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Use OPSEC. Stay anonymous, stay safe.

Stay secure. Use a VPN and/or Tor.

Don't be stupid.

All posts are the responsibility of the individual poster. Admin assumes no responsibility for your fuckery.
Helpful links:

Tor Project https://www.torproject.org/
AirVPN https://airvpn.org/
Kali Linux https://www.kali.org/
Arch Linux https://www.archlinux.org/
Virtual Box https://www.virtualbox.org/

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This bitch is a racist white supremacist that makes false reports about non white families to Children's aid and calls black students slurs

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this useless cunt has a major god complex and think shes untouchable, while raping minors and animals. i want a full on raid, and any information on her you can find. twitter: Muskbby69

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This piece of shit has raped and sexually assaulted multiple women throughout highschool and middle school and has not gone to jail yet.
His father is also a pedophile that sexually harassed a thirteen year old girl and was caught with CP
His friend, Christopher Beltrano, was also involved in some of the sexual assaults.

Name: Giordano Carabetta
DOB: 1997
Location: Woodbridge Ontario, Canada
The person who told me this rumor admitted that it was a lie so this post has been recanted.

Ukrainian Nazi whore, you probably became a nurse to prey on helpless people you flat faced cunt.

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NAME: Morgan Dillon
PHONE: (941)447-9595
ADDRESS: 4650 Sherry Ln, Hixson, TN, 37343
WIFE: Andrea Brown
YouTube: www.YouTube.com/c/plaguedmoth
Twitch: plaguedmoth
Twitter: @plaguedmoth
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faggot ass ytuber making gore-review type of content, has CP collection(something about leaked his plebbit on some subplebbit), has weak ass dying faggot daughter he molests.
in one pic rel, you can see he made 10 second video on chinktok of his dying daughter for views and likes(lowlife human can't drop any lower, pathetic).
oh yeah the faggot daughter has type 1 diabetes.
I will be updating and confirming this dox, I will post the final dox when I am done.

This dude goes out of his way to target women in relationships then tears them apart.
manipulates women.
has a dog chained in his basement living in filth.
Forces himself on women when they say no.
Tells girls they need him and when they refuse he mentally berates them and tells them to kill themselves.

Angel Lopez
Work: Hot Pocket Warehouse
Phone: 8599160625
Age: 28
Address: 14 Cs 1048 mt.sterling, KY 40353
Discord: Lucidum#5679
Rapist, pedo, sex trafficker that reeks of shit
Name: Steven John Barendregt
City: Indianapolis Indiana
DOB: May 30,1988
Aliases: Steffen Barendregt, Stephen j Barendregt
All allegedly gang raped a boy with autism at a highschool house party.
> Also stalked and SA'd multiple people

Name: Matthew Wygnal
DOB: April 10, 1997
Location: Toronto Ontario Canada
Other suspects:
Luca auciello, Jonathan Barnard, John Nims,ninos sliwo, Linara odisho.
Ottawa  school superintendent that is an open satanist that posts very bizarre pornography on his Facebook. He possibly has ties to many nefarious things.
Name: Michael Cushing
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michael.cushing

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Pedo sex trafficker rapist that grooms people on the internet and reeks of shit.

Names: Steven John Barendregt, Stephen J Barendregt, Steffen Barendregt.
DOB: May 30 1988
Location: Portage Indiana
Hello. I'm the person pictured in this post. Someone recently brought this post to my attention. I am a children's rights activist who speaks out frequently against physical and sexual abuse of children. Because of my activism, I've made a lot of enemies and must have triggered someone... I have a feeling i know who made this post because i had a crazy stalker back in 2021 who made up a bunch of lies about me. I have not done anything I am accused of here.

Just wanna say: Pedo rapists deserve to be shot. Ban circumcision. Nobody should be tampering with children's genitals. Also remember: There are jewish mohels in new york city and israel who are openly sucking blood from baby penises every single day (Metzitzah b'peh) and get away with it. Help me stop these monsters.

Peace out. ✌️

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Looking for motivated group of people to work on a large scale doxing/raid project. Instead of working for small returns of 1 off targets, why not go after something bigger that would actually promote real change for the "greater good". Target(s) are within scope of people being targeted here for similar reasons, but are oriented towards large scale organizations that make some of these things possible. (I.E. human/drug trafficking/pedophilia distribution systems). Some elements have shown to have corrupt public officials involved and due to that nature decentralization is key. Collected work will be going to various media outlets first, then appropriate legal entities to avoid coverups. Project will entail some risk, so good opsec is a must. Need experienced crackers, hackers, etc.

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