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Last thread


Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/#F!gJ1AlYwJ!TFORcOzEIEERs19J7b97LQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
Streams: https://mega.nz/#F!oI8lnIIb!tx-7ck3DiZCkK8KSZhrJsw
Gifs: https://mega.nz/#F!0cUQEY5J!HgGoMgczzr3OujwC4SHk1w
Misc. stuff: https://mega.nz/#F!tREl2QwJ!Fw2wzaTPeluUpKpnJefkSQ (Edits, Memes)
Patreon Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/FjhVgRqQ#o6mXZrNggxb9OHQCh188GQ

Useful links:

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New bontent:
> 3 junko tiktoks + emiru duets  >>/11371/  >>/11372/
> 3 junko insta pics  >>/11079/
> and 1 from emiru's insta  >>/11106/
> a few insta stories  >>/11084/  >>/11085/
> 3 junko patreon vids  >>/11091/
> 3 junko patreon pics  >>/11175/
> 1 mercy patreon pic  >>/11212/
> new tiktok pfp  >>/11276/
> 4 coraline patreon pics + tracer teaser  >>/11391/
> 3 tracer tiktoks  >>/11469/
> 4 tracer patreon pics  >>/11471/  >>/11493/
> 3 tracer patreon vids  >>/11505/
> 4 tracer insta pics (1 deleted)  >>/11476/  >>/11681/
> 1 violet tiktok  >>/11631/
> another (deleted) story  >>/11744/
> mercy, ooc and bird insta pics  >>/11765/
> 3 more tracer patreon pics and 1 vid  >>/11756/
> birthday bon patreon pic  >>/11952/
> new overwatch pfp  >>/11960/

New OC from last thread:

Sorry if I missed anything

but its weird how the edit is not even showing what she said after she said after visiting a thread, he just cut right before she says what she felt. i don't have the clip with me i will search for it in the mega.

happy birthday bonbon!!!!

It was the stores in the background of her pics that let people narrow it down to the now confirmed area long before the full doxx dropped. I remember finding the Burger King and Wallmart in some of her old pictures on Google Maps last summer.

well, it could have originally been a corndog haha
she'd have to have been very gentle and soft and capable and thorough and careful to get all the "corn" off haha
oh! she'd probably use her tongue too! her teeth might scrape it so she wouldn't use those...

It could be from tiktok, but I think the copyright for the content people post on tiktok is actually retained by the content creator
If it's a "legitimate" copyright strike I guess it would have to be initiated by bonbi (or by some unmedicated individual acting on her "behalf")

she probably had enough of something. someone on /wsg/ told me that other girls who got doxed are behaving the same, they become distant from fans but always watch and block/report any doxes or places that cause attention.

> Was it even updated since October? I don't think anything changed since 2019 of April/March.
when I checked a few days ago it had the tracer tiktoks
what's missing is a lot of patreon content and the belle instagram pics
> Is anyone else eligible to reupload, or does this burden lie on me?
please do
if you don't wanna maintain it I could merge it with the patreon pack and take over

this is what I got
> 60fps
> Catalog - (there's scripts and other stuff I >don't know how to use in here)
> Misc Vid
> Pictures
> Source
Insta Pics is a subfolder of Pictures, along with Insta Stories and Non-Insta

in fact, although I'm uploading my two folders, I think it's better if you disregard them and use your own since you got a full copy.

My 60fps folder goes up to 614 - Alice finds another job.
The instagramcatalog spreadsheet in the "Insta pics" folder has her Ariel pictures listed as her most recent photo.

mega straight up deleted my account. i had used it only for bonbi shit since I created it and hadn't personally uploaded anything in months as i had gotten other guy(s) to update it recently
i still have a full local copy from last october if anyone needs anything

good luck to patreon pack bro if you're going to take the full mantle from here on out

cia-man? I didn't know you were still active
just to be clear my plan wasn't to "steal" your pack so if you or whoever was updating it recently wants to continue maintaining the pack that'd be fine with me too

60FPS + Insta Pics

Some more stuff is personally added, you can tell because they are not named properly. 
In the 60fps folder, it's the last 6 latest files.
In Insta pics it's just some stuff in the root directory. Plus the new Junko, and (old+new) overwatch pics located in their respective folders.

yes, i've still been around to read the threads, but not much else.
i completely understand what you were trying to do; if i still cared enough to personally continue the pack I totally would've continued to include the new patreon content. 
from what i understand, the guys i had gotten to help weren't too personally vested in it, and were a bit reluctant. if you - or anyone else - has the drive to create/continue a pack, then I say go for it.

alright, cool. always nice to see some oldfags are still around. thank you for all your work on the pack, I'll try my best to be a worthy successor
looks like that'll have to wait until tomorrow. I was backing up another mega folder just in case and exceeded mega's bandwidth limit for today

it's pretty sad commentary when you think about it.

> she does sorta swimsuit cosplay
> in which she has clearly gained weight
> get 100 new patrons and god knows how much money each month

what is the lesson to take away for bonbi (and others) here? just slut it up the second you turn 17 and collect bros.

nah not quite that many, I think she was around 115-120
still the biggest leap in patrons she's had by a wide margin though
the coomers really have just been waiting for the excuse to start throwing money at her

That sounds more accurate, yeah. Sad to see this happen. She's fully conscious of what they're in it for and seems willing to give them what they want, so I'm pretty sure we'll see her start an OnlyFans next year. I always expect her to do the opposite of what her words would indicate, but I'm still disappointed when it happens.

jiru got her +30 to 115 but it went back to 102. tracer got her +70 to 172. that birthday pic got her +10 to 182. bonbi is making bank and i am glad for her.

also fuck all of you faggots, who cry about her showing skin. go back to your muslim countries and jack off to women dressed in burqas

I've uploaded the chronology pack to the same folder as the patreon pack
I will update and eventually merge the two packs over the coming days/weeks
Also there should be no dox in there anymore so I hope the nonce or bonbi don't try to take it down again

Me, a faggot: it seems bonbi may well be taking the sex-sells route, and she's not even a legal adult yet. This is a bit disheartening. The money will only incentivize more of this. The old guard of "she cute" fans are being replaced by coomers.

You, a genius neo-liberal-techno-capitalist-hedonist: hahaha underage girl get nakeder and coomer money go BRRRRRRRR

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The glory hole scenes got her +300 to 2,385 but it went back to 2,329. Airtight got her +754 to 3,083. that birthday bareback gangbang with Pierre Woodman, Rocco Siffredi James Deen, Max Hardcore, and the Facial Abuse guys got her +10000 to 13,083. Seth and Masamune are making bank and i am glad for them.

also fuck all of you faggots, who cry about muh minor brain damage from that choking incident. go back to puritanhub and jack off to women having PIV sex in the missionary position.

except that her new content isn't targeting coomers. her behaviour is tame and completly within the bounds of what one expect froma 17o. the only thing more disturbing than people sexualizing 14-15 year olds are people thot-policing a 17o. get fucked, you fucking weirdos.

except her new content isn't targeting coomers. her behaviour is tame and completely in line of what to expect from a 17o. the only thing more disturbing than sexualizing 14-15 yo kids is thot-policing 17yos. she's not a kid anymore, you fucking puritan weirdos.

he's just an obsessed fan who spent his day 24/7 simping for bonbi. but not anymore according to game logs, so he probably wised up and moved on. people are making him out to be a monster, because it plays into their saviour-complex.

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yeah. i think last time they played together was mid june. after that they played different games and seth wasn't as active as before. some people think this is evidence for them breaking up, but it could also be to fool people and get people to stop talk about them on the chans. or maybe they don't play together anymore, because they are seeing each other irl.

also, from this vc, it seems that bonbi was just an inexerpienced girl who wanted to do stuff with an older guy. it's pretty common with some girls and nothing to be worried about, imho.

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-Anon1725/myspeld, an unemployed adult desperate to get into contact with Bonbi, a 15 year old girl
-makes a discord server so he can "help her" and later turns out to be obsessed with her according to his own friends
-gets in contact with her e-boyfriend (also an adult) and befriends him
-e-boyfriend gets him in contact with her
-adult e-boyfriend is eliminated and thrown under the bus, Bonbi and Anon call him a pedo in public chat
-(by bonbi and Seth's own standards, Seth is a pedophile. As well as later being exposed as a pedophile by the actual definition.) 
-Anon is accused of being a groomer, denies it, says it's not like that, and says their age gap would constitute "mental abuse"
-her kofi donations are sent to him instead of her
-she tells him she's attempting suicide, he doesn't call the cops because he doesn't want them asking about their relationship and its nature
-pressured by another discord shit to call the cops, Seth relents
-grooms her, gets doxxed and his pedophilia is exposed
-continues grooming over the next several months, she cuts off all friends who warn her about him

The first 2 drama and anonce threads are still up, anyone can go look at them and see the fucked up shit that's happened. These Seth defenders won't stop and it's honestly fucking amazing. Nearly identical to the shit being posted a year or more ago.

when i found my first thread - back before they were even called /bbg/ - i felt like i made a commitment to myself to self-improve every day. over time i gradually lost sight of my goals; i focused too much on the community, the drama, the girl. it's now been several months since i stepped back from those things, and i feel like im back on track with my original goals.
in short, good. ive been good. thanks for asking
nice job dude. im not sure how you plan to get the source material, either manually or from some middleman, but if you get stuff personally id recommend using pyinstastories for insta stories, the "downloader for instagram" chrome web extension for general insta posts (if you use chrome), youtube-dl for patreon vids, and ffmpeg for converting source vids to 60fps. im not sure how to get the source tiktok anymore after my script broke, but based on the vids ive seen in these threads, someone's still got a way to get the source mp4.

That shit about her worrying over her weight has taken on new meaning considering the last couple of months. Also, since there has been zero nonce drama for like 6+ months and they aren't playing OW together anymore, I'm gonna go to my happy place and assume they've stopped interacting so much. Hopefully she's thrown him by the wayside. It was bound to happen the second she got older or meet other people IRL (the cashier job in the bakery perhaps?), unless the nonce managed to arrange af a face to face meeting to solidify the grooming.

No she isn't hinting at that. She couldn't care any less about her situation. If she did shed an ounce of care then she would confirm the pedo "conspiracy". But she won't. Deluded like the rest. All she sees is an innocent little girl who is very prude but shares the same hobby.

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The difficulty of tactical maneuvering consists in turning the devious into the direct, and misfortune into gain.  Thus, to take a long and circuitous route, after enticing the enemy out of the way, and though starting after him, to contrive to reach the goal before him, shows knowledge of the artifice of deviation.-Sun Tzu

that's not even genius, Sun Tzu is basically 
> bro what if you make him think this but really you do that instead
I guess the implication is that they didn't go to Canada? I always thought it was bullshit, but moving to bonbi's area would be pretty fucked up. Stop posting gore and being AIDF btw.

These sound like someone who has been popping up every now and then since March. Started out trying to pass himself off as a new fan and totally objective regarding the grooming pedophile named Seth Waters. The poster first appeared in this thread, but this was not his first post.


Another gem, in which the poster thinks Seth has CP....but is not a "classic pedophile".


i also remember someone popping up every time she uploads a tik tok. he creates theories and stories just to keep the threads talking about drama. then gets angry when someone with a different take show up. he then proceed to catogrize people and use code words to attack them. he used to use cuck then advanced to aidf.
> cuck
> aidf
ctrl f any thread and you will find him

Maybe "feigned shitty English" poster who plagued the last thread and "I'm totally new and I honestly think Seth is just a loser but not a pedo even tho I think he has CP" poster are the same person.
maybe she's trying to throw ppl off the trail? Who knows. Couple of months ago someone else close to her said she moved several states away but wasn't specific. KY and LA are like 2 states apart.

> maybe she's trying to throw ppl off the trail?
maybe but if it toke us this long to think of it and she is actually using her wit to trick people you have to admit its smart
if he is a poor guy why does he got many niggas going after his steam profile and doing analysis about his life? i'd say he is a real nigga who slays.

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> who plagued the last thread
> poster are the same person
you've been plaguing the last 6 threads telling people they are the same poster. i remember i was arguing with the dude who writes "bonbicucks" and you kept telling me to stop arguing with myself and to stop spamming. i bet you are the same person.

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It was me. And to this day I maintain, that Seth isn't the big bad boogeyman you are making him out to be. After listening to the vc recording linked in this tread and hanging around discord, it became undeniable to me, that bonbi is most likely developing into someone with BPD. Seth is a mega-simp, plain and simple. He may or may not be a creepy pedo, but it doesn't really matter in the context of their relationship, if you can even call it that. What have they ever done? Played Overwatch 24/7 and masturbated together? Oh no, poor little Princess Bonkers. Let's call the FBI and save her from clutches of this evil predator. If you listen to the vc, it's obvious that bonbi enjoys the emotional power she has over this guy. There are rumors that she has been breaking up with him on a daily basis. That's emotional abuse and the fact that he always came back, just shows how fucking obsessed this guy was. And it all makes sense. He's has a crazy single mom and then became obsessed about a crazy little girl, who also treats him like shit. I could go into more detail on why her behavior is in line with a BPD person, but this post is already long enough. The thing they had was toxic and he most likely wised up to the fact and left her for good. And btw, you think 20yo Seth is bad? There is a discord server maintained by a 50+ yo guy who drops nice guy comments on her social media the minute she releases something. Like, every time. 

Just face it, bros. The bonbiverse was just a nice dream. It attracted broken people who needed something like that to distract themselves. It's time to wake up. Bonbi isn't the helpless little damsel you like her to be. She has big flaws and I pray for the poor soul who ends up dating her irl. That said, I still enjoy bontent, her craziness, and the drama around it all. You just have to set up boundaries. Stop giving a fuck about her real life. Stop trying to get her back to the chans.

Why don't you guy just go and make a fucking Drama and Anonce thread and leave us alone?
>  >Everything anonce related comes to this thread
>  >https://endchan.org/bbg/res/30.html

The verdict is in: Bonbi is a psycho mastermind telepathically controlling a grown ass man. She even made him become a pedophile and masturbate to legally-grey animated depictions of kids as young as toddlers getting fucked. She made him intercept her kofi donations too. 

This false dichotomy is so tired. Bonbi was exposed as not-so-nice 15 months ago. No one harbors any delusions about that. However I would say she's more in line with HPD than BPD. 

> There is a discord server maintained by a 50+ yo guy who drops nice guy comments on her social media the minute she releases something. Like, every time. 

Hellboy? Oh, we know. 

big brain board owner """accidentally""" deleted the D&A thread and hasn't restored it yet.

> The verdict is in: Bonbi is a psycho mastermind telepathically controlling a grown ass man. She even made him become a pedophile and masturbate to legally-grey animated depictions of kids as young as toddlers getting fucked. She made him intercept her kofi donations too

I didn't say any of this shit, nor did I make Seth out to be a poor guy. They are both fucked up people who found each other. You guys are still acting like bonbi needs some saving. It's pathetic. What do you hope to get out of this? That your queen comes back and be like “omg, you guise were right all along. hold me anons and never let go <3 <3 <3”

God, I hate that I ever fell down this fucking rabbit hole. I wish I never discovered any of this shit.

People with high emotionality and low cognitive ability are unmoored from reality. They will always quickly resort to strawmen, ad hominems and appeals to motive in order to clumsily preserve any narrative that can make Seth look like anything less-bad than a stalker, pedophile, and groomer who was conscious of what he was doing, which is why he signaled so hard for so long that he was NOT exactly that. If directly defending Seth is too hard (which it is), then the narrative will shift to a two-fold strategy of ignoring what Seth has done and focusing on what a fucked up nutcase Bonbi is (like it somehow washes out what Seth does), and attacking fans who happen to be capable of basic pattern recognition by ignoring the facts presented, attributing bizarre motives to them, strawmanning their arguemnts, and ad hominem attacks.

The fact that the AIDF is still so active is, in a sense, a good thing. Certain people are still afraid of truth.

i think i agree with you. many hate him here which i understand but im getting sick of the circle jerk that happens every time she does something. they create the most bizarre situation and call it truth. then attack everyone and play victim when you retaliate.

> They will always quickly resort to strawmen, ad hominems and appeals to motive 
look who says that.
> The fact that the AIDF is still so active is, in a sense, a good thing. Certain people are still afraid of truth.
ad hominems and motives

There would be no aidf if certain people weren't still afraid of potential consequences of their actions. That's why Seth started astroturfing the threads as early as December 2018. Seth even openly posted as himself after the Christmas Eve comeback stream. His buddies Viceroy and Carlton "Moneybags" Masamune likely help him out. It was at its worst in March and April 2019. Citing actual, proven motives is not an "appeal to motive". Concocting motives and playing armchair psychologist because you can't defend the actions of a pedo and groomer is appeal to motive.

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I'm no longer even following along with this thread discussion.

Pedo this. Pedo that. Same old dramaniggers. Same old rhetoric.

Seth is good guy, bros! TEEHEE
Seth is a GENIUS MASTERMIND, bros!

It's all tiresome really.

There is two type of rich men, there is the chad who is rich but buy useful things like land or houses and tools and there is the smol pp kind who the moment he get some money buys an expensive car and useless expensive shit until he is enslaved by the bank.

Some youtubers are not the small pp kind. Maybe like pewdiepie, he is the biggest youtuber but he doesn't have lamborghinis and ferraris like the other rich kids, instead he buys houses in japan and other places. Mostly youtubers are the smol pp kind.

> big dick smart with money
yes. no big dick will allow small dick banks to enslave him for a BMW or a Lamborghini. small dicks pose with those things because they are worthless betas with no agency other than expensive looking things.

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The main problem I have with abstract art is the ambiguity. It has come to the point where labelling a plain white canvas sheet can be considered abstract 'art'. The interpretational freedom is too vast and the artists intentions are shrouded. Even if they give a statement to the purpose of their art, well... it's not that impressive is it? A single shade? An untouched canvas? I can recreate that in paint. 
Art is a skill. It isn't meant to be for everyone. 
Sure, people can now recreate or perhaps improve Van Goghs paintings but that does not take merit away from the original idea.

Gosh that's my rant done. I've been reading too much Samuel Beckett...

Chrono pack should be up to date now as far as tiktoks and insta stories go
Gonna add the patreon vids tomorrow probably and then start giving everything proper filenames
If I missed anything pls yell at me

Thank you for the tips!
Should I be using the ffmpeg parameters from Catalog/Scripts/60fps.sh?

Keep up the good work Anon. I know it may seem like you aren't receiving any physical or visible compensation for you efforts, but I can assure you that a lot of us in here are extremely thankful for you contribution to this community. Thank you once again and stay strong out there brother.

> re: 60fps script
if my local copy of the pack is right, then yes, kinda. all those scripts in that folder are actually holdovers from the pack-anon before me. (i still really dont know what they all do)
I'm not sure how technically adept you are: but crf is the most important parameter. lower number means higher quality, bigger filesize. that old script used 16 which i think was pretty standard when other anons used to make 60fps. i personally used 15.75 because when i used 16 i got a file smaller than the others, but 15.75 for me equalized it. all other params were the same

I am already an avid reader.

I don't know what you mean by esoteric. If there was an objective standard to what determines an esoteric literature or not then that would make it easier but I don't think there is one. Perhaps you're telling me to use my common sense to decide what is esoteric.

But yeah. I've read quite a lot of books already. And the genres are diverse. From Hamnet to Hamlet; The Bell Curve to the Putnam Study; Clockwork Orange to Hard Times; The Death of the Author to Not I. Can you inform me on whether any of these are esoteric?

break yourself. a good, easy way to do this: just go on a long walk. dont stop, and go as far as you can. while you walk, take in the world around you; question why things are the way they are, reflect on old experiences and memories you had in the places you walk by. if it helps, listen to your favorite music, even if it is a bonbicore playlist. eventually, you'll start to get tired, start breaking: but, because you're out, you can't break, and as your body gets tested so too does your will, your spirit.
eventually, of course, you'll make it home, and from that safety and comfort, you can collapse unabashed. From that broken, tired husk, a new, strong man will be born. repeat every day.

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That sounds like a very good and informative routine but it also sounds like a very lengthy project with a few discrepancies.
I personally believe in geniuses. Rather than the now traditional viewpoint that works of creations are spawned from some degree of collaboration. 

'These plays [Shakespeare's] were made and mediated in the interaction of certain complex material conditions, of which the author was only one. When we deconstruct the Shakespeare myth what we discover is not a universal individual genius creating literary texts that remain a permanently valuable repository of human experience and wisdom; but a collaborative cultural process in which plays were made by writers, theatrical entrepreneurs, architects and craftsmen, actors and audience; a process in which plays were constructed first as performance, and subsequently given the formal permanence of print.'

(Holderness, 1988, p. 13)

It may be possible for someone like me to ponder and explore myself and notice the existential intricacies of the world, but that would not do me much service since I would hit a barrier since I am no genius. You may be coming from good heart. Your idea may seem enlightening. But as someone who does not romanticize nature; someone who views it as an escape for humans, I believe that true justice in productivity lays in slotting backing into society. That is not to say conform. Conformity is oh-so bad. But finding a practice to develop a foundation of characteristics that would assist me in inserting myself back into society is my desire.

I very much denounce the actions of the mobs that we witness on the news. I also heavily despise the social media fanatics - gone so far to oppose those who simply install said applications. But the common trend makes it seem that the only acceptable way back in is to just accept the existence of such specimens. To submit. What do I do? Am I too philosophical? Am I blowing my problems out of proportion?

it great you read its a good hobby and i think its productive, last book i read is stoner by john williams. 
> what you mean by esoteric
when i browse /lit/ i found many are into spiritual books that are not known and hard to get into. authors like evola nad guenon. i didn't want a starter reader to get scared by them. other than that /lit/ has good taste in books.

thats true, it's summer. on one hand, that means its even easier to break yourself - you wont even have to go as far as you would during the rest of the year. on the other, because its summer, there is a whole lot of daylight. an early morning walk during the coolest part of the day can be wonderful as well. you can choose to sleep early, wake up early, or, if you're a neet who stays up to 6am playing vidya anyway, just head out at first light and go to sleep a few hours later than you normally do!

Very nice toks.
Hey bonbi. You don't have to continue down the 'im a strong independent mature adult woman' route. We got it from the start that you're naive.

> My pussy tastes like Apple Jacks
> I'm looking gorgeous, looking sex
> Who made you hoes go back to crack? (me!)

im curious, what do you mean with the slashes? you have 4 different combinations but there's only one file in the pack? in my experience i always went 137+140, 137 because its the mp4. i know that "on paper" 271 has a higher bitrate + resolution, but i think its a red herring because of .webm
i mean, i am kinda blind, so 271 could be the better choice, but i cant tell

it's how you specify a list of formats in order of preference. ytdl will then pick the first one that's available from that list

271 looks the best from what I can tell, but it's only available on newer videos.
for the 1080x608 resolution mp4 seems to look better than webm most of the time. 299 is for 60fps
a few videos are only available in 406x720 for some reason, so I'm using 136 as a fallback.

I'm going to add the best available mp4 version as an alternative to the 720p webms in case anyone needs an mp4 for editing

This tbh. She was way more fun when she was interacting with her fans through streams and insta stories. The tiktoks and cosplays are still good but it feels like this became a job for her rather than a hobby.

She stopped interacting with fans once she left to be in a discord, and only responded to DNs after that. Nowadays it’s just seth, but it’s ok because at least she’s getting paid now. It’s already starting to bother her less and less everyday.

there is no incentive for her to do more. she almost doubled her patreons with tracer. i also like her streams the most, but i doubt we ever see one again. there are too many people who flag her the minute she goes online.

> flag her
wasn't that only one time during christmas where every other minor was also getting flagged down? either way, doesn't matter since tiktok upped their cut and is no longer 50/50. I think it's 77/33.

Thank you.
> bonbi's only chat message
That's a shame. Guess bon isn't  making any headway into twitch streaming.
> 2020-04-07
guess this was around the same she was linking her twitch in either tiktok or/and insta

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umaru autism... webm
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bonbitardism is the belief that bonbi should only act "spergy" and "retarded". using sentences like "oOoOh" and "aAaAhH". bonbitards usually get angry when she speaks clearly and call her names like "liar" and "whore", they think that the original bonbi is the one you see in the "spergy" clips and the one outside of it is a "hacked" version. they are in constant denial about the comfy streams in 2018 where she doesn't act "spergy" and focus on 2019 streams and 2018 clips only. their favorite bonbi is umaru because she goes "oooOOOooooOOOOh AAAaaaaAAAAAaah".

I remember some said so in the past threads here and in the 4chan bbg threads that pop up. They post the stream clips and say she changed a lot. I disagree because the 2018 streams were not autistic and retarded like umaru or some of the short clips they post of todoroki or other cosplays.

I'd say "don't play the sexy e-thot game if you're cute enough to make a living without it"
For some reason she never really shilled her patreon much before the tracer cosplay and now it looks (maybe even to her) like that's the only type of content that'll bring in new patrons.
She probably could have the same number of patrons without posting any "sexy" or otherwise revealing cosplays, if she just shilled it more

that might've been me. i used the umaru clip as an example once and you've been obsessing over it ever since.
i like all of her streams from 2018 and the first half or so of 2019. most of them were comfy, some were "spergy" but i like both.
however, in her last few streams, she often went on rants, insulted her fanbase, told obvious lies etc. that's what i don't like, and that's something she didn't do (as much) in 2018 and early 2019.
that said, i still enjoyed even those streams for the most part. 
but to say that her personality hasn't changed at all since 2018 is simply disingenuous. and stop calling it "hacked", as if it's impossible for someone's personality to change based on the people they spend time with.

> most of them were comfy, some were "spergy" but i like both.
bonbitards only like the "spergy" ones and they are harassing everyone who enjoys a new stream or a new cosplay. they start shit by insulting your favorite bonbi and calling you "aidf" when you try to defend your favorite cosplay. bonbitardism is a cult.
> stop calling it "hacked"
some are calling it "groomed". posting the todoroki clips replying to people who enjoy anything newer like in the last thread  >>/11306/

> They post the stream clips and say she changed a lot.
> I disagree
> because the 2018 streams were not autistic and retarded like umaru or some of the short clips they post of todoroki or other cosplays.

They say she changed a lot...you say you disagree...because of how different the 2018 streams are compared to 2019. I don't get it. That Todoroki clip is from 2018 by the way, which adds another layer of "wut" to your post.

The lying is especially weird because she can easily ignore questions she doesn't want to answer. Instead, she gives an answer and then some time later goes out of her way to show that the answer was not true. It's 100% avoidable.

> That Todoroki clip is from 2018 by the way, which adds another layer of "wut" to your post.
i know, they just use clips that fit the "spergy" and "autistic" bonbi and advertise it as the true bonbi. ignoring all the comfy streams on 2018 and 2019. that was my post.

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are telling me she was already groomed in that stream? it's from october 1, 2018
that's me lol. as i said, it was just an example. i never said it's the true bonbi or that she was always like that. but in 2018/early 2019 she *sometimes* acted "spergy" as you would call it, and later she *never* did.
also she didn't do shit like webm related in the earlier streams, even the "comfy" ones.

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> that's me lol. as i said, it was just an example. i never said it's the true bonbi or that she was always like that. 
an example for what? in the thread people were posting stream clips and claiming something, they are claiming shit like "the real bonbi is this and then she changed"
>  she *sometimes* acted "spergy" as you would call it, and later she *never* did.
thats a lie. if you like the todoroki singing clips you can find her singing in the Froppy and Ariel streams too.

Can we all agree bonbi WAS changed by seth? Only human nature for her to become similar to the people she spends all her time with. To become similar to a degenerate child porn ethics debater.

> an example for what?
an example of one aspect of her personality
> thats a lie.
i mean spergy as in the umaru clip you're so obsessed about. and no, i don't want her to be always like that (or at all really), i just don't like when she's like in this clip  >>/12467/ that you conveniently ignored.

< The same person manufacturing the same old drama and some sperg is munching that bait up because he is too personally vested to let a schizoposter's comments slide.

When will they learn.

> i mean spergy as in the umaru clip you're so obsessed about. and no, i don't want her to be always like that
we reached an understanding. its impossible for a human being to act like that all the time.
> (or at all really)
yep imagin if we got a full hour stream going "oooOOoooOh' and "aaAAAaaaah" bonbi is not this.
> i just don't like when she's like in this clip that you conveniently ignored
its normal to disagree with her or hate a certain aspect of her personalty but i also hate the way people approach the new stream wanting to find an error and something to hate when the new streams has cute moments too. i prefer watching a stream instead of an autism compilation.

the guy recycling the drama is doing it to make people hate bonbi. he is working full time all across the web to spread the drama and the dox. he thinks he is doing it because he is good and is saving bonbi.

Yes, and ironically she is now way more confident and less depressed than before. Seth may be a loli watching degenerate, but he was a positive influence in this sense. Almost as if he isn't the big bad boogeyman people want him to be.

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i agree
> some sperg is munching that bait up because he is too personally vested to let a schizoposter's comments slide.
sorry bro
> bonbi is not this
> new streams has cute moments too
yes, i agree. that doesn't change that newer streams have more moments that i dislike than older streams, that's why black dva will never be my favorite stream. but overall i still like her streams.
also, i'm not sure that people specifically want to find stuff to hate, it's just that you tend to remember the bad stuff more than the good.
> i prefer watching a stream instead of an autism compilation.
yeah me too

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im in the dark writing this post. it is my ritual to visit /bbg/ and write posts from my deepest self. take away this board and you take my life. thats what the jannies did! they banned /bbg/ and now im trapped in this underground dark version of it. i have no choice but to embrace the darkness. all that is left is anger and hate. if you take my hate away  my empty corpse will collapse on the floor! im consumed by this dark under world and my soul cannot find the light. just one hour ago a bonbi thread got deleted on 4chan. jannies must pay! they created the evil spirits and these spirits shall hunts them for all eternity.

> still isolated
> still depressed
> still shutting down comments
> still playing video games into the wee hours of the morning
> bf is a pedophile and groomer who had to be browbeaten into calling cops for her when she said she was suiciding

such confident, much strong

I think he's waiting for me to finish updating it
It's still missing the latest patreon pics plus a lot of insta pics and some rares
Probably gonna add those in the next few days and then work on the filenames and spreadsheets

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watch me... webm
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I see, I see. 

I think the best way to get started with editing is to find a song. If it's your first time editing, I recommend using a chill/hip-hop song since it's the easiest to edit with. Especially ones with obvious 'thumps' for transitions etc. (Something like webm related)

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That's HUGEEEE, anon... How did you get it so big?
But seriously, even around 100 is quite large. 
Mine is only 36 gigs ;-;
Granted, I don't have the stream folder. I do have stream clips and some streams that I individually picked from the mega pack though.

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> How did you get it so big?
easy, download everything and never delete anything (I really should though)
Without streams and duplicates I probably have as much as you
But stuff like pic related alone is already over 40gbs and that's mostly from 2018

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He usually posted without a username, so those posts will be hard to find. I remember him calling Bonbi "Bonbizo" and other weird names. During the Twitch arc he called her a "lechuga eating gibbon" which was funny. I saved one of his drawings, assuming he really made it.

i remember hearing his name before the bbg ban and during the ttg merge. i never knew him and never saw a post by him. just ignored the posts about him cause i didn't understand. now i never hear anything about him. maybe he is in 2chen or just disappeared.

tbh I saw the first post as a veiled threat, and the second as one that condoned such a threat and gave it credibility. 
the reason given in the report itself is bullshit, I'm assuming it's the same guy, but a lot of global reports come through with weak reasoning and stuff that doesn't add up to the given reason.
but when I saw what was posted it had all the characteristics of a call to violence that can't be tolerated.

> An incident that occurred on discord
There have been many threats already in the past and none have and will never be acted on. 
Context is what history shows. Also, if it were to occur, it will most likely be in the hands of a discord nigger. HENCE why i used bianca as an example.

honestly thought she'd level out around the tracer tiktoks, but she's legitimately doubled in size since then
it's actually concerning how much weight she's gained in such a short space of time

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but bonbi is the biggest drama discord nig of all, fren.
It seems to coincide with her getting a job. Maybe she's working in a restaurant or the bakery or something and she gets free food/snacks and has low impulse control. But we don't know for sure. I used to weigh 285 lbs. It's no way to live.

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in the underworld version of /bbg/ there is an unspoken rule! 
utter the word "PINKBI" and you will see evil words written in ugly orange!
ones a wondering soul in /bbg/ made the mistake of uttering the forbidden word and he was met with horrible punishments! trapped in unending torture and pain he was in a satanic national socialist chamber. the gestapo soldiers with corpse paint tortured and sodomized his soul while shouting "RADICAL LEFTIST!!!" and "COMMIE SCUM". may his soul found rest and peace.

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well done anon! you chose to walk the dark path of the rebel, just like satan who rebelled against god! you will walk with him for all eternity! align your soul with him or its game over for you, only his wings shall protect you.

not sure much can be done to prevent it tbh, she has a direct line to the supplier
unrestricted access to a veritable cornucopia of pastries
we're entering an era of exponential bonbi growth the likes of which no-one could have predicted

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teh bonbeh... webm
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It's all so tiring. How do people even juggle multiple hardships at once? I can't turn the other cheek to Mrs Bonbibonker's ugly ordeals. Then it would make my journey on the languishing bonbi train worthless. Do I hop off at the next station? Or do I stay to find where it takes me?

Wasn’t she fat in the Elsa stream too. I can’t remember if the Elsa was before the Marie cosplay where she’s very thin. She’s really strange when it comes to her weight gain/loss, so here’s hoping she’ll loss it all again.

> if I even say we're out of something they give such attitude lol
any type of large store like a walmart or grocery store is ruled out because the cashiers wouldn't know the status of the inventory
fast food joints do occasionally run out of things, but I don't think its often enough to be a common occurrence. 
couldn't be a place that offers a service like a salon
but at a family bakery, where the cashier would know exactly how much is made, what is left, and where demand can constantly fluctuate, making shortages commonplace...

not based: posting grooming lore on your favorite egirl's father's fb page
based: posting grooming lore on your favorite egirl's father's fb page and then screencapping your posts and sharing them with the boys

just want to let the anon know

discord is not one person. there are only a few discordniggers who are truly obsessed with bonbi and who would go so far as to harass dadbi. honestly, it seems more like that the real weirdos are chan only people

You do realize that a discordnigger could easily pretend to be "chan only"?
> there are only a few discordniggers who 
Same goes for non-DNs. Don't pretend you're somehow superior because you use some proprietary chat software.

> some apples are just bad
> discord condemned anon gais!
Holy shit the flip flopping is uncanny. 
It's discord fullstop that's niggerish. 
I don't care if you're a good person or not, if you use such application then you're a  nigger. What is hard to understand?

You're literally the nigger that just typed all this:
> they hate him with passion. thats why they actually act and do stuff like doxxing and harrasing.
discord is not one person. there are only a few discordniggers who are truly obsessed with bonbi and who would go so far as to harass dadbi. honestly, it seems more like that the real weirdos are chan only people

You do a shit job at being anonymous despite having anonymity. Change your typing mannerisms nigger. And go back to discord. No one cares about it here so stop bring your repressed outrage to this board. You're the only one that cares here.

your aren't very smart, are you? me typing this, means that i don't think discord is a bad place, which means that i don't care about the discornigger vs. chan meme.

stop trying to find gottcha moments in online discussions, it is usually a sign of stupidity.

its just that girls online attracts weirdos. some bonbibros are victims of psyops like bonbiwaffen, cute posting then seth posting, political extremism and purity elitism. thats why bonbibros are chimping out every two seconds.

don't talk down on the NEET life style. its the best option in the modern world. if you can get a government check you won the lottery of life. why care about being a leech when the government you are leeching off is the problem and the enemy of your people.

if he didn't affect me why should i care? i should care about the nigger who is fucking my ass because it is affecting me. if someone want to suck nigger cock in his home its his freedom and i wouldn't even know about it because it is not affecting me. i hate libertarians/liberals because they belief in the US government. on the other hand why should i care about someone sucking nigger cock in his house?

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bonbibros are creatures from an unworldly realm, they look humanoid but they are far from human. a bonbibro is dehumanized by repeated psychological and spiritual attacks, his humanity withers away while his inner beast is taking over, this beast knows only hatred and anger. only hatred and anger is found among bonbibros, when one of them show his humane side or show some love he is eaten in primal rage and savagery by other bonbibros. this living conditions made the average bonbibro looking like a corpse, pale and cold looking the corpse like bonbibro lurk among the shadows.

groomy groomy groom you lovely flower bloom
i coom and coom and coom when my cock go boom
oh boy oh boy oh boy all i feel is joy
when i see i see your asshole is dirty
won't won't you mind if i could go and find 
a towel for you and try to help you wipe.

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yes. keep constructing an image of who i am in your thick apeskull nigger. fight my ghost and not me nigger. i dont  even have to do anything haha. got you fighting some imaginary poor imitation that you want so badly. lick my boot coated in pigshit nigger and look down at the ground when speaking to me fat nosed nigger.

the e girl cosplay was so cute. all of the videos she posted of it was good in my opinion. its ok if you don't like it but is weird to compare a cute boy cosplay to something like yuri or e girl bonbi. yuri is mature girl cosplay and natsuki for example is cute girl cosplay.

Never mentioned art.
Pivoting to art will lead to erroneous conclusions, everyone has their own stupid interpretations. I'd rather focus on the elements that are now lost, no more present, and highlighting times when drastic changes happened, and documenting the decay.
Breaks, twitch, shilling, egirl, etc.

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> Mever mentioned art.
in the video you posted two cosplays were compared and one is called soulless. its a lazy way of comparing art(cosplay is a form of art). for me i like Gopnico more than David because i like the girly look she has more than the boyish look David has.

> I didn’t do this trend #egirl last year so I’m here to do it now bc I’m always late
from her tiktok
wow. so 'pure'.

the rin one is literally the definition of pure.
> anyone up for an emo cowboy next?
Third pic is beautifully edited by @donovan._.ramirez he adopted me and was nice enough to edit my pic :3

> above
> bottom
either I've entirely misunderstood wtf webm you've been talking about this whole time or you're struggling with basic directions
I wasn't the one that posted it, I was referring to this one  >>/12902/

The point of the edit was to draw a direct visual comparison indicating the dramatic difference in style and aesthetic of bonbi's content before and after seth's involvement and influence over her work
Any other conclusion you have drawn is entirely subjective

are you high?

I am not sure that post means what you think that it means

> either I've entirely misunderstood wtf webm you've been talking about this whole time or you're struggling with basic directions
you misunderstood. i was replaying to this one  >>/12910/ when you jumped on me telling me you never mentioned art and never mentioned soul. no problem.

> indicating the dramatic difference in style and aesthetic of bonbi's content
she is changing cosplays. ofcoarse the style will change. if you talk about lewdness she always did lewd cosplays. idk whats the point of comparing different cosplay types like David(a cute boy cosplay) with egirl(a teenage girly trend).

I see, my mistake - I misinterpreted when you said "two cosplays were compared" assuming you were talking about the previous edit
serves me right for not following the reply chain back lol
I'm not the same anon you were initially having the discussion with and evidently I probably shouldn't have gotten involved lol

> she always did lewd cosplays
name one.
> inb4 rin
neither the subtext nor context of rin is lewd
there is objectively nothing lewd about the rin cosplay beyond the desperate projection of wanton tummy-lusters

> name one.
> there is objectively nothing lewd about the rin cosplay
most lewd cosplay from her. in terms of attire.
> desperate projections 
cosplays are clothing. lewd clothes are the ones showing a lot of skin. Rin shows a lot of skin. comparing the cosplays Rin is more lewd than any new ones.

people attack her new cosplays for being not pure and lewd then deny lewdness when their favorite cosplay is talked about.
> reflect upon your lewd compass
a cosplay that shows more skin than other is considered more lewd. Rin shows a lot of skin so i consider it more lewd than others.

But we're literally talking about the CONTEXT

she did not have a "mens rea" with rin compared to belle and the other contemporary cosplays. 

your argument is purely; show skin = lewd / no skin = not lewd. Unfortunately, there is more to it than that. the same with how in the art of sculpting, showing a male phallus is not necessarily 'lewd'. Rather, it's quite the opposite.

> But we're literally talking about the CONTEXT
ok. from the standards of purity anons that consider (skirts (like sailor moon)) and (showing clothed butt(like purple bon)) lewd. then Jade and Kieth is lewd if you add the CONTEXT.

> your argument is purely; show skin = lewd / no skin = not lewd
even that argument easily falls apart

> before hard times
tummy: rin, roxy
cleavage: -
> after hard times
tummy: lapis, froppy, tracer, reaper
cleavage: black dva, ahri, junko, tracer

yep, clearly nothing has changed whatsoever!

i know. im just saying that the pure vs impure comparison is flawed. when purple bon turned around in pajama the ones who liked old bon said it was impure and the old bon is the pure one. when the pure old bon also turned around in pajamas in the Kieth cosplay.

I just had thought that her getting fat might not be such a bad thing after all. She’ll cover up more in attempt to hide her rolls instead of just hoeing it up, looks like she was right when she said she won’t be like other girls and show skin if only just to save herself from the embarrassment it’s still a win a hollow one but a win nonetheless.

You said it yourself.

> who doesn't like her anymore
> anymore

Who said you can't enjoy edits of her old cosplays? I mean... even modern edits only use her old cosplays. Goes to show how fucking trashy she's become after the patreon bucks started to roll in.

I'm talking about your false dichotomy.

> Also, she's had a patreon for over a year, did she suck then?

And I literally SPECIFICALLY said in the post you blindly replied to:
> Goes to show how fucking trashy she's become after the patreon bucks started to roll in.

You're an actual nigger

Way to purposefully ignore the actual statistics nigger. A 214% increase in patrons since 1 year ago. 50 to a peak at 185. And you're still going to tell me she was not affected by the cash stax? Delusional nigger you are. I know you have some jewish ancestry inside of you bonbi but you're honestly as thick as a nigger.

> waahhh nigger nigger nigger
You sound like an autist. Like I said, you're wildly overestimating how much she's making. Even if she's gained a lot recently, you don't know if those are just minimum pledges.

I never said its meaningless. I said you're overestimating. No one knows how much she's making or what impact it's made on her making videos. Some people think her latest ones have been her best (I disagree).

I'm not overestimating though... You want to do some maths?

$5 lowest pledge
135 new patrons in a span of 12 months.

5 x 135 = $675 more than she was earning a year ago. And that's just a minimum.
62% of that income goes straight into the pocket of bonbi. The rest is spent on paying off additional fees. 
So, 0.62 x 675 = $418.50 for her monthly peak.

And you're telling me that the 418.50 more she is earning compared to a year ago had little to no impact on her attitude? I aint saying patreon is solely responsible for her quality decline but it sure does answer some questions.

Again. We know she has higher patron pledges... I'm being kind here.

Ah. So you aren't denying that it can't do impact... you're merely stumped and unable to think of the obvious...

Perhaps it encourages her sick lazy attitudes. Hence why she is fat right now. Is it really a shocker that passive income (if you aren't into economics, it means income gained by doing literally nothing or little to nothing) wires her to fall in love with some idea about doing absolutely nothing to gain a few bucks? 
Oh, that's just a slippery slope... Maybe she'll be motivated to advertise her passive income medium (patreon) to her tiktok and instagram page!

Hopefully, you can fill in the rest.

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patreon 02 webm
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just imagine how many neetbucks she could dredge in a single twitch stream - and all she would have to do is forfeit any last remaining shred of dignity and self-respect she has left and sit there watching the donos roll in as she's publicly shit on for her vast catalogue of errors

> So you aren't denying that it can't do impact
Never denied it to begin with, just said how much. I was going to reiterate about how much or how little she makes but, but we've been through this already. She started advertising her patreon, but everyone was saying her videos were lazy even before that. People were calling her fat during her Prombi and Rin cosplays. She hadn't started advertising her patreon at that time yet. There are other reasons for why shes gaining weight and why shes pushing patreon now. Reasons we dont know.

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