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Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/FjhVgRqQ#o6mXZrNggxb9OHQCh188GQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
Streams: https://mega.nz/#F!oI8lnIIb!tx-7ck3DiZCkK8KSZhrJsw
Gifs: https://mega.nz/#F!0cUQEY5J!HgGoMgczzr3OujwC4SHk1w
Misc. stuff: https://mega.nz/#F!tREl2QwJ!Fw2wzaTPeluUpKpnJefkSQ (Edits, Memes)

Useful links:

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> the stream was cute
true, I enjoyed it
> but every other D.Va was better
interesting how bonbibros taste vary, I remember when some bonbibros ranked Dva's and everyone had a different take. its hard for me to rank them but I know that Black Cat D.Va is number one. the others rank can change but she is the best.

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You're ruining my fantasy okay bro? I like to imagine that bonbi is my girlfriend and that she is pure and a virgin. But I dont want to think about how seth is pumping bonbi full of his semen every night. I just want to give her $100 every month without facing the abject reality that many seth juniors are swimming in her uterus. Now look at this cute sign my girlfriend made me :)

you mean on endchan? this site is so fucking dead it could get nuked today and i would not miss a thing.
it's amazing what 1-3 schizo seethe posters can do to such a slow board
i truly dont know why the board owner even keeps this up if bonbi makes him have such autistic fits.

you do a lot of meaningless things out of habit - it's in my firefox top sites list so i check it when i get bored/think to check it
but it wouldnt raise my heartbeat if this shithole was deleted tomorrow.

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people may not stay after she quits but I know that some posting will happen every now and then. you can see that with other e girls that quits for good like ashley and after years people post about her or like other e girls that has a board/site that is super slow but occasional posting happens.

There is an Ashley board here, all the old posts there got deleted for some reason but still some of them posts to this day, Its a dead community but some people never leave. Maybe bbg will be different and people will move on because they got tired of brapitty brap brap and all the brapy shit they went through.

Bonbichad camping crew doing manly shit while bonbi posting and beating up bonbicucks then going out in the wild to hunt some game and grill it and have sex(with girls) and sleep

> The lack of moderation for schizo/off topic/Sethually explicit AIDF shit is kind of shocking tbh.
Can't do much about them globally. Stuff's getting posted aren't violating global rules, not even as "spam".

This was posted on 2chen a few minutes ago. No context for it, no idea who's conversing in it. It sounds like the guy they're talking about is staying in a hotel or something. I don't think it's Bonbi related stuff.

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Idk it seems too fishy that emiru is all buddy buddy now and on board the hate seth train, when in the beginning she was defending the pedo left and right. Now all of a sudden she hates him and is hanging out with bonbi, seems like a classic case of misdirection. Even how the last twitch stream ended was way too good for coincidence and just felt off. Place your bets now but personally I don’t believe this 180 not for a second.

This is pretty much my takeaway from it too, sadly
It all feels a bit too convenient and rehearsed, and seems like just the kind of thing bonbi and the pedo would think of as being some kind of dastardly and cunning PR move
This friendship is probably about as genuine as bonbi is actually capable of being, but experience has shown that believing a single thing the insidious little twerp has a hand in is only an exercise in foolishness
If it does turn out emiru is just participating in bonbi's manipulative bullshit, she'll only be burning herself for the same shitty reasons bonbi did

Why the fuck did I ask that lmao it's like I didn't even read the post I was replying to
Finally got around to adding the videos. Anything that got replaced by a better version was moved to the alternates folder. Also had to change some of the video numbers, more details in Changes to old video numbers (Part 2).txt
Hopefully I didn't fuck anything up in the process

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nice one lad, thanks for updating
not sure if it was oversight or intended but you might also want to swap out the nepeta video in source with the likee version, the one in the main/60fps folder is still the old low res watermarked version (missing the first frame too)

on another note I had some thoughts about the long standing chronologically incorrect 001 at the start of the pack

at first I thought it was probably made at the same time as the baby shark tiktok (as she's wearing the fighter hoodie in both) but looking closer at the room I think the baby shark one was actually made before the room was redecorated
however, looking at the shoto videos just *after* baby shark you can see the star lights over the door are also off / unplugged and appear to be hanging in the exact same position as the 001 bluebon tiktok, so I think it may have been made at the same time (then possibly posted along with baby shark?)
moving it would also mean renumbering half the pack though, so...maybe just address that one on your own terms lol

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Wrong reasoning. I already said this back when the last Twitch stream ended the way it did and Bonbi and Emiru were still friendly to each other afterward: Anyone who didn't like Seth before this was hastily booted, and we're talking about exchanges that happened in private discord servers and direct messages. But Emiru publicly says she hates him right in the middle of a Twitch stream and everything stays ok?  That is the one and only thing that didn't add up, not that she was "defending" Seth "left and right" and suddenly changed her tune, because that's not the case. She was always avoiding the topic as much as she could, and handling it delicately when that wasn't possible. So the Twitch thing could easily have been a play to make it look like Emiru knows what he is and hates him for it, while in actuality that's not true.

On the other hand: A week or two before the latest twitch stream, Emiru said for the first time that she outright didn't like Seth. So it's possible she was just getting tired of it all and finally snapped, but picked a particularly bad (or good, depending on your point of view) time and place to do it. Additionally, we know that after the first Twitch stream almost a year ago she was shown everything known about Seth's interests and the circumstances of how he got to Bonbi at the time, and seemed to be concerned.

> nepeta
oh thanks for the reminder, somehow i forgot about that. will fix
> 001
yeah I've been thinking about how to tackle this since if I'm already renumbering half the pack I might as well fix all the other .5 numbers and such. but there's some stuff i'm not sure about, like 375N "rare shane" in the spreadsheet
though now that I think about it, with the added cat video at number 5.5 I'll just have to renumber the first five videos (for now)

I think you're right about 001 being made at the same time as the shotos, good job figuring that out with the lights
While that doesn't necessarily mean it was posted at the same time I think putting it at 341.5 is the most accurate guess we can make right now
Might check the archives at some point to see if there's any more info about the video. iirc it appeared somewhere in early november of 2018

wow that was an epic encounter. I wonder what kinds of things they will do together ... I would like them to tell about their meeting in a streaming session.
Bonbi's pillow wife is alive...

> A week or two before the latest twitch stream, Emiru said for the first time that she outright didn't like Seth. So it's possible she was just getting tired of it all and finally snapped.

I think Emiru's hatred towards Seth is genuine. And of course she snapped. She's getting bombarded by Bonbi fans from all sides and it must be so tiring. Recently she even added a disclaimer on her Discord server stating that she won't answer any personal questions about other content creators she's friends with, nor she will discuss any drama. It's pretty obvious this rule was created because of Bonbi situation.

Another thing is that Emiru is a public persona and she has to maintain some image. Getting barraged with shit like "you're a pedo defender" or "why do you defend Seth?" can hurt that image. It made complete sense for her to denounce and publicly distance herself from Seth. It was poorly timed but it was completely understandable.

80's British stuff like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest, and American 80's thrash and some of the heavier hair metal like Dokken, sometimes Stryper, and early Pantera, which still have some thrash/speed elements in them anyway. 90's Pantera is good too if you want it heavier and don't mind guttural vocals. Mastodon and Lamb of God are pretty much the only recent metal I'll listen to.

I love heavy metal especially Judas Priest, screaming for vengeance is one of my favorite albums. I also like the band Manilla Road which is unique and have some power metal mixed in.
This is a song from their earlier material which is my favorite
I also like based heavy metal bands like Metalucifer that have a lot of songs about heavy metal 

Emiru is really great friend to Bonbi. She spent 4 hours last night playing bot games with Bonbi. Bot games are pretty much faceroll for anyone at least little bit decent in League so I can't imagine a reason why would Emiru play them other than helping out Bonbi to learn the game.

I don't play nowdays but back in the days of black ops I used to play bot games and obliterate the enemies every time, nothing better than playing against a retarded AI and fucking his robot ass with your big human cock

bonbi needs to figure out a plan, since she'll soon at the end of the homeschooling i expect. maybe she's trying to be an e-girl lol streamer, but that requires actually being somewhat good at the game. hence the practice session with emiru.

early Bathory is like Venom but more black metal and lofi, later they turned into viking metal which is also very good, celtic frost is the hardest to get into but its great if you can get into them. Motorhead is what started it all with the lofi sloppy sound of rock. since you like Venom then you will like one of these bands.

> joins discord server about her
> made by a neet 19/20 year old
> it's supposed to be for anti-doxxing and fans to post about her
> get groomed by admin who was hoping to talk to her, which was the real reason he made the server to begin with
> he gets doxxed, is also a pedophile, everyone disgusted
> (fake) break up, big shitshow when people find out, months go by
> she streams with him for her first Twitch stream just to piss off people who don't like him
> still together today, apparently lives on her street now
> she's fat now
This is skipping a ton of shit. Yeah she makes tiktoks. Scroll up.

> 6 of the past 10 patreon posts are $100 fansigns
> start hemorrhaging patrons
I wonder if these things are somehow connected
not that it matters much, as long as she keeps her most loyal whales satisfied she can (literally) afford to burn the rest of her subscribers

wait guys! if in feudalism you can choose a lord and in democracy you can choose a president, what the fuck is the difference? in feudalism at least there is options to go to different villages and serve a good kind lord, now its just old capitalist fags, fist fucking us wherever we go.

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I just went to /pol/ after years of not going there and holy shit, I forgot how fast the board is. I just saw a post I wanted to reply to and it was archived already lol. maybe because its election day but the board is shit mostly.

I like how he used bonbi clips that are never used in making edits, especially in the second half. instead of using the usual dancing clips he combined edits and unique clips (like videos from bonbi's insta story and her playing around in tik tok) to make one of the best edits. song choice is very good too. I love this edit.

I don't know if you have noticed that Bonbi covers the part of her belly and her legs. Unfortunately it has affected those idiots who point out that they are overweight. In some ways I feel sad, because I know that those toxic comments about her body not only affect her emotionally, but also modify her cosplays or panning in her videos to show her body as little as possible. How to wear black leggings, or just shoot above your waist. Bonbi can do what she wants I will continue to love her.xxx

Endchan, give me your best autistic theories on this:

Bonbi played a huge amount of League of Legends last week. She did not play a single game with Seth. In fact nearly all her games has been with a different guy, named Blender who is a friend of Emiru.

Seth also played a lot of League games. He mostly played with his old group of friends, but there were few games where he played with.. wait for it.. Bonbi's brother.


Check for yourself. Scroll down and on the left you can see a table of players he recently played with. Police Otter is the brother. How do I know? Well there's a twitch channel named Police_Otter. If you look at the clips there you can clearly see it's indeed her brother.

Seth lives on her street, so even if they don't play games she's basically stuck near him. We all know it will go bad at some point just based on how young she is, but for him to be so close so soon makes it tough to actually get away from him when the time comes.
> Bonbi's brother
Imagine a hypothetical scenario in which AIDF in Bonbi's own family covers for Seth and her parents are too dumb and trusting to know better. Just hypothetically.

yeah though i just found this
> Are you still in New Orleans? I know of one of the best bakeries in the state you should visit :)
maybe it's one of her cousins or whatever
which brother are you even talking about? doesn't she have two?
i don't have the picture on hand right now but from what i can remember he doesn't look like either of the two guys from the family gathering pics

this absolute insanity is why i stick around. 

i do remember there being three brothers. the two youngest are in the party pictures from last year, so maybe this dude is the older brother? or maybe this is all bullshit.

Eh lil donnie? Wait why are you not replying? Feeling a lil down lil don? Need to cuddle donnie? Im here for you donnie drumpf, ain't gon forget about my boy don now. Get your orange ass over here and cuddle with me donnie don!

Left wing welfare state benefit the white race more especially in europe, right wing European state is proven to let in more immigrants than the extremely socialist parties that have a lot of welfare programs that benefit the working class whites and have free healthcare for old white people who need it. Fuck the capitalist anti whites and hail socialist democracy. Wake up white man and vote for the most communist party that have a chance to win. Hail stalin.

Great uncle Adolf Hitler was a Socialist not only in name but in practice. All the major industries and corporation were transferred to the government. Only small businesses here and there were allowed if the owner was german. If a true national socialist took a political test he would be auth left. If you want a state that benefit you then leftist is the choice. If you want a state that enslave you then right wing is the choice.

Wake up bonbibros of the world!!!
The one in power is the liberal capitalist
It is the liberal capitalist who needs to go not the imaginary left wing state that doesn't exist or the cultural marxists who died thousand years ago

Dyrus did the smart thing. Hook up with a girl that is clearly way above your league when she is young and impressionable. He used his clout as a big name in esports. There is exactly zero chance they would be together if they met now. You can see this phenomenon all over. Guys who get with girls when they are young and stupid, or before the girl finishes growing and turns into a bombshell.

its about how despite the fact that there is no god and how there is no purpose, it is still ok and we can create our own meaning and goals and still can conquer them and thrive in this godless chaotic mess we call a world, even if we are created from chaos and our world is chaotic it is what it is and we must embrace this chaos and use it for our own benefit and to crush and pillage for glory and material riches because it is the only thing that matter. riches and gold for the mighty, bloody throats and impaled guts for the weak.

coming up on about a year and a half since i first discoverd bonbi. don't even remember how it actually happened, just that i somehow found my way to /bbg/ on /wsg/.

good lord time is a cruel master

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Hey champ, wondering if youre still alive. Please reply if you are. 

I know you must be contemplating suicide but there's more to life than US politics. 

Besides, youve been doing this discord thing for a long time, you must be a master groomer by now! Cheer up! Im sure youll groom yourself a 13 year old boy in no time! Just something to look forward to :)

> talking about my butthole with my bonbibros
> one handsome bonbibro wants to see it
> thought it was a joke but its not
> oh shit oh fuck
> getting really horny 
> actually hard right now

Its not about what she says and talks about in the stream, its about the hidden messages and codes she delivers between the ordinary chatting. You can recognize several patterns in that stream and if you crack them all you can see meaning and whats she want to tell us.

Emiru is struggling and is extremely scared because multiple aidf agents are trying to hack her mind, some anons here have noted that her personalty changed lately and “she went from ordinary e girl to a different person”. This is what she wants to tell us, we need to do something about these evil mind hackers.

not much to go on. at first glance one would think she's refering to the election, but the expression on her face makes it seem like she's thinking of something more personal. she's also glancing down while saying it, which usually indicates discomfort. 

but again, it's pure speculation.

She actually played League again last night. Almost like she saw that post and decided to fuck with us hehe. What is interesting is that Bonbi and Seth seem to be playing separately these days. When Bonbi plays League it's usually with Emiru or Emiru's friends. When Seth plays League it's usually with his old buddies. I'm very careful about getting my hopes up with Bonbi, if I did't know any better I'd even say that the "bad thing" she experienced lately was breakup with Seth.

True but stuff like that is good, I get that technology limits our freedom and privacy but the only thing that is positive from tech is the internet and our ability to use that scary tech for ourself, yeah goverments and corporation will abuse it and will fuck us over but as long as we have the internet then im fucking happy, if the internet is ruined then its anti tech revolution time.

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what are you on about, slightly asian bonbi a cute!

I don't think it's too much cos of the facepaint, it looks semi decent at the start. the fact it does as much as it does from just one reference photo is pretty amazing, but also pretty limiting because as soon as the face turns too far away from what it looks like on the reference its gonna start looking weird

granted, but it still seems bizarre that the pretrained model would use gif input
I would have thought all the compression artifacts would make things harder for the ai and introduce more errors in the model overall
even jpg would be significantly higher quality, at a fraction of the filesize

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god i hate these fucking subhuman discord nigger piece of shit fucks every fucking problem with every motherfucking online community goes back to that fucking tranny nigger infested piece of shit app

Oh bonbi you are our goddess, you make the bontent and we make the edits as offerings. In times of strife you bless us with more bontent even when we didn't offer you edits, oh bonbi you are our generous goddess.

he's a ~50 year old khhv incel working a dead-end job for shit pay, all family is dead, still no irl friends after moving just a few years ago
so starved for feminine attention that just having bonbi reply to his patreon post made him giddy with joy. in sending her an invite, he entertains the possibility of having her join his server, and just having that hope helps keep him going day in and day out.
its easy to laugh at and ridicule, but its really a condemnation of our society

He was doxed about 6 months ago. I don't know if the statements about his personal life are true or not. If so, it's nothing to be malicious about.

Dax is 40-something and has kids. He was in Devil Town early on but left because bonbi was young and it felt weird or something.

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I still like it but less than others, she did a lot of coralines, like 4 ones in tiktok and one for a con she visited. different takes is good and trying something new can make it better or worse. don't forget this thin lipped bonbi.

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