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Yonkers, stop spamming and sperging out about your Aussie b/f who married his step-sister on her 12th birthday and fed her donkey semen as an aphrodisiac on their Wedding Night, you fucking idiot. He’s 90 years old, lives in a wheelchair, and has to wear adult diapers for his incontinence issues. Just let it go ffs. It's just a shitpost to wind you up, Poopcat. Stop replying to that troll, you stupid fucking brainless PDD retard.

Before you respond, Jordan, please consider: does this look/sound like it is *real*, or is it just a shitpost to trigger you into posting?
Think about it...
Take as much time as you need.

Conclusion: Woah dude... it's NOT real. It's. Not. Real.
Stop reacting like it's real. That's your PDD Autism at work, preventing you from recognizing the difference.

Sorry we have to spoon-feed you what is blatantly obvious to everybody else, but it is no-one else’s problem but your own.

Of COURSE it's not true!
Jesus fucking Christ...

Yonkers the Poopcat gets caught Masturbating with Minors in Video Chat & claims "It was a Ghost": (22 May 2023; 2' 01):

Jordan Manuel Rivera
302 Walnut Street, Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, 18032, USA
DOB: Feb 13 2004
[email protected]
Call now! (805) 567-8214

(914) 410-0909 (Carmen's [his mom] number)

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