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Refuge from retarded cuckchan mods

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So we got the bi-weekly "bonbi talks about seth" stream? Is her life seriously that boring that she has to go back to this every other stream? The guy probably completely forgot about her at this point and is still living completely rent free in her head.

You know it still blows my mind how right we were the whole time.  People kept trying to say people were blowing things out of proportion and that their relationship was somehow okay, and of course it wasnโ€™t.  Iโ€™m glad sheโ€™s out and has the right perspective.  I was always hoping she would figure it out before it was too late.

Potentially incredibly retarded question because I rarely ever lurk here, didn't there used to be archives of the high-quality edits from the old general threads? Guessing they kept getting taken down but might as well ask


But I wonder when youโ€™re drinkinโ€™
If you find yourself thinkinโ€™
About that boy from East Tennessee
And I know we both knew better
But we still said forever
And that was 3 summers
Of coke and Southern Comfort
Were we dumb or just younger, who knows
Back then you used to love the river
And sippinโ€™ on a sixer with me
Does it ever make you sad to know
That was 3 summers ago.

I just realized I check this thread every single day hoping to see updates to the $100 tier and bonbiโ€™s ass or somethingโ€ฆ ANYTHING to make my life interesting.  I then thought about how Iโ€™ve been following her since she was 15 and how disgusting that is.  I know given the opportunity I would never pull Seth pedo shit but still my life is just so fucking lame that this is something I look forward to.  I think I need to fucking end it.

> So in summary next week bonbi is going to undergo some significant and life-altering -THING- that will be done to her. It is something she has never done before (sort of). It has nothing to do with guys and is the opposite of onlyfans. It will not come as a "good" surprise, but it will "be for the best". It's not going to be okay, but it will be fine. Thoughts?

Breast reduction plastic surgery. You heard it here first.

I don't know if you watched the stream, but it's worth noting even talking about the "thing" made her extremely nervous. I don't think it has to do anything with tiktok/patreon. My guesses are 1) she's going to have a job/attend school, 2) she's moving out, 3) some kind of medical procedure

It would be, but she's a lazy neet who does literally nothing other than playing video games all day. So from her perspective it might not be a "good" thing, because she will have some responsibilities and probably overall less time to do anything.

people have consistently made more and more lewd threads about her and her "tier" and use it for fapping
and it's like some big fucking joke
where nobody gives a fuck about her content, but try to make all this lewd shit about her and wanting to fuck her etc.
i'm tired of seeing it
Every time she posts shit from that tier, these lads just have a field day with it
It's dumb
This is part of why it's hard to go to endchan anymore 'cause the latest edits are her with a condom in her mouth and some giant black cock along side her
how nice 
It's fucking tiresome
I appreciate what she does, the nice things, because that doesn't get lewded.

I moved out of my parents' house as soon as I turned 18, so I suppose my perspective is skewed. 

Still, the point remains that she is legally allowed to post nudes and her parents couldn't really do anything about it if she truly wanted to continue. The most they could do is kick her out, but she could probably afford her own place anyway.

There's a 14 minute clip of Bonbi talking about "the thing". I watched it and my guess is that it's something medical. Like some kind of procedure done to her. She's nervous, but she's excited-nervous. I don't think she would be like that if her parents were kicking her out. She also says things like "I won't be able to sleep the night before" and "I'm gonna scream right before it happens", implying it's a singular event, something is done to her and then it's over. Overall she gives off the exact vibe a person before some medical procedure would give. 

My main guesses are piercing/tat. More crazy guess is some kind of cosmetic surgery. She's small and has big boobs. She complained about them in a lot of streams, it's probably causing her back pains and we know she likes to cosplay boys. I wouldn't be exactly surprised if she's getting a breast reduction surgery. It also lines up with other things she said like "the thing is an opposite of onlyfans" (smaller boobs -> coomers btfo) and "the thing changes you, changes what people think about you" (surgery like that is obviously a drastic change).

The most extreme guess would be she's transitioning to male, but that's highly unlikely given her parents are hard conservatives and didn't even allow her to get jabbed.

I stumbled on this recently in some old bookmarks I'd mis-categorized. I hadn't listened to it since it was posted, which must have been around May 2019, since the "dossier" spoken of came out on April 19th IIRC, and it took a couple of weeks for it to be posted by an anon on /wsg/.


It was surreal enough at the time, but now it's something more. Lots of lies and inaccuracies in retrospect, irony out the ass, the main guy answering questions ("Mr Black"?) got doxxed and turned out to work for Pfizer and would later work on the "vaccine" that turned out to be worse than useless (not like it's his fault, it's just crazy how even covid tied into this in the weirdest way possible), "Cintor" turned out to be a fucking dude and not cancer-having "sapphic cow" as Roman Quote Anon called her, etc ad nauseum. The kicker is that it all could have been stopped early, but it was allowed to continue so DN losers could continue their internet sleuth larping bullshit.

this reads like a blind item on Crazy Days and Nights lmao.

I remember some old screenshot of her saying she wanted implants. I highly doubt that's it though.

I donโ€™t think itโ€™s a breast reduction since she seems so into making them a focal point of her latest tiktoks.  The picture above this post actually gave me the idea that sheโ€™s being forced to see a psychiatrist, which I could see being โ€œbadโ€ in her opinion but ultimately for the greater good.

> greater good
> psychiatrist 
Seeing a psychiatrist is always bad, what next? get the discord vaccine? willingly upload discord to your psyche? change personalities and alter music tastes? this is not for "the greater good", it's always bad.

This dude being borderline fucking creepy (like obvious itโ€™s an ex discord dude) and her not being able to tell him to fuck off because he donated a bunch of subs is fucking me up.  I hate this dynamic so god damn much.

DonJon acting like a creep
When he fucks he penetrates deep
DonJon enters the chat
Dick big and balls fat
DonJon what he say?
DonJon acting gay
DonJon the famous chatter 
Sits down and gets fatter
DonJon donator number one
Donjon wants to have fun

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Bonbi Stream 14th May 2022
Cosplayed as Keith Kogane (Voltron)

- Turned down for Twitch Partner again
-Wont say ARA ARA for free
-Only time she trick or treated was as Ghost Deku. Too old so she ducked down to look young
-Bon is really tall
-She is going to redo her room
-Wants to play a game with chat but doesnt know a suitable (safe) one
-One guy on Patreon paid $800 to insult her
-Might stream tomorrow (Sunday) or Monday and Birthday (Tuesday)
-Friends sent her Tiktok ads when they were showing her.
-If you ever get famous dont Google yourself. She found 4chan and other weird forums.
-When her Roxy ad was shown Forums discussed ways to kill her and discussed parts of her body in detail
-Has been stalked IRL but can't talk about it
-Going to Copsplay Jeff the Skeleton
-Bon read Jeff the Skeleton Creepy Pasta
-Bon read Ticci Toby Creepy Pasta
-Was very dedicated to Creepy Pasta when she was 13/14
-Bon loves Creepy Pasta edits of her but there have not been any recently
-Might read Eyeless Jack next stream
-Bons $100 Patreon is not about her 'Titties bouncing round'
-The thing that was making her nervous did not go well
-Sort of weave snatch
-Raided Julie

imagine namedropping some discordnigger and dumping porn you saved from 2ch and assuming people won't just think you're a miserable little cunt lol
astonishing to think these are the actions of a fully grown adult

I did that shit with a girlfriend when I was Sethโ€™s age.  Granted it was a girl my age and I wasnโ€™t a pedophile, but I get it.  Seth I know you read this shit, get help.  You donโ€™t deserve it, but get the help anyway.

If she wasn't joking about that little baggie containing "stuff that makes the pain go away" then we won't have more than a couple years before she's waaaaaaay off the deep end.

Whenever Bonbi goes on those rants I feel really uneasy.  I'm not the type to go out of their way to try to interact with her and I recognize the parasocial shit going on, but at the same time I've been posting in the /bbg/ since the very beginning so I'm definitely one of the creeps she would despise.  Makes me wish I could drop this entirely but I can't because I have this weird investment and I kind of hope I get to see her find success in life or something.  It's fucking bizarre.

It is what it is, it's ok to be fan, just don't go crazy with the parasocial thing like some of the unhinged and malevolent creeps that live as a homeless man around her local burger king in hopes of seeing her one day.

Yeah I guess I'm overthinking it, but at the same time that ass picture maybe being a direct response to me jokingly saying "it's over because she didn't post ass" was like damn... that's fucking funny even if it did make me feel like a creep.

She wouldn't be saying this if she didn't still feel something.  She knows exactly what to say to get under his skin and wants him to hurt the way she made him hurt.  Also she's on something, I think... I can't tell what, adderall maybe?

i picked this up as well, first time she referred to herself as a victim in that regard, don't think it's statutory as he moved to louisiana around the time she turned legal and i don't think they had an opportunity to have sex before that

on the other hand she's retarded, it's possible she just randomly threw the word out there without actually meaning it, or maybe she thinks something utterly stupid like he raped her over the internet because she sent him nude pics or something like that

So I have this theory that she would be insulting his dick size if they actually did anything physical.  Her calling him ugly after saying he used to tell her he was ugly all the time was like a laser precision insult.  The only thing more insulting would be going after his dick size, right?

That does not make her a sex worker. You must have a very narrow and naive view of the world to think it does. There are plenty of model who get photographed for a living, often in more revealing poses than Bons. Normal people dont call them sex workers.

No. A sex worker engages in sexual acts, either directly with someone or on camera. Pretty girls posing for photos has existed since the camera was invented. If you are jerking off to Bon pics thats on you. Seek help, dont seek to legitimize it by projecting Bon as a sex worker.
Some of the things she has done recently really suggest she reads this forum at least sometimes. How the fuck do you think it would feel to see someone calling you a sex worker just for posing for pretty photos?

Aren't we all a little parasocial if we're posting here? I think it's impossible to avoid, but easy enough to not take to unhealthy extremes.  I just want to see her tiktoks and occasionally I wouldn't mind if she posted more ass shots because I think she's cute.

If we are considered parasocial simply for posting here then any fandom is parasocial and the word is meaningless. You are only being parasocial if you somehow imagine your fandom constitutes an actual friendship.

Also since she clearly reads what we post here its not even one sided :-)

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My biggest fear is that at some point bonbi will not like me anymore and I will be empty. 
I say that because I think I'm starting to feel something like that. 
Although it's only a very small feeling, 
but just the fact that I have started to feel that
makes me afraid

Bro, this is unhealthy as fuck. Something you need to understand is that you don't even know who Bonbi is - only who she chooses to be on stream. Just like big celebrities, streamers and YouTubers have a public persona that does not completely (if at all) reflect who they are in their private life.

It's not a spoiler. The .mov/.MOV video files aren't supported by browsers, they don't play them. It is downloadable however. That's just a default thumbnail.
Convert it to mp4 or webm to make it playable by browsers.

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how many ways are there to say 
> "bonbi cute"
> "i love bonbi"
> "i would die/and or kill someone for bonbibonkers" 
i believe this is why the board is dying; everyone is too damn happy and positive. the most active times are when there's drama. a cloud in paradise.

Youโ€™re not wrong but at the same time I hope Bonbiโ€™s life has actually stabilized even if it means our stupid corner of her fanbase dies off.  I also hope she continues to post pictures of her seriously perfect butt.

> *types "bonbi cute"*
> R9K prevented you from posting this message
> *types "i love bonbi"*
> R9K prevented you from posting this message
> *types "i would die/and or kill someone for bonbibonkers"*
> R9K prevented you from posting this message
> ......*blankposts*

I think thereโ€™s a *somewhat* healthy line in between โ€œfuck her for posting lewds that egirl slut!โ€ and โ€œIโ€™ve been cooming to her tiktoks since she started posting themโ€.  I donโ€™t think that guy saying โ€œshe has a really nice butt and the pics sheโ€™s posting are greatโ€ is all that bad.

The people that are upset over her posting lewds are creepier than the people fapping to them. They are seething because she isn't living up to their own personal standards of "purity" that they have projected onto her.

> sleep aid2.mp4
This is the first time im seeing this edit. I felt like it was directed straight at me, but that couldnt be the case since it was made more than two weeks ago.

None the less, one of the best edits ive ever seen. It really made me feel something.

not really
the "everyone that hoped bonbi would do more with her talent than make sellout cashgrab content for internet coomers are the REAL perverts!" line is a tired old tactic from the same disingenuous "seth dindu nuffin" crowd of retards that refuse to acknowledge the hypocrisy of waiting 4 years to watch a teenager spread her legs on the internet for their entertainment

lol you guys are acting like she's about to hit the streets and start meth. she'd be stupid to not milk this goldmine dry. realisticly this will last for another one to three years, but she'll gonna end up with a nice cushion for someone in her early 20s

What talent? Lip synching? Sheโ€™s good at making guys want to fuck her. There was always only one way this was gonna go.
The creepy guys are the ones that want to fuck her but wonโ€™t even admit it anonymously.  Thatโ€™s why she thinks the anti-coomers are creeps.  What else is anyone here for?

if every time you look at bonbi and see yourself,
and say that girl is perfect for me,
you are a weak guy.
The person we want by our side is the reflection of our weakness,
and unconsciously we expose to others the fragility of our being.

Ah man I hope not.  Bonbi if youโ€™re reading this I also suffer from heightened emotional response and the book The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook has helped a shit load. You can find it easily for free.

she should have said no, but she says yes she trained
 with seth... WTF,
 so until that moment she was still in contact and 
didn't want to admit it or did i miss something?.
and why in every stream she talks about him. 
she should psychologically distance him somehow. 
There's something weird here, 
I think she somehow likes him in an insane way.
names him to feel him close? I don't know...or maybe a feeling of helplessness that she can't get over.

the poop story is that she wanted revenge on seth, so she spent 2-3 days trying to make the nastiest shit, when she got the perfect shit she took it, sneaked out of her house at night and wanted to smear it on seth's bike, but the bike wasn't there so she threw the shit away and went back

> squats in the bathroom, filling a ziplocked bag with shit and piss with the intention of smearing it on ex groomer's bike handles in hopes he rubs his eyes with her shit particles so that he gets pinkeye

i love her so fucking much bros

Holy fucking shit I'm just now watching the stream with the poop story.
Anyway does she always talk so much about her exes?? (Haven't seen any other streams) I mean, jeez.

what would it be like to have sex with bonbi. 
Would it be something uncoordinated with random movements?
 , and in doggy style I wouldn't have hair to grab...
so wigs?

I think the thing with Emiru is she gives off normie energy like a pro.  Whereas Bonbi is total 4chan sperg insanity.  Emiru would never have a thread so popular on /wsg/ that it literally fueled the entire board.

Honestly emiru if she falls of the radar for a bit she will be replaced, while bon being the aspie she is she will be remembered. Look bon left and she cam back and we followed emiru leaves donno if any one would remember her.

emiru is hot but has a pretty bland personality. it's your garden variety parasocial exploitation, with lonely males willing to give away large sums of money for the slight chance of the attractive female acknowledging their existence.

I look at this girl on my screen every single night. She makes me happy, for real. Like, I catch myself smiling like a retard when I watch her tiktoks and photos. 
I think im actually in love with her and it makes me sad to think about this.

Bonbi is the only one who dances differently from the other girls.
 The girls dance with slow and feminine movements,
 instead Bonbi dances irrationally,
 I would even say, 
it gives a feeling to be away from the group and that nothing matters to her. I also saw her a little chubby, with heavy movements. 
Seeing her from the outside, I would say 
that all the other girls seem more attractive to me than her. wtf

the con photos are really good
not to make it weird but has anyone else noticed every single person bonbi hangs out with is asian?
is it an LA thing or does bonbi just have a major case of yellow fever?

Thats great Bro, but dont forget that she HATES you. A few years ago she made bad decisions and trusted the wrong people so because they at least presented themselves as followers she now hates all followers.
Its the reason she kept her trip to Anime Expo secret - Emiru, Julie and probably most others told their fans they would be there - but Bon will literally talk to rando who turns up rather than have to meet one of the psychos who follow her.

Other content creators do announce if they are going to be at a public meet and greet because they want to meet their followers, not just anyone who shows up. Yes I realize the Covid party and Disney trip she attended afterwards was private.

> emiru's monsters are worse
That kinda goes with the way it looks like Emniru and especially her mods were the ones that convinced Bon to ditch her whole fan base. She said in a stream she was so convinced they are all monsters she was too nervous to stream.

you donโ€™t belong here anymore.  itโ€™s like bonbi said, sheโ€™s going to be sexualized no matter what she does, so she might as well make money off of it.  Amouranth posted that she made $33 MILLION off onlyfansโ€ฆ If Bon can make money that she can save for the future sheโ€™d be a fool to pass up the opportunity.

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> yah please ignore the messy room also look at how cute @bonbibonkers is as anya ๐Ÿฅบ i love her so much also i love that family bonding between yor and anya is just yor teaching her how to beat someone up

let me tell you something about cribbaz, a few years ago I ran a tiktok interface, and had identified his IP. He used the interface and the userids he looked up were literal children
he's a fucking pedo for sure.

Look at her thighs holy shit. 

Reminds me of somethingโ€ฆ I was once going down on my ex and I was grabbing her thighs and I accidentally said, โ€œI love your fat thighsโ€ and it completely killed the moment.  Itโ€™s funny because to me thatโ€™s clearly a compliment, but I guess the word fat will always be a no go.

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