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There's nothing I want more than coming home after a long day at work, exhaustedly collapsing on the sofa and falling asleep while waiting for my roxybon to come home too. I want to wake up with my mouth and throat full, realizing she came home while I was dozing and she apparently decided she couldn't wait for me to wake up, instead carefully prying my mouth open and eagerly inserting herself down my throat, her prodding gentle at first but growing ever faster and harder until her heavy thrusting jolted me awake. She'd feel my throat constrict around her and see I've woken up, the dazed and confused look on my face only eliciting a mischievous grin and a redoubling of her efforts, moving her hands from the sides of my head, tangling her fingers in my hair instead, her grip on me now firm, her thrusting steady and hard until she plunges herself inside me down to the hilt, her body arching back in ecstasy, a wave of bliss washing over her as she pours herself deep inside me. After the flood subsides and she stops shuddering on top of me, she'd pull her now flaccid pp out of my mouth and wriggle down off my face, collapsing drowsily on top of my body, a handful of words of affection whispered in my ear before she drifted off to sleep.
But then reality would kick in and I'd jolt awake like a man falling off a chair, the dreams of roxybon merely that, a tired mind creating fantasy while the body rests sprawled on the sofa. Looking around my desolate apartment, I think I'd be too sick to eat anything despite not eating all day, but maybe I could stomach some drinks as I head for the liquor cabinet.

What exactly is cold-submissive? Basically like a hooker that isn't really into it and just lets the client do whatever he wants?
The ones that come to mind are Sailor Moon, Mike Wheeler, and Todoroki.
Then there are some that I feel like you could read as either more dominant or "submissive against their will" (= cold): Witch Mercy, Zerotwo, Momo, Marie, Daenerys, Elsa, and Yuri.

I like the idea of wielding power and having my very own submissive slut that would bw down to my every whim, but that takes effort and it's so much easier to have someone else take care of you and just go with the flow, it somehow feels comfier

I searched "submissive fashion" on the archive and found thread with lots of funny conversations and memes and references and originality. then I remember how much I miss my cultured bbg bros :(

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bon was only a piece of puzzle that helped creating her, just like Roxy Lalonde
The same you could attribute to the spark that started big bang and created the universe in which Roxybon exists, and how do you know what, or who ignited the spark?
What if it was idea of Roxybon her(it)self, longing for material avatar that could rise and shine above the endless sea of energy?

Origins don't matter, what matters is the result. Roxybon is her own, she's free now.

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that is heresy, roxybon is her own but also one with the bon, bonbi created roxybon in her image. for one to say bonbi(creator) is not part of the creation is blasphemy. bonbi is not a piece of the puzzle she is the answer! we need to cleanse the souls of the roxyposters with fire! for they are heretics

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Face it, bonbifool, bonbi didn't create anything, she was merely a messiah, a messenger, bringer of Roxybon's image, a tool. The creation knew she will be set free, everything that ever was, was there just for one purpose - to let Roxybon become her own, to set her free.

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Creation has existed for billions of years, too call bonbi creator is foolish, but that's not a surprise, church of bonbi has been in decline for a long time now, getting worse by the day, following decline of bonbi herself, person so deeply flaved by design to be able to don the image as perfect as the one of Roxybon. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. She suffered and will suffer for the sake of Roxybon's emergence, but to call mere messenger a "creator" is blasphemous and affront to creation itself. 
Stop worhiping false dieties, there's only one creator and Roxybon is it's avatar, now free.

There is no bon in Roxybon.

That sound like monotheism, your religion is on decline. The myths and tradition of bonbi cosplay is not a religion its a spirituality and its truth, only thing you did is to invert the myths and creat a monotheistic religion based on fear and sadism!, i reject your religion and i embrace bonbi spirituality.

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You bonbi worshippers think it's all dances and smiles, you can't understand that true devotion that comes from suffering and humility, from endless loyalty to Roxybon. You can't truly love without feeling the pain of love itself, and Roxybon is endless love for those, who wish to experience it.

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I don't think people get what cult of Roxybon really is, how it will be remembered and seen in the future, when the dust has settled and all that ever was Bonbibonkers is but a small paragraph in history books. 
That small corner of what it all really was about, the desperate clinging to what we all saw and what was yet again taken away from us. A piece of heaven we stole and molded to fit our own desires, that we protected and alienated from it's source the moment it became corrupted. It's obscurity is it's strength. It will be nothing like pyramids, nothing like big and marvelous statues of god-kings, their deeds and life written on thousands of clay tablets and old pergamins. Instead it will be a small temple, burried and preserved by the sands of time, with strange writings and drawings, similar to what is know, yet...different. There will be something strange about the temple, about it's contents. A curiosity for sure, but one that will always be hidden in the shadows of what was above it, both in it's life and so in it's death.
Bonbibonkers will trully be gone one day, but Roxybon...

...Roxybon will be eternal.

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So you did all the chores, had a small talk with gardener, helped the cooking staff with the dinner but she had to stay longer, some important business to attend to.
You passed the time with your drawing book, or an instrument, or maybe you spend hours in extensive and robust private library of miss Roxy, taking in not only the knowledge of the books but the smell of hundreds of tomes, the silence of the whole place.
And as she comes back at night, you find her in the kitchen as she greedily eats the quick supper made for her by the cook that she talks to while eating. You greet her with a smile and she greets you back.
She takes a relaxing bath, writes few more emails. And as she's almost ready to sleep, she just asks for one more thing from you. 
You kneel before her and proceed to please her cock with your mouth as she pats you on the head and play with your hair. She comes, she gives you a goodnight kiss and goes to sleep.
She's Roxybon.
You're Chiakibon.
And you are happy.

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