I stumbled on this recently in some old bookmarks I'd mis-categorized. I hadn't listened to it since it was posted, which must have been around May 2019, since the "dossier" spoken of came out on April 19th IIRC, and it took a couple of weeks for it to be posted by an anon on /wsg/.
It was surreal enough at the time, but now it's something more. Lots of lies and inaccuracies in retrospect, irony out the ass, the main guy answering questions ("Mr Black"?) got doxxed and turned out to work for Pfizer and would later work on the "vaccine" that turned out to be worse than useless (not like it's his fault, it's just crazy how even covid tied into this in the weirdest way possible), "Cintor" turned out to be a fucking dude and not cancer-having "sapphic cow" as Roman Quote Anon called her, etc ad nauseum. The kicker is that it all could have been stopped early, but it was allowed to continue so DN losers could continue their internet sleuth larping bullshit.
this reads like a blind item on Crazy Days and Nights lmao.
I remember some old screenshot of her saying she wanted implants. I highly doubt that's it though.