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Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/FjhVgRqQ#o6mXZrNggxb9OHQCh188GQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
Streams: https://mega.nz/#F!oI8lnIIb!tx-7ck3DiZCkK8KSZhrJsw
Gifs: https://mega.nz/#F!0cUQEY5J!HgGoMgczzr3OujwC4SHk1w
Misc. stuff: https://mega.nz/#F!tREl2QwJ!Fw2wzaTPeluUpKpnJefkSQ (Edits, Memes)

Useful links:

tfw i was trying to create a thread for half an hour and this is what i get
> Captcha expired.
> This board is locked for thread creation because it exceeded it's hourly limit for thread creation. Try again later.

thanks for making a proper one, OP
the useful links section is dead btw so here's an alternative

i had like 4 different cosplays and would've called it happy new year edition but it took too long to upload
the message is probably just there to prevent spam. it was actually useful this time because otherwise we would've ended up with two threads

If you want a technical answer then July 13th, 2019 - squid cosplay showing her bare shoulders when she just turned 16.
If you want an ideological answer then October 11th 2019 - black cat D.Va where she gained a bitchy attitude and was sympathetic to whoring out.
If you want a somewhat generous answer then March 8th 2020 - Ahri cosplay; became an overwatch egirl thot
If you want the most obvious and lenient answer about when your thot became a whore then June 24, 2020 - ripe age of 17 miming 'lay me on the bed, to see if i can take it'.

there isn't anything to do. she's a whore whose online anon following died the moment she became a whore. simple as. defending her reputation as not being a 'whore' is certainly a productive way to spend your time. she will never read your white knighting messages so why do you do that?

ah that's it 
nah it just randomly popped into my head and I couldn't remember if it was second best tooth emiru from before THEY MET UP 

let's all take a moment to remember anons alzheimers, wrestler, diaper, and roman quote

I saved the Google link to RQA's poem with the commentary. I just looked at it for the first time in a long time, and realized he's been updating it. He's uh...very honest as usual. The PDF I posted is the original 2 parter with commentary.

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imagine if the cute exhibit is where bonbi bros hang out... would it be fun or is it going to be toxic as shit? probably some people will get stabbed after heated arguments and the schizo will shoot up the place. some nights would be calm and fun where you see bonbi cosplays and go home too but stabbings will be a common theme.

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Typical evangelist mindset.
'Hate the sin, not the sinner!'
Bruv, Jesus was a slayer. Fuk u tokin bout art and artist like they're separable bruv
i admit its good but that word is not the same word as calling an anon edit good. different judging systems. it's called separate but unequal.

Don't make my statement your whole lifestyle but when it comes to art, good art is good art no matter who made it, if a bad man makes a good song, painting or edit then the art itself is good and its pointless to focus on the artist when evaluating the art.

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I met a traveler from an antique general,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
'My name is Bonbibonkers, Queen of Tiktok;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

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Hey fellas, someone knows the sauce of this pic? The only time that I saw bombi doing the officer dva cosplay was during a twitch stream and she wasn't wearing the hat and the gloves. And I can't find this one on tik tok, someone knows where to find it?

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are there any places where people talk about and share tiktok teens? I'm looking for an archive of lolabunnyz old stuff and I don't know where anyone is now that /ttg/ is gone - I never joined any discords. if there is a discord I guess I'll join, but I'm hoping there's a board or general like this somewhere dedicated to tiktok girls in general.

Transhumanist Bonbibroism

it is the year 2410, AI has advanced expedentionally and virtual reality is more real than reality it self. everything in the real world has lost its natural state and has been altered many times to suite the needs of the trans human gods.

what happened to tik tok and bonbi bros? it still exist but it has afvanced into scary realms, now the average tik tok viewer spends his whole day plugged into a virtual machine watching top tier tik toks made not by humans but AI goddesses that are way better than real humans. the best AI tik toker is called "b0nb1 b0nkers 1.0" that is based on a past tik tokers that was very talented.

there is a club called /bbg/ which is a board in the virtual reality machine where anonymous bonbi bros hang out, they hang out there all day and the AI tik toker "b0nb1 b0nkers 1.0" keeps making tik toks for them, if a bonbi bro likes a certain cosplay or song he can request another one and the AI accepts, it is a very addictive place.

/bbg/ is not a very known place because of how much clubs and tik tokers are there and people have other interests than tik tok but bonbi bros are the most loyal of the tik tok underground. they are viewed as failures by the worker robots that work all day in a cubicle, bonbi bros don't gave a fuck... in fact they have fully removed themselves from the real world and now they live in /bbg/. they even sleep and wake up there, some boomer bonbi bros even died and had funerals in /bbg/.

im from the future and I'm on a mission to find old bonbibros and to bring them into the future, we know many about bonbi but there is a lot of missing information, especially from the begging of bonbibonkers to 2021, it will be an honor to meet an authentic bonbibro. many say that the true bonbi is better than b0nb1.

someone posted about them in the last thread or the one before it, it is from a documentary and some bonbibro used a cool AI software to make this video. I think its cool that he used AI to make this, even look at the sign at the back, it says bonbibonkers.

> attempt to join server
> get put in some faggot waiting room for approval
> have to answer questions like its a discordnigger tsa
> this room has a bot that spams gay porn while you wait for a nigger agent to check your asshole
> one of the rules is "dont be reddit". (server is called rbbg) 
> endchan is the 1st thing linked on top of the server
> quirky ranks like "tard wrangler" and "blm supporter" xD XD
it's like theyre attempting to imitate imageboards, but done in the most cringe redditor discordnigger way imaginable.
i never made it past the waiting room. cant imagine it gets much better

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Username(s): Mr. Black, Mr. Nigger, mrbl4ckk, Mr_Bl4ck420666, jasonkennedy9, madscientist1980, zoomrar
E-Mail(s): joetroll1969@gmail.com
Full Name: Jason Thomas Kennedy
Date of Birth: 1980 (39)
Sex: Male
Address: 12477 Oberlin Ct Apt 12 Saint Louis, MO 63146
Previous Address: 9652 Margo Ann Ln Saint Louis, MO 63134
Phone (Landline): (314) 222-8414
Phone (Fixed VOIP): (314) 395-7743
IP Address:
ISP: AT&T Corp.
Discord: Mr. Black#4353
eBay: https://www.ebay.com/usr/madscientist1980
Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-kennedy-701a0337
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/madscientist1980
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Madscientist1980
Tik Tok: https://m.tiktok.com/h5/share/usr/6601905772362366981.html
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mrbl4ckk

Place of Work:
Pfizer Inc.
700 Chesterfield Pkwy W, St. Louis, MO 63198, USA
Phone: +1 636-247-1000


I download a lot of stuff from the archive, haven't downloaded the whole thing though but I'll probably do that someday. 

I just download stuff every now and then and build my file with stuff I like, I'm at 10 GB at the moment.

/r/equesting a vintage Fall 2018 era edit that used Night club - scary world. I just rediscovered their  music and its just as good as i remember, but seeing the old edit will bring back even more nostalgia

thanks anon, over 2 years later and the lyrics still ring true

Night club has other great hits like
"Your addiction"
"Sad boy"
and just based on the titles, they're applicable to a LOT of bonbibros, past and present

Soul-less eyes just like emiru, she’s been hanging out with her a little too much and it’s showing. Bonbi you dumb bitch, you were supposed to just learn emiru’s workout routine so you can stop being a fat fuck.

Do you guys write down your bonbi dreams or am I just autistic? It's nice going back and reading some that I've completely forgotten.

Anyways time to sleep. Hoping for a bon dream.

I once had a dream were I was having an affair with that good looking older guy in the picture of her room, which in the dream was her brother. We were just casual, but one day he wanted to make things more serious and invited me to meet his family. 

I was hesitant because I hadn't told him that I was browsing /bbg/, yet, and that I loved his sister more than him. I was also not sure about my homosexuality and was just using this relationship to test the waters.  I feared that I might be sexually attracted to her and just going through a gay phase. 

Fast forward to me meeting the family. Everything went over smoothly. Bonbi immediately picked up that I know her, but she kept quiet. After dinner, we found a moment to sit outside on a porch. Just the two of us. I told her that I love her, maybe even more than her brother. And to my relief I realized that I didn't want to fuck her and that I ready to take things more seriously with her brother. She laid herself besides me, put her head in my lap and we shared a nice moment while I ran my fingers through her hair. 

Later, during the night I get up, because I was thirsty. I stumbled into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. I see Dadbi there. We eye each other for a while, and then I fucked him violently on the kitchen floor. Then I woke up.

fuck lads, I just had a dream where we did that black mirror shit where we sent in one of our own to date/befriend bonbi and we were all watching it live like that jon hamm bm episode, but what was scary was how civil and scientific we all were about it 

like instead of immediately asking for sharpie in pooper we voted to first establish a yes man rapport and we also voted to never pry for information because retarded teen girls will voluntarily leak it anyway

and this went on for weeks and the coomer we sent in kept asking us to stop the "mission" because he couldn't stand her anymore and we wouldn't let him because we wanted more info and threatened to dox him or something 

i love you guys 

bonbi getting fat is genuinely the hottest thing anybody has ever done in written history

Mostly I listened to music, if you like power metal check “Eternal Champion” and “Cirith Ungol” they released good albums in 2020. I got into anime for the first time by watching the original “Berserk” and Miyazaki’s movies. Haven't read much last year sadly.

I think the guy named "Blender" is more interesting. Just go and check what she liked on Twitter. She literally liked the last 20 or so posts he made. They also play League of Legends with each other very often. Ngl this dude might be Seth's replacement.

yeah, I noticed that the doxxing and drama shit posted here are mostly from discord. weird ass screenshots and naming people I don't know about. I just like bonbi and bonbibros. some discord nigs have cool edits where you can find them in the mega files, they are probably interested in making edits and not drama shit, those are fine.

> Wow, very shitty of you. You'd like to be my friend, yet you go and tell everyone how much of a bad person I am? Oh, and I'm toxic? Lmao, look at you. Y'know, I've thought about you, maybe I'd talk and we'd make up. I guess not. You want to change my ways? No, thanks. I'm fine with being myself. Hate the sin, love the sinner? I know what I did to you back then, of course, I know I should never bring up religion with people like you. I was under the influence of some bad YouTubers who made me think wrong. I still don't hate homosexuals, I'm alright with them, as long as they're alright with me. I'm still a Christian. I don't hate anyone, love thy neighbor. Anyways, I've changed quite a lot, but you wouldn't know, you won't even take a chance and talk to me about it like a normal human being. Instead, you post crap about me, you snake. Like I have said, I've changed a lot since that talk we've had. But, it seems like you still haven't changed a bit! Still the same dumbass tumblrtard I've always known. Oh, and BTW, I always knew you were Emily, everything you said about her was waaay too suspicious. I'm done with your illiterate ass! Why don't you just go back to supporting BLM and the deaths of police officers. Hmm? Seems like you would fit into that group of retarded liberals. Have a fantastic day, and remember to GFY!

Let's play a guessing game. Who's the author of this?

it's got a decent bop. could make for a good edit but it's a little too mellow and doesnt have any attributes that make it stand out so the edit of it may just get memoryholed after a week like most on here do.
A very unique melody at the start but his voice doesnt really leave much room for a creative edit. the tempo/bpm is quite low. maybe at 3:38 where he harmonises it can sound good in an edit but ehhh.
I thought I recognised it and I was right. Classic Tokyo Ghoul right there. From 1:23 onwards to where it breaks down at 1:30 and then the chiming guitar in the background would make for a pleasant edit. 

Nice choices.

Jesus Christ, I fell in love again.
I thought the wicked witch of Louisiana's spell was broken once she got fat, but I guess it's not even close to being broken. I've even started enjoying her fatness. When will this end bros? When will I be free?

it was one of the lesser streams and marked a turning point for the worse, bad stream taste/10.
This would make a great episode tbh.
> i miss my old self
> there is no old bonbi. What are you talking about? Incel.
> so I was comparing my old self to my more recent self...

some things never change

to clarify, I meant the second part, not the bit about him being friends with emiru
not sure how knowing his preferences for toddler coochie would help with confirming that

> spring 2019: return of the seth
> summer 2019: the discordnigger's last gasp 
> fall 2019: revenge of the seth
> spring 2020: two men and a bakery
> summer 2020: fat whore
> fall 2020: a lesbian love story

which would you like to know?

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How did you find this place? When did you check out? 

Basically she didn't ditch Anon1725/Seth, lots of leaks show her covering for him. She left her dontcare fan server. Some dn's who were previously anti-seth wrote a 7 page defense of Seth and claimed they were broken up, and pissed everyone off. Then it turned out she was in another private server with some dn's from the fan one. People thought a new round of grooming was happening, but it turned out she wasn't active there and ended up leaving later. 

All quiet and comfy as the Summer 2019 Renaissance began. A new age of now classic tiktoks from Bonbi, until late October 2019. 



She ends up streaming with Seth. This is the contemporary thread and it's the final /bbg/ to reach bump limit. 


Following this, we were banned and integrated into /ttg/, which would be banned in April 2020. They/we then moved here temporarily, before moving to 2chen.org (now defunct) and now 2chen.moe 

Anyway people were pretty sad. This was also when Emiru first showed up, also as a chat mod, and she is now good friends with Bonbi. After the stream, dn's reached out to her to warn her about Seth. 

Fast forward to summer 2020, people were speculating about Seth and his mom moving. Long story short, they move to Louisiana. That much is confirmed on his mom's online shops. Someone buys something from her, the return address is on Bonbi's street. Make of it what you will.

Bonbi gains weight and hangs out with Emiru now. Some say her and Seth have split. Who knows? 

Now, a minute please...

Thanks, by the way I was reading past threads and saw when the old pack was deleted and you said you made this new one without dox stuff, I'm curious what dox was there in the old pack? Some insta story or something?

i'm in the midst of a bipolar low, fags. swimming in some kirkland vodka and a little bit of coke someone left at my place a while back 

post my faves while i cut my thighs and post pics of it to social media for attention but respond to everyone with "i dont wwant to talk about it"

Is it her brother or her 'brother' and how do we know?

Will she finally do the meulin she promised forever ago? I don't care if she ruins it. I just want her to finally post it. I hope she doesn't do the same audios like her previous redos though.

Is it possible to organize a hashtag or a users videos by likes? I have checked all the tiktok apis on github and it doesnt seem to be possible. What I mean is lets say I find a good thirst trap #hashtag but I only want to view the videos that are in the range of 100 - 50 likes. Is this possible? My coomer brain would like to see this implemented.

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looks like seth took her to a murder mystery escape room for valentines
just the two of them, locked in a room alone together - how romantic!


i couldn't find the damn thing and assumed it had something to do with that axe murderer cosplay she did. good job finding it i guess
absolutely unbelievable how irresponsible her parents are if she actually went with the pedo groomer
why do you spend your time photoshopping pics of bonbi and her groomer? are you a cuck?

if you post about seth, you are a cuck!
if you make memes about seth, you are a cuck!
if you mention or discuss the topic of bonbi spending 2+ years protecting and defending the actions of a known pedophile and child groomer, you are a cuck!
many such cases!

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