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the piggy bon was brooding in her bedroom today because she didn't want to stay home and sulk like a hog.
she actually had wanted to go to the circus. she had her plans all set but a late cancellation made it impossible. and one of the piglet's favorite foods at the circus is cotton candy. so the piggy threw herself down on the floor and brood, and like a useless piglet spent the better part of two hours farting and burping like a bored field hog.
wait a minute the piggy thought if i can't go to the circus I'll make the circus come to me. and so the piggy got up and gaily danced around in her room pretending for a time at the circus, and she felt the beginnings of a roll of poop start to form in her lower pig guts. if i cannot have cotton candy i'll have a load of brown poop the piggy thought out loud.
she squat and pulled off her pants and panties and this from her disgusting brown anus hole a curl of brown poop came spilling out and plopped on the ground. what a pig. the piggy then reached down and picked some bits and clumps of her poop pile and plopped them into her mouth. brown cotton candy. she munched and munched her home made cotton candy, pretending for herself it was cotton candy directly from the circus, until a bilious nausea came over her and the piggy vomited.

knuckle dragging bonbi posters with no regard to human decency, not even their 4 year old stale webms can save their rotten washed up ass when the crushing weight of reality crumbles upon them, when the dust of all their wrong doings contaminates their lungs, when there is only a fleeting second left of their pitiful lives, only then will they know, how despicable and disgusting it is to be such a thing

the piglet bon waltzed into the kitchen today. she wanted to start her diet and lose her lard hips and beer belly. so we got to say she wanted to deposit lose about 50 pounds of body (ie lard) weight attached to her at least. 
ahh! what a shame the piglet is such a useless, fat and lazy piggy.  her piglet diet of wonder lasted only about 6 minutes. as soon as she approached the fridge she never left the fridge, and she would have been better to lift up the whole fridge as say a container of monster drink, or a can of shrimp, turn it over and let it fall into her wide open and hungry piggy mouth faster.
that would have saved her a few hours of party shuffling through the fridge contents like a field hog, or a field beast, biting and nibbling at this or that, but basically eating everything it contained. not surprisingly twenty minutes later after her feast finished when she tromped into her bedroom to play some computer games and listen to her piggy music her guts started to explode. uhhhhh! the piggy wallowed in self pity as loads of brown goo moved rapidly to her tainted butt hole. the poopies spilled out and the piggy got to the toilet a little late, since there was a couple spoonfuls of poop in her panties after she threw them down and hopped on the toilet bowl.
the next few hours of the piggy's life consisted of ptttt, pttttt, pptt, ptt, pt, ptttttttttt and splash and plunge and again repeat. the piggy ran out of toilet paper twice and had to grab her bath towels to wipe her dirty brown anus.
disgusting. and don't ask me how at the end of the day the piggy ended up with half her face covered in brown poop smears.don't ask. just don't.

Bonbi was one hell of a ham beast, with thighs as big as truck tires and an ass the size of Texas. Her waist was in the mid-thigh area, but the rest of her body was huge. Her body was covered with hair. Big, thick, black hair that was almost as soft as down. She was a big, hulking, black, hairy, musky, horny beast. If you didn't know any better, you would have sworn that Bonbi was some kind of big-breasted swamp monster. Her big titties were as huge as the titans and you could say the same for her ass. She was a monster, She was also the queen of the swamp monsters, so they call themselves. These monsters are more than just huge cocksuckers, they are full-fledged ham beasts. Bonbi was the queen ham beast and she had the biggest, biggest dongs the Ham Monkeys had ever seen in their wildest dreams. These fucking monkeys were on the other side of the fence, they couldn't see how big her chandeliers were, but they could see them and they knew they would get a good fucking if they fucked her. Her name was Bonbi, you may have guessed already, but her name has not been mentioned yet. So far, she had been with two other big ham monkeys, and they both didn't last more than one night. Bonbi was a fat fuck, her ass was as huge as her tits, and when she turned into an animal on demand, she could fuck a human. She was just one of the five members of the Big Fat

Bonbi is a nice lady. She makes fun tiktoks and is funny and friendly on her twitch stream. She has had hard times in her past and none of it was her fault because she was a child.
She will have to deal with the consequences of other peoples actions all her life. But she is strong and is seeking help. That is good.
This place is weird and people here are not nice. They say bad things about Bonbi, about her friends and about each other. That is sad.
There will be a announcement soon. What is not yet clear, but Bonbi was happy about it. If it is a happy announcement good people will be happy too.

that was an instagram story from lynienicole, I think she just hosted a birthday party for atlaseuu, which I guess is why bonbi was visiting
there are probably other onlyfriends potentially posting bonbi cameos but I haven't really been keeping track

Given her 'friends' group and how isolated she is otherwise she must have the weirdest take on the world. Those people are not normal. All she ever sees is Twitch chat or Asian porn stars.

Bonbi is the queen of the swamps, she lives there with her swamp monsters, the swamp monsters obey her will, because she is the biggest monster in there, she has many name, swamp queen, ham beast of the swamps and bonbi, the monsters who obey her call her swamp queen, those who are terrorized by her monstrous ways call her ham beast of the swamps, some of her devout human followers call her bonbi, and they think she is normal, bonbi is in fact not normal, bonbi descended into the depth of the swamps and lost her humanity, for she is now a monster, a ham beast, a queen of the swamps, and she rules the swamps like a tyrant and king, she owns a swamp like no one has ever seen before, in the dark, wet, cold, deep darkness, and she sleeps deep inside the water, and her minions guard the entrance from all but the bravest of her enemies.

> she must have the weirdest take on the world
I guess so. But to be fair so do most anons and a lot of normies. I think a lot of them have worse takes then bonbis.

> Those people are not normal.
Sure, but look where you posted this.
Those people are willing to take her in, I think thats nice of them honestly. Bonbi can be weird and awkward as she's said herself.
Atlaeuu posted a story about being physically and mentally abused by her family as a child on birthdays and only now being able to enjoy them because of her friends.
They sell porn, but maybe they're also just nice people that want to help or at least give her a chance because they know how hard life can be especially without friends.

> Atlaeuu posted a story about being physically and mentally abused by her family 

Glad she doesn't have to put up with that anymore but it kinda reinforces the feeling that the porn industry is for and victims and failures, the abused, groomed or just too lacking in talent for anything else.

But actually yeah, abused by her own FAMILY?!?

oink oink, this morning the poopy and dumb piggy bon decided to take a trip to the new jersey marches. she traveled far and wide and took in the sights and sounds, including a pig out at mcdonalds until uh oh; the piggy felt as though her intestines were going to explode and split. she felt that due to her pig out meal at mcdonalds her guts were going to open up from her large pink piggy belly. and out will spill mcburgers and big macs. if fact the piggy's order was so huge it landed with constant burger flipping two mcdonalds cooks for a whole hour; they were tossing and turning the burgers the piggy stuffed her frog face with as she sat in the lounge and stuffed her belly full. well it was time for the piggy to pass those burgers so there she stood as still and stiff as a wooden board for a minute in the middle of a jersey street until she couldn't withhold the poop from spilling out of her brown anus hole. ahhh,
the piggy squirmed at the last and she dropped her pants and bent over and out slid several brown curls, one right after another; in total some observer counted twelve poop longs. pptttt, ptttttttt, the crowd of people around the piggy got upset, they told her to get lost. but the piggy undeterred pressed her face inside her poop pile and started to eat her dog pile of poop like a pig hog. the people there said pig pile eaters are not welcome and the piggy with her poopy face and a mouthful of her own poop walked away.

Holy fuck the incel simps are going hardcore again (pun intended). She didn't even post on patreon yet. If she ever does show her tits, mass shootings frome these supreme gentlemen are going to skyrocket.

I'd say quality is worst to best left to right
lots of artifacts and plastic looking hair on the alq13, looks pretty bad
amq is probably the sharpest image but looks slightly overbaked, some temporal shimmering, very noticable in the background ivy
I think maybe prob3 looks the highest fidelity with least visible artifacting, good upscale overall tbh

I would say prob3.

ALQ and AMQ are really only for low/medium quality input video and tend to lose details. You can see for instance all of the texture in her top has disappeared in any of these. Remember super sharp edges dont matter in moving video as much as they do in a static preview you are zooming into. Texture does.

Just tried and I think AHQ gave better results.

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get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head

Bonbipoop bro sat up all night last night dreaming of how much he loves the idea of bonbis shit. His 300 pound lard ass self just gets so hard about the thought he had to express himself. So He did what he does every night. He hops on endchan and writes a gross story, and then he goes and dresses up like Bobbi and then acts out the story playing with his own shit like the swine he is.

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Meet Anala, born into a noble Ryken family, Anala has always had more privilege’s than most in her kingdom,
however, she never allowed that to dim her adventurous attitude and desire to help those in need. All she wants is to make the world a better place, and with your help, she can make that possible.
#thesealofdragonsberg #analacosplay

It's AI art. Look at the first image, there's a black bar on the right where it's badly cropped. Which also explains why all the resolutions are weird.

I've commissioned artwork before, artists aren't sending you a resolution like "417x644"

There's nothing to suggest "Anala" is remotely similar to Bonbibonkers from TikTok.com
I don't even believe she is being paid for this, I believe he just said "wow I put a character based on you in my new book!" and she'll shittily promote it for free.

She's immature enough to fall for this scam.

this novel seems like badly written derivative fanfic schlock, riddled with misspellings and grammatical errors
in other words it seems like exactly the kind of thing bonbi loves to read
I'm happy for her tbh

Cosplayed as Anala
Stream Started 22:26
22:30 Introduces her character - Anala, a Dragon in the Book 'The Seal of Dragonsberg'
22:31 Bon will be reading the first chapter which is on the website
22:32 Family member wrote the book
22:34 Cosplay is Anala's 'going to tend the crops' outfit.
22:40 - 22:45 Reading Synopsis in a British accent
22:45 - 23:03 Reading prologue
22:59 Takes phone call from Dad
23:03 - 23:39 Reading Chapter 1
23:27 Julie joins
23:42 Going to cosplay Anala a lot
23:48 Snatch. Anala is actually bald and wears a wig
23:51 Patreon tonight
23:51 Stream ends

> secretly her heart belongs to another, her best friend and heir to Dragonsberg, Rykon
so a "member of her family" wrote a book, with a character "based on" bonbibonkers, where said character fucks the main character?

She's getting a character to cosplay, maybe some notoriety amongst anyone who reads the book. The author got ~ 200-300 peeps being told about his book. Seems to work for both of them.

> 23:03 - 23:39 Reading Chapter 1 
Are chapters like just a few pages?
Because in half an hour, reading something out loud, you got just a few pages.

But yeah, skipping through the stream of her reading it, seems like quite shit.
What an underwhelming announcement, I thought she got an actual deal for some role as a professional gig.

No, and I was not hating on her. I was showing the irony that she looks more like that character now than she ever did, 3 years after it was first posted. I am sorry that you are too dumb to understand this without it being explained to you.

A guy who follows Bonbi in the shadows,
 who creates a book with random 
characters and themes, convinces Bonbi 
that one of his characters called Anale
 (Name which refers to anal sex) is 
her, with an image that doesn't 
even it resembles her, where the pink
 hair symbolizes e-girls. totally 
incoherent, she does not 
participate in the book, she does not
 look like the character, she does not
 contribute anything, but the creator 
of the story creates the strategy to
 approach her saying this is you. it's
 really obvious. but I still don't know

Not calling you retarded but at this point it is not worth worrying about this stuff. She is not the naive 14yo Seth picked up anymore - if he is doing anything bad she will work it out eventually. In the meantime just be happy for her - she is clearly happy with the deal. I hope this continues to be something she enjoys in the future.


Your left hand holding his right, your right hand resting on your enormous belly as you each stare at the screen agreeing that she needs to lose weight. 'Damn she lost it' says Logan just before belching loudly, the smell cabbage and pilchards filling the air and reminding you both you have not eaten for at least 30 minutes.

And thats not even chat GPT :-)

Logan, it is you after all, isn't it?

What you need is alts. You have Logan but now go for Logan2, Logan3 etc. Keep going adding accounts at $100/month until you run out of money then steal mommy's card and add some more. Then steal Daddy's card. Then Mommy's boyfriend's card, then Daddy's boyfriends card. Keep going, you know you want to.

Think how many toxic comments you could leave. She would have no choice but to get naked for you.

That second picture makes me think Bon is the type of girl who would make a funny face during a blowjob, crack herself up, make you both laugh while she's holding your dick, then immediately go back to sucking, which if you haven't had a girl like this is fucking awesome.  The juxtaposition between the goofy fun shit immediately back to her going to town is the hottest thing in the universe.

Not him, but his comment def looks more generalized than your reading of it. I think its more a general feeling that if you had a girlfriend you could talk about sex with her and wouldn't have to talk about it to strangers on an image board. Trust me, we dont want to know about your imaginary sex life.

Do you know how easy it is to pull that off even if you're a samefag?  You literally just open another instance in incognito.

Anyway I don't give a flying fuck what anyone here thinks of me, I'll keep getting free Bonbi porn and cumming hard as fuck to her shaved pussy.

> Do you know how easy it is to pull that off even if you're a samefag?  You literally just open another instance in incognito.

I am sure he could have worked that out but ain't it funny he didn't have to because you had a ready explanation?

you can criticize bonbi all you want, but if the only posts attributed to your IP is low effort shit like "nasty whore bonbi" and some cuck porn edit you can fuck off. no trolls who come here only to incite some shitflinging.

bonbiverse BEFORE ham beast bonbi = constant fights about seth 

bonbi verse AFTER ham beast bonbi = unity in talking about bonbi and her patreon pics

ham beast bonbi literally saved /bbg/

she isn't a whore, whore is when you pay someone money for sexual intercourse, she is posting photos like other cosplayers, and doing toks and streams, she gets money from fans who like her content like any content creator

its part of the twitch grind, like amournath, she is one of the biggest content creator and she posts simmilar content, everyone respect her and men stream with her without shitflinging and calling her names, I don't see why its different when bonbi do it, why everyones shitflings when she posts her body.

> I don't see why its different when bonbi do it
It isn't different. Amouranth is also a whore.
Just because the industry of online prostitution has become so widely normalised doesn't make it ok, it actually makes it much worse.
A lot of the reason many people were so disappointed in bonbi was because much of the appeal of her content lay in her NOT being just another cookie cutter onlyfans egirl
A female content creator with the ability to make quality content without having to take her clothes off has become a concerningly rare thing
People believed bonbi had enough creative talent to make a viable career online without having to resort to becoming a sex worker, which is why it was so disenfranchising to watch her choose to get washed down the pipeline along with every other woman in her generation

> everyone respect her

Just because you are so dumb you respect her doesn't mean everyone does. Amouranth is part of the Twitch grind. Fellow Twitch grinders jump on her bandwagon because it brings the sweet sweet Twitch cash.
She appeals to a chunk of society stupid enough to spend $1000 for a fart in a jar. I really hope she represents some sort of low point for humanity, I can't imagine how it could get lower.

if its widely accepted and is the norm, and she is making money out of it, then its honest money and not worthy of calling it prostitution, you could be right if we lived in 1900s but its not that time anymore, you can't be calling honest workers whores for posting pictures online.
its actually smart to get paied $1000 for a fart in a jar, so you are the dumb one.

everyone pays taxes, even if some considers it theft, people have to do it, because it became the norm, even if it wasn't invented before,

you just have to swallow your pride and accept the situation, bonbi is a normal girl and is smart for selling photos of herself online, majority of people in 2023 agrees, you are a backward incel seething at normal honest labour.

The internet has democratized publishing. Prior to the internet your work had to have some merit to justify the cost of printing etc. Now those costs are gone so we get to hear from the bottom rung idiots who think selling farts in a jar is 'smart' and they tend to shout the loudest.
That is the reason you think attitudes have changed. They have not, most people still look down on Ameranth and her ilk. Most people think porn is something only for whores or people incapable of anything better.

Answer something for me honestly. What does pretending that everyone who disagrees with you is just one person actually fo for you? Is is a coping mechanism? Or do you think it's some weird insult? It's very bizarre.

I wonder how she feels now. The 'I stubbed my toe so I might as well shoot myself in the head' argument. Every time she ratchets ups the porn level she complains about having to ban more words from her Tiktok comments and her other media all suffer. Turns out things can always get worse.

I also like her body and like looking at her body.  I also like her personality, especially her humor.  I think you can "objectify" while still understanding there's a human underneath that has real feelings.

I've never argued against that. The only ones here I'm against are the incels that cry like little bitches because the girl they're obsessed with grew up and is now posting adult content. I like bonbi's body and non-lewd content too. As for her personality, I think she can be a bit annoying and dramatic at times. But that's just due to her age.

I'm reading the thread and pondering the recent events, and I have some ideas in my head that can help the patreon situation.

In order to have peace in the bonbiverse, we have to acknowledge the fact that bonbi sells lewd photos to get money, whether its good or bad, she is doing that.

We have to agree that there is bros who like it and bros who don't, but that doesn't mean war, we can be a two party system and work together.

Everyone has the right to express his believes and bonbiverse ideology if it doesn't disrupt the peace.

In order to solve the bro problem and have peace, its time to think out of the box and talk with others.

The next few month can be a hard period for the bros, bonbi might lose support and make money for the long term, lets support each other on this time and try to do everything possible to solve this.

Here is my idea and its good to take into account :

1- Have a free month for the bros. Lets give bros a month to calm down, and have time to think about what happened, what can we do, and what other ideas should we take.

Its best to give the bros this month to calm down without selling photos or anything.

2- Bonbi has lost her support for now, and as a bro I can understand why.

In order to keep bonbi around and make new bonbiverse members and people, it's necessary to give a new year.

So when we have free month for bros, we can ask bonbi to make a new year for them, instead of selling bros photos, and give them 1 week to make a bonbiverse banner, and have a free banner for the bros during the week, to let them calm down, before sending a message to bonbi to renew their membership.

I think this could be agood idea for bonbi and bros,

Bonbi can make a new banner and add it to the site for free, and bros can give a donation to show bonbi that they are cool, with 1 week free banner for them, and they can pay what they want at the end.

3- When bros calm down, maybe we can have a chat to find a solution, and to let bonbi know that its not bad what she is doing, or that bros really appreciate what she did for the bonbiverse.

With a new year free month for bros, we can have a time to talk about the last events, and make a bonbiverse plan.

In order to get bros to agree with bonbi, we need bros that are cool, and bros that are cool have to give bonbi a sign of support, like giving a new banner, a bros photo in bonbi's foto, etc.

This way bros can give support to bonbi, and bros are cool, which makes it easier to get bros to agree with bonbi.

4- In order to make this work, we have to be fair with bonbi and bros, and we need to keep the peace on this time.

I am just stating my idea, and I want to get bros to think about it too.

Thank you in advance.

Bonbi's porn would bother me a lot less if it was not for the incel coomers coming on here with 'ohh, I hope she shows a nipple soon, I really want to know what one looks like'
Seriously guys, do you understand what a bunch of filthy old men you sound like?

Hey its my old incel buddy! I see you're still doubling down on that old "no u" argument that you started to desperately employee after I busted your ass over crying about your "fallen waifu" on the internet. Look buddy, I feel kind of bad over how butthurt you've become these days. How about we make a truce? You stop posting like an angry bitter little virgin every time bonbi posts on patreon, and I'll stop calling you out for being an incel over it. Deal?

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admin made good steps towards making the board tolerable again when he removed the poop fanfic and blacked spam, he would do well to remove the incel-obsessed troll samefagging and shitting up the threads every single day as well tbh

In all seriousness kid, the "no u" argument really makes you look more pathetic than your incel-bitching already does. First, you're admitting that you're an incel because of how much it bothered you that others called you out for it. Second, it shows that you have no real argument. At least when you were calling coomers trash, it was your OWN insult, even if it was just bullshit you were pulling out of your own butthurt ass. For the umpteenth time, stop being a neet, go get a job, improve your social skills, and get laid. That way when you see naughty pics, it won't send you into your mom's arms in angry tears, knocking the plate of chicken tendies she was bringing you to the floor.

I haven't really looked into it but I think it's from somethin called voltron which is like some kinda powerrangers cartoon or somethin

ok I looked into it and apparantly pidge is actually a girl, which means all this time she wasn't really a boybon after all
I'm not really sure how to feel about this
I think I'm gonna need some time to process

speaking of chuds, what happened to bonbi waffen? I remember they were one of the most active bonbi posters back then, they were spreading the word faster than any community related to bonbi, and making a lot of memes/content for bonbi, but I think most of the OG posters disappeared.

it was good times ngl, it makes me sad thinking about it.

2023.03.21 - just chatting actually
Cosplayed as OOC, own hair (dyed red)
Stream Started 18:23 (times are from start of stream)
00:03 Things will be changing
00:04 Will be moving at some point. Probably will not be cosplaying but will try to stream
00:06 Cannot cosplay because she has no room. Not be moving to Britain
00:07 Will still Cosplay Anala, Mabel and one other.
00:08 Stormy and Jasper (burbs) have been re-homed to a really good family, two elderly people.
00:12 Once she moves out content will be more and better
00:13 Thinking of rotating cosplays. eg do Pidge, Miku, Rin, Power (?) each times 2 then rotated out for other to be rotated in
00:15 Does not know what timezone she will be in. Found a house she really wanted to buy but cannot get a mortgage. 'Trying to find somebody who will accept her'
00:16 Cannot cosign with her parents because... things
00:17 House is full because she has siblings. She already has a storage unit. She has figures, plushies, cosplays and clothes. Claims not to be a hoarder.
00:19 Tried a yard sale but only three people showed up.
00:20 Used to do lemonaid stands including one in her house. Her Mom walked past 20 times.
00:20 She cant talk but she might have got a job doing something she might have to lose a lot of weight for.
00:21 She bought a treadmill but she has no room for it.
00:23 Decayence joins stream. Her cousin tried to flirt with her.
00:30 Marley (cat) spent time inside again
00:31 Job is not Bunny Girl model but sort of like that
00:33 Shows picture of hair when first dyed. Was bright red but faded when she washed it.
00:34 When she gets her house she will be cartwheeling on streams again
00:36 Will still ge going home lots so wont be end of [lipstick] door even if she has to fly
00:42 If she move to California she knows people, wont be by herself
00:46 Will be cosplaying lots of Anala.
00:49 She was put in the book because she asked to be in it.
00:52 If the book does well enough she wants to have a part in writing part 2. She already has ideas.
00:56 She like her body but wants to be thin and have muscles
00:56 Job is not a model but something like that
00:57 Mistakes Lynie for somebody hot.
01:04-01:22 Airport story. Lost wallet. Delayed flight. Missed connection. Old guy blocked her. Fell down. Had to wait 2hrs for next flight. Pooped herself. Soaked with sweat. Bad Starbucks x 2. On next flight guy sat next to her despite empty seats all around. Tweeted American Airlines for compensation but just got an apology.
01:14 Shows bruise
01:23 When rehoming birds she had to hold her poop in for 10hrs. Had diarrhea at gas station on way home.
01:28 Will post Patreon today.
01:29 Stream ends

> 00:04 Will be moving at some point
> 00:31 Job is not Bunny Girl model but sort of like that
> 00:42 If she move to California she knows people, wont be by herself
> 00:56 She like her body but wants to be thin and have muscles
> 00:56 Job is not a model but something like that

TLDR is moving is with her twink boyfriend in LA so she can be a full time e-thot with the OnlyFriends. Already has her first porn shoot booked.

Anala is not the sort of character she would have to lose a lot of weight for. Remember she not that fat. It must be something more revealing. First porn shoot - she knows at least a couple of LA photographers who seem to like photographing skinny girls half their age.

She is not that fat for an average normie girl, but any job related to modeling will consider her too fat for it, modeling is for people built like nat, tall and thin girls, bonbi is short and wide so they won't hire her if she didn't lose weight, unless its a plus size bbw agency.

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I guess it has something to do with cosplays and promo. Something like a model for conventions
I'm glad she's moving. Her room looks really small for her cosplay costumes. I don't understand what she was doing a couple of months ago on hiatus. She seemed to want to solve the problem with space, but nothing came of it.
And to be honest, I'm glad that she wants to lose weight.

She really does know a couple of LA photographers who do soft-porn shoots with skinny young women. I cant think what else she would have to lose 'a tremendous amount of weight' for. Add the comments about not model but similar etc it seems fairly certain its that.

Read the material before trolling otherwise it looks stupid. She said enough

> Add the comments about not model
someday you will be able to see a naked woman in real life, but you have to get out of the house for this

'Bunny Girl model? I wish, but its something like that, yeah'
'Need to lose a tremendous amount of weight'
'I have a job to do where I need to literally be skinny'
'not necessarily a model but its something like that'

I dont understand your comment. Given she knows guys that do soft-core porn shoots in LA added with what she said what seems more likely? Or are you suggesting she is skipping straight to hard core?

So i didn't visit here in years, Bonbi randomly appeared in my live feed on tiktok and I decided to enter, what's this she's moving out and is in a dyke relationship with some other cosplayer, someone fill me up on the lore?

2023.03.21 - Tiktok Stream
OOC with lewd Anime shirt from Spencers
Stream started - Dont know time. Ask Tiktok. Apparently notifications are hard.

19:10 Will be moving out
19:11 When she was younger she had one crush some might remember who
19:12 When she was young she had one beef with someone which really showed in her stream
19:13 Someone stole BonbiBonkers Twitch name so she is Bonniebonkers.
19:15 List of pets
19:17 Does not enjoy her Genshin cosplays
19:18 Patreon is 18+
19:18 Doesnt really watch Anime
19:21 Discusses Anala. Says she made the characted with a friend. Anala is a Dragon lady who fights with a big sword. She has a scar at Bons insistance
19:23 Never played Roblox. Grew up playing Animal jam.
19:25 In her past relationships Bon hated when people would talk in baby voice. Also hated pet names - cutie
19:26 Uwu
19:27 She was groomed. She was 15, he was 19
19:19 She has a very special Tiktok involving Raven that might come out next month. She is very excited.
19:32 Explains rotation of cosplays
19:33 Specific cosplay for specific holiday. Shows prop - chick
19:35 Dream cosplay is easter Kotori but nobody makes it anymore. Used to be available before she had money
19:37 Discusses bedroom design - Mauve / viines etc. Used to want fairy cottage house.
19:40 Wants to move to LA but it is really expensive. Her travelling there is already expensive. Thinking best to have a room mate but not decided.
19:42 No filter on her Twitch streams - thats her face.
19:45 Mechacon was her favorite con
19:46 First cosplay was Miku or Rose Lalonde. Also used to steal her moms glasses to do Dave Strider
19:47 Growing up she had friends until she was 9 then just one friend. Now she only has two friends. Used to have more friends until a year ago but they turned out really shitty.
19:49 Still friends with Emiru but they dont talk often
19:52 Twitch stream 20 mins after Tioktok stream
19:55 Might go to Anime Expo. Will announce it if she does
19:58 Used to hate having bug eys and a big chin growing up
19:59 Used to hate fan accounts when she was younger because they are creepy. Doesnt mind them now but some of them are weird. She hid herself from all the harassment when she was young. Used to get it from pedophiles.
20:03 Some people create accounts to hate her. She likes the money and ignores the comments.
20:06 Hate commenters are pussies for hiding behind a profile and not showing their face. They are bullies.
20:10 Advice for fellow creators. Don't be afraid to ban people and phrases. Dont get doxxed. Ban phrases that dox or just make you uncomfortable. Doesn't want anyone to go through what she went through. She used to try hard to try and please people on Tiktoik all that time ago but it made her really unhappy.
20:15 Going through something now where she has had to beg someone not to do something 8 times.
20:20 Tiktok is not as interesting as it used to be. Feels like she doesn't fit in anymore.
20:22 Her current Tiktok dont get views but they make her happy. Wants to make stuff she likes.
20:25 Goling to make a Tiktok today
20:25 Last time she went to AX everybody except her got Covid. It was really crowded. A lot of famous cosplayers are really stuck up
20:30 When she made the Meulin hit or miss Tiktok she was on a Discord call breaking up with her boyfriend. You can see the ipad in the background [you cant]. It was one of the Tiktok ads. She was really mean at that time and would always start things with people.
20:33 Used to hate Chloe someone
20:35 Stream ends [drops?]

Sorry if this miss's bits. I get frequent drop outs on Tiktok streams.

The current bonbi is almost nothing like the old, original bonbi. I don't think that much is hard to argue.
I held on, but sometime after her '[Haru] (salty face)' cosplay... I knew I couldn't keep up. It was over.
I can't figure out if now she's just lost her part of her personality or if she's just hiding it to fit in with her Twitch friends.
(She did say once that she hated the person she used to be.)
She's too lazy. There's no reason for her to try anymore. To her, she's already "succeeded" or "escaped". That's how she looks at the world.
It must suck to be her.

If I had to guess, I would say she either gave up on the cosplaying or never fully had the intention to cosplay. At best she did it as a favor to her friends, and at worst she did it as a hobby (which, for some people, is the same as a job). To tell you the truth, you could probably count the hours she did that cosplay out of the number of hours she logged on to Twitter/Twitch, and the cosplay is still not the same as a job cosplay.

2023.03.21 - i got suspended from tiktok live
OOC with lewd Anime shirt from Spencers
Stream started - 20:38
20:41 She got suspended from Tiktok live for bullying until 25th [March]
20:43 She sued to be mean but now she is not
20:45 Wants a Princess bedroom
20:46 One guy in Tiktok chat was trying really hard to get under her skin. She ignored him
20:48 Considering pink bedsheets with light yellow blanket
20:49 Matchuchu2 donated $200
20:51 Not a content [streamer] house. Doesn't want a room mate. She has been around streamers before and does not like them.
20:54 Might get a rodent when she moves out.
20:55 Will post Patreon today then will have to make more tomorrow.
20:57 Makes a Tiktok. Will post it tomorrow.
20:59 Will not move to Texas. Likes Cali.
21:00 When she did IG stream someone said she was selling herself for sex in a hotel room
21:01 Last year she had a friend she played games with, like a big brother. People accused them of being a couple. She gets shipped a lot.
21:05 Nobody wants her.
21:08 Does not see streamers as celebrities.
21:12 Does not have a good idea of money.
21:21 If she has excess wealth she will dontate it to the foot fungus foundation
21:22 Admits she gets money for showing her butt.
21:24 Used to work once a week. Has never had a full time job
21:25 The past few months she has been feeling really shitty because she has been losing IG followers.
21:29 Tiktok followers dont mean fan base
21:31 Gets embarrased when she has 2.5m Tiktok followers but some posts get less than 10k likes.
21:38 Had a beef with a cosplayer a long time ago but they got cancelled and is not around now [dont tell Bon, she is]
21:39 Doesn't want to stream IG because people are gross on there
21:41 Shows paintings
21:44 Going to go. She has no friends. She will be lonely.
21:44 Stream Ends

her tiktok is so different from before. she treats it like an obligation or a job, its so obvious that she hates doing it, and yeah I know it has been like that for a while but its starting to be more obvious, she is half assing the tiktoks and posting them not caring if the fans like it or not, and sometimes she posts knowing that all her old fans will hate it.

even her instagram is different, I remember when she cared and posted three pictures of every set to make her profile look good and organized, now she barely takes a quick patreon advertisement picture and calls it a day.

For her Tiktok I think she just does what she wants but pads it sometimes if she would not be posting anything otherwise. I dont think this i a bad thing for her
Her IG has definitely dropped off though. She goes long periods where all she posts is 'I posted on Patreon'. It is night and day contrast from the days when she did three of each cosplay etc. If she is really bothered by the numbers she should look to her past work.

Tiktok has always hated her. Thats serious, not a throw away comment. Never gave her a crown despite giving it to many smaller creators, banning her, taking Toks down for guns/knives that were clearly props, not taking down a dude dueting her with a gun pointed at her head (this happened)
I know it sounds bad when someone says 'this app hates me' but in the case of Tiktok vs Bonbibonkers its true.

'Comfortable with her body' is one of those shit filler phrases that means nothing. You are actually glad that she is becoming more comfortable with making porn. I am not at all glad that she has chosen to destroy her future this way.

And in your sad little incel brain it HAS to be because of patreon! "Omg! Evil men are corrupting my waifu and only I can save her! Then SURELY she'll reward me with sex!" Grow up kid. She's losing subscribers because she's not putting enough effort into her career. If you hadn't noticed she takes long hiatuses often and then just does the bare minimum. And again, no it's not because of patreon. There's a lot of competition out there. She needs to stay active to stay relevant. But hey, warp the truth in your sad little brain if that's how you need to cope. You go ahead and fantasize about being her white knight!

bro if you know how to solve the problem please answer. I have problems with streamlink. I didn't find the answer anywhere. even on github. it just started 2 months ago. streams are written with big interruptions. it's like the stream is interrupted by ads. But there is no ads in the file, stream just cut off. I get a lot of debug messages like: "Encountered a stream discontinuity. This is unsupported and will result in incoherent output data"
--twitch-disable-ads doesn't work like before.

Copy of the Tiktok stream below. Sorry is has frequent drop outs and I had to cover a load of notifications but if you missed the stream its better than nothing. Belching sounds are part of the stream and not an error.

Anyone with a better copy please upload.


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you know who else overuses the word "incel"? bonbi herself
it is quite possible that she is the one who writes all those stupid posts defending herself about her chosen path as a whore

That's some psycho level cope anon. Like pretending everyone who disagrees with you here is one person. People call you freaks incels because you ACT like incels. You go anywhere and say the creepy ass shit you do, and people will call you out for it. Stop freaking out over nudity and people will stop calling you the bad meanie word.

its just some underground group in the bonbiverse, some posters posted bonbi with nazi themes, and the movement got bigger and bigger reaching the highest in 2019, which spawned a lot of memes and edits, some of them were very good, even bonbi acknowledge the group in her 2019 stream saying "what is bonbi waffen? waffles?", then the movement crashed in 2021 and I don't see them anymore, besides some schizo pol posters but even they moved on to other girls

yeah it was like a meme but it caught momentum and it became a thing, it was funny at the time.

also I remember bonbi freaking out at one point and banning bonbi waffen accounts that followed her, I don't know if she banned all fan accounts or just bonbi waffen ones, but I remember all bonbi waffen accounts getting banned by her.

2023.03.23 - OOHHHHHH my gOOOOoood
OOC Streaming from phone
Stream started - 22:30
22:32 Has to poop but streamed instead
22:34 She has to be professional. Steams from floor
22:37 Favorite cosplay was Marceline. Really liked Link cosplay
22:39 Not sitting at her desk because she is dirty because she went to Walmart
22:52 Bon will leash any child to protect them. Would let them off when they are about 19
22:56 Had a bad dream last night
23:01 When she listens to songs she is imagining what Tiktok she can do
23:02 Shows Splat Hairdye. Going to dye hair pink.
23:10 Has to pack. Might have found a house.
23:13 Will be able to stream all day so dont worry about timezone
23:17 Squishies - Egg containing bunny(?), bread, peach in bracelet, chocolate heart, French fries, Gameboy, loaf, bap, bear, croissant, cupcake(?), squirrel
23:26 Stream drops
23:26 More squishies - unsure, ice sandwich, ice cream cone, squirrel burger, bear, bear in donut, bear, sausage, bread with kitten prints
23:31 Stream drops
23:31 Squishies part 3 - Burger (lanyard attachment looks like a butt plug), weiner - big stretch sausage. Bought it for a friend.
23:34 Squishies part 4 - ice cream, strawberry smelling keypad / chocolate?, chocolate bar, white chocolate bar, lolly x 2, pig, bear, panda bear, strawberry, cat in box
23:42 Has so much to say, sometimes life is stinky. Feeling anxious.[off the cuff, didn't sound world changing]
23:42 Stream ends

2023.03.23 - OOHHHHHH my gOOOOoood
OOC Streaming from phone
Stream started - 22:30
22:32 poop
22:34 poop poop
22:37 poop poop poop 
22:39 pooop poop poop poop
22:52 poop poop poop poop poop
22:56 poop poop poop poop poop poop
23:01 poop poop poop poop poop poop poop
23:02 poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop
23:10 poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop
23:13 poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop
23:17 poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop 
23:26 poop poop poop poop poop poop poop 
23:26 poop poop poop poop poop poop 
23:31 poop poop poop poop poop  
23:31 poop poop poop poop 
23:34 poop poop poop 
23:42 poop poop
23:42 poop

all the hype and anticipation is about her patreon, no one cares about her toks or cosplays anymore, even in her streams people talk about patreon drops more than her cosplays, and when they talk about a certain cosplay they are always anticipating a patreon set.

same but even in endchan her toks get no (you)s, but her patreon gets a ton of (you)s and discussion, and tbh I'm starting to not get as excited as before, I only like it because content = good, but its not the best content anymore.

I was only commenting on what happens in these threads
her current fanbase elsewhere is mostly centered around her adult content because that's the type of content she has predominantly focused on posting, ever since removing every other available tier from her patreon. For several months her instagram and twitter have mainly only been used to advertise it.

Recently (last 6 months) IG seems to have just been pushing lewd content anyway. Today I got a video from a woman with the worlds largest dildo explaining it is dishwasher safe, another of half a dozen big-tittied asian girls jumping up and down with a tagline about bounce and another of a girl in a pool bouncing up and down on something shaped like a dildo. I closed IG after those three suggested posts, that is 100% of what they gave me.

For context IG has never asked me my age and most of the accounts I follow are cosplayers. My view history does not match what IG selects for me. Explains why Bons lewd posts often seem to do better - get pushed out more.

> I wonder why this post in particular was banned lol.
The post wasn't banned, the IP address used to post it was. Thats why it takes 10 mins of constant 'get new circuit for this site' just to post anything.

Mod: I appreciate what you are doing but I am not sure if it works. TOR users like me cant get the same IP twice in a row even if we try.

> Also I gotta say the latest OOC Bonbi stuff has been so cute.

2023.03.26 - head ichy
Cosplayed as Anala
Stream started 23:43
23:46 Took four shots of coffee and now she is sleepy
23:47 She is sad because she doen't have any frineds any more. She was seeing a girl but they have broken up. 
23:51 She was attracted to Bon but ended up not.
23:52 Wants to get buff for a job she may/may not do
23:54 They had lots of disagreements and she didn't respect Bon's boundaries
23:55 It was long distance - the reason she travelled every month
00:01 They broke up several times, Bon broke it off in the end.
00:01 GF didn't want to read the book. Neither did one of her best friends
00:04 When she moves out nobody will visit her because she doesn't have any friends
00:12 Made friends through the gf but doesn't know if she can talk to them
00:14 Thinking about making a Discord around the time she moves out
00:17 She felt comfortable in LA because the people there understood her. Didn't have to explain what cosplay is
00:19 Made expensive plans which she has no need for now. Might make an announcement later.
00:26 Julie joins stream
00:28 The mustard in her Tiktok was actual mustard
00:29 Thinks she will be a lot happier when she moves out. Really looking forward to the book
00:32 Up nostril shot
00:36 Bon has never done Cocaine
00:39 Normally her brother makes brownies. Bon tried but failed.
00:41 She is planning to add a member to the Bonbi family (not a baby)
00:42 Used to have two pet snakes - Boo and Xena. Used to have a pet rat.
00:44 Rat story - she's dead now
00:45 When Bon was 11 she stole her 12yo friends bf. They went down a slide together then Karma child went down and hit Bon
00:50 Felt hottest as Bunny Zero Two or Toby
00:51 Has run out of medication
00:52 Been busy packing. Does't know if whe will have time to cosplay
01:01 There was somebody else before her gf she was in love with Bon might still be in love with. Secret crush.
01:03 Got friend zoned in front of a group of people once. It was very embarassing
01:06 Doesn't know if she got over her first love
01:10 Stream ends
Some details edited. If you want to know which watch the VOD

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dumb ah bish wit da couch ridden booty she can't do none twerking wit dat flat ah, get you dirty ah out of dis hood wit dat greasy ah shirt and mustard drinking ah mouf, fat ah jabba the hut looking ah, you ain't worth nothin white ah bish kiss my black ah

> The gf was the lynnie Nicole "girl", right?
Very unlikely. Lynie is recently engaged or married (cant remember which, not going to check because I would have to see a picture of Lynie which I rather not do)

> 23:47 She is sad because she doen't have any frineds any more. She was seeing a girl but they have broken up.
> 23:51 She was attracted to Bon but ended up not. 
> 23:55 It was long distance - the reason she travelled every month
> 00:01 They broke up several times, Bon broke it off in the end.
I'm not suddenly reminded of that femanon who posted herself masturbating to underaged bonbi.

> 00:14 Thinking about making a Discord around the time she moves out 
I'm looking forward to the inevitable chaos.

just another rude person with whom she met. If you do not want to met with a person, why speak nasty things about unattractiveness and ugliness to your face? At least it's weird persone.
I know that Bon has a strange personality and strange humor, but is unattractive? WTF? REALLY?

Endchan is broken again. Ignores the cute picture of Bonbibonkers wearing a wig and smiling I attached and Magrathea just gives a strange JSON / Bad Gateway error. See y'all when they fix it I guess.

Bonbi's fart RAP

Verse 1:
Yo, listen up, I gotta confess
Bonbi's farts, they're nothin' but a mess
It's like mustard gas, yeah, that's the scent
Clear the room, man, it's time to vent

Bonbi's farts like mustard gas
Gotta hold my breath, can't let it pass
It's a deadly weapon, no lie
Can't survive, gotta say goodbye

Verse 2:
When Bonbi lets one rip, it's a disaster
Better run for cover, avoid the plaster
It's like a bomb, ticking time
Better pray, gotta get outta the line

Bonbi's farts like mustard gas
Gotta hold my breath, can't let it pass
It's a deadly weapon, no lie
Can't survive, gotta say goodbye

Bonbi, girl, you gotta change your diet
Those farts are toxic, can't deny it
Better eat some greens, get some fiber
Otherwise, we're all gonna expire

Bonbi's farts like mustard gas
Gotta hold my breath, can't let it pass
It's a deadly weapon, no lie
Can't survive, gotta say goodbye

So, that's my rap, hope you liked it
Bonbi's farts, they're nothin' but a hit
But seriously, girl, you gotta do something
Otherwise, we're all gonna keep on suffering.

2023.03.31 - the seal of dragonsberg presale announcement!!! | special guest star!!!!!!!!!!
Cosplayed as Anala
Stream Started 23:05
Special Guest / Costar: Marley
23:10 Costar is fired for not staying on camera
23:12 Shows proof print of book
23:14 Presale starts April 3rd. First 500 copies will be autographed by author and Bon
23:16 Will livestream an hour or two ahead of presale
23:18 Wants first 5 to have Marley's paw print as well
23:19 Matchuchu2 tips $200
23:26 Talk about character
23:28 Bon has cried in the woods because she was having a psychotic breakdown
23:31 'If I had friends I would help them out'
23:31 Bon made a mistake for the last few days. really horrible but cant tell chat abnout it now. Will tell about it in future.
23:32 When Anala's friends get threatened she want to protect tham as does Bon
23:33 Bon went psycho mode to protect her friends
23:33 Anala's story gets 'me' [ie Bon] but not until the next book. Bon helped write Anala but will do more for the second book.
23:38 Bon would help you for cash. Anala has a scar because she helps people. Bon does not have a scar because she does not help people.
23:40 Stops Marley showing cat butt
23:45 Going to ask if she can add Marleys paw print to the first 5 copies because that would be 'so normal'
23:55 'I'm so happy with life'
23:56 Buy the presale. If you dont Bon will beat you up. Anala wouldn't.
00:01 Marley was born when Bon was about 9
00:05 Going to be a limited edition of book with gold gilding. Bon will add armpit sweat.
00:07 When Bon was 7/8 after showing she would pick her nose and wipe it on the back of her parents pillow. She would also make their toothbrushes kiss.
00:14 Being practicing but not mastered her signature so each copy will be different.
00:15 Snatch
00:15 Bons armpit sweat smeels like fare food / Burger King / Onion
00:16 Will have to watch 3 April stream if you want to know what stupid thing Bon did. She really f****d up, is embarrassed.
00:20 Marley ASMR
00:23 Stream ends

This book promotion crap is annoying. She never commits to anything. Honestly I would be surprised if her next announcement had anything to do with better content. I'm out, I've lost interest. There just isn't anything worth waiting for. No point in following this bullshit train wreck anymore. It's like those fucking videos where they hey watch this this is awesome and it the 20 minutes for the video to end and nothing actually happened. I suggest you all get out too while you can.

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2018-01-19 rin jpg
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I decide to love bonbi 4 long time ago. and i can´t stop this feeling.
Loving her has become a habit in my mind. 
And in the most difficult moments in these shitty days, 
she appears with her photos and her streams, 
and no matter how silly or useless her appearance on the networks is, 
I love knowing that she will continue uploading or creating content, 
because Just by seeing or hearing it makes me feel good again.
I think this feeling will be with me forever.


> /bbg/ Bonbibonkers general #202 - I hate bonbi now

> I hate bonbi now.
> Fuck all you orbiters and whiteknights.
> Fuck all you patrons who are throwing money at her that will make her into a whore.
> Fuck all of her "friends" that enable her bad behavior.
> I'm done with this shit.

wish we were getting some updates about bonbi moving out, even just a photo of some boxes or whatever
something actually interesting finally happening and she just goes radio silent, it sucks

I'm definitely over the obsession phase of making edits, keeping the thread open 24/7 and getting worked up over drama. Someone else is gonna have to start posting the patreons also.
Hopefully one day I can go months without thinking about bonbi at all. Her moving out and finding a stable relationship would be a good series finale.

2023.04.02 - the presale and cats!!!
Cosplayed as OOC
Stream started 04:12 (2023.04.03)
04:16 Presale of book will start in a few hours
04:19 Option added to buy photo of Bon to order for $15. Might be signed.
04:23 Bon did not write the book but a character in it 'is Me'
04:24 British people dont exist because Bon insisted.
04:24 Will ship in America. If not Bon will go to your house and deliver. Unless you are British.
04:26 If you are not from America and buy the book Bon will hand deliver it but you will have to pay for her airfare and hotel.
04:27 Bon always wanted to be a mermaid but she lives in a swamp
04:30 Been watching South Park. Started when she read fanfic. Kenny is her favorite.
04:37 Marley in box makes an appearance
04:39 Shows sketch book
04:43 sl_22_iv1-03b0-38-34(ish) tipped $200. Matchuchu2 - 'The heck someone else is finally donating'
04:48 Tracer draft - person she was seeing at the time accused her of whoring herself out
04:49 Shows drafts - Elsa, Yuri, puppy, dog
04:52 About that time her makeup changed
04:53 Wants to do South Park cosplay but nobody does them. Has to do popular cosplays because its her job
04:55 Hates Genshin cosplays
04:56 Cant post Patreon for a week and a half or so
04:57 Has found a place so will be moving out
04:58 - 05:12 Looked for rabbit online but people in her area dont have them. Messaged someone on Facebook who seemed to have one. $375 rehoming fee. Seller had bad English, could ship worldwide. Bunny 4 weeks old. Then 9 weeks old. Sent money. Turned out to be scam. Bon lost $350.
05:01 Unmedicated - not her fault
05:05 Marley climbing
05:11 Bons bank working to get money back from scammer
05:15 Always thought consoles were for losers
05:16 Marley will go with Bon when she moves
05:22 Honey_cot origin story
05:24 When Bon was 14 she hated fan accounts because she just wanted to cosplay, not be famous.
05:29 Will cosplay Homestuck on 4:13 (13th April)
05:32 Bon will do anything once - eg Heroin - but will not smoke a cigarette
05:33 Watches South Park (Herpes episode). Kenny dies.
05:39 Book will be £20 paperback, £28 hardback, $35 premium. Premium will come with armpit sweat. Option of photo of Bon. She will have it done professionally. First 500 will be signed.
05:48 Anala introduced chapter 5. She is Bon. Art was updated - looks more like Bon.
05:53 Posts IG
05:55 Raided by janifest (137 viewers)
05:59 Bon thinks she is normal but her psychiatrist might disagree
06:01 Marley had 4 kittens but they passed away. Wants Marley to have more but she is spayed now.
06:04 Shows picture of her persona
06:07 Bon is scared of British people
06:30 Thank you for your support. When she first announced it people were not that nice but stream had her back.
06:32 Bon watched Mr Beast since cringe intro videos. Does not watch Ninja because he was an asshole to her
06:35 xQc sucks becasue he said Bons hat sucks
06:37 - 06:50 Repeats story of last flight back from LA. Old guy and poop included.
06:54 One flight she was wearing a Nirvana shirt - TSA asked her favorite song. Nirvana checked.
06:56 TSA normally comment on her shirt or hair
06:57 Bon peed herself making a turkey sandwich. She was really invested in the sandwich
06:59 Wants fangs. Is attracted to people with interesting teeth
07:01 Weird feeling when dentist would numb her mouth. Overbites are adorable. When she had to wear a retainer her dentist shaved her teeth.
07:07 Stream ends

Uh oh, is this the og "I'm not an incel! You're an incel!" simpy incel bro? Been a while since I talked to you! What have you been up to? Other than calling girls whores online and drafting your manifesto? I don't want to see pornhub girls. I want to see Bonbi naked. Cope and seethe per usual.

Does anyone have a recording of the stream without the audio cut at 24mins? For that matter does anyone have any idea why the audio is cut? She only played Minecraft music.

Almost all IG but just because they are publicly available doesn't legally mean you can repost them.

 >>/24080/ is not Bon. The DMCA requests are probably a troll - I think Bon would notice if a photo is somebody else. Also, if it was her it would be the Patreon photos which she earns most from. DMCA requests can only come from the person or her agents. Randos cannot file them.

> DMCA requests can only come from the person or her agents. Randos cannot file them.
this is not true, the DMCA system is inherently flawed and open to abuse


DMCA takedown requests are often abused. One of the problems with the current DMCA regime is that once content is removed, there is a mandatory waiting period of ten business days before restoration, if any, is to occur. Even though the DMCA provides that filing a false notice is a violation of the Act itself (17 U.S.C. § 512(f))), it is exceedingly difficult to enforce this provision. It has been rendered effectively useless. False aliases are routinely used by the individuals filing false DMCA reports. Jurisdictional issues often arise and Courts have been hesitant to find any enforcement power in §512(f).

She probably gets a percentage of sales.
Given that the average book in the us sells about 200-500 copies during its lifetime and the asking price is $35 (lmao) and $15 (+$5) extra for an autographed copy we can assume the total revenue to be between $7000 to $25000 ($27500).
So if she gets between 1 to 50 percent of the sales she would be entitled to between $70 to $12500 ($13750).

I can see why she's excited.
I can also see her agreeing to 1 percent under false pretenses.

It would've been cool if she is actually in the book. She keeps saying she is in the book but there is no character named bonbi, so im just supposed to imagine her in place of the random character instead, which is sounds like a mindfuck because the character is different from bonbi from the info about her, and has a scar and helps people which is not bonbi like, and she isn’t named bonbi, so what the fuck?

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she was doxxed before.
And her family calls her Madelyn.
But actually i dont like talk about doxxing stuff and I want to ask the mod so that the topic does not expand further. I don't want psychos like Foxer to hurt her.

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> you WILL buy the bonbi book that doesn't have bonbi in it
> you WILL pay extra for 8x10 photo of the random character you don't care about cosplayed by bonbi
> you WILL get the premium armpit sweat addition 
> you WILL pay quadruple the price for being british 
> you WILL suck the BBC of the writer and apologize for slavery

no the fuck you dont. you wouldnt write a post like that if you liked bonbi. 

also, she has said numerous times that she wrote the character and that it is based on herself, so why the fuck do you keep saying shes not in the book?

anon we are simply suggesting that perhaps the 6ft tall sword-wielding dragon lady with the pink hair and plate armor may not share a great many similarities with a 4ft2 swamp girl who dresses up as cartoons for a living

I wouldn't go so far as to call it fucked up, misguided maybe
bonbi has always been a maladaptive daydreamer, she may have connected strongly with a character she feels she had some input in creating and chooses to believe that the character is literally her
I don't begrudge her excitement for the book, I just don't really see how this character resembles her
maybe her introductory chapter will involve a lot of farting and burping and talk about poopies, we shall see

I can agree that its misguided, and I guess people are used to being misguided by advertisement, which makes its not so bad I guess,

but if someone bought the book for bonbi and got a generic fantasy girl that looks and acts nothing like bonbi, i'd say its a little fucked up.

Wow, the fact that people are complaining now that she has misled them about the book tells the story because nobody has even read it yet.

Bonbi is one of the most undersold creators I can think of. She has done two Tiktok ads in her whole career of over 1300 tiktoks, she never gets sponsorship money, we dont even have a clear idea of what she gets from the book. No merch sell offs, no NFT grifts, nothing.

She seems to love being involved with this, be happy for her.

Really, they haven't even read the book yet and already hate it.
In general, I would be interested to know from the point of view of psychology the nature of hatred.
And one more thing. She didn't say anywhere that LITERALLY SHE is in the book, she was always talking about the character she created. Where did people get it from?

2023.04.05 - BIG GIVEAWAY ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! tips and tricks with marley
Cosplayed as OOC
Stream started 23:23
23:30 Cant move in until a certain day so is just packing
23:32 Marley's ear is clipped because she is spayed. Marley and Bon have learned a trick but needs to wait for Marley to be in position
23:36 Book now available internationally
23:38 Scratches on her arms are from Marley
23:43 Giveaway. Bon was meant to post on IG. 5 day carnival cruise for 2. Buy book and put order number into chat. Winner will be announced week of release
23:48 Marley on back trick
00:12 Bon used to be really tanned. Then she found Homestuck
00:17 Posts about giveaway
00:21 Winner will also get a gift from Bon - a pink giraffe (not the actual one)
00:24 Bon spent so much at the South Park store they checked it was a real order
00:26 Bon was really afraid fof streaming but thinks she now has a nice fan base
00:29 Multiple books = multiple entries
00:31 Tries to boost IG post for $30. Insta asks for address
00:36 Marley on back trick v2
00:48 Shows tabs. Tells chat it was a woman in a pink outfit, not a naked woman
00:54 Bon is gay for Zophie (blue haired character next to Anala)
01:05 Bon is really enjoying South Park. Finds it so funny it helps with her depression
01:12 Cant post Patreon at the moment but will when she moves.
01:15 Bon lost her other phone where she keeps all of her important poops
01:19 Tries Butterfly knife but fails
01:22 Shows art
01;33 Bon messaging
01;38 Wishes she could say bad words like South Park characters but it would not be a good look for her
01:46 Stream ends

2023.04.06 - lets watch the greatest show ever created
Cosplayed as OOC
Stream started 00:37
00:39 Marley had her first bath ever and she is really upset
00:41 TMI about toilet
00:43 Updated book pricing including ebook for $13.99. First 100 physical books signed (was first 500). Prize draw now applies to all copies sold, no need to paste PO number in stream.
00:49 Ready to move but staying while Marley needs dental work (missing two front teeth)
00:52 Marleys cut from paw print revenue allows her to eat tonight
00:54 - 01:15 Watching South Park S3:E15
01:15 - 01:37 South Park S3:E16
01:37 - 01:58 South Park S3:E17
01:58 - 02:03 South Park S4:E01
02:03 - 02:06 Rewind to S3:E17 again
02:06 - 02:28 South Park S4:E01
02:28 - 02:49 South Park S4:E02 'Last one'
02:50 VOD deleted incase it gets copyrighted
02:51 Stream Ends

The VOD was never created because she was streaming copyrighted material (South Park Episodes). TBH if you had to miss one Bonbi stream this would be a good choice as it was mostly just the episodes as listed and some news which is in the summary. Nothing wrong with it, just not much Bonbi.

My concern is that this is the closest she has got to the partner requirements and she might be trying to get some streams in to meet them but I dont know how Twitch would react to her making the requirements with copyrighted stuff.

Its the closest thing she has ever done to a merch drop so why not? Not as big fantasy guy but I will give it a go. The cost is not a significant amount to me and I love how much she seems to be enjoying it.

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