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Last thread


Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/FjhVgRqQ#o6mXZrNggxb9OHQCh188GQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
Streams: https://mega.nz/#F!oI8lnIIb!tx-7ck3DiZCkK8KSZhrJsw
Gifs: https://mega.nz/#F!0cUQEY5J!HgGoMgczzr3OujwC4SHk1w
Misc. stuff: https://mega.nz/#F!tREl2QwJ!Fw2wzaTPeluUpKpnJefkSQ (Edits, Memes)

Useful links:

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I remember that roxy thread that I was scared to post in, I finally did post but I ended up arguing with the OP when I said that without bonbi there will be no roxybon lol. he religiously loves roxy and I admire that, he also had cool takes and contributed to the lore of the bonbiverse. some posts weirded me out and I hated how he only likes roxy and chiaki but its a good thread overall. here is the thread, the lore progress the deeper you read.


> Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/FjhVgRqQ#o6mXZrNggxb9OHQCh188GQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
This doesn't look like it has her TikTok videos in it, do any of these have the TikTok videos with sound?
I wanted to archive all her original content, I don't understand why it's so hard to find a up to date pack of all her original content in one download, no memes. TikTok, Instagram, Patreon videos and pictures. I don't really care about streams atm, but would be nice.

what are the chances we'll see fat roxy or fat ladybug before the year ends 

nah, fat tiddy pool bonbi would >choose a gun that sycophantic dontcare niggers would have told her to. probably an apc9. shit tier green bonbi might use an uzi though

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Maybe to the inexperienced eyes it does but compilation edits aren't REALLY that impressive. Don't get me wrong, it's a very well made edit and probably took a lot of time to make but there was no unique concept.
Sometimes simple and clean is nicer.

in bonbi related news, seems like emiru broke up with her boyfriend and just up and bought as house as a 21 year old currently in college. guess all that e-girl money can get you places.

Gonna have to agree here. Emiru is crazy hot, she's likely pulling in tons of money from her e-girl shit. Whatever their problems were, you make it fucking work so you don't have to give up the best girl you will ever know in your life.

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So what I wanted everyone to read is, my raven cosplay seems to be not happening any time soon (wig is still literally gone), so those of you who wanted raven fansigns, would you like to be added onto my Nozomi fansigns until I can get my raven cosplay together? and anyone else who wants to be added can be too!! Even if u already got a fansign haha!! I don’t mind doing a bunch! Thx for reading ❤️

"I hate every, EVERY user of 4chan and especially those that create and partake in threads dedicated to me. If any of you are listening to me right now - kill yourself, I hate you and I don't want you to follow me, watch me, think about me, I don't even want you to exist. You deserve to die and you should kill yourself asap."
- bonbibonkers

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shit, you got me

"I love every, EVERY user of endchan and especially those that create and partake in threads dedicated to me. If any of you are listening to me right now - thank you, I love you and I love every single one of your edits, your dedication, your lewdpastas, your continuous support, I even love my incel fans and discord community, especially my grooming pedo NEET boyfriend. I'm so happy that I got to be part of your lives and I can't wait to do couch cosplay for some of my most dedicated fans."
- bonbibonkers

who would take the advice of a mentally ill chubby cute little bunny whose only purpose is to satiate me with temporary endrophin highs by making tinsy autistic squeals and dancing like a sperg in costumes like the good doll she is. NO EMOTIONS ALLOWED.

ah i see, was just wondering if youtube added a new format that i wasn't aware of
> who the fuck ever actually wants to use webm
mp4 could be useful for editing. other than that i don't see much reason to convert

Username(s): Mr. Black, Mr. Nigger, mrbl4ckk, Mr_Bl4ck420666, jasonkennedy9, madscientist1980, zoomrar
E-Mail(s): joetroll1969@gmail.com
Full Name: Jason Thomas Kennedy
Date of Birth: 1980 (39)
Sex: Male
Address: 12477 Oberlin Ct Apt 12 Saint Louis, MO 63146
Previous Address: 9652 Margo Ann Ln Saint Louis, MO 63134
Phone (Landline): (314) 222-8414
Phone (Fixed VOIP): (314) 395-7743
IP Address:
ISP: AT&T Corp.
Discord: Mr. Black#4353
eBay: https://www.ebay.com/usr/madscientist1980
Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-kennedy-701a0337
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/madscientist1980
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Madscientist1980
Tik Tok: https://m.tiktok.com/h5/share/usr/6601905772362366981.html
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mrbl4ckk

Place of Work:
Pfizer Inc.
700 Chesterfield Pkwy W, St. Louis, MO 63198, USA
Phone: +1 636-247-1000

I would love to get a bonbi body pillow to hug, Also I want it to come with speakers that have bonbi core songs and sound clips from her stream. I want strawberry shortcake or or ochaco.

she is a zoomer on steroids. literally going through phases every week. will not be surprised to see her prostitute herself very soon. possibly regret it. probably not. mark my words for this is no prophecy but simply logic.

the latest gothbi has really cemented in my mind the idea of bonbi being a roastie. I can no longer think of her as being the pure smooth innie I once imagined her to be. 
her coochie has dropped into her panties with all the weight she's gained

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> Hey everyone. I apologize for the late character post.

> I’m also sorry for not being on time for a lot of the fansigns. 

> My life really isn’t going in the best direction atm and I’m trying really hard to push out content but my mental health is...not very okay anymore. 

> When December ends I’m gonna close fansigns and it will no longer be a tier. I really overestimated how much I’ll be able to cosplay/post.

> I’m so so sorry that I let you all down. I appreciate that you’re still very kind to me after I’ve messed up so much. 

> Since these are the last fansigns I’ll do, I’ll include a tiktok for each one.  Please select one or two characters you want! I’ll try my best to get them all done on time. And thanks again, so very much, for being so patient with me. I’m sorry.

her face in her photos and tiktok cosplays just look like deepfakes for some reason. Like shes been artificially planted on a body... guess it still hasnt sunk in how much of a walrus she's become.

 >>/20293/ No one recorded the stream?. sometimes i think a lot of people not only lost interest in bonbi, I don't think anyone is interested in saving their videos or streams, not even updating the spotify list... but also feel hurt because she treats us like what we are, faithful dogs that no matter how much she kicks us, we will always be there with her licking her hand and wagging her tail for happiness. besides, it stresses me out a lot not to see her singing and dancing on her broadcasts. is that too much to ask for?

> private
actually its been deleted
privated akali for comparison -> https://www.tiktok.com/@bonbibonkers/video/6905447230476487941 [Embed]

deleted bunny -> https://www.tiktok.com/@bonbibonkers/video/6908888452071197957 [Embed]

> nameless
bitch i make more money than you can ever dream making with your 0 education whore ass. even if you switch to onlyfans, no one is gonna pay for your fat slobby chunky flaps you call a vagina. you've cornered yourself into the industry of shame and with your repertoire of paedo hopping, your paypal balance will only struggle more. cope harder fatso, one day you won't even see your own breasts... they may be plump now but it will soon sag and blend in with the rest of your rolls. your current assets will disappear. you're the true nobody. you're no different from the rest. you have nothing unique going on about you. any cutesy whore will just replace you - give them the same zoomer lexicon: 'teehee boomer', 'u mad doggie?', 'eeeeeek POGGERS!!'. the storyline of bonkersbonbi stopped a while ago. there is no longer a train but merely a pathetic cart with an outdated engine pulling it along. pumping coal and burning it endlessly. that's the hapless persona you have and will continue to embody.

> I think she is right 
yeh no shit you think she's right you fucking no life AIDF/BIDF taskforce alliance recruit. 
the only true thing she said is that we're mad at her 'weight' which just means that she even knows her obesity is outrageous. at least she acknowledges her walrusness.

that's an el right there
i'm not. i'm on a bonbibro orbiting board. orbiting only works if there is something present to orbit but she will never frequent these threads. im here for the edits. im here for the true bros that stopped caring about her fat content and only wallows in her past.

you are here to voice your weightless opinions in an empty echochamber like the schizo you are.
wow mum? did i use the word schizo correctly? look mum i used it! woohoo that means i morally grandstanded him and made it so his reply is irrelevant. AIDF fuck off.

> why would you possibly assume this was done by anyone on this board
who else would it be? your discord friends? why dont you go back there and ask them.
> seething dicklet 
nice insult. correctly reporting underage jailbait content is apparently a bad thing? way to justify your own paedophilia retard.

> its what you are doing right now,
again with the moral grandstand. it wouldnt be 'drama' if you didnt reply retard. i just came to laugh at you salty fags seething over a correct report on your long-ago dead 'queen'

Lads I can’t wait till she owns us by following in the footsteps of her role model, making an onlyfans and sucking off seth just to own us. It’s going to be great. ^_^

> i just came to laugh at you salty fags seething over a correct report on your long-ago dead 'queen
I thought you came for the true bonbi bros and edits, turns out you are here to start drama and arguments!

> schizophrenic AIDF
slimy gremlin.
look how quickly he flips the insults over. greasy little sleazebag eh? realised your insults were shit right? do they not teach you proper english in your paedophile ring?

> but you praise it by showering her with compliments she does not rightly deserve in any universe.
I just enjoy it with other bonbibros here like we usually do in any thread. it is a bonbi general and we like bonbi.

she's still a whore tho? i've said that plenty already but your cognitive dissonance apparently filters out the word 'whore' when it is used as an insult to your queen. maybe you're only used to talking to people on discord with their quirky childish UI innit?

she is a cosplayer and she is good at it, I care about bonbi and her bontent and not some random fuckers from discord and their weird drama about whores and pedos and whatever you guys fucked your brain with.

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you know you don't need to come here to even enjoy her content... so clearly you're here for other reasons. you can always just be a normalton and check her tiktok, twitch and instagram feed... but you choose to come here... maybe because this place is for BROS and not for circlejerking a whore?

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> some nights are fun and comfy and some nights we have arguments like this but I still like /bbg/
are you high out of your mind? recently, it's always been about bashing her whorish behaviour and her fatness whilst people churn out incredible edits that utilise her past cosplays and not her thotplays. i suggest you leave now (which you obviously wont) because this place is always going to be able thumping retarded do-gooders who see bonbi as some faultless victim.

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I had a lot of good nights here, I love the anon who posted this and I love the anons I talk to about bonbi toks and cosplays, I also like people who like old cosplays. I like the ones posting bonbi pictures and random toks. it is not always bad stuff like you say.

I remember in 2019 it was ranging between 11-20 so 13 is not a downgrade or anything. I love hanging out here even when its slow, others like it here too. you can hang out in 2chen if you want fast threads.

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> you can hang out in 2chen if you want fast threads.
2chen has no become anonymous discord.
also there are ttg faggots on there with weird fetishes.
i heard they like fatslobs over there too. maybe it's right down your alley eh?

> the comments are toxic and provoking
anon, I think you have misunderstood
from day 1, bonbi has been the one provoking the toxicity
their can be no liking bonbibonkers because bonbibonkers simply does not *want* to be liked

the thing is. every time she shows skin you repeat the same old shit that no one gaves a damn about. its not an issue. if she said something she contradicts then who cares? young people change opinions every two seconds.

The most precious possession you have in the world is your /bbg/ bros. And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight, and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith.

> everything is ok
everything is normal
> everything is ok
everything is normal
> everything is ok
everything is normal

GHHmmhggGGfmmmHHHnngnggGG she's a queen! she's a star!
she's not fat! just big bones!
> cope
> cope
> cope

-> initiate hazing sequence to attack those outside the hivemind
> calibrating
> calibrating
> calibrating

-._.-=Locked On=-._.-

y-y-you're just a schizo... ee eee take your meds ee eee. dont attack my QUEEN!

> /newbi/ best bi gaiss!
yes fellow anon, i agree
me three!
me four!
me five!
me six!
no, im mr me six... look at me!

you like her purple contacts? i like it when she has purple contacts!
her new cosplay so kawai uwu she live gais! playing with emiwoo yay lets go watch her gais! did someone record it? 
look at her new post gais! bonbi a savage! all the haters are dicklets LOLOL. reporting a video? CRINGGGGG. gais gais she's so quirky uwu

stop oppressing her omgawd. just let her do what she enjoys most. who cares if it harms her. stop criticising her every move. stop deeping her every action. stop exaggerating her non-existent flaws. she is free to do whatever she wants. and if that triggers you butthurt cringlords then even better! haha nerd get rekted you just got domed by the bonbiqueen haha

probably hard times. hellboomer99 left the invite link to bonbis patreon community tab after asking if she wanted to join a discord again.
a lot of former 4chan posters there.
talking about shutting down all invites if bonbi joins so they can circlejerk over her in private. 
really bizarre shit. or maybe thats standard discordniggery i dont know

we need jesus to save us, pray every night that some groyper get a gf and can reproduce. god it is hard to reproduce being a groyper, can't even get girls to talk to me online.

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It's Theo in Germany. My apologies I almost didn't add this.
I told him to stop using black text, ignore yourself for once, you're looking at yourself looking at your opponent.
> This post lands, and you never ride me over highlight text again.
Because green, not blue.

The Bonbi Handbook

1. i am mentally gais! me take break. love u xoxo
2. i back from break. me stream monday! but here is my new toktik gais! love my fans teehee
3. i am not physically, gais! me no fatty. block out da haters (ง︡'-'︠)ง
4. you haters juss jealous 💀💀 if u don like me then juss leave me alone uwu. haters gonn hate i guess?
5. oh mai gawd uwu (✿◠‿◠) my fanbase so naisu! POGGERS!
6. (╥︣﹏᷅╥) its hard with all dese haters man. cri cri. 
7. i am mentally gais! me take break. love u xoxo

bonbi wearing nothing but underwear... on Christmas. 
yea, she totally wont start an onlyfans, guys. 
bet she hid her number of patrons because she doesnt want people to see how effective whoring herself out is.
i want off this ride, bros.

You need to find logos and to slay the dragon of chaos, also you need to save western civilization by CLEANING YOUR ROOM and WASHING YOUR DICK. If you don't find logos then you will have ligma. Thats why you need to read LIBIDO DOMINANI and to stop masturbating because CUM give you superpowers.

i dont understand. surely she knows what bbg is... or at least her inner circle henchmen have told her about it or something... kinda weird she'd follow through with a request like that unless it's some onlyfans policy you have to do.

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Oh and what was that like? All I saw were drug induced pattern hallucinations, a Ronald Reagan reference and you working at a diner referencing Dragonball Super and Toejam and Earl. Mushrooms, really!
> I...l-l-lo-!
Finish it.
Trigger warning:zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
You are in danger, idiots. And your ugliness only increases staying up like this.

Put down the VR set, you're a sore 
what now?
Poke me again shit pusher.

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"Have you ever felt the warring spirit of another? I have, in a town far from here there is a young man and woman locked in a contest of survival alongside an invader to our realm, our solar system. They have already had their Climactic duel, made peace, cooperated, imprisoned one another and stood at the cusp of the great jump into the unknown universe. Now, two more invaders call to them from the Arctic, others still from the tropics, and a man on a motorcycle Watches over."

Woo woo whats poppin bonbi bros? Im feelin like a rock star and im ready to claim bonbi as my bubble gum bitch tonight. Do you think I can pull that off? I tried texting her in insta a while ago and she doesn't reply! I don't know if spaming her DM a good way to claim her as a bubble gum bitch so I might go to her local burger king or her donkey farm to ask her to be my bubble gum bitch but the weather is cold and I don't think she goes out much in the farm or outside, you know what forget it! Im not feeling it tonight im not claiming anyone as my bubble gum bitch.

I feel you but I loved how she posted a lot of content at once, just opened endchan when I woke up and saw a lot of bontent which was good. Different cosplays pictures and videos at once was a good thing for me.

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