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Last thread:  >>/45439/


Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/SqJSlboT#Eo0dW40FSQQxUfbhaiX2Zw
Recent Streams: https://mega.nz/folder/sb9AUARS#2L6fWgvVj0yOycsNuZkMaQ
Tiktok Streams: https://mega.nz/folder/RT51iQLb#5q9QAtRAZHcmUkeu72Bi_g

Anons Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/jQJwELya#WOcrcA-RgB2XrNE_D1if3w
> that banshee screech
> "omg there's poop everywhere"
And that just in the first 30 seconds.

Everytime I see some clips, it's worse than I had imagined.
> that banshee screech
You were unlucky, its was just the first 30 seconds, most of the stream was not like that
> "omg there's poop everywhere"
There is visible rabbit poo on a floor that is so cluttered with junk there is no way it gets properly cleaned. Its getting so bad its impossible to overlook it and enjoy the stream.
shes just letting herself go... be thankful as it could be worse. in a few years once she starts the bogging process you'll look back to this bonbi and think of her as the bombi you could have still saved.
It is pretty jarring and i'm sorry to see her that way. I mean, stepping in shit and dancing around and laughing about it? Her mind is gone. 

Had that feeling a long time ago, and here we are.
Does she seriously have a head injury she talked about on stream? Why is she like this? Any guesses? And fuck off with the meds bullshit.
She is most likely wayyy over exaggerating she can't take any advise she doesn't listen to anyone who's trying to help her
There’s a lot of reasons anon. Homeschooling, I’ve never met a well adjusted home schooled kid. Early internet fame. Even going back to 2019 people were calling her fat, a whore, etc. imagine being young, impressionable, with very little social interaction and being told that ad naseum for literal years, this was all before she even gained weight or started an only fans. It’s likely she became addicted to the attention, this happens a lot with young girls online. Lastly, I’m just assuming, there is definitely some trauma there from somewhere that she needs to unpack.
>  Just turn off the internet hoe
She could have left at any time and took a break like she used to. 

>  It’s likely she became addicted to the attention

That and then some. I think there's a lot of narcissism in there. Part of which makes her incapable of recognizing how spun her brain is.
Oh and homeschooling is a cop out. What do you say to the tons of friends she made along the way that somehow she pushed away or completely threw aside like a candy wrapper whens he was done with them? Was it the same treatment as her therapist? You see the pattern right?
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bonbi if youre reading this stop fucking giving money to therapists and buying cats and instead use the money on a better diet plan and a gym membership.
You think a woman who lives in a catshit filled house is going to go to the gym 3-5 days a week? Are there even gyms where she lives? I'm not saying it's hopeless for her to get exercise but she's gotta start into something easy for her. What that is, I don't know.
Also, most people don't get fat from lack of exercise but from having a garbage diet. You don't fix your diet, exercise don't mean shit.
I started dieting, working out, and going to therapy a few months ago. It's not that expensive, but she's not going to listen. I had to almost kill myself, it wasn't until the gun was in my mouth that I decided I could change. Bonbi has "fans" that promote her behavior
> Bonbi has "fans" that promote her behavior
Yes, the simps are the comorbidity issue.

If I may ask, why would you want to kill yourself from being overweight? I hope you are doing better now.
i swear in the clips id seen before she seemed to imply the therapist was far worse than how she's presenting them here. is this a newer clip?
because it does seem to lend extra credence to the therapists point. lots of imageboard types will shit on therapy as a whole but for lots of people (like bonbibonkers for example) having a person with whom you can basically tell them whatever you want and get a second perspective from is pretty valuable.
Did I just miss it or was there no actual announcement she teased?
Just another fucking animal or something equally pointless?
shes a rich white girl, shes not taking advice from anyone ever and will continue to live surrounded by shit for the foreseeable future
Look at that fat fucking sow being fat on the beach in a pathetic attempt at cosplay.
Instead of whipping her fat tits out for her OF.
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Whatever it was she is doubling down on the porn career that has been such a success for her and not at all knocked her mental health out the window in a way that is getting worse every stream.
> The situation would be worse if she were in her isolated room.
Yeah, but let's say she's gone for a day or two.
Think how much shit will be piling up at home.
I doubt she got somebody to look after the pets... because then she'd first have to explain the already existing mess.

Nobody uses playboy.com for this shit.
She must have gotten paid a really big sum to get an account there too.
Only ever followed one girl on there and she didn't even do topless stuff. Gave up after a few months, because you have absolute zero exposure there.
Listen I know she lives surrounded by shit these days but even her normal pics looks like shes pinching one off, the fuck happened to this woman
Didnt playboy go full retard since Hugh died?  They stopped the magazine, didnt they even stop doing nudes for a while?  

Bros the chances of yall seeing her holes just went down to zero  (until she fucks this job up within 3 months)
Be careful what you believe. Would Bon have used two photos already posted to IG/Twitter to make an account with somewhere new?
who or what is lynienicole, please assume some of us arent ultra coomers jacking it to every cosplayer with a budget higher than 10 bucks
> Didnt playboy go full retard since Hugh died? They stopped the magazine, didnt they even stop doing nudes for a while?
Has very little to do with Hefner dying.
Print magazines have been selling less and less for two decades now, especially porn ones, because everything moved online.
it is an invite only platform, you have to apply or get recruited to have an talent account
only nudity is allowed on that platform, so this actually limits how much of her life she can throw down the drain
So, she's on direct contract to actual, real deal, porn agents. Dudes whose work speciality is getting girls to fuck on camera.

In 6 months she'll be offered a "great deal to do this scene, boy/girl but nothing crazy, she just looks SO GOOD on camera, you know, people will fall in love".

I would bet that she isn't even getting paid. On her stream she mentioned that she would earn around the same amount. But if it went well she could improve her content. Her recruiter probably sweet talked her and mentioned that there is a possibility of becoming an actual playboy bunny model if she does well.
> only nudity is allowed on that platform, so this actually limits how much of her life she can throw down the drain
Does the Playboy contract say you aren't allowed to produce nude content on other platforms?
It's just an onlyfans competitor, a lot of people just repost their OF content on there. This isn't an actual playboy model signing. They have a different site for their actual models.

Maybe it's good that she gets out of her house and has fun with her friends, it means she's on a good path. About the dirty house, well, there is a solution. The situation would be worse if she simply stayed isolated.

About her announcement. I hope she doesn't enter the pornographic world further.

Bonbi, if you see this, you have been making bad decisions for a long time, stop that behavior and have a normal life.
She is a self described 'freak'. To a small number of weirdos she is amazing but normal people find her disgusting. She knows this. It is her market. You are her market.
Well, maybe she just gets her hole blown out by a mandingo. Hilarious thought, this little virgin with no erotic bone in her body plowed by a hung pro. Hilarious picture for the ages for sure
this is so wonderful. i'm gonna coom so hard that it's gonna set a milestone for the 2020s. i want all the nastiest 4k quality stuff imaginable, i will pay big.
just one video of her getting rammed from behind, pls god.

before she gets too fat, I'm not into bbw.
Im here to either see her escape porn or fall to the point of showing all her holes in HD, either with someone or solo, if she goes to do playboy where she will just keep making lewds (Id assume with a team so they will be better quality lewds) Im out lewds go so far, and there is nothing else she can do to draw me in, simps that allow women to live off being a lewd model should get slapped. Like just stop giving them money, they will just go away and you find a new Gf-thot, or they take clothes off, that simple.
She turns 21 tomorrow. Having seen her obvious mental decline since starting OF what are the odds she will make 22?
And she'd be less bored and more around people if she just stopped being a dumb hoe. Maybe do something with her life like everyone else. Can't make a career out of your tits, as she is learning quickly.
She just wants the easiest form of income possible. In her perfect world she'd make 6 figures belching and talking about South Park while simps donated their life savings on her. For the fans on here that keep hoping she'll "change"...give it up. She only cares about you as much as it makes her $$$
I mean you're not wrong. She has showed that she only really gives a crap about you if you give her money or attention. Preferably both. It's the totally unchecked narcissism. She has to realize at some point she isn't going to just have people waiting for her next tit jiggle session and do something worth watching. If she can do that, she might get somewhere. She could have made a living solely from streaming but she instead chose to use that platform to bitch and complain about how miserable she is in her catshit castle, all of her own making.
> only really gives a crap about you if you give her money or attention
If you sit quietly in the corner not interacting in any way she will not notice you or pay any attention to you. That is correct, it is a fact of life not a fault of Bon.

Rightly or wrongly she seems to think her only available revenue stream is porn. She knows the 2019 days of her being praised for being creative are over and this is what makes her depressed. Imagine realizing you have to listen to coomers for a living. Yeah. Thats depressing.
unintentional lol

> Rightly or wrongly she seems to think her only available revenue stream is porn. 

Because she's being dumb. She knows she can do better but refuses because it's easier to shake your dumb tits than do something useful. The focus change is due to her patreon in the beginning, the audience shifted to coomers thus she paid them more attention. The audience that cared about whatever else she was doing seems to have buggered off for the most part. Her audience numbers on tik tok show this. It's hard to believe she once had 2.5 million out there who cared. Now they're gone. Replaced almost entirely by people who just want to see her pussy.
Exactly this! She doesn't think this is the only path - it's just the path with the least effort. Content creating nowadays requires way more upkeep and discipline. There are consequences to having weak, lazy content for most things, but she can get by for weeks literally taking a few pictures in a single day
She undoubtedly has anxiety but they're not mutually exclusive. No need to absolve her of responsibility...she won't notice you. Stay strong king
No, sorry, i'm not going to make excuses for her. Go simp somewhere else. We know she's capable, you simps make endless excuses for her retarded behavior and thus she stays retarded as ever. Need I remind you she is living in a animal feces ridden house by herself. Alone. Her own dumb choices, that she dug in repeadedly with, have put her there. Nobody else.
So drama alert: Her new Mod Lyra banned Mango and all her current mods got unmodded. Are we seeing Winters 2.0 all over again?
doesnt shock me that zoomers dont know what playboy is but playboy isnt brazzers my guy, shes not gonna be fucking on camera, shes gonna milk the tit shakes as long as she can then amy winehouse herself
Because Twitch is her best and maybe only chance of a paying career outside of porn and recently she has been making a pigs ear of it. This really feels like a power play by Lyra to suit her own ends regardless of any damage it might do to Bons future prospects.
I don't pay attention to anything over there and have no clue who any of those people are. Sorry. I do agree with you about the streaming though. I hope she sticks with it. And you know, if she did something other than complain I might try to watch. But i've tried that before and was disgusted at how dumb  she acts.

Playboy has a decades long hardcore pornography production run in order to feed their own channels. Sorry if you think that playboy only published pictures of girls with their lega closed for 60 years.

But hey, don't believe my words, go to the playboytv website and check their hardcore production yourself.
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I don't usually like this place nor read any of your comments because all of ya'll have some serious amounts of cray.

But this is the best I got as far as helping out a friend.

Anyways here's some stuff that was meant for Bonbibonker's birthday. If you could get her to see this that would be great.


Also Mango's ironic last message that was meant for her birthday:

Happy Birthday Bon, congratulations on making it to 21. you're now legally able to get drunk (with the rest of us,) Yaaaaaaayyyy (But for the love of God please don't over do it.)

I know you hate my guts and there's nothing I can do to change that. (cause believe me I've tried, like no really I'm running out of ideas to come up with, somebody help)

But as I said last time I'm gonna support you till the end. Even if that means I'm gonna crash and burn. And I'm gonna hold my word to it for as long as I can.

I was preparing this long speech but nobody could understand what I was saying the last time I spoke. And I think somebody in chat misinterpreted something and got offended last time.

(So anyways enjoy my death compilation (^_^)

And the guy above thought the non-simps were projecting lol

This. It's not that she should stop doing softcore porn and start streaming..it's that all she does when she streams is complain and trail off on narcissistic rants. Move on white knights. Go find your next jailbait girl go obsess over
so the community that created the jokes and memes in her chat got banned and only paypigs are allowed to chat or what?
Stop projecting. Get a life.

mango should check his testosterone he sounds like a total faggot, parody of a man. I bet if I spit in his stupid face irl hes gonna cry like a baby moaning and whining shaking his short hands rolling around in grease


Getting bigger every fucking year. Bitch inject your semaglutide and stop eating like a pig. You sell your body now so at least make it more valuable.
She finally lost her super cute face. I still think she's pretty but she's not like the de facto cutest girl in the world anymore.
didn't watch the stream but saw this tldr posted on the coomer site

> Little announcement for those who didn't watch her recent twitch stream (May 18), she announced that she'll probably no longer be working with Playboy, didn't announce it was Playboy just that the people she was supposed to be working with no longer want to work with her, (reasons unknown) and that she has again obtained another stalker.

> This stalker however is the guy that had SA'ed her twice before.

> This means that she won't be posting anytime soon and she has acknowledged her lack of content within the past month/this month.

holy kek that self-destructed quickly

And so the vicious cricle continues. When she isn't posting, she will lose a lot of OF fans and money. Maybe she will go to more extremes to get them back. One can only wait and see and sip some tea.
Actually the rule is you use "an" if the word starts with a vowel *sound*.

So you would say "a usurper" because the sound is the same as "you".

Conversely, you would say "an hour" despite "hour" starting with a consonant.
> guy that had SA'ed her twice before.
It is funny how absolutely pointless the word sexual assault has become where it now means even just 'words online'
I am one hundred percent sure that the stalker story is a complete and ridiculous lie.
On why she doesn't and won't post anything, she said she's preparing for a long trip.
No, she said she had a work opportunity that would see her traveling frequently, not for a long trip. Whatever it was it has gone now anyway.

Her lack of posting is probably most to do with the disastrous toll dealing with coomers has taken on her confidence and mental health.
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Watched a bit from the stream and bonbi was very mean to that weird mango fella. Even I could not help but feel bad for him. 
She was talking about being scared some guy who was sleeping next to her was gonna rape and kill her in her sleep, which obviously never happened but she was talking as if it had. Mongo asks if she's ever worried society has brainwashed her to hate men, which obviously was gonna set her off and it did. Seems she really embraced the hating men thing. 
Thankfully all the functioning normal women I know IRL with male friends do not think like her. 
Or the Great Beyond...
What he said was dumb but her reaction was totally over the top.The dude literally spent the next 40 mins apologizing then got banned (apparently by a mod, not Bon?) after the stream.
Imagine apologizing for 40 mins for saying the truth to some stupid cunt online and getting banned. 

Cuck shit maaan ew
Simp lives don't matter
She is the worst judge of people I have ever known, all the way back to the cancer friend, Seth, Mr Black, Percival and his Discord gang, Emiru and her Mods, the LA Only Friends, the book guy, even  her choice of therapist. I am still surprised she banned you.
Lol, yep sorry. Just after I posted I reread your comment and nearly posted that I had misunderstood but decided to leave it be.

I still stick to the first part of my comment that she makes terrible choices and latches onto the wrong people all the time.
> the cancer friend, Mr Black, Percival and his Discord gang
What happened with these?
Short tl;dr is fine, thanks.

> the book guy
Wasn't that some friend of her family?

> even her choice of therapist
I think you can't fault her for this.
She probably just tried one and then noticed afterwards there were issues, like that bitch who called her a liar about the 4chan threads.
> Cancer guy
When she was 14/15 she was befriended by a 18yo girl who then told Bon they had terminal cancer. Turned out to be a 20yo guy without cancer. See stream 22nd Jan 2022 for story.

> Mr Black
Discord friend of Bon back in 2018/19. Doxxed as a n old fag Pfizer worker. See old BBG threads for story.

> Percival et al
Created a private Discord server, persuaded Bon to join then proceeded to gate keep relentlessly. They would often flex about only they had access to Bonbi and were 'keeping her safe' from others. See TTG archive if you are bothered.

> the book guy
One of the descriptions she gave suggested he was a family friend. Unknown accuracy.

> Therapist
Never had one myself so dont know how it works. Falling out with hers might just be a sign that Bonbi cant get along with anyone for more than 6 months without falling out.
if you got vaxxed it means you got psyoped by Mr Black discord ways, even if you never have discord it means that your dna got modified to have discord ancestral memories and even your offspring will be an eternally discord niggers no matter what.

if you disagree you are aidf.
> Lol, yep sorry. Just after I posted I reread your comment and nearly posted that I had misunderstood but decided to leave it be.

Ok no problem.

> I still stick to the first part of my comment that she makes terrible choices and latches onto the wrong people all the time.

It's true.

I think the same that you.
> the book guy
Someone on cuckchan posted that she flew out to meet him and stayed at his apartment for a week to discuss the character.
I can't find any other info on it.
Calling BS. The guy lived in New Orleans, the closest large Airport to Bonbi at the time was New Orleans. Someone saying she flew out to meet him clearly has no inside knowledge of events.
Finding out Cintor was a dude legitimately blew my mind. Was thoroughly convinced he was a girl.
Hated Mr. Black, neurotic fucktard. Would screenshot pages of redrum chat and leak it other places
Perci was chill after all the discord drama ended, no idea what he's up to now
>  >Percival et al
> Created a private Discord server, persuaded Bon to join then proceeded to gate keep relentlessly. They would often flex about only they had access to Bonbi.

Was that the garden?
Bonbi gives off the vibe she would be willing to have sex with you in a dirty litter box if you are willing to watch her reenact the 1st season of South Park with all her South Park pulshies
How do I know what? He is from New Orleans? Dudes on IG, that aint no secret - it might even be on his website. He has real grifter vibes, like forever searching for his first million.
I thought Cintor was a German girl.
Guess it was a femboy then. lol

Must be.

> watch her reenact the 1st season of South Park with all her South Park pulshies
That anal probe episode would be quite a performance.
If it wasn't for the shitted up carpet I think this picture is pretty hot.  The blowjob video (which is like 3 seconds, don't bother) looks like she's never given a blowjob before.
When I was a 25 year old virgin my first ever girlfriend had to teach me how to eat her out properly, which was suuuuuper hot in hindsight.  I'd love to do something like that with Bonbi.
Let's be honest...given her hygiene, no dude with self respect would sleep with her. Of course she has no fucking clue what she's doing in bed. She's only decently attractive because we can't smell her.
ill click on spoiler tagged images in gore threads np but i no longer even look at the spoilered images in this thread. i know exactly what ill see. a psychotic obese american woman.
In one of her early Twitch streams she gave advise to the guys in chat that they should wash and keep themselves clean if they wanted a girl friend. The irony.
> tell me you've never sucked dick without telling me you've never sucked dick
honestly, you'd think bonbi would be an expert at putting stuff in her mouth by now
Do you guys think she's honestly capable of doing anything other than be this dollar tree level hoe? It's just getting sadder and sadder.
she used to be. unfortunately she was always too dumb to realise that most of her fame and appeal came precisely because she WASN'T just another generic offbrand internet whore
this whole downward spiral has been a long-running series of watching her consistently make the most bafflingly self-sabotaging life choices she could possibly make, then complaining at length to anyone willing to listen about how unfair it is that she be subjected to the predictable and easily avoidable consequences of her own actions
Nah. Even if she went back to making the kind of content she did before.. she just recycles the same old shit anyway. I'm here because the thread is hilarious, and her rise/fall is actually pretty fascinating. Her narcissism, self pity, lack of discipline, and generally low intelligence aren't going anywhere though, so this is absolutely her ceiling
I dont think there is any other career option open to her that would cover the bills. Tiktok never pays anyone's bills, other than allowing them to keep ~40% of large donations. Twitch might have been an option but she has burned that with her own bad choices.

Most of her bad choices seem to stem from whoever she is idolizing at the time, whether it is Seth, Belle Delphine, Emiru, a bunch of porn stars in LA or a Kansas feminist. She is the worlds worst judge of people. (maybe Emiru wasn't so bad...)

Whatever the reason the stream before last she was literally dancing in shit which is never going to inspire hope.
> most of her fame and appeal came precisely because she WASN'T just another generic offbrand internet whore
This. I can 100% say that is true for me and I suspect for many others too.
That has been my assessment up to this point. She used to do her own thing and that's what made her interesting. The moment she pulled up the torch other hoes had, she became a random hoe. Sadly, she will never realize this.
>  stream before last she was literally dancing in shit which is never going to inspire hope.

That alone you would think would give her a moment of clarity to realize her life has been steered right into shit, literally. Like holy fuck girl, get a clue!
Maybe, but she IS herself on her streams. The issue is that "being herself" is belching, narcissism, and a weird obsession with South Park.

I can only speak for myself but I for damn sure won't pay a cent for that content
I haven't tried to watch a stream from her in years. Back then she wasn't doing that stuff from what I remember but i've never found her streams very interesting save the gaming ones. I think she understands that simps will watch her dick around for a few hours and they are happy to watch her do it. For non-simps that isn't content worth watching.
> Most of her bad choices seem to stem from whoever she is idolizing at the time
> Emiru
if she idolized Emiru, she would would have connections with streamers, do IRL streams, do podcasts, do live shows, have friends, have a clean house without shit everywhere...... and more, I guess you can think of stuff yourself because Emiru is doing WAY better than bonbi in every aspect of life
so mango is one of you guys, and probably the other frequent chatters are all endchan boomers, good to know

I remember she said her brain was bad.

My theories about bombi:

Her parents never stopped her when she did bad things.

She is mentally ill.

She has low self-esteem, she is not very intelligent, she is very immature. She's just not normal.

I still think that a good psychiatrist would help her.
At one point she did but they fell out a few months Emiru joined OTK

From his post I get the idea that that is the only time he has posted here, probably because he cant think of anywhere else.
>  I remember she said her brain was bad.
Self diagnosis irrelevant

>  Her parents never stopped her when she did bad things.

Spoiled her. Part of why she's like this now.

>  She is mentally ill.
Living in a shit filled home shaking her tits for money and munching on dildos as a "job" would suggest you are correct.

>  She has low self-esteem
>   she is not very intelligent
If she has any intelligence, she sure doesn't show it very often.
>  she is very immature
>   She's just not normal.
Not at all

I don't want to bring out the homeschooling card and isolation cards, but I think those might have something to do with the above. Not to excuse her.

>  I still think that a good psychiatrist would help her.
Idk. I think based on what people have said she said, it doesn't seem like she can take their advice seriously. Likely due to immaturity.
> From his post I get the idea that that is the only time he has posted here, probably because he cant think of anywhere else.
at least that means he is one of the lurkers here, which I doubt he is just a lurker, because I see him clip bonbi dances then it gets posted here(same clip on her channel it says "clipped by mango") that was like 2022-2023, anyway I hate her chat and stream now and haven't watched since 2023 so idc anymore
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> At one point she did but they fell out a few months Emiru joined OTK
it could've been legendary but the only thing she made use of it is a couple of tiktoks and one stream, and keep in mind that they hung out a couple of times it wasn't a one time thing, then she started pointing fingers at emiru like she is bad when she was the best thing that happened to her twitch career
According to someone who knew them they stopped talking to each other around November 2021. Nobody knew it at the time but that is also the time of the first alleged Philly incident. Its not hard to imagine there is a link. Emiru joined OTK Jan 2022.

Also worth noting the Optimus Slimed stream was December 2021. Bon ended up doing that because Emiru suggested her as a stand in and it basically restarted Bons Twitch streaming. So presumably they didn't totally fall out.
This might be total retardation on my part, but I do distinctly remember b saying she was going to visit emiru for new years or something to that effect. Emiru then goes to texas to join OTK. I'm not sure if she took that as a slight or not, but nobody ever seems to mention it.
From stream 3rd Jan 2022, ~12 min in - Bon and Emiru stayed in LA (presumably with August) and were due to fly to Austin just before New Years where Bon had a connecting flight home. Bons flight was delayed 2 days so she ended up spending NYE on a mattress watching Tiktoks.

Bon had said she was spending New Years with Emiru (stream 17 Dec 2021) but that must have been just the short version of the story. Anons were discussing Emiru joining OTK and leaving Bon behind in Oct/Nov so it was not a surprise when she announced it in Jan.

I just went back to thread 23 to check that and OMG, what a ton of Bontent. I miss that Bonbi.
She is the hambeast, queen of this land,
And all must bow to her command,
For she is the one who holds the power,
And her gassy braps will reign for hours.
i should have gone to have bonbi autograph a screenshot of my onlyfans following page that only includes her
Does anyone know where the VOD is available for her stream on 18th May? Curious to hear for myself what she said about Philly.
It's hilarious that she tried to gaslight her lack of content on a stalker when really it was so she could go to con just trying to limit the number of subs she would lose.
she wasn't all that special even before, the community itself was great and the content was legendary, I enjoyed posting bontent and I wouldn't change the good times I had if I went back in time but maybe I would change that I would stop caring about her in 2020 or 2021 because that was the start of the decline, because from 2021 to 2024 I felt like I wasted time caring about her and I need to just drop the whole thing because she is retarded
The hype was real though. People were ravenous for her back then. Now people don't give a crap because she's become like every other e-hoe out there. There is nothing special anymore. She stopped caring years ago and the fans followed suit in not caring. Now it's just coomer brained retards she cares about.
she should've quit being online in late 2019 or early 2020, she would be at a better place in real life and also would be remembered better online
idk, i think her mind got scrambled up by her hoe friends. everything has been down hill since she met them. before that she was still doing something remarkable. like not sticking a dildo in her mouth and acting stupid.
In this realm of the hambeast's rule
The bonbibros are but its fool
Their cries are drowned out by its roar
As it devours them, forevermore
Can confirm the whole stream was only 16 mins, of which the first 4 mins was her intro screen. It really was just Bon apologising for not posting and blaming it on a stalker she could not name (despite having already named him) because he is obsessed and would be watching. tbh after years of following her something about it didn't ring true or at least not entirely.

> So drama alert: Her new Mod Lyra banned Mango and all her current mods got unmodded. Are we seeing Winters 2.0 all over again?

Can I ask where you got this and are you sure it is true? At least one of her mods was in chat, ironically the one this I think posts elsewhere how she is disgusting now and just belches and farts all stream and has been absent for over 6 mnonths. In addition she didn't mention anything about it on stream and if she really thinks she is being stalked it would be doubly dumb to just randomly drop her mods.
Does onlyfans have some secret social platform or something?  Bonbi always bitches about never having friends but is always out with people.
The common factor seems to be Julie. The weird thing is Julie herself does not do porno but for some reason most of her friends seem to be either porn stars or porn photographers. >>> Insert racist Asian tropes here <<<
no coom material this week. my Tuesday morning is full of sadness, misery, and a limp penis.
Scared of her stalker so she can't post on OF but can post where she is at a con. I'm no psychologist but narcissism much?
Imagine if Bonbi had a sideways bagina like an asian and she slid down a long staircase banister.
Thnx. Its probably because I dont log into IG to download stories (I do for photo posts). Alternatively it could be by 'saving the preview' you are saving an version upscaled to your screen or simply grabbing it uncopmpressed and your phone or browser is not compressing as much as IG.
Nothing wrong with having friends, merely pointing out that the stalker thing was an excuse so she can squeeze out time not posting and still getting paid. If she was actually scared of a stalker she wouldn't repost where she is and what she's doing.
I share some of your scepticism about the stalker but giving her the benefit of the doubt for a moment she is likely to feel much safer in San Francisco surrounded by friends than when she is home alone.

The way she worded it also suggested it was online stalking so saying she is at a convention wouldn't matter. This is also why I am sceptical though as she supposedly ditched her mods at almost exactly the time she announced it which seems the last thing someone worried about an online stalker would do.
it could be she suspected he was one of the mods, but maybe i'm trying to rationalise the irrational
it's not the first time she's opted to just dump her fans and run
it didn't work the first time either
> suspected he was one of the mods

I had that thought too but most of her mods are European. Even if one was faking it I assume Philly is American and employed - would he really be able to consistantly turn up for streams starting 1-5pm his time?
> opted to just dump her fans 

Except this time its not her fans it her mods. Maybe wouldn't be as bad as last time except that it happened just when she has an online stalker. More Bon self destruction.
What kind of professional photographer captures backlit images without understanding the basics? 
He should take advantage of natural light, not work against it. Additionally, using flash compensation often looks completely unnatural
and requires hours of post-production to fix.
Another thing, how tiny is Bonbi?
 Look at those shoes, they look like orthopedic ones.
tbh probably social anxiety. She doesn't seem like the type to leave the house much. What with all the crazy cat lady stuff.
learn to nignore the American retards. they're brains are too small to comprehend real life ethnic categories.
Does anyone know Bonbi's height and weight?

According to Google she's 5'2 and 120lbs, is this correct?
Lol I am American (the guy who called out the OP racist poster). I assumed the white supremacist dude above was European.

Racist dude - care to clarify? For science
Potentially unpopular opinion but this is why she was popular. She was never particularly talented, lonely men just obsessed over the way she looked when she was 15-17 because she was skinny, looked like she was even younger than she was, and was "innocent"
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She is with Lyn and riot_august_pedo. Cant tell if this means she is in LA or if they went to Lyn's home planet.
If anything the cosplays made her look older than she was, not younger. A lot of people were well aware of Seth at the time - hardly 'innocent' - but she also didn't pose or behave like the standard e-girl clone. It wasn't about being pure it was about not being a whore. There is a middle ground.
saw some stream clip of cuntbibonkers and the asian gf on 2ch but i cant find where the stream was. checked the asian gf's twitch but it has no vods
anyone know? moderately curious to see the michelin man actually interacting with another human irl
I posted the UYmaru and the more recent clip that follows. The reason for the first one is there is a collection of pre-made clips easily and quickly available from when people gave a shit, not because I wanted to post a 15yo. The second one I had to find and clip myself.
noooo she used to make super interesting tik toks, she was so talented, and then when she turned 18 and gained weight, she made the exact same content but it sucked now! I'm not a pedo!
> she made the exact same content
see this is how people can tell you're a braindamaged faggot retard
you open your mouth and then you say things like this
don't be that guy
Not him but where do you get off calling anyone a braindead faggot retard. If you are here, you are a braindead faggot retard like ther est of us. Don't act like you're anything special. We are all that guy. If you pay even a little attention to this shit, you are permanently brain damaged by it. You should know this.
> turned 18 and gained weight
You say that like they are the same thing, like it is always inevitable girls gain weight as soon as they turn 18 but that s note the case. Most people would probably say turning 18 is good but gaining weight is bad.

Its 2024, she turned 18 three years ago and 16 five years ago. If you are still here then congratulations, you are probably NOT a pedo.
Not really defending just pointing out the stupidity of thinking anyone in here has a leg to stand on. We are following this crap and commenting on some tik toker. Let us not act like this is really some sort of positive thing.
She is american, half the population is obese. She has become a statistic. The pedo rhetoric made sense when she was a child. At this point anyone sticking around is just hurting themselves.
Its called being spontaneous and interesting on stream with the intent of being entertaining. You sound like the sort that wouldn't understand.
I remember she acted this way with emiru think that was there last stream that they appeared together
bro those fans will never ever admit that they only liked her because she looked super young and innocent. they'll make every excuse under the sun before they admit that.

"she used to be sooo creative!"
"stop projecting!" "no it's because she's a whore now!"

they'll do anything except for look in a goddamn mirror
They'll never admit it because its all in your head. Otherwise why would anyone still be here? Why are you still here? Why do you assume everyone else is thinking only what you are capable of thinking?
Let schizo posters post their schizo bs. Her going full hoe has a lot to do with her decline in popularity. Ignoring that is retarded like the poster who posted his schizo bs.
Oh, the Bonbi Bros, with bodies so slim,
Their bodies frail, and their might dim.
They tremble and quake, with fear in their eyes,
As the ham beast approaches, with a clapping sound from her thighs.
I hate that fake streamer laugh Bonbi does at the end.
That's just another reason why emiru is more popular, she's just being herself on stream.
Let me spell it out for you, since you too may be a mouth breathing retard. Emiru makes content for everyone, bonbi makes content for the lowest common denominator.
At this point Bonbi is making content for those determined enough to hold on and wishfully wait for the belching shit obsessed ho to somehow get her life together and revert to what she was even just twelve months ago. Hope is ebbing away with every stream.

Side note: Emiru makes whatever content will generate the most income. There is absolutely nothing genuine about anything she does. This has been the case for two years at least.
> wait for the belching shit obsessed ho to somehow get her life together and revert to what she was even just twelve months ago. Hope is ebbing away with every stream.

oddly accurate
I really hope bonbi lost most of her onlyfans subscribers because she lied about being stalked to cover up her trip to animecon. Hopefully, this will lead to her leaving onlyfans altogether.
All she had to do was a cosplay set in the hotel bedroom and it would have done great, I hope she just stops, she isnt meant for the OF world
> get her life together and revert to what she was even just twelve months ago.
I don't think that's the case at all.
I think most of them want her to be much more degenerate, than just flop her titties apathetically for 5 to 10 seconds per clip.

> There is absolutely nothing genuine about anything she does.
She's being herself when she does whatever is popular though.
I guess you can call her kind of a blanket slate, which is fine and I agree with to some degree.

You're saying that as if she has any plan what to do without the OF income.
She'd be back on the grind 2 or 3 months later, announcing her "glorious comeback".
Who took care of her animals when she was busy screwing around at that convention? I wonder if she just let them stew around in their own piss and shit.
Even if, someone needs to clean the 20 shit boxes or they will go all over the house. I wonder when the cats will start eyeing those rabbits. Left alone, hungry, just a matter of time.
Did she release any OF content this week, or has she basically decided to commit theft by deception on her subscribers?
it might be just a few seconds of her rubbing her teeth against a dildo. however, it is penetration technically with a sexual object, which means she's still slowly drifting towards 4k 60fps massage oil soaked double penetration. i will continue being patient and awaiting the best.
I think this shows the opposite. She took these weeks ago and could have easily posted them last week but instead did the stalker excuse go try to stretch this garbage out as much as possible. She's just trying to make the easiest buck possible for as long as she can. I mean it probably takes her 2-3 hours a month to make this dumb shit and she pulls in what... 8 grand a month? 

White knights rejoice I guess? She's not a whore, she's just a lazy opportunist. Time for everyone to understand that she was never special, she just got lucky because she got viral from musical.ly. This is absolutely just who she is
The white top she is wearing is new to OF at least - if anything looks like part of a cosplay she might have had on at Famicon. The room doesnt look like her own place. I think she took those vids while visiting friends. Maybe also explains why she was not comfortable enough to do anything else.
Imagine having Bonbi over as a guest only to see your guest bed room as the background while she chews on a dildo like its a carrot
I think she's just never sucked a dick before in her life. She acts like a virgin playing at being a slut. It's weird and offputting.
I think you already tried to pull this defense.  I assure you, all of my girlfriends knew to not chew on my fucking dick and maybe the one from high school looked a little awkward at first.
Lol bro just stop. Everyone is going to flame you because every dude who's gotten blown in his adult life can vouch - that chewing shit ain't it.

Hilarious how you instantly knew that the OP was the same white knight loser as before lol. Agreed
It's off putting because she's mental. It's like watching a person who escaped an asylum try to do sexy things. It's fucking weird.
This. I only had one gf I asked to bite my dick because I was bored. We were just fucking around. But if it was time to go she knew what to do. What bonbi showed is just dumb and she knows nothing. Probably ate too much pussy.
This girl was homeschooled, right? 
That's curious.

Maybe this girl's parents didn't teach her to have limits.

I hope she doesn't fall into something worse, like becoming a criminal.
Well we already know she is very susceptible to influence. Bad influences in particular. She seems to be in her rebellious phase all girls who are sheltered go through. Just really a matter of how bad it will get. Most girls just screw around and then knock it off after college. Others though get into bad shit, like you're talking about.
Do you think one of her OF friends will introduce her to drugs? Metharc would be interesting
Given that she doesn't clean cat poo up, she wouldn't clean her sex toys up, so we can deduce that dildo has never been near her bat cave otherwise it would have cheese and hair and stuff stuck under the corona.
You poor smooth brain. I can be white and also not think I'm better than everyone else because of it. You should try it sometime - you'll probably be happier
I have a weird feeling that her spare coochy looks really nice. She was self conscious about her boobs and nipple size and they turned out to be perfect.
I hope she is doing OK. She hasn't streamed in weeks and seeing comments turned off on her IG post does not bode well.
I never realized why her modern facial expressions were just not interesting anymore, but think I finally got it.
She has become an exaggerated clichee of herself. She completely overdoes those nowadays.
The hambeast queen's rule is supreme, her will unbroken, her power extreme.
The bonbi bros, with bodies so lean, devoured by her sweaty flaps, never to be seen.
From the room of Bonbi the ham beast of swine,
Where flies swarm, and feces are divine,
The scent of decay, a pungent treat,
Lures in the flies, that feast at her feet.
The stench of dung, a culinary delight,
Bonbi's room, where flies dance through the night.
I asked an AI poem generator to write a poem about Bobbi’s big titties but it refused to objectify her and said to focus on her other qualities. Couldn’t think of any so I closed the tab.
I see some of the coomers discussing the comments and DMs they leave on OF and a lot of them are down right disgusting. Not saying everyone on OF is vile but if someone is vile and follows Bon they are probably on there and leaving comments. Remember this is someone who was crying on an airport floor because of one or two bad IG comments and then she joins a site where creeps go when they want to talk to women without them calling the police or running away. I think this is why she has declined so noticeably in the last 6 months.

The trouble is most of her experience of males is OF comments so now we are all tarred with the same brush. A few streams ago she was raging against all men, banned her mods and one of her long time followers and now she has gone quiet again.

Well done coomers, looks like you finally managed to break her (some of you anyway).
> Well done coomers
Oh yeah, its their fault that she decided to join OF because she didnt want to put effort anywhere else. Next you're going to blame her weight gain on people??? Stop giving people like her an out, she made her bed, let her sleep in it, like nigga internet comments? Like nigaa close your eyes, like nigga turn off the monitor.
> The trouble is most of her experience of males is OF comments so now we are all tarred with the same brush.
Her issues are much deeper than hating men, that's really not an issue at all.
> . A few streams ago she was raging against all men

Funny that since men are paying her bills. She hasn't anything to complain of men since she wanted their attention in the worst way possible. 

This unfortunately. She pushed hard to do what she wanted on OF, now she is sad because she realizes the men there are fucking pigs. Why else would they be there? Did it ever occur to her that some of the most vile people would be there paying her to shake her tits? Of course not. She only saw dollar signs.

I was afraid that something bad would happen.

Poor girl 

I hope worse things don't happen.

Maybe things aren't so bad.

In recent weeks she was with her friends.

That's a good sign, right?
What is this poor girl shit? IF she doesn't get a reality check every now and again how is she ever going to learn? Do you guys think giving her a pass for her dumb ideas is good for her? Reality is a bitch and she's going to have a lot of them the way she is going through life. It's not like anyone pushed her into OF. She did that herself. She wanted that and made fun of people for wanting better for her. Let her learn.

With all the bonbi images and videos, no one has trained an AI to get decent images. Don't waste time uploading images that don't even look like it, train a model thoroughly, take your time and then upload it. Bonbibros we are demanding, we know what we want. We want quality and a beautiful bonbi that never existed.
When you give a target image to these generators you do not 'train' an AI as such. They turn the target image into parameters that could be used in facial recognition - width of chin, length of nose etc - then use the error function of the recognition AI to determine how to change a second input image until it gets recognized as the target.

None of the AI parameters are changed. To actually train an AI would typically take 100,000+ images.
she better shape up and give us what we pay for. nobody cares about the fact a grown adult woman can't handle a little criticism as a (once) vastly successful public figure. show us that fuck meat and keep cashing these big checks, or just log off and STFU entirely. can't have it both ways.
> how dare she be a real person with real emotions and feelings! 
> she should be a vending machine to dispense what i want when i want!
> waaaah!
> why doesn't the world cater to me!
i know you zoomers are all about walking off the job after one day of work these days, so it might not make sense to you. but usually, when someone is paid for their job, they do it. most people don't get this internet money where they can keep scamming it while promising to make good on it in the future. thankfully, there is a way to remedy this, by just ceasing that behavior. at this time, Ms. Bonkers is still choosing the adult video path, so i want what i pay for.
i used to, but i switched to using Onlyfans because women in real life are just too much of a hassle. i like being able to just close my browser and not have to deal with a woman being around.
So in your mind, you chose a mentally unstable woman who doesn't really want to do anything and paid her despite knowing she is unpredictable and really can't be bothered to do what she is supposed to 99% of the time. I don't want to tell you what to do with your money but i'd say you pretty much burned it the moment you chose to pay her for anything.
Still the world's strongest economy and the least commie large economy in the world over here in the USA but whatever helps you sleep at night. Facts don't matter, right?
Oh. American "seppo" from earlier. Sorry to hear that man. We think Aussies are pretty cool. Bon is American too (and Hispanic), so maybe you're on the wrong board bro
she blurs it so she still has "leverage" for when she inevitably goes on a 2 week hiatus from posting again hoping that people won't unsubscribe for hopes of seeing her snatch
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Posted yesterday (22hrs ago) with the caption 'click da link in bio for a promo :3'. Apparently we missed some sort of promo. The only link in her bio is OF.
I noticed a lot of her friends on OF doing Memorial Day offers. For those that don't know Memorial Day is an American holiday intended to honor and remember fallen soldiers who gave up their life for their country. Apparently grifters know no shame.
I would expect nothing less from the type she's been hanging around. Grifting is a good way to put it. On soldiers lives no less. Sick.
Combat vet here. Honestly (and I mean this 100% genuinely) it's all good. It wouldn't feel genuine if someone like her made a seemingly thoughtful post about Memorial Day anyway since it would only be for likes. All good - doesn't stop me from taking time out my day to reflect
hopefully this means more coming content. we got a softcore pussy reveal and multiple dildo suckings. i think we're close to something really good on the way for us goonerbros.
Based on how she chews on dildos, her vag is going to be unkept and bits of tp and visble yeast, we need to convince her to leave OF for her sake and ours
The problem isn't that it is still there its that after 500 or so replies this thread no longer gets bumped to the top when someone posts. No idea why.
> Yes. At post 500 threads reach the bump limit, and are getting "autosaged". Optimally a thread should be 500 posts long. 1000 is the topmost limit, but 500 is the bump one.
> Any thread that get replied will be moved to the top, and the thread used above bump limit will be moved back, and can't be bumped up (hence the term bump limit).
> BO could pin the thread if he wishes.
> There is an indicator in the html code of the page that a thread is autosaging. It is a span with the class "bumpLockIndicator" and title "Bumplocked". With a custom css some text, perhaps in red can be added which says "autosaging" or "bumplocked" or something the like. Again job of BO to add, users can help write the appropriate CSS rules.

TLDR; Threads are not meant to bump after 500 posts.
/ausneets/ just has one active thread that runs to 995 posts before locking
all other threads (be they spam or naughty neets) get deleted
Comments are disabled on her last two IG posts. Did anyone notice if they were off from the start or were they turned off because of specific comments?

Again feels like she is so bombarded from OF comments she is blaming everyone and just cutting herself off. Might also be why she has stopped streaming.
> bombarded from OF comments

I must have missed something, but is this not what she has been pushing the last 2 years? For what the fuck else does she even do? Shows everyone how she can suck a dick and everyone is supposed to pretend she gives a shit about anything else? That's cute.
Again, these are all super fucking unsettling.
Please have the decency to never post this shitty garbage ever again.
Or at least spoiler your trash.
I'm here to watch the trainwreck. The OF stuff is revolting so I find the dirty room to be more interesting. Spot the catshit is a fun activity
That seemed to be the only thing other guys were doing in the threads on other websites. Spot the catshit and rabbit turds. It is amazing how she can live like that.
once again, a terrible update not worth the money. however, still a positive that she's at least simulating masturbation on camera. just drop the $500 PPV of that hole getting slopped Bonbi, and retire tomorrow.
Not him, but to be fair he did say 'simulating'

He destruction at the hands of coomers continues. The closest they get to female contact is OF so they dont understand anything else about women. And Bonbi is too dumb to distinguish between them and normal guys.
what ever happened to that guy matchuhu? he stop donating half his salary to her or something?
I just recapped a few facts - dont know where you get anger from? Wasn't feeling angry when I posted and it doesn't read angry to me now. I think your autism might be misfiring.
This girl digging herself a hole so deep I expect her to turn into a potato at some point.
I would love to see her humping a pillow with an ass view. It's weird, I never feel like we get good shots of her ass (or anything really).
No comments allowed on recent Twitter or IG posts - she has basically shut herself off. I wonder if the real reason she is not streaming is its not practical to turn off Twitch comments?
She painted herself into a corner and is now upset. This is hilarious. I'd be sad and feel sorry for her if she hadn't basically told everyone who gave a shit off about this crap she's doing. Instead, I guess we all get to watch the meltdown.
How many twitch viewers does she have now? and is the chat active or is it slow compared to before?
Technically zero since she doesn't seem to be streaming. Average is in the 100-200 range. Link below gives an idea but it tends to under estimate, first because its an average and all streams start with a low number and build up and secondly because her last stream was only 12 minutes and is throwing it off.

That happened when she moved out of her Dad's house to become a pornstar.

Coomers might know the names of actual pornstars but most people do not - to them they are faceless, to be quickly forgotten. For most guys watching a porn movie if an hour later the 'star' walked into the room they probably wouldn't recognize them.

Her future decline was set in July 2022 when she found the OnlyFriends and thought they were cool. She never stopped to ask herself why more non-pornstar people wanted to hang out with the group.
Similar things could be said about Twtich streamers tbf just replace coomer with simp. Ain't a damn thing changed except the audience
I think you should take your bigotry elsewhere, stop being a troglodyte and keep up with the times boomer.

I would welcome more ai or oc art of bombi given how dreadfull real bomi is rn.
Not at all true. Someone watching a Twitch stream is probably there because of the specific streamer. Not always - they could just tune in for say a Minecraft stream or a League stream but generally Twitch is much about the personality streaming. Thats why the big streamers (Charlie, xQC, Poki etc) tend to be almost ubiquitous but on Pornhub there are no megastars.
Legit had to look up who Charlie and xqc were. I can see they're popular but I don't care to watch other people play video games so they're just not ubiquitous in general except for kids and gamers. But is that really why? I just looked up that Jameliz is worth $16 million. Riley Reid is an actual pornstar also worth around the same. Sure, those streamers are worth more, but you can't deny that some of these "porn girls" are "megastars" unless you make up your own definition
Then you are unusual. Charlie = penmguinz0 aka MoistCr1TiKaL. Like the other big streamers he mostly does commentary streams rather than a game streams. Charlie has been mentioned in a few Bon streams as has xQc. xQc has also been mentioned on this board as he criticized Bon after she outed Philly the first time. Amongst people I know IRL or on social servers he is very well known.

I have no idea who Jemeliz or Riley Reid are. Even if coomers are only 20% of men thats enough to make a few whores rich but it doesn't change my point.
Jameliz is an ethot turned OF porn ethot. Her content is horrid and stupid - certainly not defending her. Riley Reid is an actual pornstar but she's really famous... probably more unusual that you have no idea who she is.

I like gaming, but most of my friends just don't give a fuck about some random dude making commentary or streaming his gaming.

I'll admit that I'm clearly a casual  compared to you when it comes streamers, but that's probably why they seem like megastars to you whereas - since you don't even know who Riley Reid is - obviously you undersell it.

It's all brain rot though. My point is that the content that she was making before was just as stupid as the content she's making now. I'm only here bc the community is funny
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wow guys bonbobonker is falling and collapsing for real this time just like chyna 🤓🤓🤓 TOUCH GRASS 4CHUDS!! TOUCH GRASS!!! BONDI BONKER WINS, HASAN PIKER WINS, XI JINPING WINS

i used to think bombi was a bad faith bQnbiwaffen dogwhistlin reaKKKtionary early on but after very unfortunately learning of a certain vile creature colloquially known as KKKanthinky's existance and seeing sweet pro demxcracy bonobo TOTALLY reprimand and disavow the bucktoothed hogalina for pandering to 4chud pedophile nazis and for being a quite disgusting cave BecKKKy all around, i am phull sapport again even if not all perfect. SHE HAS ABSORBED NEW INFORMATION AND EVOLVED, THIS IS US WHAT DECENT HUMAN BEINGS™ DO

but at the same time we have alot to thank KKKay for cleaning up this community of much of the 4chuds and rando bumfuck nowhere slavX/LatinX pathological ytness incoporatin, international reThugliKKKans. A good bunch of those guys moved onto her and left this one THANK YOU KAY!! While u can still see them, you can now actually spot a DECENT HUMAN BEING PROG DEM in the wild!!!  LOOK AT THIS GUY FOR EXAMPLE  >>/47214/  >>/47081/  >>/46896/ XES BEAUTIFUL!!! 🥰🥰
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oh my god bestue is that really you 🥺🥺 BQNBIPOSSTER finally ABANDONED 4chuddom an is now ready to join the BQNBI HILL AUTONAMOUS ZONE where we watchparty mock norwoodin science denyin KKKrapitalism lover, wagie 4chuds. The well adjusted NORMIE mainstream platform user is the OVERMAN while the 2chud offputting freaks are the anthithesis to this. I also stumbled in at the right time when u were doin that chimpout revolution against em loool good times. Aaaaany day now its gonna be the russian revolution 2.0 when bqnbiposster joins the pedocords and the twitch hasanabihead broadcasts and were gonna be besties forever and ever., and ever.... and ever... and ever.... AND EVER 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
thumbnail of scary world.webm
thumbnail of scary world.webm
scary world webm
(2.19 MB, 404x720 vp8)
> osster joins the pedocord
i appreciate you, but i'm not clicking the link fam. 
i hear some interesting people are on there - more peculiar than you even. and i'm a real people person but i don't need that right now.
i'm being diplomatic.
thumbnail of you_think_im_gonna_respond.mp4
thumbnail of you_think_im_gonna_respond.mp4
you_think_... mp4
(11.43 MB, 540x960 h264)
thumbnail of 2024-05-08 19-37-11.mp4
thumbnail of 2024-05-08 19-37-11.mp4
2024-05-08 19-37-11 mp4
(7.41 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of YTprogDem indoctrination sesh FINASTERIDE BIG PHARMA EDITION.mp4
thumbnail of YTprogDem indoctrination sesh FINASTERIDE BIG PHARMA EDITION.mp4
YTprogDem... mp4
(91.73 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of 🤝.mp4
thumbnail of 🤝.mp4
🤝 mp4
(4.6 MB, 854x480 h264)
hmhmh maybe theres a point there frankly, this BESTIE BUSINESS is quite dangerous yaknow, next thing u know im spending all my time with bqnbiposster watchparty ownin the fourchuds allday and not watchin couirses cuz we would be having THAT much fun togeter 🥰🥰 so beit

where ze FAAHK is the addy edition,./ ahh well

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