beautiful and... webm
(3.28 MB, 600x680 vp8)
Throughout summer, fall and into last winter, I began investigating /gif/ and /wsg/ more closely. What I do is archive, and then investigate the results much later, often months later, sometimes even more than a year passes before I revisit my archives. Tik Toks, Tik Tok compilations, Tik Tok bait and switch (confess now, you have a folder of Bonbi Ricardos and other Bonbi bait and switch) began to become more numerous. So I began to add some them to my 'dragnet' as well.
Sometime last spring / summer / fall? /ttg/ really began to make serious inroads into /wsg/ and to a small extant /gif/ as well. I still don't know how I missed the /bbg/ threads. As time passed the Tik Toks and by implication, where available, Tik Tok compilation videos began to look much more interesting, so I added all of them to my 'dragnet.' Hard disk space is cheap, right?
This video is a response to the previous video. The inverse opposite.