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This isn't a fucking joke. Stop trolling. 

Anyway, welcome to /baaa/, the board at least predating to 2019, made originally for whenever I got banned on 4chan, even for being allegedly underage. Which was evident in 2021, too. 
But I'm 19 years old and I'm gonna say something about this board. 
This is a board made for original creations, obviously. 
Original anims, test animations, even original characters and other original concepts thru the LTN Project. 
That's right, I have a project. Even though it is rough doing everything buy yourself sometimes, I can still manage to keep it running and fast too. As of July + August, I have already decided my branding for the LTN logo as well as its fonts. And of course, a new Macker logo early in the month.
Okay listen here smart ass. The only reason it's even shortened to that is because you sick fucks keep calling it "loli tv", when in factk, none of the fucking catalog or shows have underage anime girls in it. THAT is what led me to even making "Lol Television Network" shortened to just simply LTN. Plus my network is a NETWORK, a WEB SITE. Owned by both starruko and macker entertainment global. You fools. They are both mass media, while LTN (despite having entertainment name too) is the thing to air any fucking originals. Hell I'd have anyone do their own show so we don't just use fucking paramount shows. But such is the way, I guess. 

You comparing my web thing about cartoons to something about random internet technology shit about soccer is fucking absurd. 
When you get banned
No, YOU piss off. 
> doesn't read my point 
Thanks for proving it. I wasn't even angry at you, moreso baffled a bit because I'm not even surprised you can't read or understand what I'm saying to you. I've spoke it in CLEAR English. 
I've NEVER, nor have I EVER intended to "infringe" on anything existent. Those WEG/WEP parodies were obviously fake and parody. I would never actually want to copy off Fox for their logo, hell I like their movies too, it's not just the logo I fucking like of all things. 
I already did proper research on what any company is or means. I'm not striving to be some weird Soccer endorsing channel. 
Once again, 
Not the intended shortened name "LTN". That's just a secondary name because EDL-TV (from 2016) is a stupid name. Some idiot pointed out it was some weird construction suit instead anyway. But then again so is another result of a fake tv station of CBS too. 
You're the lord of being a POS if that's what you wanna say. I am not "diaperderpicus" (lmao at depricus). There is no fucking icarus with diaper mixed in one name? 
> T-this is seriously how it wo- 
This is how evidence works. Once you get caught being a pos, you're forever the pos you are. 
No I do NOT play "delusion" or "silly little kiddie games" nor do I impress an alleged creep and pedo like you. 
Speaking of law and legal statute, how about explain to your department about your obvious, oblivious, demented disorder. Since you're literally unaware of the sick shit you have done.  

Your delusion of "truth" doesn't hurt. Fuck your idioms. 
it means woody entertainment pictures you newfag 
LTN Network is literally LOLE TV if you searched MY wiki instead of some soccer supporting idiot company
> Who are you talking to? There is no one else here. No other posts.
Because I banned you, Klim. Look at the logs if you will 
> Are you OK? 
Yes I am obviously ok because I'm not an elderly pedo like you who posts little girls and steals my art 24/7.

Is it true that the piss closet was allowed to happen because as disgusting as it is, it's better than him running round the house pissing on his family?

I wonder why Klim hasn't posted on any of my boards yet. 
Did he finally stop craving for me? Or is he still going but is rather only active 7 fucking hours a day, STILL being a dumb pedo, and an UNFORGIVABLE, reprehensible, stalking cunt?

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Hey all! Macker here, and thank you for tuning in to this board long enough to have a new message. 
I hope all of you are well, and safe too. And of course, happy late fourth too. I almost forgot to make a post for a few weeks due to uh, personal stuffs to get done and all, sorry! But I'm still doing well!~ <3

So yesterday, I had a pretty good fourth of july, I talked with some friends n all, even hanged out with family even though some fireworks were a little loud - and nearly all windows were open by some idiot at my house (sorry!) However I still at least managed to get ssomething done. 
Sorry for the slightly short message too, this is my first time coming back to this board, known as "baaa", a sound of a sheep - and this imageboard here! 
As you may have not known before, this board was actually launched around 2019, though some remakes were produced as time went by with - you guessed it, sites like these were "evolving", or so to speak. Some dead, some inactive a little, and ones like endchan are quite active a lot too. 
(made on July 5th, 2023. Supposedly at 3:00-ish AM)
there's no rape ape, nothing childish, nor a game about producing a web, on the internet, cartoon for ADULTS. or a general audience
I imagine Fluffer Ian to be a fat balding man in his 40s who works on gay porn shoots whacking off the stars between scenes.

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That's it. Yes, it’s that simple.

Yonkers: "What are you even gaining from any of this?"
That's it. Yes, it’s that simple.

(*)  Simply: Your replies and responses are hilariously entertaining, even if you don’t realise it. Yes, it’s that simple.

NOTE: That's not the answer you would like to hear, but that's the honest reason.

Thanks for playing this game (You) invented, anon. It's always so much fun to see you take pointless shitposting so seriously.

This is now Official©️®️™️ Yonkers/Poopcat/Mittens Canon Lore.
“So Mote It Be”
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Stop blaming me just for calling you out for a right reasons. You have no one else but yourself to blame.  

You know FULLY well that I'm not "mocked". I just don't care for you, holy shit. You always get everything wrong, do the usual thievery shit, and the constant stalking. And being creepy. 
You fucking KNOW this deep down, in your unaware mind that you're entirely at fault and all of those other "company" people you so claim to be your "friends".  

My guy you're a 90 year old man wasting their life, oxygen, and health STALKING, or just constantly SEEKING attention. From a 19 year old who is like, only minding their business, not even doing som3ething worth  of 'muh lolcow' attention and other things I'm sure you should know after you've looked in the mirror long enough for you to reflect on the  REAL culprit of your actions.
Also  half of  those names aren't even what I went by, when the fuck did I call myself a fictional character. Or a music producer name...

No WONDER that you keep repeating yourself every time. 
> over these last few yea- 
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Hey Yonkers, stop spamming and sperging out about your Aussie b/f who married his step-sister on her 12th birthday and fed her donkey semen as an aphrodisiac on their Wedding Night, you fucking idiot. He’s 90 years old, lives in a wheelchair, and has to wear adult diapers for his incontinence issues. Just let it go ffs. It's just a shitpost to wind you up, Poopcat. Stop replying to that troll, you stupid fucking brainless PDD retard.

inb4 Poopcat’s childish retarded PDD screaming-sperg-out paranoid delusional BULLSHIT nonsense AAAA klim did it no u TL;DR yaddah yaddah yaddah 

What the hell is a ‘Klim’?: https://youtube.com/watch?v=cIGvYqB74nY 
What is Klim to Yonkers?: https://youtube.com/shorts/nCFipsmVO7Y 
Klim's Donkey Semen Factory: https://files.catbox.moe/e5eabv.mp4

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Yonkers, stop spamming and sperging out about your Aussie b/f who married his step-sister on her 12th birthday and fed her donkey semen as an aphrodisiac on their Wedding Night, you fucking idiot. He’s 90 years old, lives in a wheelchair, and has to wear adult diapers for his incontinence issues. Just let it go ffs. It's just a shitpost to wind you up, Poopcat. Stop replying to that troll, you stupid fucking brainless PDD retard.

Before you respond, Jordan, please consider: does this look/sound like it is *real*, or is it just a shitpost to trigger you into posting?
Think about it...
Take as much time as you need.

Conclusion: Woah dude... it's NOT real. It's. Not. Real.
Stop reacting like it's real. That's your PDD Autism at work, preventing you from recognizing the difference.

Sorry we have to spoon-feed you what is blatantly obvious to everybody else, but it is no-one else’s problem but your own.

Of COURSE it's not true!
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Here is the Official©®™ KlimBot Canon

Klim is Jordan's one-dimensional bad guy. Everything wrong with his life is somehow the fault of an elderly Australian shitposter who likes repetition and self-made memes. Klim is nothing more than a convenient scapegoat to absolve him of all responsibility for his actions.

A Quick rundown on Klim:

> Rothschild’s bow to Klim
> In contact with aliens
> Possess psychic-like abilities
> Control mack city with an iron but fair fist
> Own castles & banks globally
> Direct descendants of the ancient royal bloodline
> Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Klimtopia will be the first city)
> Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
> First designer babies will in all likelihood be Klim babies
> said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
> Ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
> They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
> You likely have Klimbots inside you right now
> Klim is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set-up the meeting between the Pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Klim bunker in Wilkes Land?
> They learned fluent Flufferian in under a week
> Nation states entrust their gold reserves with Klim. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Klim
> Klim is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
> In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know his ultimate plans yet. We hope they're a benevolent being.

Klim! You can see it, in the clouds up in the sky.
Klim! Floats by in clusters in our water supply.
Klim! It's in all of us, man. Our pores, and in our hair.
Klim! What we conceal in those corny clothes we wear.
Klim is all.
Klim is divine.
Klim is in control.
Klim whips and chains our soul.
We carry credit cards.
We live in fear of art.
Klim is the Om.
Klim is revolution.
Klim is Love.
Klim is the tapeworm,
in the bottle of cheap tequila.
That comes alive at night,
And sneaks up and bite our nipples.

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