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Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/FjhVgRqQ#o6mXZrNggxb9OHQCh188GQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
Streams: https://mega.nz/#F!oI8lnIIb!tx-7ck3DiZCkK8KSZhrJsw
Gifs: https://mega.nz/#F!0cUQEY5J!HgGoMgczzr3OujwC4SHk1w
Misc. stuff: https://mega.nz/#F!tREl2QwJ!Fw2wzaTPeluUpKpnJefkSQ (Edits, Memes)

Useful links:

That's up to her. It's obviously harder to lose weight than to put it on, and when you're surrounded by a super-abundance of food all day you need force of will and deferral of gratification to defeat yourself.

As a male It took me 2 months to lose 20 pounds on a very strict diet an exercise routine it's much harder for female to lose weight I believe because of less testosterone production and the fact that I'm also still pubescent

We don't know how much she's gained but she could probably lose it in 3-4 months if she really applied herself. But being fat is tolerated and even outright encouraged by the zeitgeist for young women now, and she's surrounded by faggots and enablers online so who knows what will happen.

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We can see here towards the end Natsuki is very angry, Pure rage and primitive anger very similar to our ancestors and related animals like monkeys, Which is a very Primitivist thing to do.

No she's definitely speaking different words, her mouth is forming different syllables than the words in the audio contain
It could just be that she didn't bother to learn the japanese lyrics but it looks like she's saying something specific, not just mouthing random words
I thought maybe she made the asuka tiktok to a different song originally, but after this second one I'm not sure - they're both in time to the song, which suggests they were made to this audio with different lyrics "intentionally"

In either the makeup stream or 16th birthday stream she said she hates the idea of paying taxes. In other streams, maybe the Black Cat Dva one, she said politics makes people hate each other or something. So based on that and her 180 on the topic of minors and consent, she's probably a "what if the toddler consents tho?" lolbertarian.

I think she has an x value than just a stand-alone y value of being more libertarian than authoritarian. And I'd say she lies more right-wing because of her opinions on sex work being valid modes of capitalism. Probably a commie in denial but not enough to say.

That has nothing to do with communism. Many authoritarians and libs censor speech on there sites, being pro censorship or sex work has nothing to do with communism. I hate commies but you need to know your enemy, the people you hate are liberal capitalists.

>  and libs censor
... no but okay

>  being pro censorship or sex work has nothing to do with communism
you're hearing what you want to hear. I said 'Literally a modern day embodiment of Western 'commies'. Can you comprehend that logic you autist?' 
I was even kind enough to put 'commies' in inverted commas!

> you need to know your enemy
You read my sentence too literally. I don't mean she's a hardcore stalinist. I'm comparing her to those mutticans 'libtards' (with a lower case L) that call themselves 'commies'.

>  liberal capitalists
literally what i said
> being more libertarian
> lies more right-wing because of her opinions on sex work being valid modes of capitalism

And I call her a 'commie' (referencing the libtard muttican version of 'communism') who love freedom but actually don't because they would adore the opportunity to control what you can and can't say (censorship).

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nico: good toks+cute, but in hindsight soulless russiaboo bait
billie eilish: not a fan, dont care.
david: very cute
yuri: cute and good tiktoks
pidge: very cute and iconic toks
asuna: disgusting pedo dogwhistle/outright endorsement of pedophilia
deku: very cute and good tiktoks
roxy: same as above
mabel: same as above
coraline: remake
lapis: boring toks. blue skin.
kotori: cute
junko: weird look, toks carry it
daenerys: boring toks+cosplay
ooc: bonbi
chiaki: very cute, good tik toks
clownbi: same as above
vanellope: same as above
bubbles: same as above
melanie: not a fan, dont care, looks weird
elsa: sponsored, soulless, dont care
splatoon thing: looks weird, dont care
ooc: bonbi
zero2: remake, but better in every way to original
blair: remake
nico: pedo audio, dont care
mei: cute
bambi: sponsored. dont care
harley: sponsored, dont care
ariel: sponsored, dont care
gumi: remake, dont care
sabrina: rhiannon tiktok carries it
dva: whore
toga: pedo dogwhistle whore
alice: ok
ghost deku: cute. posted before twitch stream, so whore
sailor moon: pedo dogwhistle whore and disgusting tik toks
rose: remake. disgusting stream.
froppy: remake
dva: pedo audios, whore
christmas kotori: whore
e-girl: belle dry run, whore
lulu: cute
ahri: whore, disgusting in every way
samus: whore
merida: cute
belle delphine: she's literally cosplaying a pornstar at 16yo
haru: entire cosplay is a pedo dogwhistle
rin: remake. more whoring in every way to the original.
junko: remake. absurdly more whoring in every way.
tracer: whore. deleted an insta pic because it showed too much of her pussy fucking LOL
ashe: cool cosplay, boring tiktoks
kawaiireaper: whore
luka: fat whore
cow: fat cow+whore
boosette: fat whore
chihiro: good cosplay+tiktoks, but locked behind patreon paywall so by definition whore
nezuko: i liked it
asuka: specifically bought a kink fetish version of the suit; only shows the bottom part on patreon. whore.
lux: cute. but somehow managed to show cleavage in a onesie; whore

2chen.moe is up and running for a while now. 2chen.org is kill, Admin gave up a week before it was supposed to shut down. He said "My motivation is less than zero" or something. They moved here and then to a another stopgap site, and now 2chen.moe

Neat. Unique. Dark. Cute.
I love the color palette. Retro-esque; truly reflects the feeling of nostalgia. The intermittent cuts of dark and Southern gothic imagery to portray the downfall of her psychology, and public persona is very creative. It is wonderfully complimented by the music choice; joyous but also a subtone of uneasiness. 

Thank you for the edit. <3

Im from TikTok Official and we shall give bonbi a verification on one condition. She just has to lose the fat. Do whatever it takes, whether it's jumping jacks or an abortion, she gotta lose that repulsive gut.

> didn't like this cosplay at first but it's grown on me
like a tumor eh? nah i can't be that mean to her. it's an easy cosplay to do - could've been better... at least it weren't a shitfest like her rushed remake montage she released a while back.

I guess it's a play on that trope of liberal and capital L Liberal. Of course here, bonbi is better than Bonbi; to which I agree... bonbi is miles better than Bonbi. It's almost like they are different beings.

my issues have been with the character design, not the cosplay itself tbh. what do you think she could've done better?
also, i liked the remake montage. it was a neat idea and the cosplays didn't have to be perfect

> I don't have time anymore
I guess school started again. Or did she already graduate?
> favourite cosplay is Nezuko or Ahri
Why does she have such shit taste
> "makeover" [weird emoji]
> hehe
What did she mean by this? Sounds like whoever asked knows more than we do
> special outside cosplay
> disney
Interesting. Any guesses as to what it could be?

with regards to the initial release of nezuko,  >>/14183/ summed it up pretty well. different angles would have made it a little more interesting.

the new ones seem to incorporate that perspective device so that's a huge plus. but the bow is on the wrong side still... which is really weird because the pictures she took for her cosplays had it on the correct side... 
she overdoes it with the zoom technique. it's forgivable in the grimes tok but the other ones just make it feel like she got lazy of being creative and decided to do what every other generic nezuko cosplayer did with that soundbite. 0/10 for originality there. should've done her nails properly. showing TOO much forehead - ruins the immersion.

i see. yeah i guess some of the tiktoks could've been better. but the cosplay itself is pretty good
> but the bow is on the wrong side still... which is really weird because the pictures she took for her cosplays had it on the correct side... 
i think that's because the front camera flips it
> should've done her nails properly. 
she do be liking that chipped nail polish look doe
> showing TOO much forehead 
she has a cute forehead so it's forgivable. also have you *seen* nezuko? i'd say it's fairly accurate

She is thick as pigshit. If you think she is still a part of the school curriculum, then she is even dumber than I could even begin to imagine. All she does in her spare time is game, discord call and sleep. That's why her sleep schedule is so fucking upside down.

I would call you an anarchist but you're right. The schools in England have become infected with the BLM/Diversity/Climate Change/Pedophilia/LGBTQ promotion. It's acceleration at its finest. I used to attend a public school in England and... it used to be so white... 
coming back for a reunion the school usually hosts, we give talks to the teens and I can't understand how the ocean has become so muddy... it used to be so clear... white... specks of blue... blond sand...

*jerking you off while circling my tongue around the tip of your cock*
i can feel you getting close, oh god im close too
*jerking off faster and our cocks wants to explode*
ooh yes i can feel it coming
*cum flying everywhere including my mouth*
*we collapse on top of each other and sleep*

Reminder that the awkward/bad English poster has been here for months and is literally mentally ill and posts off-topic shit 24/7 in what is probably the dumbest play to defend Seth Waters, known pedophile and groomer, that we have seen yet.

Halloween is traditionally just an excuse for women to dress whorishly
You'd think given that she's a cosplayer, she has that chance every single day 
I guess in bonbi's opinion there are simply never enough opportunities to behave like a whore

> 1 is in the lead with 63% right now
of course it is - 1 is the tackier, sluttier outfit
it's self-evident at this point which audience bonbi is choosing to play to

> it's self-evident at this point which audience bonbi is choosing to play to

Yeah that's been the case for months now. She panders to the jailbait seekers, but of course still cries about sexualization. Imagine someone complimenting her boobs and she gets mad. They can counter with
> but boobies aren't sexual so why u mad?

The problem is, you still voted... even if it was the lesser of two evils. 
It's the trolley problem all over again. You don't switch the tracks, you shouldn't be responsible for killing the 5. You ACTIVELY participate in the experiment (ie: voting), you are then responsible for essentially killing the 1 man.

Weird double standard. I remember a bonbifan on instagram who keeps posting bombi’s dox and keeps hating on her but in his instagram stories he simps for a tik toker who is lesbian and has lewd content, calls her cute and everything(traitor) and doesn't give a damn if she does something or talk about being bi but when bonbi do something he keeps sperging out every two seconds and posting her home adress over petty shit like the sailor moon cosplay or whatever. So fucking what she showed a shoulder or a thigh, all other cosplayers do it and she is 17 now.

Because you're taking her words as fact. Pretty pathetic. Especially after all she's lied about. Sparing her some sympathy because a bunch of mean and mocking accounts (that aren't even from here btw), is just tragic.

> sparing sympathy
Where did he do that? For context, there are tiktok accounts which make edits about Seth. Screenshots and information are in them. The assumption is that those accounts are what she's complaining about (or at least part of it), so of course she wouldn't want to name them. People would see too much.

> Where did he do that?
It was inferred from when he said 'i just shared my thoughts on the phenomenon of double standards seen among bonbibros'. The mere stretch to assume that it's people from here that are responsible for the accounts is comical. I, too, could go out on a limb here and call you a DN since you seem to have so blatantly left them out in this 'slut-shaming' 'account-making' fest. Now that I think about it, that sort of behaviour really does embody 'you' DN orbiters that have her as your PFP on disc*rd etc.

> not particularly hot take: the "person" making these autistic instagram posts is the same spasticated retard making circular unintelligible arguments on an anonymous Congolese swineherding forum just for the sake of spamming contrarian nonsense for attention.
Imagine being this pathetic.

i really hope this is an elaborate troll.
if you really want to attentionwhore this much, just go on discord.
if you think anyone (anyone) here likes the pedo, supports bonbis grooming, or is defending the pedo in any way, you are retarded. 
but making stupid fucking social media accounts will accomplish nothing.
bonbi knows everything bad about bonbi, (she is bonbi), bonbi knows everything bad about the pedo (she's dating him), and bonbi will block literally every single negative thing about either herself, or the pedo, because she's a grooming victim who has heard it all before. further isolating her, by turning more and more people against her will only consolidate the bond with the groomer.
you're not helping her. 

by the way, if you have the pedos home address, please post it and i promise the problem will solve itself.
this fucking "you're aidf because you're asking for proof" 
campaign we had yesterday was the most demented shit i had ever seen on this board. like retard, you supposedly have the dudes entire doxx, you refuse to post it, but i'm the aidf right?

supposedly seth's address and bonbi's address are essentially the same now he's basically living next door
I wouldn't even be surprised if the "renovations" being done to her room were dadbi building an extension for the disgusting creeper to literally move into the house with them
the absolute state of parenting

So is the shipping location the only way you know that Seth lives in Louisiana because if the address is so close to her could it be that bonbi and her family are just shipping everything out through them so it could be cheaper for Ronda

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amerika will fall. bonbi will rise. warlord bonbi will dominate with force and aggression. her enemies will be crushed and their corpses will be desecrated. fuck your political party and fuck your ideas, bonbi is the body and we are her fists and we will crush you.

Seth doesn't live "basically" next door. He lives literally next door. The parcel on which Seth's house is located is adjacent to Bonbi's house. They are literally neighbours. As the other guys below me says, just order anything from Rhonda's shop and see for yourself.

> He lives literally next door.
prove it, nigger.
> just order anything from Rhonda's shop and see for yourself.
yeah lets just give rhonda money so she can support seth's grooming
if what you say is true someone must've already done this, so why not simply post a screenshot or photo of that?

So is the shipping location the only way you know that Seth lives in Louisiana and if the address is so close could it be that bonbi and her family are shipping everything out through them so it could be cheaper for Ronda

i posted the screenshot with the shipping location and i don't know anything else. the one claiming to know his new address is someone else
i don't see how shipping it through them could be cheaper, regardless of where they live. why would it?

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I am assuming seth moved next to her because bonbi is a pathological retard that absolutely always without fail manages to make the worst possible decision out of any given option she has available to her
and also the shipping address is close to her

i'm assuming seth and his mom moved to louisiana based on that "Shipping from Louisiana" thing
i'm not claiming to know their exact address. whether they moved right next to her, one town over, or at the other end of the state i don't know
but it would be very surprising to me, assuming they actually moved to louisiana, that they didn't do it to be as close as possible to bonbi
> and also the shipping address is close to her
do we have a more precise shipping address than just "Louisiana"?

Wow I forgot about the BBG well now that I'm back I would like to concede and say that she is not pregnant it's just fat and the reason for my new opinion  is, in the Belle Delphine cosplay you were able to see  she was obviously gaining weight, and quite frankly I don't think she looks 6 months pregnant also by the looks of it she is starting to gain more from the waist then directly from the abdomen as you would if you were pregnant and skinny before the pregnancy

Seth is nice.
> pedo
Because of loli? Catboy kami watches loli and likes bonbi and everyone knows that he is a hero and is a funny guy that redpills zoomers.
> groomer
Because of discord? Catboy kami has a discord and wanted bonbi’s discord to “have sex with her”  and we all know that he is based and everything.
> but catboy kami is bad too and all pedos bad
No libtard! you are just triggered because they are based and lolipilled and you are not. Try not being a libtard next time.

If you don't like Seth Waters because he is a pedophile, stalker, groomer, and has possibly committed financial fraud,  I will bring the topic of catboy kami and his perversions into the discussion. This will absolve Seth of what he has done and continues to do. I am a logical and mentally stable person.

So you don't actually know if I were you I would try and build a credible hypothesis before jumping to conclusions I'm not saying you're wrong nor am I saying your right all I'm saying is to not develop a theory without any structure it loosens believability

I don't give a fuck if a guy paid her 20$ and leaked the content here for us to see. I won't mind if he is the 100$ guy too. if I was a millionaire I would get the highest tier and share stuff here, patreon communism, all bonbibros are equal.

Even without this rent shit, he changed states for her, works at the bakery, lives few feet away, their families are probably really close. Seth is fully integrated within Bonbi's family. Like what would happen if Bonbi ever wanted to break up with him? She would be immediately guilt tripped into not breaking up with him. She's basically trapped in the relationship with no means of getting out of it (at least until she's able to move out on her own). It's absolutely mindblowing to me how several adults from either Bonbi's or Seth's family can look at this situation and think "hmm this is a good idea, let's do it". Are they that stupid?

if two young people is being hooked up while several adults from either family is there then its the perfect relationship. imagine if your parents hooked you up with a cute girl when you were 20, you are just jealous.

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You know Bonbi was an up and coming TikTok star once. TikTok was promoting her, they shilled her in their ads. She was getting the Charli treatment before anyone knew about Charli. 

Bonbi could have been a big shot but she fucked it up. She tarnished TikToks image, moaning about pedophiles on the platform, whilst dating some 20 year old dude. You can't blame them for dropping her.

Today, Bonbi would kill for a verification from TikTok, let alone a promotion. But it's too late now. She's doomed to a life of mediocrity with some pedo she dragged up from Discord. 

Bonbi could have been as big as Charli.

*e-dating a 20 year old Vietnamese guy who she dumped and called him a pedo for liking her, then got with a 19 year old who was doxxed and found to be an actual, unironic pedophile who she is still with to this day, and in person no less.

Fuck it, the dn who worked at her family bakery was "Phillis Vince". He and Bonbi have lived in the same area in Louisiana for years. He got a job there for summer. Him and his friends didn't hide this well and dropped a lot of hints in fucking public chat. The first info that said Anonce lives there too came from him. Add Rhonda's post about closing up shop for a while due to the weather ("pray for Louisiana") and the fact that her page says 
> shipping from Louisiana
isn't good.

> all screenshots about anonce having "won"
> all from 2 months after she got doxxed
> no mention of the pedo living next to her
> out of context clip about doing general work shit
> still no evidence
god i hate you "people"

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> still needing broofs in 2020
why would anyone even bother making shit up any more?
from the beginning the truth of bonbi's actions has always been significantly worse than anything anyone ever expected
we were in the worst timeline all along

Back in the /wsg/ days, when news about Seth's creepy escapades would start circulating we'd get the eternal 
> source: my ass
poster and some AIDF bullshit about muh evil jealous meanie bonbi haters. Then the proof would drop and it was always fucking hilarious. We're waiting on the latter now.

why is she always so spiteful?
we tell her to dump the pedo
tell her to lose weight
and she takes these common sense suggestions as attacks, and does everything in her power to go in the opposite direction as fast as possible.

who held those burgers? even if they were seth and mombi, how can they be implicit and encouraging in, what every rational person on earth would call a fast track to ruin?
she's howling alone in the wilderness - as she has people all around her. no one can help her now.

> inferring before she was a fat piece of shit she was still a "preteen CHILD"
> protesting she is still a year away from being an adult
> still fully endorsing the underaged sexual relationship with the pedophilic stalker
something something having your cake and eating it too something

Bonbibros treat bonbi like shit. One day when she goes away you will regret treating her like she exist to please you and you will know that every girl on the history of the internet does these things.

to a fellow bonbifan, who checks this thread for sure. to be fair, they're probably having a bad day, and I'm not helping it, but whatever. curious how I got blocked out of a sudden, could be that the local janny is a mellow #bonbi-posting regular, no way

not "like" shit, bonbi *is* shit
my sole regret is that the discordniggers managed to convince seth to call the paramedics back when bonbi was trying to an hero
hopefully next time he won't be around to interfere, and the sun will rise on a world made ever so slightly less shitty

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some leaked dn bonbi post. 
paramedics referred to seth as "your friend from kentucky" when talking to bonbis mother.
supposedly, of course. i can't verify this fucking shit because it was just a screengrab posted on /bbg/, and i dont use discord.
i'll try to find it tomorrow unless someone else posts it.

i'm not bonbi you absolute schizo
> inb4 that's exactly what bonbi would say
i'm just tired of people stating their questionable assumptions as facts.
honestly that weird video and most of the replies reek of samefagging

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that's exactly what bonbi would say
or I guess whatever incoherent series of vowels her damaged brain spat out, anyway
honestly if you don't recognize her disguised as a mentally retarded pigeon I don't really blame you
I'm sure in her mind it seemed like the perfect ruse

not baiting lad, I genuinely do think it's bonbi spamming this pigeon shit
the fact she's even using redtext actually makes me wonder if she hasn't been our resident schizophrenic this whole time, although I wouldn't be surprised if it was seth here too to help her with the more difficult words like "hooo" and "heee"
either way, her posting some barely identifiable bullshit was obviously the whole point of this desperate attention-grab

So it’s safe to assume bonbi’s depressed and is why she is putting on all this weight. I mean if it was natural for her to be like this(genetics)wouldn’t her brothers and parents be overweight too?

yeah their abuse makes it worse. just like when "bonbiwaffen" in instagram kept calling her a thot and a whore (when she posts a cosplay that shows skin) and she tried to rebel against them (like teenagers do) by doing the belle delphine cosplay. their abuse made the situation worse and now they act like they fixed the situation because she deleted the cosplay when its their fault in the first place.

David Attenborough: Here we see 2 simps still nostalgically reminiscing the old eras of bonbi; blissfull ignoring the mutation - her personality awry, breasts augmented, lies at full-throttle, and desperately looking for that 'mature' mate.
These 2 simps love to shift this delusion onto those that actually follow the story. 'It's the realists fault' - they wail and weep!

This made me think of when she was having that conversation with seth about her weight and how she said she’d keep getting fatter and wouldn’t be able lose it. Never thought that would become a reality.

> body of a preteen child
Or, in other words, a loli. Like she was when Seth first took a sexual interest in her and began grooming her. But he definitely left that behind long before he found her. Right.

The screenshots have already been posted but the 
> the discordniggers managed to convince seth to call the paramedics back when bonbi was trying to an hero

thing is in reference to "Dr Phil", another weirdo, having to threaten and browbeat Seth into calling the police when bonbi told Seth was going to kill herself. Seth didn't want to because he didn't want to risk them asking him questions about why he was talking to her to begin with. Phil is also the guy who was gonna call bonbi's parents in December of 2018, but was convinced not to.

That came up last year when people were digging for anything they could about him, including on 4chan archives. Searching anon1725 and anon_1725 on /b/ on archived.moe turns up someone handing out that kik username asking for shit like that. It either wasn't him, or it was him but he was larping since we know he doesn't have a sister (he does seem to have an older half brother, born of Rhonda's first marriage that that ended when her husband died) and his old reddit posts indicate him being a virgin.

Being a bonbibro is all about cope. You first cope that she dumped seth. You were wrong. Then you cope well at least she still good looking. Then she gets fat and walled. Now you cope by saying it's not pregnancy. It is. Cope more.

Yeah, but let's be honest she'll find a way to keep doing that song and dance even when she's 18. 
I'm not into that sooper sekrit club bullshit. It's obnoxiously pretentious when it's in a community about a fucking tiktokker or any other little known e-celeb, for fucks sake.

We already established that boobies are not sexual because they are used for feeding babbies, pp's are not sexual because you use them for pissing, and vaginas are not sexual because they help shed unnecessary stuff during menstruation. NOTHING involving any of those parts can possibly be sexual, including the sex act itself. So stop sexualizing her.

yes boobs are not sexual. female humans in nature doesn't cover up their boobs, look at primitive tribes they don't cover up boobs they only cover up their vagina. vagina and feet are the only sexual parts.

Boobs are a secondary sexual characteristic. SSC's are "sexual" in that they help inspire arousal and indicate genetic desirability (or lack thereof) in the opposite sex. Wide shoulders and narrow waists on men are another example. We don't call women "shoulder-waist ratio fetishists".

Basically people have become so cumbrained and porn-addled that they're inverting into some kind of bizarro Victorianism where anything less than 2 cocks in every hole can be considered even vaguely "sexual". There's also no understanding of the erotic anymore, and the difference between it and porn.

boobs fixation is a fetish. if you are attracted to the body of the women its normal but if you fetishize her boobs and demand that she cover it up or you will coom your pants then its not normal and its perverted.

men in the past when they were not exposed to porn and other unnatural life conditions, they didn't need to tell women to cover up and didn't have a problem with extremely showing clothes like a mini skirt(vikings) or women only covering their hip area and showing chest(in primitive tribes today and in the past).

So... How many bbgbros actually still exist? I'm talking about the kind that doesn't fuck off to 2chen like a spastic - craving social interactions. I'm talking about the kind that doesn't fuck off to discord like a spastic - craving social interactions. Is that vision dead?

why would bbgbros go there? I remember on 4chan every one was hostile against bonbi posters and especially the cuckposter and sethposter. the seth poster is more active on 2chen(he comes here complaining about getting banned every other day, for posting seth pictures)

I've been around since October/November 2018. I don't post as much but I still observe. 2chen is a shitshow, probably because live-posting encourages lower quality posts. I checked in yesterday and it was awful.

most girls in 2chen look like shit, they look like each other too. the ones that look different are like mutants and ghouls and the similar bitches have the same face and makeup style.

As a bonbibro, I feel like a cuck. She's fucking the discord pedo groomer and now she's also fat, uncute and maybe pregnant. Does she have any redeeming qualities that make her still worth following?

Low bar. 
And possibly just looking for reassurance that she's not. Like when she calls herself ugly, just so she can have a thousand simps repeating how cute she is.
I'll commend her when she does something meaningful/actionable. Something morally difficult, like stop Dating and Defending a pedophile.

She only "owned up to it" insofar as she tried to reframe it as another Owning The Incel Meanies™ moment because of all the people remarking on her exponential growth
Delusionally flexing about your burgeoning obesity is only marginally less retarded than flexing about dating a literal internet sex pest, but bonbi will as bonbi does I suppose

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Posting Seth on 2chen is fine. Posting *convention pics* was the cause for that ban, which was dumb for a few different reasons.
It's been weird there lately. There was a discussion about how derailing threads and posting too much off-topic stuff would be moderated more strictly. But then lots of derailing and shitposting by some communist /pol/ poster is defended.

a bonbibro was browsing the internet as usual, he decided to open /bbg/ and so he did. after he clicked the bookmark the first post he sees is a picture, its an edit of Seth's head on the giga chad body with sunglasses on, a mixture of emotions confused the bonbibro and he didn't know how to react! without control he started reeing! "REEEEEE SETH IS NOT A CHAD REEEEEE". his mom heard the screams and she stormed her son's room "what is happening in here?" she shouted, "its the aidf mom, they are defending SETH! again" said the bonbibro, his mom shouted again "stop screaming like a maniac about things NO ONE CARES ABOUT", her words was like a dagger in the bonbibro's heart, "MOM! i told you seth is a pedo groomer.." "NO ONE CARES" "but MOM" "NO ONE GAVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR SETH" "REEEEEEEEEE" and the bonbibro reeed around the room causing chaos until his mom smacked him on the face.

yeah I'm about 95% sure it's just the same samefagging schizophrenic spastic making absurd unsubstantiated claims for attentionies again
imagine doing this shit literally every single day for months on end
truly the saddest individual in this whole tragic story, and that's really saying something

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> ok bonbibros, open up your laptops and run discord
> this expert dn says that "bonbi is a whore"
> repeat after me
< bonbi is a whore
> good job
> the other one says "its bad when seth grooms bonbi but its good we I do it"
< its bad when seth grooms bonbi but its good when I do it
> great! 
> I want everyone in groups so we can discuss the latest drama, anyone has something he hates about bonbi?
< lewd clothing?
> thats last semester's topic
< new bonbi bad old bonbi good?
> boooring
< bonbi is liberal garbage who is a fat leftist?
> wow this is the type of things we need in this class! new ideas that touch upon social issues and politics
> ok class lets begin the discussion!

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I saw his facebook a few times. He's a big Zionist like many Christians. If you're not American it's hard to comprehend just how much pro-Israel foreign policy and subsidies are propped up by these cultists who will admit they think they're helping to usher in the end times. Evangelical Christians love Jews, but ironically Jews hate Evangelicals lmao. 

and yeah left/liberals will shill for the same policies too, but for gay/tranny reasons.

I want the snarky posts to pile up like they did in the good old days when a rumor about Seth's newest mentally ill predatory fuckery would start making the rounds. Then the proof would drop and all the deflecting and snark would stop cold.

die in a fucking fire you piece of shit. Seth Sherman is a THING, a THING you INCEL SHIT. You can watch them, you can stalk them, you can sit outside their garbage disposal and scrape the crust off their crusty used up yellowing condoms into your mouth, you incel shit but nothing will get YOU close enough you Shit fucker

How do you guys know she's a leftist she could just be trying to appeal to the majority demographic of Tik Tok which would be people that are on the left the people that hate body shaming (acknowledging that what she's doing is unhealthy), overconfidence, and being able to do whatever you want whenever you want, I want you to remember that after after she on camera protested but off-camera celebrated the 4th of July 4th she gained I believe it was 100k followers on tik tok and almost 200 donators on patreon so perhaps it's just Seth running bonbi off of capitalistic values

bonbiwaffen niggas see anyone on the left of "white pride kill niggers and reed siege" as degenerate and leftist. they also have no knowledge of what is right or left in terms of economy or philosophy, they just focus on the social and racial issues in america.

this tbh famalam. i aint denying that she's an idiot and does some dumbass things at times, but the girl is a fucking maladjusted teenager. kindness and compassion must be the way or we might as all just kill ourselves right now.

a lot of people tried the "kindness and compassion" route for a very, very long time, and bonbi repaid all their concern, support and assistance by openly mocking them for ever having cared enough to bother trying
she spent months coercing, attacking and manipulating people for her own amusement
she did everything she possibly could to poison her own fan community and intentionally turn people against her so she could play the victim card while enabling, endorsing and supporting a child predator
she's not just a maladjusted teenager, she's a nasty fucking cunt.

I cant understand how she could have NOT been made to do that.. not saying shes a good person altho probably, judging from some streams and all around.. women dont tend to be evil cuz they dont have much power, and so.. bonbi doesnt seem like the most confident or anything person

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Content-aware fill helps to reduce the text/overlay, but it isn't very smart, it generally just estimates what color pixels it thinks it should use based on what's next to the area it's trying to fill, so I use the clone tool afterwards to correct and blend it with what I think should actually be there
The blonde wig one was a pain in the ass though, I had to manually reconstruct the t-shirt from an entirely different photo lol

> be retarded narcissistic brat
> have unresolved mental health issues stemming from childhood neglect and even more retarded parenting
> get doxed
> spend most of your waking hours online talking to pedophiles and using tik tok
> use app with a shitty interactivity sorting algorithms (and it just so happens that people interact with the comment sections of content they hate the most!) 
> get sorted into the "leftist" emotional shithole where every other tik tok is about getting revenge at the patriarchy by killing all men and raging about incels in the comments
> somehow end up NOT becoming a leftist despite being isolated, depressed, and having every recent major stressful event be explained to you by people who feel the same
> ?

inferior people who know they're inferior control the media so they have to dehumanize and demonize the inferior to give themselves the illusion that they're not inferior
this is why forced diversity is stupid
look at the united nations agenda for sustainable development 17 goals
all about propping women up in every aspect of modern society
all about propping "people of color" (as if white somehow, magically, isn't a color) up in every aspect of modern society
jfc i'm sick of explaining all this and people don't see how diversity is a thinly veiled code for anti-anything-white

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