Interesting. If it was "leaked", wouldn't that imply that somebody in the know revealed the information rather than somebody randomly stumbling on it? 
The claim was always that some anon just happened to find Seth's Overwatch profile. Does Bonbi know/assume somebody revealed it to us?

> stalking
To be fair, some guy apparently found her profile based on the name in an IG story and when she casually mentioned what level she roughly is. That guy then watched her pfp change from Widow to Mercy around the time she started to main her. It's pretty stalker-esque behavior.
She also said the same thing in the stream, when somebody in chat asked what other games she plays, Bonbi only mentioned CoD and then said she doesn't want to say any more because of stalkers ("watching my profile picture..."). She didn't sound overly mad about it though.

What is interesting is that she specifically knows that it was 4chan (and not the Russians or discord). That would mean that Bonbi or Seth were definitely watching the threads, which isn't surprising but at least something to keep in mind.