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Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/FjhVgRqQ#o6mXZrNggxb9OHQCh188GQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
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> Friendly reminder that threads autolock at 1000 posts

thank you for posting the new videos!
yeah, same thing happened a few threads ago. took me a while to figure out why it was so quiet all of a sudden
I would've linked this thread but I was still asleep when the old one reached the limit

They all went on to talk about how it's not my business and I shouldn't be talking about it but frankly I think I have the right to express my concern eggs with her Mental Health

Yeah they went on to talk about how it wasn't my business and how it shouldn't matter to me but I think I have the right to express my concerning regarding her Mental Health

I think the saddest part of it all is what a grotesque, self-satisfied bitch she ended up turning into
That's what happens when you attract a legion of braindead simpering orbiters that can't stop kissing her ass irrespective of the shit she does, I guess
Many such cases.


I never had any such expectation, no matter how hard you want to project
It still doesn't make it any less tragic how committed to her own self-sabotage she is
The sad truth is bonbi's own actions have always been at the heart of all the bad things that have befallen her, and given the echochamber of unconditional praise she endeavours to surround herself with, that seems unlikely to ever change

bro you just posted cringe
I kinda agree with some of your points but you went way overboard with your autistic rant
The dubsmash thing is probably the worst example of her "appreciating her patreon donators more than her actual fanbase". It's literally an empty account, not even a pfp, and she only mentioned it because someone asked. I'm sure she would've announced it publicly once she's posted anything on there.
It's unfortunate that she's gained weight, is becoming greedy with patreon, and is doing revealing cosplays even though she said she wouldn't, but I don't think a 30 comment rant is gonna change anything about that.

It's probably pretty likely tbh
It appears her modus operandi is to act as venomous and inflammatory as she can in order to incite as much toxicity towards herself from her fanbase as possible, so she can play the innocent blameless victim card to her paying supporters that themselves want to fulfil their own protector delusions
She's turned the weaponisation of her own victimhood complex to her financial gain
It's almost impressive, if it weren't so sad

To clarify, I had the same expectations of her as I do anyone else - that they do what they can to have a net beneficial impact on the world around them
The problem with bonbi is that despite the numerous talents and opportunities she has, she has only ever gone entirely out of her way to undermine, attack, and lie to everyone around her, consistently, and seemingly without empathy or remorse

> I had the same expectations of her as I do anyone else - that they do what they can to have a net beneficial impact on the world around them
you will be disappointed, if not now eventually.
> problem with bonbi is that despite the numerous talents and opportunities she has, she has only ever gone entirely out of her way to undermine, attack,
now that is just a lie, you keep ignoring the good content she uploaded in the past and just expect her to have a personalty that match your worldview.

> you will be disappointed, if not now eventually
I generally am, but that won't stop me hoping
I try to believe people can do/be better than they generally allow themselves to be

> you keep ignoring the good content she uploaded in the past and just expect her to have a personalty that match your worldview
This is a fallacious argument - these two statements have very little bearing on each other
I can enjoy good content when she makes it while still being capable of having a perspective on the intentionally negative impact of her behaviour and actions

god i cant wait to """chat""" on the stream tomorrow
i hold the record of the last person banned on her twitch and i intend to defend it

btw, can any patreon-bro share the names of some of the biggest simps in patreon comments? asking for a friend haha

> I had the same expectations of her as I do anyone else - that they do what they can to have a net beneficial impact on the world around them
thats gay. its normal behavior to retaliate and have convictions instead of wanting to have a beneficial impact on complete strangers and be meek and servant like. people are not meant to be cogs in a machine to make the world function. from now on i will shit my pants in front of anyone who wants me to be a functioning member of society.

This fat bonbi is riding on the hard work of blue bon and completely soiling the bonbi name. Kind of like when a father passes away and his kids run his company into the ground.

No the false praise and shilling of fat bon is, still emiru knows what it takes and is gladly using her just like seth did, but for clout instead. It’s going to be funny as hell once bonbi is no longer useful to emiru and she tosses her out like trash.

I'll clarify again, since you appear to be fairly low-functioning; there's quite a substantive difference between being a self-sacrificing, servile tool, and simply abstaining from going to considerable and unnecessary lengths to manipulate and deceive the people around you for personal gain or malicious amusement.

I wonder if there is still a lot of people mad at bonbi or if most of them left already, like if in the stream she’ll only have to ban 2 maybe 3 or people will be getting banned for the entirety of it.

whole big thing about mental health, meanies and disabling comments, and now that she's "better" for the 10th time this year she instantly does a twitch stream with donation messages.
maybe money and saying "thank you pumpkin" 100 times will make all her problems go away.

I loved how she kept saying this isn’t the place to talk about it and trying to label people talking about it as being bad, like bitch speaking out against that shit and bringing it to others attention doesn’t make them bad. I swear she’s more of a problem than the simps. It’s just to ironic how she tries to play the good role model considering what she’s done and still does.

Emiru is unironically based. It's way better for cutsy girls and simps to comment in the chat about how cute she is instead of losers going on repeat like a broken jukebox about bonbiwaffen like fucking spegs.

the other mod in chat:
phillyphan215 - malik lewis, philadelphia, pa
works at devon nissan https://www.google.com/maps/place/Devon+Nissan/@40.0463253,-75.4335369,18z/data=!4m8!1m2!3m1!2sDevon+Nissan!3m4!1s0x89c694a7a0418233:0x39b8a6be0b0471d8!8m2!3d40.0464853!4d-75.4331079 as a used car salesman

based bonbi hiring a black man to mod her chat while dressing as a cop

Philly#3238 on discord, select roles in emiru's discord server: admin, irl friend, discord mod, subscriber, twitch subscriber

address is probably 6375 N Bouvier St, Philadelphia, PA 19141 but uncertain

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online games are boring to watch. i would rather watch a comfy single player game but NO! all i do is watch a boring fucking game called overwatch. its so funny really, im doing this to myself but i can't stop. is this what it has come to? overwatch? is this really what im doing  today?

yo so quick question. Why do you all hate her? like specifically? Did I miss something? I've been in an out since the beginning but it just seems to be that she is an average indecisive teenage girl with a double dose of neuroticism from young fame and harassment. What specifically did she do? Other than being young and dumb

so pretty much like last time.

she's not good at the game she's playing, and she doesn't have really have a pleasing personality to carry the stream either. people come around for the curiosity and the drama, but they won't stay.

I don't "hate" her. Hating her is pointless. What has she ever done to me that I would hate her? I feel sad for her, and I hope she somehow arrives at a good place in life. She's a flawed human being like the rest of us.

Being positive about Bonbi is probably not cool here, but I'm gonna say it anyway. I think she was very cute yesterday. The stream was quite nice. And Emiru is an absolute legendary friend to her. Overall I feel pretty good about yesterday and I hope we get more in the future.

Give me an honest point to this being positive in any way. Is it her being coddled by simps and emiru? Still ignoring everything like it’s going to just go away? Still being a two-face and gaslighting just to try and stay relevant?

Don't bother. All that happens is she'll get snarky and sidestep any valid points, while whiteknights like the eternally creepy PumpkinPhi and the new coomer demographic she's going for dogpile on you. She's proven many times that she's her own biggest problem and will cut off friends without batting an eye. That one girl friend of hers was dying of cancer and bonbi just dropped her like nothing. She was a fucking retard who was wrong about literally everything, but still.

Not expecting someone to be a haughty bitch=/=expecting them to be a god or goddess. One phrase that used to pop up every now and then in /bbg/ was "People on pedestals can only fall". But even those who didn't idolize and idealize her were wondering why she had to fall so hard.

We remember Alzheimer's Anon, for he cannot do it himself.

I'm about 95% certain he was janitor in the run up to the banning of /ttg/ (and a fair amount of time before then)

Whether he's still on the payroll these days, or if it's just the 4cuck jannies AIDF-ing completely for free is anyone's guess

"Hate" is a histrionic way of phrasing it. I'm sure a few people do hate her (like the genuinely disturbed Discord guy who leaked her doxx), but most are just very disappointed that she loves a grown man who is sexually attracted to children (as per his doxx) and did some shifty money-handling for her, after such a long track record of her being aware of predators and creeps in the Tiktok sphere. What's worse is that she flexes about it. Then there's her hypocrisy and constantly doing the diametric opposite of what her words indicate. And seemingly enjoying being shitty to people at times. You'd have to have been around since at least October/November 2018 to really get the full scope of it.

a teenage girl spends every waking moment of her most formative and would be constructive period of her youth into adult hood on a phone app cosplaying characters. Seems a little strange but thats just the current era. But in this multi-year formative period a large portion of that time was dedicated to 1 on 1 interaction with a known pedophile that is actively grooming her. She is aware and willing. They spend what has to be weeks or months meticulously constructing a narrative counter to reality that when revealed can only lead to destruction, and is paving the path to oblivion with every waking moment she endeavors in it.
She treats the "reveal" like a party. The entire time (and even now) she is spending time here shitposting and astroturfing to further reinforce the game she is playing. I've read doujins by shindoL that ended happier than this for the protag.

I played baseball when I was her age. The gulf of what she is as a person and I know a person to be is wider than her pusy after anonce gets done with her.

Its some pretty dark shit homes, like utter void of despair stuff. For her mind I mean. We'll move on to something else but this is this bitch's life and she seems to have forgotten it. Maybe bonbi was the real cosplay.

Not about to sit through 5 hours of Bonbi flailing around in Overwatch, but it does seem like she enjoyed the stream. We can probably expect more in the not so distant future. Kudos to Emiru/Emily for taking care of her.

I dont want to doxx anyone so i wont give specifics but there is this one girl who i regularly see around 3pm on a weekday after school hugging her mommy... she's really cute... the way she jumps into the pram by herself is so sweet as well.

I'm sure (just like seth) she fully supports and encourages bonbi's descent into profiteering thottery; showing her how to set up donations, summoning fresh simps on command - why not monetize ALL the things, because who cares about artistic integrity when you're the one sitting merry atop a pile of jizz-soaked silver

He's an anchor who's actively hurting her brand and I think by now Bonbi knows it. She's solving the problem by not bringing him up, but that's only a bandaid solution. The real solution would obviously be to cut ties with him and ideally even disowning him publicly. It would solve the problem and stop the harassment. And as a bonus because of today's climate, she would get so much sympathy points.

You see that’s what I don’t get about her. She openly tossed deep aside to the wolves and lied about him being a pedo. Seth being an actual pedo and being the literal bane for her for 2 years, won’t think to toss him aside. She had no problem doing it with deep, it’s almost like she’s totally incapable of telling the truth. I know it’s a meme at this point that whatever she says is just the opposite but fuck man. Emiru too, it’s strange how both of them just want to sweep him under the rug and just act cunty about the whole affair whenever it’s brought up, which only serves to make the problem worse.

> her new account is called "bonobo"
> a bonobo is a species of ape
> most notable for being one of the few species who engage in sexual activities for "fun" rather than strictly for procreation (humans one of the few others)

really makes you think

I am continually amazed at the sheer amounts of money there is in streaming and having an online persona. 450 dollars for playing video games for 5 hours godamn. We've all heard how the top streamers are literal millionaries, but I wonder how much a girl like Emriu makes on average? It's probably more than you'd think.

if capitalism survives thanks to technological discoveries we will have the Egirls as oligarchies and all the rest of the populations as thralls serving them. you can choose your Egirl overlord to work for her and donate to her and she will just exist. i love capitalism and western civilization, the faustian gay spirit and the christian religion is what led us to this situation.

yeah but if you go to the core of the problem its the spirituality and the civilization itself. they make people permissive and tolerant. then comes the right wing cucks jacking off the faustian spirit and muh western civilization, this is what you get.

Bonbi you gotta do somethang now gurl. Tok is getting yeeted by based kekistani trump (MAGA KAGA 20202) and you gonna fade to obscurity gurrrl. You need to start onlyfans now to stay relevant. Btw im dying my dying wish is your onlyfans

The industrial revolution combined with  >>/13446/ is what happened. It's a product of relative peace and unprecedented abundance of resources, and the accompanying removal of Darwinian filters. Relative peace and abundance of resources leads to matriarchy. Relative scarcity and threats to survival lead to patriarchy.

As for its sustainability, there are physical limits to production and technological advancement. Even barring some shit like a solar flare EMP or Yellowstone going off, a wall will be hit. To me it seems powerful people want us all racing toward a mass conflict over increasingly scarce resources and an implosion of the world population which doesn't need to be artificially pumped up and accommodated to begin with, focusing on pumping up the 3rd world in particular, with what I suspect is the intention to use these Peoples as a demographic weapon against what is left of the Western world. 

And Christianity did certainly turn out to be part of the problem. It laid the groundwork for a lot of what we see now. The difference now is people worship secular Forms of various tenets of Christianity (notions like equality, the last will be first and the first last, etc). I see Christian Conservatives whining about ess jay dubble yoos all the time. It never occurs to them that many of those beliefs are effectively Christian, minus the deity, and came down to them by osmosis.

Ok smart guy if bonbi was truly a devot follower she wouldn’t be fat. One of the seven deadly sins is gluttony and oh boy has she indulged that one. Since most of America is fat I’d say Christianity isn’t to blame.

fat is a problem from the material conditions like the quality of food and lifestyle of people. christianity affects the spiritual side of life. if someone is a devot follower he can still be fat even if its a sin, since sin is in the nature of humans in christianity and jesus will save them if they accept him, bonbi will still get fatter.

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Maybe Bonbi got fat from Eating disorder.
An eating disorder is a mental disorder defined by abnormal eating habits that negatively affect a person's physical and/or mental health.
Taylor Swift also got fat from eating disorder back in 2017-2018

Christianity was adaptive in many ways *until* the change in abundance of resources and relative safety came about. 

This is approaching irreparable levels of fatness. The weight can be lost but the stretch marks and loose skin might be around for life, without surgery.

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many thought that the bonbiverse would perish after the ban. the bonbibros were scattered in the wild planes of the internet and only a few survived, these bonbibros found the portal to the underworld! the bonbiverse was there and when they reached that place they felt at home, little did they know that it was the most depraved and hostile place in the universe! the bonbibros were fighting and calling each other names like "nigger" and "d*cord". some may found friendship in this bonbiverse but its very rare and can turn into rivalry very quickly.

Bonbiwaffen is a fed Honey pot operation to get all the extremist bonbi bros in one group chat then post an extreme amount of bonbi and the word “cute” then they make this guy called “bonbi fans” post discord screen shots and seth propaganda to make them extremely angry then the other guy called “snake memes” comes and post isis and atomwaffen division propganda videos to recruit the hostile bonbi bros then get them involved in a terrorist operation and make the feds catch them in the middle of said operation so they end up in jail. Wake up bonbi bros this is serious trouble.

what board? i like /x/. there is probably a couple of general threads in most of the of boards, you can find a new general to hang out in. people in generals are the same kind of people in bbg and ttg so don't be surprised.

> liberal right wing
They aren't right wing fullstop. People who cede to leftwing social values such as homosexuality and immigration are not right wing at all. 
The Charlie Kirks, Ben Shapiros and Steven Crowders of the world are not "conservative" at all. Their self-labelled group identity does not align with any conservative right wing values.

thats what you get with right wing economics, if you don't want immigration and gay sex then choose the left wing economic approach like national socialism and north korean juche. capitalsm don't survive without massive amount of technological progress that also brings social progress and changes to adapt with the right wing system demands.

> not "conservative" at all. Their self-labelled group identity does not align with any conservative right wing values.
even if you get someone coservative in power today he will lead you to this point. even if you invented a time machine and invited a 1950s conservative to be a president he will only care about money and economic success.

i think i faintly remember a video edit that made the rounds back in spring 2019(?) that was a compilation of pre-hardtimes "mean" comments from a "bonbibonkersisshit" instagram and the video included screenshots of old instagram posts, some of which were never seen elsewhere

anyone else remember what im talking about? the vid has practically been memoryholed

And how about Japan? It has been homogenous for eras and does not seem to budge on the question of its immigrant and asylum policy. Additionally, the majority of immigrants come from historically similar backgrounds. Japan is obviously very rich, technologically advanced and capitalist to its core.

But with Poland, they don't need to take in Pakis and other dirty non-white immigrants because that "quota" gets filled by Ukrainians.

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found the webm in the archive, cheers to the anon who posted it and said "oops, archived forever now" back in march 2019, i appreciate it!

from the vid:
> my guesses is that you get 40 year old men off the internet to buy you cosplays because your mommy and daddy are sick of your gross fucking hobby of cosplaying horny grey people?
i kek'd, these comments are pre-hardtimes im pretty sure, so bonbibonkers.is.shit really was a year+ ahead of their time

> Japan is obviously very rich, technologically advanced and capitalist to its core.
and its very degenerate and high suicide rate. also the birth rates will get lower and lower and the immigrants will be welcomed by the right wing party members who love immigrants and their cheap labor. its not the perfect place its only a good example conservative use for ethnically homogeneous places.

You clearly have not been to Japan. Watching a few MSNBC YouTube videos of the so-called "hikikomori" pandemic does not class you as an expert. Japanese culture has always been about self-sufficiency and hard work. The code of honors being "gaman" - taught by every parent out there. 
It's a typical D&C tactic to mention birth rates. As if that's a problem to Japan where it is heavily overpopulated in the metropolitan cities. We've all seen that copypasta:
> oh no, the population is declining.
> who will buy property? I guess we'll just have to lower real estate prices. What a nightmare.
> who will fish our lakes and create landfills? I guess we'll have to watch council rates fall and pollution decrease. What a nightmare!
> who will work unskilled jobs if there aren't enough people to do them? I guess we'll have to increase wages. What a nightmare!!
> with smaller populations comes more tightly knit communities. Who will commit crimes? What a nightmare!!!
> Cheaper real estate, less pollution, higher wages, lower crime... HOW WILL JAPAN SURVIVE!?

It's not like immigrants won't solve a thing. What is automation?

I guess more automation and technological progress will fix it this time. Capitalism rely on this progress and the more advanced the country is the more suicides and degeneracy is in the country. Sooner or later a wall will be hit. You can't keep exploiting resources and abusing the population.

when i finish wearing my mask in public and i return home i shove it up my ass. its a ritual needed to scare away bacteria and viruses, it's a method recommended by experts and smart scientists and doctors. stay safe bonbibros.

The "healthy at any size" bullshit he's talking about definitely emerged from lefty/feminist bullshit. Obviously fucktons of Burgermericans all over the spectrum are fat due to super-abundance of resources and comfort, but *actively encouraging and condoning being fat* is a leftist and feminist thing.

This is what is referred to as the "Kosher sandwich". The "conservatives" really became the protectors and enablers of the left once William F. Buckley Jr. went on one of the first cancel-culture campaigns several decades ago. That's one of the reasons everything has slid so far leftward since then. Another reason is that it's easier conservatives to empathize with liberals than it is for liberals to empathize with conservatives.

many bonbiwaffen members got in prison. soon bonbibros will get in trouble too. guilt by association. this "snake memes" has been exposed as a fed in early 2019 and people forgot for some reason. we need to also get his other cringe friends in instagram. we need to make a list warning people of these fed monsters.

> tfwywn grope her and cuphold her tits
> tfwywn interlace tongues with her
> tfwywn stick your dick inside her fishnets
> tfwywn lay her on the bed and cum all over her (because she asked for it in a tok)

imagine being such a desperate, needy, attention-seeking whore that even after spending months intentionally burning your own fan community to the ground you continue to astroturf and shill yourself to people that no longer want anything to do with your poisonous, toxic bullshit just to manufacture a fleeting feeling of self-importance to stroke your vain, fragile ego.
cant really relate.

I see you pulled out your free "Get out of a conversation" card by pretending to be gooselike. 

I recommend orally taking 500mg of chlorpromazine a day. You can get it in its commercial form; look out for "Thorazine" in any local pharmacy. Don't exceed 2000mg a day because that can cause severe psychological issues.

< yes i support bonbi to be the leftist liberal peace of trash that attacks her fans and treats them like garbage.
> nooo don't say that she is not a peace of garbage
< oh i see that you are the aidf poster! please leave
> what is this discord? you can't ban me
< haha you said the DN word the jannies will ban you now
> ...

< fucking fat leftist bonbi
> more like right wing 
< what is japan
> suicide rates and hentai?
< we know all the copypastas about the immigrants and the jobs
> what are you talking about
< what is poland
> a country in europe?
< no they have no immigrants, libtard status: owned

im proud of these intellectual political debates we have around here. they always turn out productive and conclusive. bonbibros often reach an understanding of each other ideas without calling each other niggers.

> stooped to the point of summarising conversations on /bbg/ but simultaneously purposefully misrepresenting the arguments








































also read these essays by ted kaczynski. 
this essay is fun to read and its short.

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I do like Mr Kaczynski but his ideals are slightly outdated. This, meaning, that they are not "staunch" enough. Unfortunately, he currently can't just 'get with the times' but as much of a great think he is, he is missing out on a lot of things he could not have predicted once imprisoned. I do like his oversocialization theory (although that slightly gets shilled too much) but the problem with leftist thought is much more simple than that now.

Excellent choice. I first discovered this book after seeing a video by (nobodytm) entitled "you". Nobodytm had a knack for juxtaposition and was an interesting rabbit hole to go down. 

https://www.bitchute.com/video/nqAIh80mCIe5/ [Embed]

The project ended in late 2018. Here is an interview about that. Luckily someone archived it, because the original is gone.


S-s-save me from the lewd monster, anon! How do I make this interaction not lewd? Do I check her pulse somewhere else? I heard you could do it on the neck! Is that too close to her mouth though? What about her... help me out here!

I'm sorry. Have you seen the weight she's gained? I don't think a pulse will make it through that flab. Unless I bring a stethoscope to the hearing... But that prop is only for the well trained.

There's a pulse in your groin right? Or is that only for men? I remember exercising really hard one day and I thought my groin was going to burst because it was pulsing so hard like a literal heart. Scary.

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bbg is a harsh environment that makes the most sane person a schizo. you may come to bbg as a newfag today and it will turn you into an oldfag schizo tomorrow, seconds here are like eternity. i have seen people here noticing subliminal messages in tiktok audios and others noticing political propaganda broadcasts in the livestreams. the sanity of bonbibros can vanish or return quickly, depending on the bontent posted or if their is new edits. some bonbi cosplays can trigger a reaction in bonbibros and it may even result in bloodshed. only the strong minded and numb corpses survives here.

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*Bonbi does Belle cosplay*

Retards: Hmm, it seems she is cosplaying a sex worker whom she calls her "idol" and using these jailbait-centric audios. This is rather sad. Even the normies are shocked.

Doomer neo-liberal techno-capitalist hedonists: Belle is not a sex worker. It's not like she does porn you fucking incel losers. 



> capitalist
point of contention here. sure, capital gained through labour is still 'capitalist'. but anyone with a moral compass would see that it isn't a moral labour and thus not a moral way of gaining capital. 

rather, the lack of morality in sex work makes it closer to communism than capitalism... commies do love their sex workers. (see desTINY)

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Sp00ky Queen Boo OwO !

Follow my tiktok for some cute videos of me in cosplay!
check out my patreon for some exclusive content uwu!
And see my twitch for some occasional streams in cosplay! New stream coming soon!
Everything is linked in bio~🤍

> M A X I M U M S H I L L

I'm finding it harder and harder to reconcile what we know of her family and her content these last couple of months. It just doesn't add up in my head that her parents would allow this stuff. Surely she isn't keeping her online persona a secret from her family though?

basically no way her family doesn't know what she's up to online. i understand your argument though. her dad is a crazy reality denying facebook republican, and we saw her family saying grace before eating at the restaurant in those year old birthday pictures.

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all you have to assume is that they don't know about her discord chatlogs, or that seth is a pedophile groomer
to a normie her entire online presence is as clean-cut as humanly possible (normies don't consider loli audios or cleavage problematic). 
with her disabling comments/mass deleting comments she doesnt like there is literally no indication of anything being off.
not to mention her family, by virtue of them being her family being incapable of viewing anything she does through a sexual lens. 

or they dont care
or they like the money
or they think shes a degenerate whore and thats why she hates herself but they dont let everyone on planet earth know that
we are trying to judge a family dynamic through facebook reposts and 15 second tiktok videos

> the lack of morality in sex work makes it closer to communism than capitalism
not him but you are wrong. communist countries like the soviets bans sex work and capitalists countries like in europe or asia allows it. so the lack of morality in sex work is closer to capitalism as we see in the amoral capitalist countries.

I saw bonbi at a gas station yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything. She said, “Oh, I like incest” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “Howdy Howdy Howdy” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like ten Sprite Cranberry cans in her hands without paying.

The guy at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Ma'm, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear him, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When he took one of the Sprite cans and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped him and told him to scan them each individually “U mad doggie?” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each Sprite can and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by moaning really loudly.

bonbi seems pretty clingy towards emiru now, which is sorta understandable. the loner kid who finally makes a friend, but then has no concept of space and that friends don't spend every waking moment together. her constantly gushing about how QUEEN emiru is also gets old pretty fast, even for emiru herself i suspect.

the majority probably gives 5 bucks, but some will be giving up those 50 dollars every month. as you say it's a lot of money for a teenager every month and also one of the reasons i have to believe her parents know in detail what she's up to.

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i met bonbi at a burger king yesterday. she gave me a salute and kissed me on the cheek. i believe that i have ascended above all of you and i will no longer refer to myself as a "bonbibro" again, im thinking maybe you can call me "bonbiking" since im the only one of you that met her and i also met her at burger king so its fitting. it is ok to be a bonbibro and its nothing to be ashamed of, maybe one day you could be a bonbiking too
but remember! there is only one king! you have to dethrone me first!
you have to do it in the same branch of burger king too

I can not relate to these conditions for im a king BUT i will not forget that i came from a place among you, in my youth i was a number 7 just like some of you! Im thankful and happy to be in my position now and i will not forget the times i struggled as a depressed peasant!

2chen's /tv/ board, but it might shut down at the end of the month because the administrator wants to step down. People are willing to take his place or set up a new site though, so we'll be ok.

> btw, can any patreon-bro share the names of some of the biggest simps in patreon comments? asking for a friend haha
here's a list sorted by number of comments. data from july 31st. in total there were 922 comments made by 98 different users
> 101 Bonnie Bonkers
>  98 Jeff Nathanon
>  73 Hellboy99
>  64 Fifer 
>  62 Dax_Art
>  39 Greg Russell
>  34 schwem203 
>  31 Dreamer 
>  28 McStabbypants
>  18 Veil Tricks
>  16 Kri von Bli
>  15 Ash2741
>  14 DesertH2O 
>  14 Artgar62 
>  13 Roger Medrano
>  12 NeoZero 
>  11 Joe_ldmx 
>  11 Action Jacson
>  11 Christiaan Funkhouser
>  10 Lemare 
>  10 Michael Morris
>  10 BlackEyedG 
>  10 Hurt Times
>  10 weston tucker
>   9 ZeroTolerance
>   8 Fellstar 
>   8 VoidSear 
>   8 Pyrabulb 
>   8 James 
>   8 So Many Buttons
>   6 boooyyyyaaahhh 
>   6 SegmentationFault 
>   6 Graphthorny 
>   6 Schweetz
>   6 Chris B
>   6 anonbon
>   6 Superboy
>   5 Jeyo 
>   5 David Pardo
>   4 Yuta 
>   4 4th Emptiness
>   4 Seith Laborde
>   3 Joe Hill
>   3 Furry_Lynx 
>   3 Cheese Whiz
>   3 PeterNewhouse 
>   3 Jason Cheng
>   3 Braulio 
>   3 Angel 
>   3 Garfield Lasagna
>   3 Olikarkki
>   3 Isaac Todd 
>   3 Bruh Moment
>   3 Evan 
>   3 Zorky
>   3 Mike Boyd
>   2 terry 
>   2 Oli 
>   2 Chocolate 
>   2 Jericho 
>   2 Johnny Pops
>   2 SchrodingerH 
>   2 GUMIGang 
>   2 AnimeFanTX2020
>   2 francisco fuenzalida
>   2 Joel Rivera
>   1 Tramonto Nero
>   1 Prussian 
>   1 Fast Boi
>   1 0 
>   1 DesertH2O 
>   1 RistoH 
>   1 st0chast 
>   1 Emily S
>   1 Frosty Kae
>   1 Ibrahim 
>   1 Thedinkster 
>   1 Luke 
>   1 Honoré 
>   1 Michael 
>   1 soupi 
>   1 Денис Григорьев
>   1 Michael Kozak
>   1 MajinItachi96 .
>   1 abdulaziz malki
>   1 Jesse Swan
>   1 dVill 
>   1 CtrlAltDefeat 
>   1 Jon Gillette
>   1 Izzy
>   1 kukki
>   1 CoolDysteria .
>   1 Evox 
>   1 WiII 
>   1 bayree
>   1 Alexander Dam
>   1 Jes Monarque
>   1 Mark Oliver

bonnie bonkers is her right? jeff is a retard who just says his name is jeff so i guess kenneth is the biggest simp
hes still leaking some of the patreon shit to his facebook group though, so maybe he's not so bad

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To the town of Livingston rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around her didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask her business no one dared to make a slip
for the stranger there among them had a big iron on her hip
Big iron on her hip

It was early in the morning when she rode into the town
She came riding from the south side slowly lookin' all around
She's an outlaw loose and running came the whisper from each lip
And she's here to do some business with the big iron on her hip
big iron on her hip

In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Seth Waters
Many tiktok thots had tried to take him and that many thots were groomed
He was vicious and a killer though a youth of 21
And the notches on his pistol numbered one and 725 more
One and 725 more

Oh fuck, that's right. I don't know tbh. But if Kenneth isn't on the list why is he being brought up?

I do know Hellboy99 was doxxed months ago and he's on the older end of Generation X, so he's the oldest guy around by far. Dax art has kids and is in his late 30's or early 40's I think.

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They know they can't defend him directly as there is too much evidence of his pedophilic proclivities and creepy controlling shit.
The most effective method they have to protect him at this point is to blanket any and all discussion by enforcing a policy of sustained hostile shitposting.
By making the threads so toxic and inhospitable that everyone stops talking or posting new content, the community slowly dies out and eventually there's no-one left who knows about everything he (and bonbi) has done.

Frankly It's a pretty redundant exercise at this point though.
Everyone already knows they're both poison.

Alright that makes sense. Not all shitposting is automatically aidf though. That comment I made about the edits earlier is probably the only toxic thing I've said in a long time. I just hate that anonbon guy who made those edits because he's a creppy weirdo.
I'm not denying that anonce is much worse and deserves to get his bunghole resized while bending over in the prison shower.

Someone with no context about the person who made the edit should not make 'blanket' arguments in a discussion.

Anyways, people from here need to really make more edits. Only one guy seems to be posting but they seem to be just looped gifs with music over it... and they don't get any recognition.

> Someone with no context about the person who made the edit should not make 'blanket' arguments in a discussion.
What makes you think I have no context about the person? What 'blanket' arguments have I made?
I just clarified that my toxicity was directed at one person only. I don't want to discourage anyone else from making edits or posting here.

> By making the threads so toxic and inhospitable that everyone stops talking or posting new content, the community slowly dies out and eventually there's no-one left who knows about everything he (and bonbi) has done.

That's a blanket argument.

The shitposting and off-topic schizo Nordic black metal posting may or may not be a roundabout form of AIDF, but anyone who joined this dumpster fire before or during the first Seth arc is probably here to stay regardless. I know I am.

Seth wanted to have a threesome so he had the genius to arrange it without them noticing, he fueled their horniness with his chad energy and planned to invite them to sex at the same time, this method proved effective as they were both in his room unable to resist his big cock. After the sex they became friends and after many fucks later they became best friends.

Emiru and Bonbi? Emiru joined during Bonbi's first twitch stream offering to help her out with modding the chat. I think this was the first contact between them. They became friends after that.

I think the community immediately noncepilling Emiru also played a part in them becoming friends. I don't wanna reduce their friendship to just that. I think they are genuine friends and like each other, but there are some older clips where Emiru talks about how to deal with groomers, how you befriend the victim who is isolated, introduce them to other people, basically weaking the grasp of the groomer and showing them there are other people who care about them. In those clips she talked in more general way, but it was very obvious she had Bonbi in mind.

Don’t eat this BS if anything she’s worse than seth and the discord, at least their upfront about what they want. Emiru is just using her for clout, I’m calling it now she’s going to toss her out first chance she gets. I feel kind of bad for bonbi, she’s going to get burned twice and the sad thing is she knows it too. Think back to that insta story she posted about how other tokkers are just using her. I suppose lessons need to be learned, and what she used to joke about having trust issues is going to become a reality.

This one anon was speaking the truth so I had to put it here for the record.
you can look at literally any sphere of bonbi's life right now and it's the worst it's ever been

she isn't really growing (fame-wise) any more
her looks are plummeting
her relationship is an internet-wide joke
she's violated like 90% of everything she used to vocally stand for (I hate pedophiles, I'm not going to monetize my content, I'll never show my body)
she's having to become an adult wagie

she has every reason to be depressed

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Wtf is up with her?
> I've been in a really dark place
Didn't she said something similar the last time she posted and then she said she was fine? And the time before that? And the time before before that?
Is she just fishing for sympathy? Bitch

And don't mistake that as 'just suck it up'. 
She's the stereotypical zoomer who will just get 'depressed' at any little thing.

A quote from my favourite wartime hero:
"Depression? Isn't that just a fancy word for feeling "bummed out"?" - Sun Tzu [April 12, 2007]

I think the main concern is that the only time she chooses to "communicate with her fans" these days is when she wants to garner sympathy or attempt to manipulate the narrative, both of which always inevitably blows up spectacularly in her own face.

It's like she's legitimately too damaged or too stupid to learn the lesson that she should stop treating the people around her like disposable toys for her own amusement and attempt to grow a personality that isn't predicated on being creepy pedophilic fuck-bait

> attempt to grow a personality that isn't predicated on being creepy pedophilic fuck-bait
nah. even if she changed it today the same people who complain today will find something else to complain about tomorrow. you take the smallest thing like "a teenager sad posting on insta" and you turn it into a crime. if she should change things then a workout routine like someone suggested is way better than changing her whole personality for people who hate her.

> better than changing her whole personality for people who hate her
> meticulously sidestepping the fact that that hate is a direct consequence of her own shitty personality and the things she has subsequently said and done
it's almost
as though the repercussions of being a wilfully toxic, manipulative, deceitful cunt is that people will like you less, and call you out on your bullshit more
really makes you think

when mods and their jannies banned /bbg/ many of bonbibros moved to /ttg/, some didn't like it and was hostile and some didn't care but there was two posters that were determined to fight against bonbibros, these two protested and attacked bonbibros but their attacks were not effective, they tried many of their tricks to break and ruin bonbibros and to banish them from their territory.
the two /ttg/ posters schemed a perfect plan to attack bonbibros. it was a simple plan but to make it work they only had to repeat it every single /ttg/ thread. the plan goes like this, each was equipped with a word and each had to repeat them every thread and to defend the meaning of these words. one was equipped with "whore" and the other with "cuck". the "whoreposter" was to attract hate to bonbi and to defame and desecrate her image in the eyes of bonbibros. the "cuckposter" was to attack those who posts bonbi or defend her. this simple plan was repeated no matter what. some bonbibros ignored and some quarreled but the plan continued.
after the psyop seed was planted and after the blood of bonbibros was spilled to grow the tree we can see the shadow and effects of this psyop. bonbibros were seen repeating the same attacks against bonbi done by them, the psyop inserted the two posters (whore/cuckposters) into the bonbibro's mind and whenever he enters a thread he immediately shifts to a whoreposter and when a bonbibro reply's he shifts to a cuckposter.
many of psyop'ed bonbibros left but thats not the scary part of this psyop. if the psyop is completed the bonbibro is free of it tortures as long as he stays away from /ttg/ and /bbg/ threads. the scary part is when the psyop is installed to a bonbibro's brain but he can't stop poosting and visiting /bbg/, the psyop'ed bonbibro has locked himself into a habit of visiting /bbg/ and posting with bonbibros, now every time he opens a tab and wants to post he is triggred by this psyop to hate on bonbi and attacks everyone until he is tired to leave and repeat the next day. other bonbibros can succeed in momentary happiness and comfy threads but the lingering effects of the psyop is still haunting these threads.

Bonbi is the bigger tiktoker, but Emiru is way bigger on Twitch and bigger overall. So if you want to look at it from the perspective of who has more to gain materially from being friends, it would be Bonbi.

it was just a few weeks ago when a bunch of twitch streamers were revealed to either rape girls they were "gaming" with or solicit nudes from minors
its definitely possible emiru could introduce her to a rapey type of guy

Those who believe her recent posts are too high on happy pills.
We Happy Few.
She's already a convicted liar - a repeated offender in fact.
And unless you did a bad job of just not naming the nonce in the QnA, then perhaps you guys are the retards.
Her responses make no sense.
She plays victim all day.
And the few in here who validate that fantasy make it her reality.

'I'm a minor'
Which is it bonbi? You said you've reached the AoC already. You still aclaim to being a minor as a defence?

'I have a lot of mental illness'

'People are slut shaming me'
You completely miss the point. iss juss a costume btwwwwww!!1!! PeOPlE ARe FrEE tO Do WhAT ThEY WanT!!11!!

> needs patreon to cosplay
> didnt need patreon before

> "am good thank u!"
> "i have lot of mentall illness life is hard"

> how do you deal with gross attention from some men
beyond parody

> boobs not sexual
> "i dont like tiktok now, its so sexual. all boobies and vagene"

> "you should ignore the haters"
> writes paragraphs about muh haters

> i stopped looking at my dms
> here's all the things people send to my dms

> i am very careful with things i do online

doesnt rule out making an onlyfans when she's 18
no response to being called a fat pig
dyed her hair for the 3rd time in fucking 3 weeks or something
headset mic down, clearly in a call
unironically took a snack break
still hiding the pedo, literally the source for 99% of the hate

anyway, love bonbibonkers she cute

> someone asks for tips for a literal who game with no record of her playing
> howdy partner emoji
I assume they play this shit together too? Seeing this with all the whinging is really sad. She's so disingenuous.

She has an abundant supply of tears always ready in their place, awaiting her command in which fashion they should flow.
You, poor dolt, are delighted, believing them to be tears of love, and kiss them away.

yeah and how is she broke from spending $800 on 6 cosplays?
she obviously makes more than that from patreon each month and doesn't post 6 cosplays a month.
where does the rest of the money go? overwatch lootboxes?

> doesnt rule out making an onlyfans when she's 18
> Personally I would never do that bc I do have many boundaries.

> anyway, love bonbibonkers she cute

To smal is bothe thy penne, and eek thy tonge,
For to descryven of this mariage.
Whan tendre youthe hath wedded stoupyng age,
Ther is swich myrthe that it may nat be writen.

A laughing stock she is.

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