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Refuge from retarded cuckchan mods

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thumbnail of end-xmas-spec.jpg
end-xmas-spec jpg
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I ask your attention again, as we are planning a "movie night" in two weeks, on February 8-9, but unlike the Christmas special, it would be only one movie.
Please visit this thread:
The show won't be on the same cytube channel, the exact link will be given later in that same thread.
Read, comment, subscribe.

Thank you.

Next Endchan Movie Corner on the 7th March, at 16:00 EST.
You can find the new channel at:

Planned film: Baraka
Backup: randomly picked classic Chinese kung-fu movie

Those loyal to our Constitutional Republic and our Command Structure.
Those loyal to the Office of the President and the will of the people.
Those who swore an oath to protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.
Those good people who serve proudly for America.

December 3rd, double feature

First stream Pulp Fiction, at 8 UTC (3am EST, 7pm AEDT)
The well known Tarantino flick.

Second stream TikTok Tranny, at 21 UTC (4pm EST)
Requested and provided by the artist herself: "the raunchiest, most offensive, and tone deaf documentary of recent times".


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thumbnail of Solaris-1972-poster.jpg
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May 25th is Towel Day!
Sreaming Solaris (1972, Soviet sci-fi), instead of one of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxies. There will be some theme appropriate videos before the film.
Starting at 22 UTC, that's 6pm US East Coast


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