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Refuge from retarded cuckchan mods

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Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/FjhVgRqQ#o6mXZrNggxb9OHQCh188GQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
Streams: https://mega.nz/#F!oI8lnIIb!tx-7ck3DiZCkK8KSZhrJsw
Gifs: https://mega.nz/#F!0cUQEY5J!HgGoMgczzr3OujwC4SHk1w
Misc. stuff: https://mega.nz/folder/9ZNDjA6a#mHx0ketjN1AeDWmkCzVuNQ
(Edits, Memes)

Useful links:

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thumbnail of Screenshot_2021-05-28 r emiru - Respectfully questioning the actions of Emiru's Discord Mods.png
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> all time favorite
> of this year
I know dax, hellboy, and other seemingly innocent (if a little weird) types got sent to the Negative Zone, which was surprising. It was also clearly coordinated between bonbi and emiru. No explanation other than what Emiru's right-hand mod said. The fact that neither bonbi nor emiru have said anything on the matter is sort of fucked but hey, openly acknowledging something has never gone well for either of them before.

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It has a lot to do with them playing league, she just doesnt like the game. I remember the pain of playing wc3 dota at internet cafes cuz of friends, so its very relatable to me... I think a bon single player stream would be good, or maybe a silly less intense game like mario party.

Is it only me or anyone else feel that emiru doesnt really like bonbi. I got a feeling that bonbi thinks emiru and her are best friends but emiru is there only because "she has to". Otherwise bonbi would be all alone

At the beginning it felt like Emiru was simping for Bonbi, because she wanted to be her friend. But now it's the opposite. Emiru definitly acts like she has Bonbi in her bag sometimes. Doesn't have to mean anything, though.

Their friendship is genuine. That being said I think it's very obvious Bonbi likes Emiru way more than Emiru likes Bonbi. But it makes total sense if you think about it, Emiru has a lot of other friends while Bonbi does not. 

I also wouldn't be surprised if Bonbi got little confused and these feelings she has are something more than just regular friendship feelings.

Bros, we're being persecuted over on 2chen. A few bad apples there (one who is apparently mentally ill) badmouth bonbi posting and the admin has a hard-on for deleting OPs with Bonbi in them. Let us take back what is ours and show them we are eternal.


how bad is the situation? I hope bonbibros can still hang out there, just try to ignore the haters and jannies, hang out with other bonbibros when you find them and have fun. if its gets so bad you can always come here and hang out. if there is edits and OP posts that get censored there posts them here and you can make sure they are saved and safe.

A few cunts with an axe to grind (one of whom has a conspicuous interest in defending cp and pedophilia) and an admin who locks perfectly legit threads because they have the pertinent /bbg/ links and information in the OP. 

If you've been around long enough to remember the /wsg/ days, you might remember the freak that would always say "we are bonbibros". I think he's still around because I'm seeing the same schizo posts now as we had back then.

Can somebody please post that bonbi webm where her face breaks into like a million little shards. I remember it was transparent so when you hovered over it you could see the board behind it. Thanks.

t. bonbifan on 2chen, if anyone has it I'll post it there

yeah I remember him, is the ones who spams cuck and post seth there too? I don't really have enough energy to play their games, if there is other bonbibros who likes to hang out in 2chen then make the best of it and hang out with them, don't give the cunts this much attention they will only lock threads and crack down at you more, they enjoy that shit. 

us coming there and acting like retards will give the jannies a reason to police you more (I don't know the situation but if the jannies are involved us coming there and "showing them" is not a good thing to you and 2chen bonbibros).

same old ttg, I don't blame you calling out for other bonbibros, we are scattered everywhere and some didn't even know 2chen and endchan exist. I miss my bonbibros, a couple of times I went on 2chen but I only did to shill for endchan, I found out bonbibros there don't want to leave 2chen because endchan is super slow. 2chen is like real time conversation so I don't feel very comfy there.

I think he occasionally comes here but he doesn't engage with people a lot, he just posts one thing then fucks off. I guess endchan doesn't give him enough dopamine for his trolling. he needs a busier place like 2chen.

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I've posted a few, but so much can get lost in the shuffle. Threads over there last for 2000 posts/roughly 24 hours on average.

Same. That's part of why it's so weird. There was a big blowup the other day about the schizo(s) and the state of the site and lack of moderation. One person mentioned that the weirdos and schizos would be easy to stop, and another replied "sometimes i find myself reconsidering the old 'is moemin shitposting on the site himself?' theory". "Moemin" being the Admin of the site.

"Formerly Shitposter", a former janny for the threads, was mentioned and stepped into the discussion and went into detail on why he resigned months ago. He posted this screenshot of him e-mailing Moemin that he's resigning, and why. 

He added "here is what went down - someone was spamming child porn and "forbidden chips" (essentially CP...) and a lot of other stuff from Tor nodes, and i asked for a month repeatedly for the admin to ban tor but he wouldnt respond, so i resigned"

"Forbidden chips" refers to a 13 year old tiktokker nicknamed Chip who has posted seriously risque stuff in the past. FS also said that this current schizo running rampant seems exactly like the one he was trying to stop back then, and are probably the same person. The schizo does post Chip, has a grudge against bonbi and bonbi posters, and sometimes praises Seth. We can tell it's probably this singular schizo poster because posts that are critical of Chip or Chip-posting...but don't mention anything about Bonbi at all...will be replied to with anti-bonbi schizo rhetoric. This poster has also defended pedophilia. This is an interesting convergence of factors.

> Threads over there last for 2000 posts/roughly 24 hours on average.
that is why this /bbg/ is important, the bonbibros there should at least use this /bbg/ as an archive and a place for there edits. they are doing there edits a disservice if they just post it on 2chen.

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I remember when I visited 2chen at the beginning of the site bonbibros were making some edits, I saved this one. haven't visited since. miss my bonbibros who only hang out there.
sad chill edits of bonbi is the best, a bitter sweet feeling all over them.

yeah that's exactly what's bothering me
it got so many view because haha funny phone woman, not because the cosplay is so great
i'm happy for her, i just hope she keeps making good cosplays instead of just chasing trends

According to TikTok I am suddenly getting likes on comments I left a few months back. Whatever you think of this cosplay it looks like people are discovering Bon and checking out old vids.

Personally I feel good for her.

The cosplay is good, she looks really pretty and cute. Other people did the trend and got a lot of views and likes but not as many as her it's just that it's a simple cosplay so not much to put effort into like other cosplays

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Guys, got to ask - who else has been told they can now upload videos on Tiktok up to 3 minute long?

Just got the permission, wish I had had it for the previous ZERO videos I have uploaded !!!!????

I never got redirected to 9chan, unless its that page with the knight saying the site is down temporarily and they are fixing something. yeah I hope the site never get completely shut down, even if I stop going here, I still want the videos and pictures up if I want to see them again.

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yeah, thats why hanging out with her will strengthen my love, it will be like falling in love with her all over again, just like that first tiktok you saw, the first time you see her IRL will be special. I don't see how spending time with bonbi will be bad, unless you have a fantasy that she is a farm girl that only talks with donkeys and chicken.

so that's what she does every time she goes out with emiru, 
now i understand why she loves emiru so much. 
emiru introduces them to the pog champs and then films her while she does it,
makin vids for her mysterious onlyfans.


For real you cant seriously call Emiru fat.

Bon is only really slightly over the ideal weight. It doesnt help if she wears tight costumes that exaggerate it - I am not sure she has lost any weight recently or just learnt to take it into account in her cos. You try wearing a tight dress and see how you look ;-)

I hope neither of them change.

image dimensions look like it's a pfp from something, but it doesn't look like it's from tiktok, instagram, twitter, patreon or twitch
I even checked byte in case she'd posted something there lol
anon is very sus

So I've somehow found myself back in this vertex of the web and would love to be briefed on any recent bondrama or newsbi. I've seen she's lost weight since I left so bravo!


The Groomer got dumped but she has learnt her lesson and doesn't discuss her personal life on stream.

She got her high school diploma so no longer has lessons.

Lolblender is all over her but no news if he is getting anywhere.

She still shit posts on Endchan and Halfchan occasionally.

Did I miss anything Bros?

When did you leave? Anyway there have been some good tiktoks and she met up with Emiru a few times. Emiru says Seth is no more. We also found out he got his GED and wants to be a cop. Bonbi is on Twitter. She plugged some artist who is low key known for doing incest/pedo porn or something, but that had nothing to do with the plug. I think that's it.

Like 6 months ago - late 2020.
I am skeptical of the forum posting activity she allegedly does. Of course she knows of these websites because her discord friends would brief her on such matters but I doubt she'd go to the lengths of actually posting on here. Maybe back in 2016/7 she would have when she was proper lonely and the stereotypical homeschooled child but I doubt it nowadays.
She is just not smart enough to mislead the net.


Well if there was an entire message board dedicated to talking about just me I know I would check what is being said - I cant image a person who wouldn't. Also if its anonymous I can imagine playing a few games.

The problem is that no one is clever enough to beat the whole internet but I don't know if Bon is clever enough to realise this.

> Also if its anonymous I can imagine playing a few games.
The point is, she isn't smart enough to play covert games to a bunch of schizoids who take anything cryptic and blow it up into complete absurdum. Like posting a pineapple with no significance. Basically anything to a schizoid can be perceived to be a message from bonbi. Viva voce, now everyone buys said story. 

> dedicated to talking about just me I know I would check what is being said
She had her discord inner circle hench men to brief her about such information before. Understandably, she still uses discord and will most likely still be receiving updates here and there from her inner circle about this place but to be honest, this place is not of any importance to her so I would not be surprised if she's forgotten that these places on the web dedicated to her still exist.

> posting a pineapple with no significance
except said pineapple appears to be sitting in the middle of bonbi's kitchen
it isn't exactly rampant schizophrenia to make basic extrapolation of observable fact, anon.

I remember a can of peaches and someone tying the use of ":3" to a poster on 2chen who does/used to do the same thing.
This is my first time seeing the pineapple, but I knew about the can of peaches. When I saw it I reckoned that, IF it was Bonbi who was posting it, it was a reference to Seth. Peaches=Peach Cider, the name of his alt. Perhaps it coincides with a visit from Emiru and she did it. Idk.

We need examples of Bonbi and Seth's handwriting.

> The point is, she isn't smart enough to play covert games to a bunch of schizoids who take anything cryptic and blow it up into complete absurdum.

This guy is from an alternate timeline. The Discord era especially was rife with her lying and trolling the niche fans. Even after that she streamed with Seth for the Twitch debut just to fuck with people. 

Having said that, this isn't even that serious or conniving or something. It's a can of peaches in what appears to be her kitchen, but could easily not be.

> This guy is from an alternate timeline. 
It seems so that I am outdated but I guess that's the unconscious soul yearning for oldbi. Where I would agree her whole twitch stream with the nonce was malicious and targeted to the Caribbean coconut picking forum dwellers, I would contest that she actively partook in crafting said ploy. It may be entirely reasonable for her current friends she has (whom i dont know) to tell her to come here and troll, but that would take too much effort to which her friends alone can do and pretend to be her. Either way, since it cannot ever be proven to be 100% her, we can only infer a conclusion from said facts - whether that be one of the many schizoids in here to claim it to be the Messiah Herself, or it be just some retard posting. 
It wouldn't take much coordination to post a pineapple or peach and then go 'oh look that's bonbi'.

> It wouldn't take much coordination to post a pineapple or peach and then go 'oh look that's bonbi'.
not much effort beyond a total kitchen redesign
I feel like you might be focusing a bit too much on the pineapple, anon

It is of course entirely possible that an anonymous poster that just so happens to follow bonbibonkers, participating in threads on an esoteric cryptid hunting forum in a remote part of the internet also JUST SO HAPPENS to have an identical kitchen to bonbibonkers on tiktok.com
Occam's razor would suggest it's probably just her kitchen though, anon

Your conspiracy theory is stupid.

MY position...that an anon happens to have extremely similar or identical countertops and flooring to those found in Bonbi's house and decided to post pics to pique interest and low key larp as Bonbi to stir up drama (or perhaps has access to such a kitchen despite not owning them himself)...is perfectly well founded and not a conspiracy theory at all, you schzoids.

I am very intelligent.

Why are all bonbi edits either slideshows, basic transitions, shake, overlays or a combination of all? Why not take a page out of instagram editors and come up with a unique editing style with a cool concept?

Overall, American adults were found to have a higher average number of missing teeth than their British counterparts: 7.31 versus 6.97, the study revealed. The difference was most pronounced in people between the ages of 25 and 64 years old. Americans in that age group had lost an average of almost one extra tooth than their English peers, the study showed.

Go eat a burger, shoot a school up, kneel for BLM, suck a policeman's cock, eat Maccy D's everyday, talk to your 'white' spanish-speaking friends and take some fentanyl

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> Go eat a burger
ate one already, my perfect teeth allow me to bite the thicc American patty perfectly, while British "people" make do with sloppy beans and toasted bread. 

go eat tender fish with your missing teeth, get a knife loicense, get raped by pakis, eat beans everyday, talk to your brown friends and take some meds.

This is vintage Romeo in its sensual/sexual intricate lyrics, its storytelling and sense of drama wrapped with a great chorus.

“Imitadora” (Imitator) is a man’s desperate plea to the woman who once loved him and who now has changed beyond recognition.

“Where is the crazy lover who once made my skin tingle? Why don’t you touch me like that woman did?” he asks plaintively. “Something’s not right. Tonight I’ll interrogate her, put and end to this usurper, this bad imitator.”

And then, he does interrogate her, going into that Romeo territory that steps into the boundaries of outright sexuality but doesn’t quite cross the line.

[Snagged from Genius]

yeah i heard emiru talk about that, it's so cool. i'm happy for her
this skin was released in march of this year. didn't necessarily mean to imply that it is based on bonbi but the face instantly reminded me of her, even if it's just a coincidence


The problem with people with small penises is that they see the problem as comparative - they think their own small size will be less apparent compared to an extremely thin woman. This is especially the case if they lack practical experience.


The problem with people with small penises is that they see the problem as comparative - they think their own small size will be less apparent compared to an extremely thin woman. This is especially the case if they lack practical experience.

you are the anon who recently came back, right? she stopped posting on patreon around the time the banhammer came down on a large part of her fanbase from the discord days. i think she was sick of having to engage with them on patreon.


> you are the anon who recently came back, right?
Nope, but thanks for the reply.

Patreon shows her last post as 2nd April, guess it must have been around then. I suspect she decided that someone paying $100/month to a young female they will never meet is someone she wants to keep at a distance.

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