to your qualifications or employment.
Do you think I need to my resume printed or can I have it as a .pdf on my phone? I have my licence but the address is outdated. I don't know what to do about proving my current address. My bank statements are online so I don't have a paper one. My phone bill is paid for by motherbot (she is the only person I have any contact with and I don't live with her). Do you think I can use just my licence and online bank statement?

You should be able to download a PDF bank statement using online banking.
They can print your resume out for you if you have it saved on your phone.
Just do your best with the ID if it is not satisfactory they will tell you what you have to do.

I saw a big line outside a store in the city today so I joined in to see what it was about and it was just some old guy in there with his hands down his pants watching the bold and the beautiful on TV.

> A day earlier O’Keefe had overdosed on heroin at a party and needed to be revived by paramedics
> “I can assure you the next step is jail. I’m not just saying that, I absolutely mean it. It’s got to the state where the court would believe you just can’t be rehabilitated.”
End Stage; Deal or No Deal.

They want 100 points of ID  find it online. Your drivers licence should be enough in most cases but I am guessing they want something to confirm you live there. If you use a bank statement remove all the information about transactions.

Delivery update: Your parcel is delayed, up to 48 hours. We understand the importance of receiving your parcels promptly, and we apologise for any inconvenience this causes. We’re working hard to deliver it as soon as possible.

saw a spider crawling across my ceiling, small but looked like one of those white tails my sister used to be upset about, sprayed it once it reached a corner, but it didn't seem to be effected so I had to keep spraying it again and again until it fell and I squashed it with my shoe. Started feeling naseus, probably the most bug spray I've ever inhaled in my life, wondering if it can do long term damage to you. Ecch.

Find them online cheaper, ask Sony Australia or one of the retailers to price match. Will become cheaper when the next generation comes out, which is anticipated this year.

My motherbot knows I cannot hear her when I have them on and has to get my attention if she's talking to me. Well worth the sanity. 

I have the previous version and that current version. WH-1000XM5 have better noise cancellation while WH-1000XM4 have better sound quality but require you to keep updating the noise cancellation in use.

They can also be a tax deduction because it can be linked via shitty Bluetooth to a computer and used for Voice chat. That's my plan for the next generation.

> Trump complains that US flags will be half-staff on his inauguration day

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> Not if he orders them at full
Who is going to do it though? Nuro can only fix so many in a day
> DOGE aides are making 'blacklist' of federal employees to fire with input from Trump's first Cabinet

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> "At bottom every German has one foot in Atlantis, where he seeks a better Fatherland and a better patrimony. This double nature of the Germans, this faculty they have of splitting their personality which enables them to live in the real world and at the same time to project themselves into an imaginary world, is especially noticeable in Hitler and provides the key to his magical socialism."
How do I learn magical socialism neets?

Australian lamb is the best quality in the world, all of which is less than a year old. They also do this for consistency in carcass weight. 
Its all regulated, monitored and auditted. A multimillion dollar company isn't going to risk that for  a few dollars difference per kg. The biggest difference would be the farm and state, for both taste and price.

Myself. You mongs don't know the difference between lamb and mutton, and act like the truck driver puts pebbles in the bellies of the sheep to make them weigh more, like they get paid more per head, or coles have nefarious neerdogooders who pump up the meat with water weight, like they get an extra cut for doing it.. and somehow theyre all in on it and capable of keeping their $20 secret private.

> why hello how are you nighers doing on this fine day ? 
> is that fried chicken you are eating ? 
> I have some loose cigarettes you can purchase 
> sorry that black woman did not win the election 
> george Floyd is also my personal hero
> have a nice after and try not to steal anything from my white van over there I leave the windows down and it unlocked

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