thumbnail of bonbibonkers frop.gif
thumbnail of bonbibonkers frop.gif
bonbibonkers frop gif
(1.65 MB, 307x323)
I was just responding to posts with whatever I had to say, reaction images, a few people questioned my filenames, then a mod implemented red text on my post to say that my IP history was reviewed. Admittedly I was talking like I was on /b/ so it may have sounded very schizo/off/strange.
I got banned even more for off topic "spam", or just for no reason. I don't blame them heh
The 6 year ban was because I was posting something I don't want to say, it wasn't CP, gore, scat, anything illegal, porn or anything disgusting or shocking, but it was kind of justified for a 6 year ban.

I wanted to visit 2chen again just now, but cloudflare is blocking access for DDoS attacks, I wonder if it's just my proxy.
It was nice interacting with them because a lot of them are from 4chan in their own environment, but obviously 'twas quite cancerous. It's community reminds me of kotchan.