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Now you're getting the hang of it!

Have Catholicucks done anything uncucked recently? It seems all they do now is kiss immigrant feet and listen to Pope Francis' liberal nonsense. Am I supposed to be impressed when he says that atheists can go to heaven and accepts transgenderism? Wow, you guys sure showed us prostestcunts.

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Right, you're not though. You're a seething atheist who's far to inarticulate to actually say your opinions. You imagine that posting soyjacks and mocking me proves your point. It really just proves that you're a dumbass that can't even say your opinion. Do you think that you're annoying me? I just feel sorry for you. I may be wrong about a lot of things, but at least I'm willing to put myself out and be proven wrong. You can't even say how you really feel.
Well I guess it goes back to that old quote. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."
So, go ahead. Post another soyjack or brainlet meme. I think you're going to really get me this time.

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> Right, you're not though. You're a seething atheist who's far to inarticulate to actually say your opinions. You imagine that posting soyjacks and mocking me proves your point. It really just proves that you're a dumbass that can't even say your opinion. Do you think that you're annoying me? I just feel sorry for you. I may be wrong about a lot of things, but at least I'm willing to put myself out and be proven wrong. You can't even say how you really feel.
> Well I guess it goes back to that old quote. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."
> So, go ahead. Post another soyjack or brainlet meme. I think you're going to really get me this time.

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> I'll keep you in my prayers. I hope one day you'll have enough courage to say how you really feel on a remote unknown anonymous imageboard dedicated to a TikTok teen without having to resort to soyjack meme images.

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Okay, I got it. You're a left-leaning atheist. You didn't like me mentioning Jesus, then got further annoyed when I insulted Catholics for their Pope's liberal attitudes. I'm sorry if that got under your skin.
I'm going to go to sleep now. I hope you have a good night too.

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> Okay, I got it. You're a left-leaning atheist. You didn't like me mentioning Jesus, then got further annoyed when I insulted Catholics for their Pope's liberal attitudes. I'm sorry if that got under your skin.
> I'm going to go to sleep now. I hope you have a good night too.

Are you fucking serious? How delusional are you?
I made a one post about an edit and a tiktok she made that matched the thread theme. Then a few throwaway jokes at you sperging out over the mere mention of Jesus. After that you just spammed the fuck out of the thread and made it entirely about religion while I at least tried to stay on topic. If you had just let it go, we could've had a great thread about purple Bonbi by now. Instead it's a garbage heap. 

That wasn't me that posted that, but Yeah, I told you to fuck off because that post was joke. Grow some thicker skin.

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> I made a one post about an edit and a tiktok she made that matched the thread theme.
> I made a one post
> one 
and you call me delusional? you kept subverting the thread about "JESUS IS LORD" and telling people to fuck off like its your thread, you posted non purple bonbi and posted the edit twice. fuck off you did this.

> and you call me delusional?
Yes I do.
You're the one who made it into a big fucking thing. I wanted to drop it at the start. I kept trying to move the thread away from your obsession with hating Christianity, but you kept pulling it back to "JESUS FUCKS MARY", and "Hurr durr JESUS IS KANG, THIS IS YOU".
I only said Jesus is lord at the end to trigger you, and boy it fucking worked.

Being OP doesn't mean you're the boss of the thread. OP is ALWAYS a fucking faggot. Thanks for proving that fact.

Classic. You can't deny that you are the biggest part of the problem, so you go back to your pictures that you think offends me. It doesn't. It's fucking pathetic.

You do realize the situation has changed right? At the beginning I wanted to drop it and move on with purple Bon, but at the end the thread was so fucked I figured why not.
I'm partially responsible for ruining your thread because I will always tell you my opinion if you respond to me. But you are more responsible for spamming it with your shitty soyjacks and anti-christfag pictures.

At least you're aware that you ruined your own thread.
By the way, I like edgy humor and I don't give a fuck about blasphemy. I'm not even that much of a Christian. I love Christians and Christianity but I don't really believe in it. I just thought it was funny to post a few Jesus related Bonbis and joke about purpletestants. Then I just wanted you to stop being an asshole.
Fuck Jesus, Mary, Joseph and every Christian on the face of the earth. Jesus sucks cocks in hell. See?

Oh, boo fucking hoo. I posted Jesus and told you to fuck off when you said it was cringe. That must have been so traumatic to you. Do you need some counseling? 
Jesus Christ, move on. (Oh sorry, I said the j-word)

Yeah, Jewish Jesus. Kike on a stick.

I've gotta say, I'm so disappointed with you Black Metal Anon. You seemed like you might have been cool and I love Black Metal, but you're such an annoying fag.
I can't believe I was going to make a black metal edit for you. I dodged a bullet on that one.

Your point is that I'm also an asshole? Maybe I am. Maybe we're both huge assholes.
But I don't get triggered when people post things I don't believe in and ruin my entire thread based off a few jokes.

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What will be left of these threads in five years? Until recently, she was a naive child with a pure soul, now a teenager who knows what kind of world and society is shit. 3 years ago, she was the most popular girl on the Internet, not just a meme or multimedia product, but a new hero in history, she cleansed our souls of dirt for a moment and showed us how perfect people can be. She became an idol not because it is pleasant to look at, listen to, learn at a beautiful, sweet, new creature, but because she is a unique person, literally the son of God, nephelim, an angel. Such people quickly spend the essence of life and become unnecessary to anyone, what is happening now. All of this will end forever and we will not have a hero, Bonbi you are a hero. It is like a rush of heroin when in childhood your dopamine is sensitive, and you go out in the summer in the morning and feel the smell of nature, cool wind rushes through your body, you hear birds singing, and your eyes illuminate the clear blue sky, and now remembering this you understand that it will not be so beautiful, carefree, but you were almost in paradise. Bonbi forever in my heart, I love you Bonbi! Everyone loves you, even the Devil.

> What will be left of these threads in five years?
I think some will still be around even after she stops uploading, two kind of people will stick around and both are extreme, either the people who extremely love her tiktoks and talent or people who are extremely obsessed with her drama and personal life. these will still be here posting from time to time. she will move on and some of us will, but you and me will stay.

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